
Chapter 239

Chapter 239

“I think that human is likely only inflicted with a serious illness... There should be a doctor that’ll come and give him treatment,” said Priestess Oranka to Elder Safran with a quiet voice when she saw the scene of Professor Parker falling to the ground.

“I also... hope that is the case,” said Elder Safran.

Perhaps it was her misperception, Priestess Oranka actually heard a slight tremble in the voice of this aged Blackwood Elf elder...

Elder Safran was afraid of something!

Priestess Oranka was able to guess what Elder Safran was afraid of... the direction at which the movie will proceed.

The direction where the owner of Hachi, Professor Parker, dies.

Unknowingly, Priestess Oranka began to pray to the Holy Tree Narushi. She prayed for the safety of the professor in the movie.

She was praying for a fictional character in a movie?

When Priestess Oranka realized what she was doing, she felt her behavior to be very childish.

But, she soon discovered that she was not the only one acting in such a manner. The other elven priestesses seated beside her were no longer smiling. Instead, they all had very serious expressions on their faces.

“Mister Joshua... that professor is only sick, right? Hachi will be able to see his owner’s return, right...?”

Priestess Oranka could hear Gallolei speaking to Joshua. But, Joshua did not offer Gallolei any spoilers. The Flower of Farucci could only wait for the following development anxiously.

Yawning sounds could no longer be heard in the screening theater. Even the quiet discussions people were making had disappeared.

It was as if everyone was praying for Hachi’s owner, Professor Parker. They prayed for his safe return to Hachi’s side.

But, the movie ended up developing in the direction that Priestess Oranka and Elder Safran least wished to see.

That day, Professor Parker did not return to the stage station. He did not return home with Hachi who has been waiting for him the entire time.

Late into the night, Professor Parker’s son-in-law finally came to the stage station riding a carriage and brought Hachi back home.

Immediately after, the scene shifted to Professor Parker’s funeral. It seemed like the movie was telling the audiences that Hachi’s owner died.

“An outcome within expectations. Human lifespan is short. But, it’s been a long time since I’ve grieved over the death of a human.”

Elder Safran relaxed his clenched fists. It seemed like he had accepted the reality.

“It’s about time... for this story to end,” murmured Priestess Oranka with a quiet voice.

After the death of Hachi’s owner Professor Parker, Hachi was adopted by Parker’s son-in-law and brought to live with them. With this, Hachi now possesses a different warm home.

Perhaps this could be considered a happy ending too.

But, once again, the progression of the movie exceeded Priestess Oranka’s expectations. Suddenly, Hachi ran out of Professor Parker’s son-in-law’s house and onto the street...

“Hachi... where’s he going?”

Priestess Oranka heard Gallolei’s quiet questioning voice. Her voice was already slightly sobbing.

Elder Safran answered Gallolei on behalf of Priestess Oranka...

“I think that, to the field hound ‘Hachi,’ there will forever only be a single home...”

When Elder Safran said those words, his voice sounded very downcast. It seemed like he was trying very hard to resist some sort of emotion.

Surprised, Priestess Oranka turned around to look at the old elf elder. With the Blackwood Elves’ outstanding night vision, she was able to see a slight sparkling liquid at the corners of Elder Safran’s eyes. Those were tears...

Even when the Blackwood Forest was burned, Elder Safran did not shed a single tear.

Priestess Oranka felt the urge to remind Elder Safran that he was only watching a fictional story created by humans!

But, when she saw Hachi running through the piled up snow and back to the stage station, returning back to the same spot before the shrubs to quietly watch the crowd coming and leaving the stage station, Priestess Oranka felt some sort of emotion choking in her throat.

Perhaps this was the terrifying aspect about movies. Priestess Oranka continued to remind herself that what she’s seeing was not real.

But, she was still unable to suppress the urge in her heart. She wanted to run to the Klia Stage Station to inform Hachi that his owner, the person he’s waiting for, will never return.

But, on the screen, someone has already informed Hachi that sad truth. Yet, Hachi continued to sit before the stage station, quietly waiting.

“I bet that field hound will only be able to last for two days at most. Once that man uses a sausage to lure him, he’ll leave obediently,” whispered someone in the audience.

Even though Priestess Oranka detests humans using their own values to weigh animals’ loyalty, she actually hoped that someone would use a sausage to lure away Hachi.

It was currently winter in the movie. There was a snow flurry in the sky. Sitting before the shrubs, Hachi’s fur was being covered by the snow. A lonely expression was present on his face. Seeing him like that, many people felt sympathetic.

Stop waiting. He won’t return.

Priestess Oranka felt like she could hear the shouts from the hearts of the people around her. Or perhaps those were shouts from deep within her own heart.

Regretfully, Hachi was not lured away by a sausage. No one attempted to adopt him again either. Ever since that day, the field hound has continued to sit before the shrubs waiting for his owner’s return.

“The tree... had wilted. Time has passed,” said Elder Safran.

A tree behind where Hachi would always be has gradually wilted. After that, new sprouts grew on the branches. The movie was using that sort of method to show the rapid passage of time to the audiences.

Finally, the movie screen gradually blackened.

“Is it finally... the end?”

Priestess Oranka leaned onto her chair. She no longer dared to guess what would happen next. If the movie was to end here, it would at least leave some suspense in her heart.

She stubbornly cling onto the belief that the field hound will be adopted by a kind soul. Unfortunately, her hopes were crushed once more.

The screen brightened again. The same village appeared on the screen. Professor Parker’s wife arrived at the village on a carriage. Through her viewpoint, Priestess Oranka could tell that ten years had passed.

When Professor Parker’s wife walked out of the stage station, she saw a familiar sight.

“Impossible...” Someone gasped softly.

But, the truth was before them. Ten years have passed. Yet, that field hound by the name of Hachi... was still sitting before the shrubs waiting for his owner’s return.

Time had left too many vestiges on his body. His fur was no longer luster and covered in stains. His appearance has also grown much more haggard.

“Perhaps a miracle will happen in the end?” murmured Priestess Oranka.

There exists magic in this world that could bring the dead back to life. Apart from necromancies that people loathed, there were also rare miracles.

Finally, the story approached its end. On a snow-filled night, Hachi staggered to the stage station. He arrived before the shrubs but no longer had the strength to sit. Laying on the floor, his eyes narrowed.

Perhaps he had grown too tired.

His memories of his days living with his owner began to flash through his mind. When he opened his eyes again, a miracle really occurred!

His owner, Professor Parker, slowly walked out from the stage station. With a smile, Professor Parker called out to Hachi. With excitement, Hachi leaped to Professor Parker... It was like how it has always been.

“Elder Safran, is that Hachi’s dream? Or is it the reality...?” Gallolei covered her mouth. Her eyes were completely reddened. As she was crying, her voice was choking with emotions. Even breathing became difficult for her.

“That... should be a dream...”

“It’s a miracle!”

Priestess Oranka suddenly interrupted Elder Safran. Surprised, Elder Safran turned to look at her. He discovered that this aged priestess actually had a terrifying expression... one of absolute determination. It seemed like if Elder Safran was to refute her, he would bring forth a terrifying outcome.

“That field hound must’ve managed to wait till his owner’s return!” said Priestess Oranka.

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