
Chapter 239 Battle To Protect The King! [3]

Like he was dreaming, Magna saw a memory flash before him…

2 centuries ago, it was a hot afternoon in the beast plane after he became a Grade D Summoner as he went in search for his 3rd contracted beast.

Coming to the beast plane, his main plan and target was to get a Wolf, preferably a Wind Wolf. Since he already got the extremely rare White Mutated Dove and the heavy Iron-Horned Rhino, he felt that he needed a swift beast.

With a Wind Wolf, literally all his shortcomings would be addressed.

Speed, defense, support, attack, he would then excel at all these.

Things didn\'t always go according to plan though. That day, he met a Wolf but it was not a Wind Wolf, it was a Black Wolf that fought with another beast.

This other beast attracted his curiosity, it still felt like yesterday.

\'A Mutated Cheetah!"

Hyped and excited by the discovery, Magna went all in to get this beast. After severely injuring the Black Wolf, the Mutated Cheetah escaped not only because it was injured but because it already felt the presence of the human.

Magna was stunned at the Cheetah\'s perception but he went after it.

He lost the Cheetah but making use of every single detail that he learned, he was able to track the beast for a full day till he saw it licking it\'s wounds in an open cave in the night. Magna prepared himself before engaging the beast.

Of course, like everyone of his beasts, Pi was stubborn.

The Cheetah gave him a tough time till he finally subdued it, even after contracting it and giving it the name Pi, Pi remained stubborn.

"Filthy human, I\'ll never be your loyal dog".

"You can command me but you can never get my loyalty".

Magna laughed. "Hehe…, you don\'t know me".

"My charisma would change your perspective in no time".

So, there started the journey of Pi and Magna the Light Summoner.

Together and alongside the other beasts, they won battle after battle, accumulated feat after feat till they became legends. And like Magna said, Pi soon forgot that he was once a stubborn Cheetah who refused to submit to him.

Pi was one of his favorite beasts.

Everything went according to plan, Magna fulfilled his dream, he became a Royal King Protector, but today, everything was now spiraling away.

All the fond memories were now turning into a past history.


Like it was a mirror, the illusion of the past cracked before him.

Magna teared up as he stared at the corpse of the Mutated Cheetah.

"AHHHH…!!!" This Grade C warrior roared in frustration.


The White Mutated Dove dodged another shot from the Named Skeleton Archer, Magna was already so frustrated that he could barely think straight.

"Focus, we need you to win this battle!" Diana yelled.

For the first time, he ignored his companion in this battle.

Magna no longer cared about her, he no longer cared about anybody after losing Pi. In his downcast state, Daemon took advantage of it.

He completely understood how Magna felt, he was once a Summoner. Not just any Summoner but one who at some point in his life lost all his contracted beasts and had to find entirely new ones.

"Do it!" Daemon confidently instigated.

"There\'s no pride in being a so-called Royal King Protector".

"At least, there was pride in it before but not when King Tom sits on the throne. Sacrificing your beloved children for that spoilt King is not worth it".

"Do it!"

Daemon correctly grasped at his heart.

Like the Necromancer said, Magna indeed saw all his beasts as his children.

With blood-shot eyes, Magna looked at the raging battlefield, the powerful Wood Dragons, the pleading eyes of Diana, Pi\'s cold corpse, then he snorted.

"F*ck the King!"

He transmitted orders to his last 2 surviving beasts.

The White Mutated Dove opened a teleportation portal through which they all jumped into, in an instant, the Light Summoner was gone.


Diana suddenly felt like she was stuck in a nightmare.

With the Light Summoner gone, the enemies became much freer.

Black Master Daemon confidently spoke. "I already figured out their weakness, the Wood Dragons are powerful and fast but have almost zero agility".

"Their straight-line speed and acceleration is great but their agility is sh*t".

"Abaddon, you\'re the Pugilist".

"I\'ll occupy them while you go target their joints".

Black Master Abaddon obeyed as his eyes gleamed sharply.

Just a minute later…

"Abaddon Specialty: Fist of Destruction!"


A vicious punch to a vital joint spelled the end for this Wood Dragon, like a paper Dragon, this gigantic monster collapsed from inside as it crumbled into ordinary wood trunks and branches.

With the first one down, defeating the other 2 became easier.

They fell in quick succession.

Diana was lost for words and means.

They didn\'t kill this weak Grade C Elementalist immediately though, they ignored her and wreaked more havoc as they went deeper after the King.

They had no fear that King Tom would escape, everything was planned.


