
Chapter 1240 The Supreme Gods' 'Curse'

(Eris Pov)

Cursed? Master cursed them? How does that work?

I dunno \'bout ya but aye don\'t see how being those little Gods coulda been a curse or sumthin\'? [Bait]

"How are you cursed?" Tsuki asked, mirroring Bait\'s thoughts.

The Goddess\'s expression did not change as she turned to face her, "I understand your confusion. Why would beings like us, the ones who stand at the very top of this Universe under the All Creator, see this position as a curse?"

"Is it because you are unable to go anywhere you want because of your position?" Brendan asked.

The Goddess nodded slightly, "That is part of the reason but not the full reason to it."

This one also humbly thinks that it would be a curse if we had our freedom taken away for this. [Denna]

Why… Refusal…? [Laverna]

Why did they refuse to meet us from the start? Who knows? We could just ask her later I suppose. [Eris]

What was she the Goddess of again? [Bait]

Supreme Goddess of Fate… Muenia… [Laverna]

Bah, she doesn\'t look that full of \'fate\' ta me! [Bait]

The Goddess turned to my direction, "It\'s mostly because I have not manifested myself fully here. Otherwise you might not think that way."

Waddaheck? Did she read our minds?! [Bait]

"I can assure you that I did not do something as crude as that, I knew what you were thinking simply because of who I am. Now, I suppose I should start at the very beginning… All Creator did not create us before giving us these domains to watch over them like all the other Gods and Goddesses of this Universe. He made the eight concepts first before granting them life, which resulted in our creation. To put it in simple terms, we are the manifestations of these concepts ourselves."

Lian Li gasped, "Wait, doesn\'t that mean…"

"That I am Fate itself? That is correct."

"So what\'s dis\' curse of yours? I don\'t geddit\'?" Bait asked, taking over my voice for a moment.

"We are the very concept that All Creator has made. Without us, that concept would not even exist. Should I step down from my position, the fate of the entire Universe would cease to exist."

"And what happens if fate were to disappear?" Kiyomi asked.

The Goddess nodded in her direction, "You should be quite clear on that, Kiyomi. After all, your own domain is also quite similar to this."

"I do not understand?"

"A \'destined end\' falls under the realm of fate as well. If you were to put a pot of water over a fire, an expected outcome would be for the water to boil, that should have been the water\'s fate. But if fate has been removed from the equation, there is no longer a guarantee that the water would boil anymore. Of course, this is just one of the few mundane things that could happen without fate."

"And what about the other Goddesses with the domain of Fate? Are you saying that they don\'t matter?" Kiyomi questioned.

"That is partially true if you were to look at the Universe as a whole. They are able to control fate within a small part of the Universe but anywhere outside of their influence would be left empty. A planet outside the control of fate may even stop orbiting its star eventually."

Such a thing can happen? She\'s not just sayin\' dis\' ta throw us off her, is she? [Bait]

From how serious she sounds, I think she\'s serious. [Eris]

Lian Li steepled her fingers in front of her, "Is that why you have rejected our challenge to take over your positions as Supreme Gods? That if we were to win and you had to step down, the Universe would descend into chaos?"

"That is part of the reason, yes."

"And the other part is?"

The Goddess seemed to hesitate for a moment before letting out a sigh, "When Dadd-- Ahem… When All Creator made us, he had said to us \'the eight of you shall be the pillars of this universe, I leave it to you to maintain it\'. Since All Creator has given this role to us, we would be going against His very wishes should we step down."

Ugh… If she puts it like that… Wouldn\'t we be going against Master I\'d we were to overthrow them? [Eris]

Bah! Maybe she\'s been talkin\' out her ass this entire time! How do we know she didn\'t dream up the whole thin\'?! [Bait]

She turned to me, "I assure you that I most certainly did not dream the whole thing up. Besides, you also wish to know why we refused to meet you all this while, correct? It also has to do with our identities."

Manami tapped her chin with a finger, "Ara? That\'s right, you said something about reality collapsing and that you did not manifest yourself fully here?"

"That is correct. If I were to manifest myself here in whole, that would mean the entire fate of the universe would now be concentrated here. And if the other Supreme Gods were here as well, the reality would not be able to hold up to all eight of our concepts existing altogether. Do you see how this is also a curse for us?"

"""No,""" All of us answered at the same time.

The Goddess seemed surprised by our answer, which clearly showed that her claim about knowing what we\'re thinking because of fate was already full of crap.

Lian Li pointed a finger at her, "You get to be made by Master and was even given a position in the Universe too! We want it! So what if you\'re a concept? We can just take over it and become the concept too! No, we shall become the new pillars holding up the Universe!"

The Goddess narrowed her eyes at Lian Li, "May I ask why do you all seem so insistent on taking our place?"

"That\'s simple, once we are at the very top under Master, we would be able to spread the word of our Master much more easily! We could even change the entire Universe to our beliefs alone! There would be no one left to stop us!"

Ahahaha! That\'s right! The entire Universe should only have a single being that they worship! With this, we would be able to achieve it!!

That\'s why, it\'s time for all of you to step down!

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