
Chapter Volume 1 12: Slime Nest 2

Her lips were slightly open and closes as though asking for something. Her gesture that her small tongue that occasionally came out licking her lips was obscene. It was like enticing a man, like she couldn’t hold the passion in her body back. An action that would be unthinkable from her usual self.

The silver knight, Fiana, who had come to this abandoned mine with Alfira, was lying on a bed of mucus. It seemed as though she was sleeping. Even if she woke up, her joints were bound so that she could not rampage.

The sword with which she had slaughtered so many monsters was not in her hand, there was only a sheath at her waist with no sword in it. Her armor was removed, and she only wore a robe with nun-like vestments.

Her eyes were fixed on the ceiling, but there was nothing reflected in them.

There was no light in her eyes.

With her eyes open, Fiana shook her body.

A sticky sound echoed. It was an unpleasant sound, different from the sweet, hot moan of the woman. Despite hearing the sound, Fiana just stared at the ceiling without taking any action.

"Aaahh―― uuu"

Her entire body shuddered.

It was not that she had reached her climax. However, it was a reaction to a definite feeling of pleasure. The mucus-soaked clothes rubbed against each other, making another unpleasant sound. On the bed made of mucus, her body, bound in a "大" figure―― her waist hidden by her robe, swayed falteringly.

The black garter belt peeked out through the slit. Silver hair, white skin, and white clothes. The only things that were different colors were her red eyes and black garter belt, which did not reflect light.

As though to stain the white color, tentacles of black mucus crawled on her fleshy body.

While making an extremely obscene noise, It caressed her breasts, which were protected by her clothes and underwear, as though it were holding them up from the ground, and her breasts thumped. It was a sound made possible by the fact that the heavy fat was coated with mucus, but the breasts shook and returned to their original shape while making a definite sound.

Her breasts were huge, a bit disproportionate to her petite frame. As though to play with her big breasts, the tentacles lifted and dropped them two or three times, making lewd sounds.

While shaking her hips frustratingly each time, Fiana... The battle-hardened knight accepted the caress with an expression that was becoming tainted with lust.

She felt good.

While being wrapped in a fluffy and soft warmth, she was gently caressed as though massaging her entire body. Shoulders, arms, palms, fingers, thighs, calves, ankles.

When her entire body was caressed, She realized that her entire body was burning. She exhaled at the comfort of the massage, feeling as though she were swimming in fluffy, slightly warm water.

Fiana was dreaming with her eyes opened. She was seeing things like a dream.

Someone was caressing her. But she couldn\'t understand who it was. It could be anyone, it could be something, it could be an abominable monster.

However, Fiana could not recognize it. She was being caressed all over her body, it felt good, and she accepted it with a sweet moan. She recognized that this was natural, and that was why she was caressed as though it were natural.

She didn\'t have any doubts about it, and her body trembled as she felt her breath getting hotter and sweeter every second. Because it was natural.

"――Haah, ahh―― Aahh... Aaahhh"

It leaked out. It was sweet and hot. Hot and sweet. The woman\'s moan.

To get that moan out, the Black Ooze caressed Fiana. She was not as small as Satia\'s, but she was fleshier than Satia\'s. It was a fleshy body that even rivaled Frederica\'s. Caressing and melting her.

It would not be correct to say that it defeated her. But it was also true that she had neutralized the Black Ooze once. No matter how effective it was, the Black Ooze would never forget it. It would remember.

So, just like Frederica, just like Satia. The best way to use the strong women who visited this abandoned mine was a nursery. The only means that the man-eating Black Ooze had.

It was an experience. It had gained the knowledge of being a man, corrupting women, impregnated them, and made them give birth. That experience. It would use them to get Fiana.

To get this strong mother, Fiana. To make her give birth to a strong child. And to prevent resistance, It would use magic to dull her consciousness so that she could respond honestly to her instincts and become accustomed to the pleasure.

Slowly. Steady.

The Black Ooze had no concept of time. It knew whether it was morning or night, but it didn\'t think it mattered. No, first of all, it didn\'t have the thought to think that way.

It was just a simple matter of teaching pleasure to the bodies of Fiana and the other female knight, Alfira. For hours, days, weeks. Until the woman could give birth to a child. And to continue giving birth to children. The Black Ooze indifferently repeated its actions.

