
Chapter 321 - The Mist

"Why?! Tell me, why?!" Tristan gritted his teeth and shouted, barely able to control himself. To him, the dismissive way they said their answer was more infuriating than the actual answer itself.

Castian the high elf ruler went silent for a moment before finally answering. "We believe they are a threat yes, but i believe you overestimating the enemy"

The high elf king added.

"These space knights, no matter how powerful they seem, are only human after all. Humans are lesser beings compared to us, both in strength and in mind." The elf explained calmly.

Tristan was taken aback as he realized that in the past few months, he was only acquaintanced with the wood elves. Elves tend to stay in their own territory, and now that he had to deal with these two other elven races, he realized the books were not exaggerating about their personality. The high elves were much too proud about their ability, while the dark elves hated and distrusted humans and elves alike. It would be difficult for him to convince them.

Hearing such words from the elves, the old knight Sterling raised his voice yet again. "Hah! How dare you say humans are a lesser being, you swine-"

The high elf ruler frowned upon hearing the insult, but before he could say anything, a scream full of agony came from the direction of the old knight. Right afterwards, his upper body fell to the ground, as Tristan swung a crimson blade made of blood as if to clean it.


The old knight fell flat to the floor. With his lower body gone and the agonizing pain torturing him, he could only look towards Tristan in a mix of shock and fear, wordlessly begging him for mercy.

Tristan merely looked down at him with disgust. "I told you to behave."

He then turned around, looked toward the elf leader and said "I apologize for his bad manners."

A few of the elves in the palace raised an eyebrow at what just happened. Even though Sterling was a human, the knight was not a \'nobody\', for he is one of Arcadia Kingdom\'s oldest knights. It was enough for everyone to stare at him in shock.

Out of the corner of his eye, Tristan could see Tobias\' expression darken, as he tried to suppress the rage bubbling in his mind. However, Tristan was unfazed, and he merely looked at the equally unfazed high elf ruler. "I hope you would forgive me."

Castain, the enchanted one, glanced at the knight\'s corpse for a moment before he answered. "Yes, you are forgiven… King of Arcadia, you are a fair person, but there was no need to kill him."

"I disagree, he needs to learn his lesson." Tristan said, before he once again glanced at the pale-looking old knight barely clinging to life. He waved his hand and cast his [Blood Synthesis]. Gradually, in front of everyone\'s eyes, the puddle of blood around the old knight coalesced and gradually turned into the knight\'s lower part. 

After the process was completed, Tristan told Rayna to take the old knight away from the meeting.

What Tristan just did made a few people raise their eyebrows. 

It appears he has successfully made an impression, especially to the arrogant high elf by giving them face.

The high ranking elves gathered in this place have never known him before, but now they will never forget about the new ruler of the Arcadia Kingdom, especially the blood magic skill he had just shown. 

Taking advantage of the ensuing awkward silence, Queen Leena of the Vanyar quickly chimed in.

"The leaves are falling, the seas are raging, and the forests are drowning. Blood will rise and the Monarch will lead us through the mist."

It was the elven prophecy that has been sung for more than 4000 years. No elves gathered in this place have not heard of it.

With all attention now on her, the queen of Vanyar chuckled and said. "I believe that this man is the prophesied Monarch. After all, he is a blood elf, and for that, we the Vanyar, the Forlorn, and even Callan himself gave his kingdom of Arcadia to him."

This time, the gathered elves\' expression changed, much more serious than when they heard about the space knights.

The atmosphere was overall tense, but the dark elves had a certain darkness in their midst, as if they heard something even worse. Meanwhile, the silver-haired elven woman leading them still smiled at him, but Tristan could sense malice from her gaze, and her smile was too wide and unsettling, as if she wanted to eat him alive on the spot.

The elven woman was about to open her mouth to speak, when the high elf spoke before she could. He gazed towards Tristan with a serious expression and said.

  "We have heard about this matter before. In fact, this is the reason why we refused to gather in Arcadia. There is a more important matter to tell you all."

The way Castian spoke was very unusual, hence all the elves suddenly turned more tense.

"We believe as the prophecy have said, the time has come for the Mist to open up to us."

The mention of the Mist once again made the elves turn to look at him in surprise.

Tristan has heard about the Mist before. It\'s a mysterious place that is connected with the history of the elves on this planet, where something related to the punishment resided. All that is known so far was the Mist was connected to why the elves were cut away from the elven collective.

The high elves built their palace in the eastern mountain, as since the event 4000 years ago, they have been obsessed about the Mist. From the place they were currently standing, they could easily see the Mist. It takes the form of dark grey smoke that rises high, even taller than the mountain like a wall of cloud piercing the sky, and every attempt to see what was beyond it from above the skies were met with faiure.

Hearing the mention of the mist, it was Elroth of Forlorn who decided to speak first.

"Why are you all still obsessed with the past! We should focus on the future! A real threat that will come any time! You dismiss the real threat, while you chase fantasies from beyond the mist!" Elroth shouted and gripped his hand, resisting the urge to break the table.

Tolith of the Ithellen Kingdom nodded at the remark and added. "How many more people will be sent to their deaths for your pointless curiosity, to never return from deep within the mist?! We have lost too many, remember that."

Tristan remembered what Serene had told him about what happened in the last expedition to the mist. At that time, they were relentless in their pursuit of knowledge relating to the mist, so they sent a team consisting of the strongest elves. One was the Vanyar\'s previous king and Serene\'s own father. One was Arcadia\'s previous king, and last but not least, the former king of Forlorn. A few people from this gathering undoubtedly knew the names of those who joined the expedition more than 50 years ago.

Ragon the dark elf chuckled and glanced at the high elf with scorn mixed with glee. "Fortunately, our great king were not stupid enough to join such an expedition. At that time, you had failed. Why do you think this attempt will be different now, considering no one ever succeeded to return from it"

Despite the teasing, the high elf ruler was still calm, He merely glanced at Ragon as if he was looking at a disgusting insect and said "The signs are all there, the mist has been diminishing in the last 100 years, and now you all have seen the blood monarch is already here with us" 

The high elf turned his head to look at Tristan and said, "Actually we were convinced by the words of the former Arcadian King, Callan"

Finally the name of Callan was mentioned, Tristan has been wondering where that bastard is, he has been missing and was said to be among the high elves, but for now, he has no way to really get any definite information. Tristan decided to keep it in mind for later on.

Castian decided to explain that Callan has been coming a few times to the high elves\' council to give proof about the connection between the thinning of the Mist and the increased coming of Outlanders. The former king believes that the connection proves the time of the prophecy is near.

"Callan had went into the mist to gather proof for his theory, and recently, we received proof that he is right. Simply said, the gate connecting the worlds has finally opened."


Written by Avans, Published exclusively by W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l, 

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