
Chapter 481 Course Of Action Part 1

The reglios leader looked at the necromancer for a moment before its lips curled up into an evil grin. "Hahaha! I like you. Fine. I will allow it. But only if you are able to come through on your side of the deal."

"Don\'t worry. Just give me time. We will go by how many souls you can gain as well to cut the time difference down." Normally a necromancer would use these artificial souls as a means to build up their undead armies, but Fredrick already realized that undead were too weak, and even if they evolved, it would take too much time. Since he had seen the movements of the reglios in how they were attacking all the races and collecting their souls, he figured he would make contact.

He knew it was a risk to come out here, but he figured it would be worth the risk if he could at least gain the revenge he had been seeking all these years. Even if he ended up being killed, he still wanted to take this chance. And he had actually struck a deal with the reglios. His lips curled up into an evil grin as he left the underground complex that reglios had created.

Meanwhile, Destiny city was now bustling with the current influx of people. Four different clans, all with thousands of people, were suddenly appearing within the city. Blake, his wives, and the other races who were good at earth magic were all creating stone skyscrapers to house not only the four clans but also the long line of refugees outside the city.

"If this goes on, we will need to expand once more." Blake sighed. "Fuck it, let\'s move east towards the ocean. At least that way, we can start bringing in fish and other seafood."

"How far do you want to move the walls? Construction might take a while." Lillia asked. The walls were the hard part. They had to be pulled apart and then moved outwards before new rock had to be created as a base, and then the metal plating fastened to the stone.

"We can skip the metal plates now, don\'t you think? We can just use magic to create the metal plating using the minerals in the ground. Why waste so much time? We can just have a few people work on extending the walls as we move them out. Take down the entire east side, then merge the walls together with what has already been built, and just keep moving east until we reach the ocean. " Blake explained.

"I did not think of that. We had been doing it the same way for so long that it did not cross my mind to do it in this manner." Lillia scratched her head. They had always just moved the walls in this way, but now that she was thinking about it, they no longer needed to use flimsy solutions and could make a truly fortified wall. "I will get some people on this right away." Lillia leaned over and kissed Blake\'s lips before rushing off to do what she said.

Blake looked at the dragon girl\'s receding back and sighed. He really wished they could have some peace. His true aim was to live in a world where he could relax and spend time with his family. Watch his kids grow up into young men and women and then live out his days repeating this process.

He already knew he was going to have a long, long life ahead of him. So he had long planned to have a massive family. He, for one, was unable to hold himself back, and his wives were no different now. While they could block pregnancy with magic, he had no intentions of doing so.

A week later, hundreds of new buildings with thirty floors each had been constructed. Blake was now sitting in a meeting with the council of elders. "So, what are the reglio\'s movements now?"

"With the influx of reglios hiding in people\'s shadows, I think they are hell bent on trying to infiltrate. They probably think that as long as one of their kind can slip in, they can destroy the city along with hundreds of thousands of people. Then collect the souls afterward." Mike answered, letting out a sigh along with his statement, he was already overworked. He never thought he would be stuck staying up day and night to guide in refugees.

"Well, let them keep trying. The more people we can push into the city, the fewer souls they have to use as a means of being able to achieve their goals. When they finally realize that none of their kind is able to do what they plan, they will switch tactics. If we add in the fact that we are killing them as soon as they enter, it makes for an even better deal. But Mike, you and Bret need to take a break. Have your second in command take over for a day or two. It\'s not like the reglios can enter the city." Blake could tell both Bret and Miike were working hard overseeing the refugees, but they were not resting at all. While a few weeks can be okay for them, they still need sleep.

"We can\'t both be off. We will rotate shifts from now on. Starting tomorrow, Bret will take a day off to rest up and spend time with his family, while I will take the next day. The current situation is only able to stay as it is due to the two of us managing things." Mike explained.

"Alright, suit yourself."  Blake was not going to force them. He could only suggest they take a rest. "On to the next thing. As you may have all noticed, we have been moving our eastern out a few miles per day. We are going to be taking up all land up to the ocean to give us a new source of industry that we can rely on. The city will be extended as needed, but roads will be put in to cut through the forest as well as taking in any and all inhabitants in the region. All unsavory bunches will be killed off. With the current growth of people. I have a feeling once they get used to life here while waiting for the end of the reglios, they will have already considered this place their home."

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