
Volume 16 3

Chapter 3 - Henrietta’s Melancholy, Louise’s Anxiety, Saito’s Promotion[]

Henrietta was sitting at her desk in deep thoughts. She wanted to forget everything that happened back in Gallia, but could not let go. The Vittorio who gains everyone’s trust, his true nature, and his betrayal...... no, not betrayal, but Henrietta’s own misconception about him.

Then, there’s the Gallian King who turns out to be a void user. That darkness was as if a well with no bottom, his pure black heartedness..... Joseph’s despair, even for just a tiny little touch, would....... Henrietta’s heart almost broke into dust..... Magic combined of profound void and elven primal, its power was far more incredible than imagined..... Being able to completely survive without a scratch, now that she thinks of it, it’s a miracle.

But now he’s dead. Which in other words, means that one void user is missing, simultaneously crushing the ambitions of Vittorio. His grand scheme of claiming the holy lands back.....

"Headache..... fighting with elves, must have gone mad."Henrietta mumbled under her voice.

Everytime she remembered the giant fireball she saw on that ship, Henrietta would shiver all over. The crystal made from elves’ primal magic...... and Vittorio was planning to fight with people who can produce that kind of horrifying magic!

Since the void user is already gone, surely Vittorio would give up on his "crusade" as well.

".....The king is dead, the Pope’s ambitions crushed."Only after did these broken sentences seep out of her mouth did she finally feel some comfort in both body and mind. Like trying to get drunk, she used that peacefulness to blind her consciousness. Once again, Henrietta began considering the post-war issues of Tristain. If it were not for these tasks, she would eventually become a prisoner of that heavy cloud of despair..... or so she feels.

What comes next would be.......

First she must hold a meeting with the new Queen Charlotte as soon as possible. Henrietta still remembers how not long ago Queen Charlotte was still a student of the Magic Academy.

Why did someone as logical as her suddenly agree to take the throne?

Romalia’s eyes and ears were all over Carcassonne back then, so only formal congratulations have been given to the new power. Charlotte’s real intentions must be known as soon as possible.

A puppet under Romalia control? Or......, is there any other conspiracy?

Henrietta wants to understand Queen Charlotte’s unreserved, honest thoughts. To do so, she must first be frank and open with Henrietta. These things.... just by Henrietta’s own power are impossible to achieve.

There needs to be a person to act as a bridge between them.

Henrietta was already clear that she had the perfect candidate for this diplomat. Everytime she remembers of him, there would always be mixed emotions. Not long ago in Gallia, he saved her yet again.

On that ship, he was the one who stopped Joseph from casting the spell. Henrietta bit on her lips.

"It’s hard to be unmoved if he saves me every time from the most undesirable situations just like that."

But is he not Louise’s lover already?

"Thoughts like these could not be more desecrated......"

Not only so, she made a promise with him that from then own, she would only display her empress’s side.......

But.... as soon as the war ended, as long as some sort of peacefulness exists inside her, these burning emotions will most definitely revive. The small hotel in Tristainia, under the shade of the curtains in the Magic Academy, the kisses which happened on those days still burns her lips.......

In the midst of all urgent matters, only these thoughts managed to keep Henrietta herself. Why? Henrietta asked herself.

Most likely because.... she never firmly executed what she promised, so Henrietta thought. Not because they did not already consider their own feelings, her own status as Queen, and their relationship as friends, but because it is impossible to extinguish the burning flames that lights up from the ashes.

Given enough time, those warm memories will definitely be recalled again. If, by then, there is no room for me in his heart..... then I will give up. Forget all which happened.

But, will I?

The image of their kiss surfaced. Henrietta smiled, the smile of a delicate and beautiful woman. That smile gave off an irresistible enchantment. Mixed with her gracefulness and glamor, it could bewitch every man in the world.

"Back then he was head over heels for me."After saying so, Henrietta blushed. She then urgently surveyed her surroundings. It would be bad if the expression she made just now was seen by someone else.

In addition, she now feels an overwhelming sense of shame towards her imagination. As a Queen herself and him being the co-captain of her knights, if such a rumor was spread, the effects would be disastrous. Scandals are hard to dispel.

On top of this, he is her best friend’s lover.....

Henrietta clutched her chest and muttered, as if trying to resist trembling."Turns out I am no different from gossiping women on the streets or ladies in the palace....."

At this moment, someone knocked on her door. It was different from the way Agnes would usually knock. Henrietta flashed a slightly surprised look, then quickly responded with a "Please come in."

The door opened and in came Queen Mother Marion and Prime Minister Mazarin. A rare sight for both of them to be visiting together.

