
Chapter 10

A loud voice reflexively broke out of Lakis’ open mouth. However, his words failed to come to an end and were cut off with a low groan. It was difficult to move due to his neck injury. The man’s hand lifted up, feeling his bandaged neck. After that, he looked down to see that bandages were wrapped around his entire body. He looked up again. He seemed to have realized that Yuri had cured him. Yuri opened her mouth when she saw Lakis.

“I don’t know if you remember, but you were injured two nights ago, and was lying in front of my house. So I brought you inside and treated you.”

If it were Annmarie, the heroine, she would have kindly explained the circumstances of her discovery and the progress of the injuries. And she would’ve stayed beside him, saying, “Stay calm until the wound is healed.”

But Yuri didn’t do that.

“I don’t know if you have any more questions, but I have to go to work right now.”

I didn’t feel the need to do that, and most of all, it’s already starting to bother me that I have to organize what I’ll explain to Lakis in my head.

“I’ll ask you one question before I go. I’ve treated the wound roughly, but I’m no expert. Do you want me to get someone from the clinic to help you?”

Still, she decided to go more into detail about this because she was afraid that Annmarie might try to heal him later on. Of course, the Lakis Avalon she knew wouldn’t accept anyway.

“You don’t have to say anything, you can just answer with a head nod.”

The blue eyes, who didn’t know what to think, stared at Yuri’s face. He stared at her for a short time and soon shook his head.

As expected.

Yuri, who confirmed it, nodded.

“I’ll be going now, I’ve put everything you need on the bedside table, so use it as you like, if you want to get some more sleep, you’re welcome to. If you want to go outside, I don’t mind.”

The last word meant that he could leave without saying anything if he wanted to. When he heard it at first, he couldn’t tell whether it was said out of consideration or neglect, or if she was being pitiless.

Her voice sounded gentle. So anyone who didn’t know her would be confused as to whether it was gentleness or coldness.

While Yuri was speaking, Lakis just watched her with an inscrutable eye. Yuri then left the house with his gaze on her back.

In fact, as a matter of common sense, it was impossible to leave such an injured person alone at home. Of course Yuri knew that. However, she has long been a person who would not follow that common sense. Yuri walked towards the street where the coffee house was located. But she didn’t go to the coffee house, but to a remote alley. In fact, she didn’t have to leave the house so early, but it was because of the man who had been stuck in the alley the night before yesterday(chap 7) Yuri walked to the garbage dump to make a separate garbage collection.


Once a week, it was today that garbage was collected from Ferret Street. If she didn’t think of that, she might have just the man she caught here. Arriving at the dump, Yuri pulled out the thread that wrapped around the man she had buried.

“Hi. Good morning.”

The man, who had been wrapped in a white thread, woke up and wriggled his body after Yuri spoke. Two days had passed, so it was natural to find your consciousness.

“I’m sorry. I was so busy yesterday that I forgot to come and see you.”

Yuri apologized in a monotone voice.

“But you’re the one who’s been following me for a days, right?”

There was a look in the man’s eyes that seemed like they had a lot to say about something.

It was only a week ago that Yuri first felt the shadow of someone following her. There were times when she felt a suspicious glance at the coffee house, but she acted as usual, thinking that she wouldn’t budge until the other party approached her first. Originally, there had been some rotten men who followed her home from the coffee house, so she thought maybe this was the same situation.

About 30 minutes remained before the garbage collector came. So Yuri cut off the threads that were blocking the man’s mouth to ask why.

“If you have something to say, tell me.”

But the answer that Yuri wanted didn’t come back.


The very next moment, the man blew something between his lips at Yuri. But Yuri found herself flying toward him with an amazing fuselage vision, and grabbed it with her fingers without hesitation.

The man widened his eyes.

Yuri’s black hair drizzled down along her tilted head. She stared at the man’s face, with a needle in hand.

“What is this.”


Yuri, mumbled boredly, moved her hand, and naturally stuck the needle in the man’s neck.

Puk! (needle sinking into neck sfx)


The effect was immediate.

It was paralyzing poison.

That’s such a trifling trick.

Yuri, who was quenched of her curiosity, blinked boredly.

“No normal person would put these things in their mouth.”

Somehow, she felt like something was different, they didn’t look like a regular stalker. But the man was paralyzed and couldn’t say anything to Yuri anymore.

A bright dawn light passed over her face.

‘…Should I just kill him?’

If this man was the one who wanted to find Arachne, she would have to see if he was sent. Since he’s been following her for a week, there’s no way he’s been following Lakis Avalon. Yuri made up her mind and pulled the thread again to tie up the whole man’s body. She left the garbage dump and this time she stuck the man in a more secret place. It was one of the first places she visited when she moved here, if she hid the body there, it wouldn’t be found immediately. By evening, the paralytic poison will be released. Yuri turned around. Somehow it took a long way to go to work.



Shortly after the woman’s figure disappeared from view, he heard the door closing. So Lakis Avalon remained alone in a starkly quiet house. For a while, he held his breath and listened outside, but the footsteps really went away from the door.

‘…Did she really just walk out like that? Does anyone just leave a man they’ve never met in their house? The owner of the house…?’

He tried to figure out his situation for a while. However, no matter how much he thought about it, the reality that he faced now lacked common sense. As I looked over, all the things on the table next to me were in sight. It included items such as medical supplies, towels, and other items such as water to quench your thirst and bread to fill your stomach. Of course, it was too much for a patient like Lakis to eat something like that. He looked strange, recalling the woman who left without hesitation, saying, “I have to go to work right now.”

‘How did I come to this place?’

Lakis regained his spirt, and began to reflect on the situation.

—Hey, Lakis.

Just then, there was a jingle in his head. As soon as he heard it, the reality, which seemed to be rich in the air a moment ago, immediately gained gravity and sank down heavily.

—Are you alive?

Lakis’ blue eyes were squinted. The voice was barely heard again after a life-and-death interval, but the feeling of boredom was much greater than the sense of paranoia. As usual, a somewhat harsh answer came from Lakis.

‘If you want to bark, bark later.’

He had a neck injury so it was difficult to speak, but he had no problem talking to the person in his head. There was loud swearing in Lakis’ head for a while.

—You should say that to another person!

During his unconsciousness, the voices were stronger than usual.

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