It softly caressed her toned body, burned them with lewd heat, and melted it with pleasure.

"Nn―― nnuuu..."

Fiana\'s hips trembled as she let out a sweet... moan.

She also reached a small climax.

The breath on her nose was sweet. It could see that her breath was becoming ragged, shallow, and fast. Little by little, little by little. Little by little, Fiana\'s body was accepting the Black Ooze.

The change was slight, but the longer it goes on, the more obvious it became. Little by little, the intervals between the shaking of her hips shortened, and her entire body began to sway in frustration. Her breathing became ragged as she began to wriggle her body, which was fixed in the shape of a "大" figure lying on the bed of mucus.

Then again, her hips tremble slightly.

The repetition.

For Fiana, who had a mature body, the caresses were comparable to killing her alive. Even Satia, who was not fully mature, was not satisfied with this caress and begged for mercy while shedding tears.

Even though she was unconscious, the torturous caresses made her body beg for pleasure rather than her will. Her hands, protected by her armor, were gripped tightly, and her toes were repeatedly opened and closed.

"Aahhh―― There..."

Unconsciously, Fiana muttered.

It was against the behavior of the tentacles, who were enjoying its toy by lifting and dropping her breasts.

There was a slight bump on the tip of her breasts where the wet clothes and underwear were stuck. The nipple was erected that it could see through her clothes.

The tentacles grabbed the tip. Fiana\'s reaction was remarkable, even though it was only through her thick clothes. It seemed that her overly rich breasts were suitably sensitive.

The Black Ooze did as Fiana asked and pushed the erection over her clothes.


The tip of the tentacle sank into her soft, large chest. When It pushed her nipples into her twin hill, Fiana turned her body as though to ask for more. It looked like she was sticking out her chest, and both legs, which were restrained in a "大" figure, were spread wider by Fiana\'s will. She was unable to see her underwear hidden by her robe and her pubic area underneath, but the fact that she was still clothed made her want to seek further pleasure obscenely.

Her legs were wide open, her breasts were thrust out, and her mouth reported her pleasure.

The light did not return to her eyes. Just staring at the ceiling, Fiana honestly telling the Black Ooze about her condition.

A place that felt comfortable. It felt good. She wanted it to make her feel good.

Even though she answered honestly, the Black Ooze\'s actions were still set in stone.

A monster that didn\'t understand words was developing a body\'s mother called Fiana with its instinct.

"Aaahh―― Ahh, aafuu"

The trembling of her limbs grew. Chest, shoulders, and armpits. Even though it was just rubbing it, her climax was approaching.

With a fluffy and dreamy feeling, Fiana did not try to hide the pleasures even though she was in front of an abominable monster, and was expressing with her body that she was close to climaxing.

Black Ooze didn\'t stop stroking her soft body, and she was left to her own devices.

Her breathing became ragged. She thrust her hips and twist her upper body in time with the tentacles rubbing her breasts. Her breath, her body, and her instincts respond to the need to climax.

"...Mo, re"

Fiana muttered in a weak voice.

There was a slight change with the Black Ooze. It squeezed her breasts. The nipples were stimulated. But the Black Ooze, who until now would have caressed Fiana just to make her pleased, squeezed her breasts harder as Fiana demanded.

"Nnn, nnuuu..."

Her well-formed expression relaxed in pleasure. She happily opened her mouth and stick out her chest to make it easier for the tentacles to caress. A slight change. It responded as the woman requested. Such a change.

It was a change in emotion that the Black Ooze had experienced after digesting the new men―― the knights who had come with Fiana. It was also the slight intention it had when violating Alfira earlier.

But that was as far as it went. It squeezed her breasts hard. It tried to push her nipples into her soft twin hills, and that was all. No further stimulation was given, and no matter how much Fiana demanded, her entire body was gently caressed. The will that was born earlier, however, was easily lost to its instinct.

Just like with Satia, it didn\'t respond unless she acted on it, no matter how much she asked with her mouth, it would only gently caress Fiana\'s body, which was small for her age.

It was frustrating. Not enough.

For the mature adult Fiana, this was torture that only brought her a small climax.

Her hips tremble, and she thrust upwards as though seeking something.

And then――.