"If there are things you need, I could have came to you immediately,"Henrietta said. The old but ever so beautiful Marion shook her head. Despite the fact that she was already in her forties, her appearance was just as dazzling as ten years ago. Her appearance had changed little since then.

"It’s nothing of importance. You are the Queen right now, it is of my duty to come to you for these matters."


How rare of Queen Mother to come see her for help. Marion looked at Mazarin standing still like a servant. After seeing him nod, Marion first kissed her daughter’s forehead."You seem to be thinner these days. Have you eaten well?"

"Yes, Mother. I eat some fruits at night. It helps keep me awake."

"Then you’re overworking yourself. You are too diligent. I suppose you turned like this because you want to manage everything personally."

What is Mother planning to do? In which manner should she respond? Just as she was pondering like so, Marion suddenly revealed her true intentions."Get married, Henrietta."

"Eh?"A response of surprise.

Marriage? Me?

The more doubt she showed on her face, the more firm Marion became."You have to choose a suitable husband."


This time, Mazarin spoke"The Queen Mother is correct, your majesty."

"Getting married..... first of all, am I not Queen?"

"Mhmm, which means he would become King. Of course, he would need to have a suiting title beforehand...... Listen, Henrietta. You act too extreme sometimes. You’re young, you sometimes lose control. This is what I am worried about. Are you not afraid of causing danger to yourself?"

Henrietta assumes she is referring to how she headed to Gallia alone some time ago. With a bit of strong emotions, she replied"But, that’s why I only brought one knight to accompany me to Gallia. Even if something went wrong, the only casualties would be us."

"What I am worried about not only includes you. What do you think a country without its king would be like? A never ending battle..... a civil war! I do not want Tristain to become just like Gallia, brother taking the throne then niece takes it back.... If even family could become like this, between power wielding nobles, I can daresay it will turn out even worse."

Henrietta remained silent. Her mother was considering what would happen if one day she is gone.

"Not only as a mother I am worried about your own safety, but as Queen Mother, Queen Mother of Tristain, I have to warn you. In case anything happens, give birth to a heir. This is what you have to do as the leader of the kingdom."

"From now on, I will definitely take good care of myself."Henrietta replied with an attitude implying "please take this matter back". Marion sighed.

"Prime Minister of the State, this would be difficult for me to say, could you convey it for me?"

"There is another objective to your majesty’s marriage."

Henrietta’s expression turned into slight confusion. Objective..... what originally should be a pair of lovers getting together, why would the word "objective" be here?

Regardless, she did not ridicule Mazarin’s strange choice of words. Henrietta was not a child anymore. She realized that her marriage had no purpose other than achieving political gains.

"Please continue."

"Then, forgive me for being so direct..... please do not get angry at this! Your majesty’s policy has induced a certain amount of dissent within some of your subjects."

"And ’some’ points to?"

"This I do not have information on. My informant kept his mouth very shut, naturally this implies he could hear very far, one may believe. I could not agree more so."

Henrietta sighed."So? Why do I have to get married?"

Marion could sense the irritation in her tone, therefore spoke with a disciplining voice"You have done a lot of unprecedented things already, not only did you venture into enemy territory, but also...."

Mazarin walked behind Marion."Very often use a team of knights with peasants."

Henrietta’s face turned faintly hotter."If there were more people who could trust me, things wouldn’t have turned out like this. Besides, do you know how much they have done for the country?"

As if instructing a naughty little child, Marion continued"This is not about the amount of contribution. Those so called ’old’ left-winged nobles, compared to anything else, value tradition far more. This is the thing that’s supporting their beliefs."

"Then I shall be the one to break the flawed tradition."

Mazarin coughed, then turned back towards Henrietta."Exactly that attitude of your highness, has caused a considerable amount of unrest within the nobles."

"Then bring those people here in front of me. I shall personally ask them, during the battles of Albion and Gallia, what have they done!"

Marion strengthened her voice"You wish for your throne to become unstable just like Gallia?"

"That is not of my intention. I.... I just want everything to be fair."

"If, you really think that way, we should first start turning enemies into friends."

"Enemies? Enemies you say? Of whom are these ’enemies’ refering to?"

"Enemies not only include those on the battlefields. In the court, there are enemies who will approach you smiling. Your highness should be already well aware of this. I dearly hope your highness will listen, for I only make opinions which help nurture your highness’s growth. Very regretfully, there are too few loyal companions that may be trusted. Exactly since the war has ended, you must therefore recruit more allies. Especially the ’old’ nobles who have been supporting the country to date. It is of much importance to bring them to your side. In politics, their assistance is indispensable."

