
Chapter 432 Raid

Chapter 432 Raid

Meanwhile, far on the horizon, two Magical Creatures were seen flying side by side towards a certain place. On top of one of those giant\'s bodies sat a white-haired elf who was ready to smear his whole body with the enemy\'s blood again.

Yes, the elf was none other than Tristan!

Unbeknownst to many people, a few days ago, when Callan and Tristan were talking to each other in their defense camp in the Golden Rainforest, the two of them had prepared a very well-thought-out plan.

At that time, Callan told Tristan that during the operation to liberate the city of Nexusia, he had met Aesir Vidar after the Messenger had left with a message for him.

Aesir Vidar made an offer to Callan to cooperate with him in expelling the invaders, because Aesir Vidar and several other Aesir had realized that the real goal of the Space Knight did not necessarily want to kill the Blood Elf, but they also wanted to rule this planet.

Callan and Vidar finally arranged a plan and formed two teams. The first team containing the strongest Magus would fight in the Solitude Field. Meanwhile, the second team, which contained Tristan and the remaining elves, would attack the palace at the same time.

When Callan explained the plan, at first Tristan was hesistant. Callan, however, kept on convincing him that maybe this would be a perfect opportunity for him to save Layla.

Finally, Tristan agreed to follow the plan. He used [Blood Synthesis] skill and made a fake head to trick the Space Knights. All to increased the chance of the enemy not massacring the people of Prontea.

The awaited day had arrived. Both teams had gone to their respective operations at once.

At this time, the Blood Elf had arrived at his destination with his two dragons. Their presence, of course caused a commotion among the guards. Seeing two gigantic creatures hovering above them made them panic.

A Space Knight standing on the watchtower immediately shouted his lungs out.

"We are under attack!!!"

"Prepare to attack!!!"

Alarm sounded deafeningly and the guards prepared to attack from their positions as the Space Knight Soldiers were ready with their Cannons.

It was the cannons that were originally planned to be used to slay the people in the town now changed direction and aimed to kill the giant creatures.

[ Target locked ]

"Howitzers! Shoot!"



Cannon fire coming from various directions was easily dodged by Nora and Nara. Instead, the shots missed and destroyed their own side.


The screams of the people who had fallen victim to the misfiring resounded. Instantly, bits of flesh scattered, and a pool of blood was created. Panic ensued in that place.

Meanwhile, Tristan still stood calmly in his position, observing the melee from Nora\'s back. He still didn\'t launch any attacks. The elf just repelled the rain of arrows coming towards him using the highest grade Claymore Sword he made with [Blood Synthesis].


The Space Knights standing on the balcony of the palace started to form a circle, firing their plasma and kinetic weapons from all directions.

Continuous shots stormed at Tristan and he made use of [Blood Synthesis] skill to create a defensive shield.

A blood red dome covered him like a giant umbrella, blocking all the arrows and gunshots that attacked him indiscriminately.

The sounds succeeded in causing the guards inside the palace to rush out to check the situation. Tristan immediately smiled upon seeing thousands of people finally gathered under him; He found his prey!

The Blood Elf immediately ordered his two dragons, "Do as planned. Don\'t kill all of them, don\'t damage their weapons... And most importantly, don\'t destroy or burn the palace. My sister is inside!"

"Understood, My King!"

As per their King\'s orders, the two dragons started to rampage, sending some of the soldiers running while screaming out of their lungs. Their escape, however, led to another disaster, because the hordes of humans who tried to escape were immediately blown up by Nara\'s flame.

The Bloodgem Dragon immediately spat out a fiery breath capable of exploding various [Explosion] objects.


In just a few seconds, thousands of people who were on the run were immediately annihilated. Pieces of their bodies scattered, even flown away into every corner of the palace, making the place look like a human slaughterhouse.

"Good, Nora!"

Tristan immediately carried out his plan, he performed [Blood Extraction] in order to collect more [Blood Essence]. Because Tristan believed he had to be able to control the Space Knight soldiers. They would definitely be useful in the future, not to mention the tremendous advantage he would get if those high-tech weapons fell into his hands.

And the only way to do that was with the [Blood Seal]. For the success of the process, of course, he needed more blood.

The operation to liberate the city back then did manage to give him a lot of [Blood Essence], but it was still not enough for Tristan. Moreover, there was a hefty price he needed to pay for summoning the two dragons.

Because of that, he had to slaughter some of the soldiers to collect more blood, thus he would be able to control the others soldiers.

[ Blood Extraction ]

[ 150.000... ]

[ 280.000... ]

[ 180.000... ]

The red mist spread throughout the palace, making the sky turn into a sea of ??blood.

The terrifying sight managed to make the soldiers look like living statues. They froze in fear as well as in amazement upon witnessing how the Blood Elf absorbed all the blood from the fallen soldiers.

[ 300.000... ]

[ A mix of 450.500 high-quality blood cells was found ]

[ Extracting and filtering the blood cells ... ]

[ 200,190 Blood Essence points gained ]

Tristan smiled with satisfaction after seeing the notification.

"Good, now just move on to the next plan."

[ Blood Mastery – Blood Seal ]

[ Choose a target to seal ]

The blood mist drifted from Tristan\'s body and headed for his targets one by one. Fear was evident on the faces of those poor humans, while screams echoed throughout the palace. The people who managed to escape death ran aimlessly, trying to save themselves.

[ Target Successfully Sealed ]

[ 2600 human is under control ]

[ 200,000 Blood Essence has been consumed ]

[ Current Blood Essence: 300, 540 ]

"Finish them!!!"



Paleness and confusion immediately framed the faces of the Space Knights and Asgard Soldiers who had managed to escape Tristan\'s [Blood Seal] influence, when their comrades suddenly turned around and started slaughtering their own people.

On the right flank, the Space Knights were fighting with each other, attacking every last one of them with their high-tech weapons. Shooting a rifle, or swinging an electric sword at an opponent who was once a friend became a sight to behold.

Meanwhile, on the left flank, civil war also occurred. The Asgardians drew swords and axes at each other, beheading them and smearing their bodies with the blood of their fellow soldiers.

Wasting no time watching the chaos, Tristan immediately jumped down from Nora\'s body and walked towards one of the Space Knights he managed to seal.

"Show me the place where my sister is!"

However, before he could get an answer, an attack from another direction suddenly rushed back to him. 3 airplanes took off and appeared to annihilate him.

The engines attached to the airplanes began to transform, and in an instant, an extremely bright beam of ionic energy shot towards him.

"My King!"

Nora immediately dashed off to save her master. Tristan deftly jumped onto Nora\'s back and dodged the attacks.


A blinding explosion of light managed to destroy part of the palace roof. Tristan clenched his fists tightly, feeling agitated at the thought of his younger sister who was most likely in the building.


Finally, the long-awaited help came at the right time. High in the sky, several Elves appeared riding Wyverns. They were Queen Leena, Prince Elroth, Lord Haladar, Levi, Osgiliath, and Kolvar.

Queen Leena, who was part of the group, immediately looked at Tristan and nodded her head, signaling the man to take action.

Tristan understood, he jumped off the dragon\'s back and rushed into the palace to save his sister, fully trusting his fellow elves to deal with the Space Knights as planned.

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