"Kuaahh... Aauuh, aah, aaahh"

The massage continued. It rubbed her breasts, rubbed her arms, and licked her armpits. It only repeated. Torture-like caresses were repeated.

Tears spilled from her eyes that were not reflecting anything. They were not tears of joy. They were tears of pain. They were tears of sadness.

It was not because she was being violated by a monster. It was because her flesh wasn’t being satisfied that she shed these sorrowful tears.

It was obvious to anyone who saw it. Her expression was different. Even though she reached a climax, her expression became cloudy, and her completely unfulfilled body immediately began to thrust her hips upward. Her body\'s range of movement was restrained like the "大" figure was limited. That was why the expression "desperate" was probably the best way to describe her hips empty movements.

The sticky sound got louder little by little. It would be bigger than when she reached the climax earlier. Regardless, Fiana―― the female knight who once tried to defeat the Black Ooze unknowingly shook her hips for pleasure.

How much time did she spend doing that?

It felt like an eternity. Alfira was violated until she fainted, and Fiana shook her hips at the black ooze in a dream-like state.

In this chaotic place, two new shadows appeared.

No, they were not new. Predecessors. Two people who were trapped by the Black Ooze before Fiana and Alfira. Frederica Rene and Satia.

With her slightly damp blonde hair swept up, Frederica didn\'t seem too surprised by the tragedy of the scene and walked over to the bed of flesh made of the Black Ooze mucus.

The expression on her face was not one of disgust, but one of genuine interest. Satia, walking along with her, had no change in her facial expression. Walking behind Frederica with a doll-like, that showed no emotion from her expression.


Then Frederica, who saw Fiana lying on the bed of meat, smiled small, but certainly. It was not of a mockery. It was not of joy. A smile with no emotions, it merely had the shape of a smile.

A smile without any emotion, like what Satia was expressing behind her.

Strong and brave. Fiana, a knight that had an unwavering will, confronted the Black Ooze. It was not like Frederica was there to see it happen, but from what Satia told her and the devastation she saw when she rushed to the scene, she knew how fierce the battle between the Black Ooze and Fiana had been. Even so, Frederica prides herself on being a reasonably skilled adventurer. Before she reached the abandoned mine, she met Fiana and spent the night with her. At that time, she saw how much mana this female knight had. It was clear that she had mana and fighting skills that were off the charts.

A knight. A shield that protected the people and a sword that protected the country.

That knight was also a woman. Frederica roared without words.

Glancing at Frederica\'s smile, Satia, who was by her side without paying attention to Fiana\'s state―― reached to one of the tentacles that were caressing Fiana.

The tentacles were made of filthy mucus and touched her clean body and clothes that she had bathed in after leaving the abandoned mine. She put her cheek against it as though it were a precious object, and when she ran her tongue over it, the tentacle twined itself around Satia\'s tongue with a will of its own.

The tentacle entwined with the small tongue from her small mouth, licking the base of the tongue and caressing the upper jaw, which made Satia\'s hips weak.

Her hands gripped the tentacle softly, her hips and legs trembled as it caressed her mouth.

――Frederica, who turned her gaze away from Fiana, and gave an astonished look at her companion who had just "returned" to the abandoned mine, but Satia didn\'t notice.

For her, the Black Ooze was her master, her love, and someone to be devoted to. There was no room for Fiana, Alfira, or even Frederica to intervene.

"I wonder, how long will you last until you become like "her"?"

As Frederica muttered that with mockery, Fiana muttered "more" in a small voice.

Her eyes, which did not reflect anything. Looking down at her eyes, Frederica lit her index finger in front of Fiana\'s red-colored eyes. A faint light... A flickering flame was lit.

Magic. It was a miraculous work of art that was shaped by the will of the user and the power of words.

Frederica was a mage that could use magic, which was a manifestation of a miracle. And so was the Black Ooze, who was still caressing Fiana, and Satia, who was servicing the Black Ooze.

Frederica\'s flame flickered a pale light in front of Fiana\'s eyes. Her crimson jade eyes, which had not been reflecting light, lost even more light. It was like a dead man\'s, her entire body was losing strength.

"Ahh, aahh..."

Her moaning voice stopped and her body just shook while being caressed by the mucus tentacles. Her reaction waned. Her voice was silent. She was robbed of her will. Her mind was slowly fading.