Being cornered by the both of them, Henrietta hurried Prime Minister Mazarin with an attitude crying "amuse me"."....I understand. Since our topic is already here, do let tell me of your plans. Who should I be married to?"

"There are a few candidates."With a "slam", Mazarin piled a stack of documents onto the desk. Henrietta randomly chose some and began flipping the pages, her expressions growing darker as the number of pages flipped increased.

"Earl Ariel, Sire Ladomar...... even Earl Harold. These people, aren’t they all useless crap!?"

The family backgrounds of these people just named were perfect and had no flaws, but none of them can be deemed as useful.

"Useless, exactly. If they had more ambition who knows what they will plan to do."Mazarin said as if introducing the coup de grace.

To suppress the unrest between the nobles and getting married to one of them..... What Queen mother and the Prime Minister wanted was, in other words this exactly. The two of them are right in a sense.

"Other than this, there is..... about your highness’s special grant towards co-captain’s rise in title."

Henrietta was suddenly reminded of her weakness and hesitated."Cough, cough cough..... Is there an issue? Considering the number of things he has done in Gallia, a reward of that amount is by all means necessary."

"Bearing the insignia of a duke on his shoulders, seems to be a rather heavy burden."Mazarin commented as if sighing, fidgeting with his mustache.

"What are you talking about? Considering the amount of things he has done for our country, it is the bare minimum that he should be....."

"You are mistaken, Henrietta. The Prime Minister is merely worried about his safety. Granting a peasant the title of duke in such a short period of time, how much jealousy do you think he would be subjected to? Like what this wise man said just now, there are enemies in the court who approach you stealthily."

The sudden realization was a blow to Henrietta"That’s..."

"Whatever you do, remember not to over do it, do you understand? And, don’t forget about that as well."Only saying so much, Marion watched Mazarin take his leave. Henrietta also took a bow and kissed the back of Queen mother’s hand.

"You are doing very well. Just, don’t you forget, always be wary of your surroundings. The tasks of a King, all ends up in distributing and organizing, nothing more, nothing less. If things aren’t done carefully, you will only cause disputes everywhere."

By the time Saito and the others arrived at the Palace it was already 7 o’clock at night. With Agnes leading the way, Louise and Saito headed directly to Henrietta’s office.

On the other side of the door Henrietta seemed rather anxious. Every muscle of her tired, she sprawled over the chair. Despite so, as soon as she caught a glimpse of Saito and the others, her expressions immediately brightened, as if finally finding someone she can be true to.

"Welcome to my office. Come, take a seat. Although to welcome a national hero, this certainly does seem a little simple...."

Saito looked around. Certainly, Henrietta’s office was close to being empty. Except for desks and chairs, the rest are only bookshelves and candles, nothing more. Ever since all the furniture had been sold, it seems that there has been no changes made. Calling over servants, Henrietta instructed to bring forth red wine and delicacies prepared beforehand."I am really sorry, unlike the welcoming of the new Queen that Gallia had, this is hardly a comparison..... Right now we are really lacking money in the treasury. When I suggested having a small party in the courtyard, the finance minister was already pulling his hair out."

"We, we could not be more honored!"Louise exclaimed hurriedly. Saito also said exhaustedly,"Something as simple as this is perfect. I’ve already had enough of the crowd."

"Oh? Why is that?"After inquiring such, Agnes reported a rather fascinating and weird event about the disorder they’ve just had.

"Ho! You are saying there is now even a drama about Saito? Seems like you have become a new celebrity already, I am very proud of you."Henrietta laughed.

"This really isn’t anything funny. I can barely walk down a street in a straight line."Just as Saito was complaining with a rather displeased voice, the food were delivered. Though said money was tight, the food was nothing less than extravagant. Looks like even Henrietta agrees that a quiet place like this would be the best to express her gratitude towards Saito and Louise.

As the red wine and food are constantly emptied and refilled, soon the topic turned towards the war of Gallia.

"That was a horrifying fireball....."

Henrietta stuttered, unable to contain her feelings. Louise and Saito also began remembering the simply enormous fireball, then exchanged painful looks. One wrong step back then and they would have all been burnt to ashes in that devilish fire.

"A war with elves capable of harnessing such unimaginable magic, such foolish actions will never happen again in history."Henrietta concluded.

"I also think so", Louise nodded her head.

Henrietta gently put down her wineglass full of red wine. The smile on her face had already disappeared. Looks like they have arrived to today’s main topic. Saito and Louise both sat up straight.

"Right now, our most urgent matter is to prevent Gallia from being controlled like a puppet by Romalia."

Considering the same thing, Saito and Louise both nodded."I can’t imagine Tabitha could have done that sort of thing."

