
Chapter 70 20

They moved as though being controlled by some force and their aura held no intent to harm him in anyway. It was as though they were answering their mother\'s call.

"Hmm, I can also do that to non-allied troops" Kingsley noted

Several seconds later, all the wyverns were hovering in front of Kingsley in a surprisingly well-structured line. At this point, it was very clear that they were under the influence of Kingsley\'s power. Kingsley seeing this had a simple smile on his face before he moved on to the most important of the experiment.

"Evolve!" Kingsley commanded with his hand out

As soon as his voice fell, a heavy aura fell on the entire group as a massive red beam came out from the sky and soon the wyverns began to writhe around in pain but somehow still remained in the air.

"Is this how evolution is normally done?" Kingsley asked surprised by the turn out of events.

The red beam continued for a few minutes before it disappeared but within the beam, Kingsley could see each Wyvern growing several more meters in height and sprout an extra set of legs from its chest. The Wyverns were becoming dragons and from the looks of things, they were turning into dragons of various elements. Some of them were Green some black, others white.

Kingsley had naturally not come in contact with any dragon like them so he didn\'t know what element but since a dragon\'s element is decided by the colour of their scales, he could at least tell that they were of different elements.

Their transformation, however proved that he could do it without the evolution crystal. This was just an experiment to convince his mind that he didn\'t need as much external help tp do most things. The evolution crystal was a subconscious creation of his, he hadn\'t even thought of simply wishing for Viktor to be evolved to his limit, he had just created an item with said capability.


"Your majesty, the unknown creatures were spotted by our scouts again but this time, they were headed here though stopped after they reached a certain distance" a voice reported

"Excellent job, Y\'jun, your team has kept us informed ever since the appearance of this new creatures" a majestic female voice responded

"Your Majesty, this has been left for too long, Y\'jun\'s men already spotted them heading towards our home... give them even more time and those demonic beings will find us" an elderly voice stated with a bit of anger in his voice

"I understand your anger, Council man but these creatures have not directly attacked us in any way… the monster waves that attacked us were clearly not from them as Y\'Jun had once reported even they, fight against them" the majestic voice responded

"But your majesty, these attacks only begun after they appeared, it is clear that they had some sort of connection to the attacks"

"Enough! Custos, I know your sword hungers for blood but I would like to remind you that war is an incredibly damaging venture… whether they have a connection to it or not does not give us or any of the kingdoms, the right to attack. Our Silva Empire will remain neutral" The woman shouted in anger

"I am sorry, my queen" the council man said with a clear apologetic tone

"Don\'t apologize, you are only worrying about the welfare of our nation"

"Then if I may Mother, how about sending a team of diplomats to meet with these new creatures to see whose side they are on" a younger but just as majestic voice resounded in the room, making the entire place silent

"If this is your latest plan to leave the castle then it wouldn\'t work but yes, that is indeed an excellent plan… Custos, will that be possible?" The Queen asked turning away from her daughter

"As long as they are accompanied by my men then I see no problems with that" The Council man answered

"That is excellent and also arrange for a security detail for Elana, don\'t let her out of your sight" The queen commanded

"Yes, my Queen"

"Mother!!" The princess called out in annoyance

"Yes, my dear" the woman answered graciously knowing what she had done as the princess left the hall in anger

"Y\'Jun, continue your watch over their territory, should they make a move against us before the diplomats arrive, I should be informed first, do you understand" The Queen said

"As you wish, your majesty"

"Good, you\'re dismissed" she said as the spy slowly faded out of existence

The woman remained alone in the massive all that was only occupied by her large wooden throne as she looked through that various windows to see her people beneath. Seeing them go about their daily lives, a smile blossomed on her face.


Inside the massive forest, a demon goblin team could be seen standing in wait before a massive village. Multiple snipers could be seen with their weapons trained towards the village.

"What do you see?" The captain of the team asked while kneeling beside one of the snipers

"The tribe seems peaceful for the time being, are you sure attacking them is the right choice sir?" The sniper asked

"The Orcs are a seemingly peaceful group when amongst their kind, look further down, you will surely find some captives of war" The captain said

The Sniper hearing the captain\'s words did as he was asked and soon a large cage made entirely of wood could be seen. In it were various creatures of different kinds, most notable amongst them were the tall humanoid pale green creatures with long pointed ears that occupied most of the cages.

"They have captives" the sniper reported

"Typical Orcs" The captain said as he stood up from the spot

"Captain, we have the clear to proceed, capture the Orcs and if the captives are sentient enough, bring them back too" a demon goblin said as she approached their location

"You hear that, spread out, we\'re going in!" The captain said while waving his hand towards the village.

Under his command the lax environment immediately livened up as the demon goblins equipped their weapons and got ready for combat, the snipers spread out to get all angles and have their sights on everything going on in the village.

"Everything is set, sir" a goblin reported nearly 30 minutes later.

"Alright, we\'re moving in…. Remember, be silent until it\'s no longer possible" The captain ordered through the transmitter

With that the soldiers began finding their way into the village, the snipers took out any Orcs that were on patrol to avoid any mishaps that would alert the tribe. The Soldiers, each equipped with a modified silencer that actually silenced the gunshots, shot at every Orc that seemed capable of posing a threat.

An hour later, only the center area of the massive village remained. They had either knocked out or killed every creature they came across… the goblins had the capability to attack without any of the stealth and win but that would mean that every Orc in the village would be dead.

"What are they doing?" A demon goblin asked through the transmitter

"Celebrating obviously, there are more females amongst the captives than males so you should be able to guess why" another answered

"Well, their celebration would be ending in a minute, Sniper team get ready" The captain replied with a clear grin on his face

Soon the entire crew saw one of the much larger Orcs in the crowd flying backwards involuntarily with a small hole in his head as an extremely hushed explosion was heard. Several other large Orcs followed him as they all laid on the ground without moving any further, their lives ended with just a quick shot to the head.

First a few moments of silence were held as the Orcs tried to understand what had happened. Several seconds later, panic ensued as the Orc villagers began running around in hysteria, their Chiefs were God to them, now they were on the ground. These were the people they had believed to be invincible now they were dead.


Several unsuppressed gunshots were heard immediately dwarfing all the screams and shouts returning all the Orcs back to default setting. Fear overwhelmed them since they didn\'t understand where the strange enemy came from and how they had gotten there.

With their chief and stronger warriors dead, they knew they were completely defenseless against these strange invaders. They could easily tell that the invaders had something to do with it but the law of the jungle was deeply rooted in them that they could nothing else except stand and watch in fear.

"We are incredibly sorry for intruding in your celebration but we need you all to come with us and as you can see, we aren\'t asking!" The captain shouted with a wide grin on his face

The Demon felt no remorse or even emotion seeing the scared look on the Orc children, it was simply here to capture the village according to the orders of His King and didn\'t care about anything else. Under his command, the other Demon Goblins began rounding up the Orcs and their captives who were surprisingly treated more humanely than the Orcs themselves.

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