It was not hypnosis, but it was an application of flame magic. A fluctuation of fire and bewildering the mind. However, this was not something that would normally work on a knight of Fiana\'s caliber. It was a magic that could be endured if the target had a strong resistance and firm mind.

However, she was defeated, violated, and made to faint by the Black Ooze. Fiana, who was put into a hypnotic state, responded obediently to the Black Ooze\'s caresses as though she were dreaming, telling it where she reacted more, what her weaknesses were, and what she wanted it to do.

When she occasionally recovered from fainting, she tried to resist by recovering her mana, but there was nothing she could do when Frederica activated her magic like this. Even a knight who had lived for a long time as an elf and slaughtered many monsters could not resist if she was robbed of her recovered mana by the Black Ooze and continued to be in a hypnotic helpless state.

When Fiana was so weak like this, Frederica could not help but worry that she might have stopped breathing, the Black Ooze poked the knight\'s womb with its mucus tentacle.


Then, a sweet voice that Frederica couldn\'t hear earlier echoed loudly in the abandoned mine. Perhaps she was dreaming of being held by a long-lost lover or her ideal man in her dreams. Fiana\'s expression was loosened with ecstasy, her cheeks were dyed in red, and she was trying to rub her entire body against the bed of flesh, which made Frederica, the same woman, could not believe she was a proud knight.

However―― This tentacle. She could not laugh at her being like this when she wondered what she was doing and expressing when she was embraced by the Black Ooze.


Frederica, who had put Fiana in a hypnotic state, leaked a nasal sound. She noticed that a mucus tentacle was crawling over her clothes and body, which had been cleaned after bathing, just like with Satia. Frederica\'s body lost power as her body, which was fleshier than Satia, the tentacles crawling around it.

She moaned.

The tentacles restrained her body and begin coiling around her throat, even though she had no intention of resisting.

Even though she knew that it would not put any power on the tentacle coiling around her neck, she still felt a little scared. That was because she understand that this Black Ooze was a monster and she was an adventurer who was subduing monsters.

Although she had pledged her devotion to the Black Ooze like Satia, she hadn’t been reduced to a stupor like Fiana.

With a slight sense of fear, she was lifted into the air without resistance. Tentacles crawled over her rich breasts through her black underwear, entangling them in a motion-like milking of a cow.

The clothes that she had cleaned were dirtied by the mucus.

Looking at it... Frederica felt an indescribable pleasure. Her womb ached as the tentacles crawled across her skin.

She had known this would happen from the moment she returned to the abandoned mine and smelled the Black Ooze.

No, her mind knew that there was nothing she could do about it when she chose to return to the abandoned mine.

It was not to subdue the abominable monsters. She could also run away. But Frederica―― returned to the abandoned mine. Because...

"Haah―― Ahh, aah..."

As she was lifted into the air, the tentacle dexterously removed her boots. The laces were untied and the leather boots were taken off. She had been using these boots for years. Even though she washed her boots, they still smelled, and that embarrassed her as a woman.

"...Sto, p"

Even though she knew it would be pointless, Frederica still said those words. The Black Ooze had intelligence. Frederica understood that because the slime violated her following what she said.

Where she was weak, where it would feel good, what would the slime want her to do and what would she want it to do to her.

The Black Ooze had gained intelligence over time, gaining knowledge from the men who it absorbed.

Even so, she asked for it to stop. No matter how much she cried and begged, it would not stop though.

No matter even if she climaxed, fainted, wanted to sleep, or was in pain.

The Black Ooze never stopped caressing Frederica, the pleasure of climax was drilled into her body even if she fainted


"Wai, mphff!?"

Her voice leaked out in surprise. The tentacles that took off her boots crawled up to her legs from the hem of her pants and aimed for her pubic area.

It was not that it was a hassle to get her clothes off, but that it was trying to make it as uncomfortable and surprising as possible. Frederica felt that way.

She didn\'t know why.

When she looked towards Satia, she saw that apart from the tentacle caressing her tongue, three new tentacles had sprung up as though to caress her petite body to the fullest.

They gently wrapped around her waist, lifted her, and laid her down on a bed of flesh different than the one Fiana was lying on. That was Satia\'s bed.

On that bed, she would be screwed silly, until she lost consciousness.