"Me neither. She is a friend of yours, right? That alone is enough to be described as trustworthy....... yet still, inexplicable things can happen to the contrary of everyone’s expectations."

"Then.... what are we to do?"

"I want the both of you to act as my Gallian diplomat."

Looks like what Henrietta is considering, is for them to act as the channel between Tristain and the Gallian Queen Tabitha. Certainly, there could not be a better choice other than them.

"Will you be able to handle it?"

How could there be any objections when the Queen has already suggested so. In fact, this was the work they were looking forward to.

"We happily agree."

"Perfect. And here I was concerned about what to do if you had refused. Well, I can’t let you relax just yet. The first task shall be attending the celebratory party of Gallia’s new coronation, basically."

After flashing her bright white teeth, Henrietta peacefully said"Next, before we get to Louise..... about the matter of Saito being a diplomat, I find your name too short."

"Really? And I thought Saito Chevalier De Hiraga was already long enough."From the perspective of a Japanese, that is very long indeed. It would definitely cause a lot of trouble for people making autobiographies.

"That’s because Saito is originally a peasant," Louise concluded as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"According to me, I believe we should lengthen that name just a little bit more."

Henrietta’s words made Louise widen her eyes. Not suspecting anything, Saito replied in confusion,"Eh? What? Lengthening the name like Hiraga Edmond something?"

"Y-your highness? That, that means.... That is, that, which, that...."Louise’s face turned red and was then drained of blood, her mouth opening and closing like a fish gasping for air. The impact of the news has made her mind disconnect with her body.

"That’s right. Granting him lands."Lands, only after hearing this did Saito inadvertently sprayed red wine over the table."What? What? Did you say lands! Lands!!"

Henrietta nodded affirmatively.

"Near the west side of Tristain, there is a piece of land called Ornières. Unfortunately, it is only a small 30 allubon sized land...."

30 allubons..... Saito stayed silent to conserve power for calculations inside his head. That’s almost about 10,000 square metres of land! Since ancient times, in the modern day Japan, how many people are able to own such a large piece of land.

"Small? Not small at all! That’s, that’s too wasteful!"Saito defended, but Henrietta’s expressions remained calm.

"Oh? Aren’t you searching for a residence anyway?"

Reminded of this topic, Louise blushed, Saito was even more frantic.

"What are you talking about! Sleep, wake up, stand, sit, eat, our room is more than enough already! I really don’t need a land large enough to build a hotel! Just imagine cleaning the place!"

"With exception of cleaning, can’t you give your people the rest of the tasks?"

With the questions being solved one after another, Saito quietly whispered to the Louise beside him,"People?"

"You really are thick headed, being granted lands means that you are the lord of those lands, you are the master of the castle."

"Master of the castle? M-me?"

"I also agree that this status seems out of place with you."So that’s what Louise was thinking about. Guiche became a Chevalier while Tiffania and herself became priests. Although she knew that the most contributing person, Saito, would not go unrewarded, this was entirely out of her expectations.

In addition, Saito being a landlord would seem just like a crude joke.

"Why would it seem out of place? If I were to really repay Saito’s contributions, this hardly seems even. In fact, I even originally considered giving Saito the rank of a Duke...."Then, as if considering it seriously, Henrietta sank further into her seat.

"Duke! That’s too much of a waste!"

"Therefore, I do not plan to put Saito in a position which draws jealousy easily. Let’s forget it this time. But still, this plot of land is rather valuable indeed. Although small, its actual revenue reaches as high as 12,000 ingots. There are vineyards at the bottom of the hills nearby, producing more than a hundred barrels of red wine a year."

Just the numbers were enough to make one faint. Although not exactly sure in actual value, already it seems like Saito has just become a billionare. 10,000 ingots were eye-popping already, not to mention a value higher than that. Each year!

"It’d be impossible for Saito to manage lands!"Louise said. Henrietta shrugged as if not a problem,"Oh? Couldn’t you just hire a manager? You could always live somewhere else and just leave all the tasks up to the manager. There’s lot of nobles who do it this way as well. In fact, I could introduce you to some excellent officers I know."

If Henrietta says so, then Louise has little left to counter. Certainly, numerous nobles give their lands to someone to handle, live in Tristainia and focus only on the fields of politics. As a matter of fact, there are plenty of nobles who have never set foot in their own lands. All they had to do was to set up a trusty manager, then sit back and wait for the money to roll in.....

"There’s a mansion you know. After graduating, wouldn’t it be nice to live there. Anyway, how does taking a tour first sound?"

Louise nodded to Henrietta’s suggestion. Looking to her side, Saito was already in the clouds, mumbling broken sentences."I am.... master of the castle....... what to do. What to......"

