
Chapter 183 Christensen's Choice

"How can you let human intruders free in our territory?!"

King Nagakin\'s voice reverberated through the air like thunder as he reproached his warriors, expressing his anger.

This King\'s anger was justified. During their years of observation, they already saw the destructive potentials of humans wherever they went, the last thing they wanted was humans running amok in this Elemental plane.

Originally, only Elementalists could access this plane like Summoners to the beast plane. They could tolerate only that but definitely no more humans.

Most especially when these humans seemed to have discovered their secrets. King Nagakin was livid for minutes after he received the news.

Alongside the Frost Giant Captain, the 3 Frost Giants who were placed in Planet Darvis to look after the other end of the portal also kneeled before their King. King Nagakin looked down at them.

"For your complacency, you are sentenced to 2 months of labour".

"Thank you for your benevolence oh Great King!"

The next moment, they were dragged away.

King Nagakin growled as he sat back on his ice throne. Noticing his advisor\'s stare, he turned to look at him. "Amon, what should I do?"

"There\'s no need for us to hunt these humans ourselves".

"From what Captain Lamak explained, they are extremely knowledgeable, experienced, and dangerous combatants, hunting them won\'t be easy".

"Let\'s leave the job to the humans themselves, the Clown Society is more desperate than we are to make the secret of our alliance remain a secret".

"Tell them about the intruders, let them hunt and kill them themselves".

King Nagakin looked at Amon for a few seconds then he nodded. "It\'s a good suggestion, I support it so do it".

"Yes, my King".

"Wait…" King Nagakin stopped Amon before he could leave. "Also, remember the hunt, I hope all the elite warriors are ready".

"We\'ve tracked it for over a century, we\'ve never been so close to getting it, we can\'t afford to lose it now".

The Hellfire Mountains…

Black Master Einstein creased his brows as he read the contents of the letter that was written on an ice pamphlet and teleported straight to him.

"White hair, possibly hazel eyes…" His eyes narrowed. "That Sexy Chocolate again, he\'s slowly turning into a thorn at our side".

He turned to look at Clown who was still unconscious, recovering from the operation of implanting Giant runes into his skin.

With a part of his body already turned mechanical, now adding runes to the equation, Clown looked more hideous than ever before.

According to the words of the Clown, the Sexy Chocolate was just a low-life nuisance who has no power to influence the big plans of the Clown Society.

But for some reason, having faced him before and seeing his ingenuity back in the desert, Black Master Einstein felt the need to give this nuisance more respect. He decided to act behind Clown\'s back for the first time in a while.

He turned to face his subordinate. "Din, bring me the Red Master book".

"Yes, Master Einstein".

Din faithfully went to bring the book. Despite his short time since joining the Clown Society, Din already won the favor of this Black Master and was already accepted as his first ever student.

This was exactly what Din sought when he decided to betray his roots, he wanted equality, he wanted where his talents would be rightfully rewarded.

Black Master Einstein grabbed the big book and looked through it. The Red Master book recorded all the Red Masters of the Clown Society, both those that acted as spies, integrating into normal human society for years.

This book was only freely accessible to Black Masters.

Einstein saw a few notorious names in the book but he could not settle for one. \'His battle history is crazy, even Daemon suffered against him…\'

He turned to look at Din. "What do you think of him?"


"Yes, the Sexy Chocolate or Legolas, whatever his name is".

"During my time with him, though it was little, I learned to respect him. He\'s a great warrior, he\'s calm, he\'s patient, he\'s intelligent, and he\'s ruthless when needed".

Black Master Einstein raised his eyebrows. "That\'s a lot coming from you, it almost sounds like you admire him".

"I do admire him". Din said coldly.

"Well, that makes me change my plans, multiple assassins it is then".

Black Master Einstein carefully went through the book for 20 minutes during which time he carefully ticked 8 names.

Even Din was surprised. "8 Red Masters just for him and such established and notorious Red Masters?"

Black Master Einstein looked at him. "Do you think it\'s too much".

"No, it\'s just about right".

"Good, take the names and give it to the alien letter processing machine".

"Yes, Master".

That same day, at 8 different corners of Planet Darvis, some deep in the extreme North while others at the extreme South, they received the assassination mission that was directly authorized by Black Master Einstein.

Without hesitation, all 8 Red Masters packed their loads and got ready to complete their newly assigned mission in a long time.


You have triggered Passive Ability: Marksman


One draw of Christensen\'s makeshift arrow was all it took for Legolas to bring down an Ice Salamander which would be their food for that morning.

Like usual, Blade attended to the meat as Legolas went to attend to the beasts, mostly Lucky as he asked her about her connection to the inheritance ground and how close they were to it.

As for Christensen, like usual, he was out with Brutus to scout.

As the undisputed tracking kings of this group, Christensen and Brutus naturally took on this very important responsibility to get a better feel of their surroundings. Christensen was already a pro at it.

Though it seemed like just yesterday, it was already 3 days in the Ice Elemental plane and in this time, they already managed to achieve a lot.

A few more dozen minutes later, Christensen and Brutus returned. Without hesitation, the 3 humans dug into the beast of the Ice Salamander with gusto.

As they ate, Christensen narrated. "It\'s like the usual".

"The Frost Giants are the absolute Lords of this plane, there are signs of them everywhere that it\'s almost ridiculous, they literally built an Empire here already".

"Apart from the normal ice monsters here who cower before them, the only ice monsters strong enough to stand on their own are 4".

Blade and Legolas looked up at Christensen in surprise. "Another? Yesterday, you said there were only 3 that could stand up to them".

Christensen smiled. "My record was updated today".

"The ones that are powerful to have territories of their own are the Frost Bears, the Ice Salamanders, the Frost Gorillas, and guess what?" Christensen grinned. "Yetis".

Legolas\'s eyes widened. "You discovered a Yeti?"

"Not a Yeti, I discovered a race of Yetis, I finally understand. The others alone are not powerful enough to oppose the Frost Giants, the Yetis are the main reason why the Frost Giants haven\'t claimed the whole Ice Elemental plane yet".

Legolas smiled as he already knew where his student was heading to. "So, you\'ve made your choice?"

"Of course". Christensen smiled. "Today, I was bold, I went close enough with Brutus to see them in action".

"They are aggressively powerful, fairly fast, they have an extremely tough hide, and their control over frost energy is elite".


"I know". Christensen said before his master could finish. "I know that getting one of them is hard, but I\'ve made up my mind, I\'ll do everything in my power to get one and I also hope you guys help me".

"…" Blade looked at his elder brother. "You\'re so shameless".

Legolas laughed.

That morning, they started planning on how to subdue a Yeti Monster.


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