Her entire body was gently caressed, her small breasts, small nipples, hairless pubic area... The doll-like expression would be sullied until it got dirty with tears, saliva, and snot.

Her body would be caressed until they melt from pleasure and then inseminate her. The Black Ooze\'s seeds. A slime seeds. Seed of a monster.

In that bed, Satia would be impregnated and give birth to her beloved master\'s child.

Knowing this, Satia gazed anxiously at the tentacles as they left her lips.

It was a form of torture, Frederica thought.

It would go on and on. Forever caressing her. Even though she knew it would feel very good...but that was if it was only once. She would be driven to the point of fainting and finally get violated. That sort of torture.

So Satia anxiously looked at the tentacle that was moving away from her, but she didn\'t try to get up from the mucus bed without going against her beloved master. The tentacles restrained Satia. Her small hands gripped her breast through her thick robe, expecting what was to come but still trembling with fear. It was not to prevent her from escaping. It was to prevent Satia from climaxing by masturbation without being able to hold back.

Seeing that, Frederica gulped.

At the same time, she knew that the tentacles crawling up her feet had reached the pubic area through her underwear.


There was no mercy on this side either.

Unlike Satia, Frederica, who had abundant flesh, her pubic area was pierced with mucus tentacle without any foreplay. However, the pain was slight. No, even the pain felt good.

She screamed in surprise, her body was only startled by the mass pushing open her closed entrance, but her vagina had gently wrapped around the intruder.

Her vagina had gently enveloped the intruder. Above all―― When she smelled the Black Ooze every time she came back from this place, the depths of her womb had been reacting. The rotten smell would make a normal person feel nauseous. It was a foul odor that any normal person would find repulsive. But for Frederica and Satia, the smell was like an aphrodisiac.

The mere smell of it made their vulva moist slightly, and their womb overflowed with fluids.

A tentacle of wet mucus with such a foul odor would cause pleasure, not pain.

――By that time, Frederica\'s body had less aversion to the Black Ooze, and instead became obedient to the pleasures being given.

She was not in love with it like Satia was. But for Frederica, who had known men, the Black Ooze was in a way even more lovable than what Satia thought of it.

There was no human being who could give her this kind of pleasure, and even if she fainted, beg for forgiveness, cry out, climax, or hang her head obediently, she would still be violated.

It was an act that violated the existence of Frederica, who had lived her entire life as an adventurer and was considered a strong woman by her peers. She was certainly a strong woman, but she tended to feel even more pleasure when she was abused and forced to be treated as an object. Even she didn\'t know the true nature of the woman named Frederica.

It was the Black Ooze who made her realize it, and the Black Ooze who knew that. The most important thing was that Frederica herself had realized that no one could make Frederica submit with pleasure than the Black Ooze.

Three days and three nights. She was violated for three days and three nights, or even longer than that. In the depths of the abandoned mine, until Satia and the others arrived, she had been the only receiver of the Black Ooze\'s lust.

The total amount of pleasure she was given. The time. It was like an infinite amount of time.

That was why――.

"Aahh!? Aaahh―― Aaaaahh!?"

They lifted her, forced her to spread her legs, and gouged out her private parts. The tentacles quickly reached the deepest, but she still didn\'t feel any pain. She was lifted into the air, so she couldn\'t escape by shaking her hips, but just let its tentacle poke her at the entrance of her womb.

It was a forceful penetration, but Frederica let out a gasp and accepted the pain.

It was painful.

Even though she had accepted it wholeheartedly and her body was ready for it, it still hurts to have her womb poked.

Nevertheless, her moans become louder and louder, her drool dripping from the edges of her lips, which she hadn\'t closed.

It hurts. It feels good. It hurts. It feels good.

These thoughts were going round and round in her head.

There was nothing left of Fiana in her mind. She didn\'t care what was going to happen to her.

She liked it if she was still clothed. Being violated. She was being violated. That was what she was painfully aware of. Feeling that she was being forcibly violated and abused.

A sticky sound was heard in her trousers. Her underwear sucked the mucus of the tentacle and rubbed against the love juice that Frederica released.

Her trousers were wet in the crotch area as though she had leaked. Even though she understood that, she haven\'t gotten this wet in this short time, it was still embarrassing.

Frederica dyed her beauty in red and turned her eyes away like an innocent girl.

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