Louise kicked the Saito drifting off to la la land."Ow!"

"Her majesty is with us. Watch yourself."

Saito calmed down and tried thinking straight. Regardless of what’s said, lands is still....... Even just the title of Chevalier, Saito has already find it hard to bear....

Is this really okay?Saito questioned himself. He wasn’t the only one who did all the work; what about the Water Spirit Ondine Knights, Tiffania, even Louise..... Romalian generals, soldiers, everyone put in their own efforts, whether it’s a large or small effort. A war cannot be achieved by one person alone.

Of course, Romalia is another country. Louise should have been rewarded too, but..... it feels as if he was the only one commended for his actions, or so he thought."Hmm-, I just don’t feel worthy of it.... at least give something more to my mates, would that be possible?"Saito said. Henrietta seemed even more uninterested and added,"If so, then why don’t we take a share of your salary and give it to the knights, what do you think? As for how much exactly, I’ll leave it up to you."

Being answered so, Saito have even lost his chance to refuse. He looked at Louise, who gave him a "you’re hopeless" nod.

"....Alright. But, is this really fine?"

The numbers does seem a little overwhelming. So far, his yearly salary is around 600 ingots. That is a large amount already....., 12,000 ingots is far beyond imagination.

Henrietta stopped her hands in the middle of dining and turned towards Saito."If I am not able to do as little as that, it would dictate my conscience. Compared to other things, not repaying a debt is the thing I can least tolerate."

For a short moment, the eyes of Henrietta and Saito met. As if pressured by her looks, Saito turned his face away."I understand. I will gratefully accept it."

"Please do. Afterwards I will send someone with the documents over."

The dining continued...., but Louise mind was somewhere else.

Saito’s lands? Really?

There are two types of nobles. Feudal nobles with lands and those who serve the government through politics. Although in name both kinds are nobles, in reality, there’s a mountain of a difference. Politicians and generals only relying on salary seldom have much money. Even merchants on the streets are more likely to be richer.

But, as for nobles with lands, endless riches can be made. Most certainly, a couple dozen percentage of tax is imminent. Still, the revenue is humongous.

In short, Saito became an overnight millionare. Reminded of the words of innkeeper Scarron, Louise started to become uneasy.As soon as popularity rises, so does the people unpleasant to you.Just the fact of being praised as a hero on the streets have caused quite a number of nobles unhappy..... imagine how large of a jealousy would there be when the news of being granted lands spread?Have your highness considered about this?

At the same time, another sort of unease rose.

Don’t tell me.... her majesty.....Then shook her head. Didn’t Henrietta once say to her ,"Loneliness, little people of whom I can trust, this is certainly a great distress" those sort of words?

Therefore, this time there should also be no meaning other than "repaying a debt". Certainly, Henrietta didn’t seem to have any other sort of meanings behind this.

But... is that really so?

No matter how close their relationship, it is impossible to know what is really in the other’s mind.

"If only I knew of her inner thoughts."

Eventually, she unconsciously came to that.

Louise shook her head.Is Henrietta not my best friend? If I can’t trust even my best friend, what am I doing here?

Anyhow, Saito’s future has never seemed brighter. Throughout the long history of Tristain, a peasant boy being granted land is unprecedented. At least in the long history Louise is informed of.

As Henrietta have once described - a hero whose name will be passed on forever, this not a cliche anymore.

The more Saito seems to be shining, the more lonely Louise seems to be.

"A Saito like that, am I really fit to be with him?"

A legendary void user.... yet unable to use those spells with ease.

Unlike someone like her, wouldn’t a more superior woman be fit for Saito?

Considering what she has and what she does not, Louise felt as if she was the most unspectacular, smallest creature in the world.

"What’s wrong, Louise?"

Noticing Henrietta looking at her with a worried expression, Louise lifted her head"N-nothing! Boy, this red wine tastes excellent!"In panic, Louise raised the glass in front of her.

"After graduating, do you plan to get married?"

Louise stood up from her seat to immediately voice,"Eh? No, impossible! There’s no way that’s going to happen!"

"Is, is that so?"

"From the looks of it..... there’s no need to get married just because we’ll live together..... it’ll only be an extension of the situation now. Isn’t that obvious."

Hearing so, Saito drooped his shoulders out of disappointment.

No, I don’t mean that was what Louise wanted to say, but her thoughts just a while ago has stopped her from comforting so.

An awkward silence began to fall upon the room and the three of them stayed still.

Am I really the girl fit for Saito?

Can I make Saito happy?In the midst of this dense atmosphere, Louise continued contemplating these questions.

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