The Light Summoner appeared out of the teleportation portal with his 2 beasts, he teleported inside the palace where the royal family lived.

At first, after losing Pi, this grieving Summoner intended to just leave but he remembered the vow that he swore when he became a King Protector.

He was ok with abandoning the spoilt King but definitely not the royal family, most of them were innocent, they had no hands in Tom\'s cowardliness and madness. This was why he came back to save them.

On seeing him, the royals exhibited different reactions.

"Why did you run?"

"Why did you abandon your King?"

"You committed treason!"

"You will die for this!"

The King Tom supporters barely started speaking when this powerful Summoner showed a side of him that they had never seen before.

"SHUP UP!!!"

Magna\'s thunderous voice reverberated through their eardrums, all of them cowered, none of them dared speak before this Summoner anymore.

Magna glared at them. "Now, listen to me".

"If you know you\'re in support of King Tom, you can stay behind".

"As for those who want to preserve the line of the royal family, make your decision now and follow me".

"You have only 10 seconds to make your decision".

The White Mutated Dove opened more teleportation portals.

"How dare you…!"


To the shock of all the royals, the Iron-Horned Rhino attacked. The supporter of the King who tried to speak did not live to see the next minute as the powerful laser from the Rhino\'s horns completely vaporized him.

Magna glared at all of them, they shuddered.

All of them made their choice as the majority of them charged in, the others remained stubborn but when Magna turned to leave, their resolve shook as they all rushed in before the teleportation portal could close.


Magna left with the royal family.

King Tom shook so much on his throne that he seemed to have gotten Dementia, his hands shook so unsteadily like he was stuck in a thousand-year old glacier with no hopes of escaping.

He looked at his new Hand who looked down on noticing his stare.

"T-the tunnel?" He stuttered.

"I\'m sorry my King, the secret tunnel has been blocked by psychopaths".

This was the umpteenth time of his asking but King Tom still shuddered every time at the answer. The Clown Society planned today thoroughly, they researched thoroughly, they left King Tom no way to escape.

They tormented him by letting him witness everything.

Receiving reports that Grade C beasts died protecting him, this King already messed himself up more than thrice but he never felt them.

The throne chair already turned into a throne of piss and sh*t.

King Tom looked down at his shaking hands, he tried to chuckle but he could not. All his arrogance and self-conceitedness were nowhere to be seen, all he wished for now was for a miracle to happen so he could survive this day.

"Daddy…" He secretly called to his dead father.

The King consort who gathered with him in the throne room were already getting fed up with his embarrassing reactions, this crowned it all.

They were also scared but they never exhibited such reactions.

The Master of Coins stood up and glared at the King. "I can\'t stand this any longer, I will leave with my family and fight for our safety ourselves!"

All eyes turned to the King but King Tom exhibited no reaction.

As this continued for over a minute, the Master of Coins shook his head bitterly.

"You\'re a coward!"

"I was a fool to think you had what it took to lead us".

The Master of Coins became the first to leave the throne room but he was not the last, though the others didn\'t confront the King so boldly, they all stood up at various intervals and left the throne room.

In no time, only King Tom and his newly appointed Hand remained.

King Tom looked at this man. "D-do you believe in me?"

This man shuddered on being asked this question.

He dared not answer, he turned around and swiftly scurried away out of the throne room. The throne room suddenly became still, it felt so cold and silent, King Tom was now alone.

He looked at all the chairs, he looked at where he sat at the pinnacle of authority over Planet Darvis for over a year, he chuckled then he cried.

Amid his tears, the door to the throne room was finally torn open.


Black Master Abaddon walked inside.

The ceiling was razed to the ground as the Bone Dragon also landed in the throne room. After a mighty battle, all Wood Dragons were finally dead.

At this moment, the Bone Dragon was a mere picture of its previous majestic self after suffering serious injuries against the Wood Dragons.

Black Master Daemon stared at the King.

Black Master Abaddon didn\'t make it complicated, neither did he speak to the coward, he directly walked to the cowardly King and grabbed him by the head with his massive arm. He slowly raised the King up and looked at him.

"Any last words?"

King Tom closed his eyes as he messed himself up again while shivering.

Black Master Abaddon had a cold poker look on his face, the next moment, he applied pressure on his hand and a normal human could not withstand it.


King Tom\'s head burst like a balloon.

After a reign of 1 year, King Tom died.


For the beast illustrations, go to my discord server through this link https://discord.gg/UX4JpdGN

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