
Chapter 248 - Not A Demon Anymore, And You Are A Good Guy

“Well, I guess this is what you call a real party!” Mex said with a laugh that made me roll my eyes.

I ignored Mex and walked over to the girls to check on them. They all seemed okay, but two of them didn’t at the time and had been screaming.

“Are you girls okay?” I asked, looking over them in the new clothes, but Nushi was the one that spoke up.

“They are okay, go do what you need to! Shoo! We have the girls, and Hydie made them new clothes, so go finish with Candace and Missy. Also, go eat!” Nushi growled at me as the air started to charge.

I grinned and then spun on my heel, walking back over to Mex and Candace. The two were still waiting for me, but they were both drinking from large metal mugs.

“Well, that was quite the display, but you are really becoming quite the adept with your Shamanic power and your Elemental control! I might have to start learning from you now! To think, four days ago, you would show up on my doorstep! Ha!” Mex said heartily and then poured the rest of his drink down his throat.

“You will be coming with me! From now on, you will be coming out with me and training!” I told Mex, and his eyes went in wide with surprise, and then I asked, “What’s in the cup? Are you holding out?”

“You deal with this one, and I will go talk to Clesh about getting us some of her special fermented nectar!” Mex said as he gently pushed Candace towards me and then walked past me, slapping my shoulder.

I shook my head as he passed but then walked up to Candace. She looked nervous, but I gave her a warm smile.

“No need to be worried, there really isn’t much to it, but I just want to ask you some questions first. I think that me having a better understanding of your skill will help the change go over smoothly,” I explained to Candace, and she nodded slowly.

“It’s not going to hurt, will it?” Candace asked in a quiet and shy voice.

“Didn’t you ask Veronica about what happened?” I asked in confusion.

“I, umm, hadn’t talked to Veronica much, except for when Mex was taken, and then it was just about him. I guess that I was a bit jealous of her, even though she had just gotten what I had always had and she wanted. Stupid that I couldn’t just be happy for her,” Candace said as she looked down with a disappointed look.

“Not everything goes as we want it to, but you should be happy for your sister. Though I do understand you and your sister went through the same thing with you and Mex. Now, the two of you will be the same, and I think that you should try to spend more time with each other,” I explained to Candace, and she smiled at me.

“You know, I never thought that the man that had made me so mad would be giving me the advice to spend more time with my older sister. You really are something special, and I can see why she has fallen for you so deeply. Mex is lucky he is such a good guy, or I might be asking to join you and my sister,” Candace said with a confident smile, and I smiled at her.

“Well, I think that you know what you want, but is there anything that you want to be better at that you are good at already?” I asked as my final question before I confirmed taking Candace in.

“No, Just to change like my sister. I have all I need with Mex, and he seems different after being around you so much. Just a basic change is fine,” Candace said, and I smiled up to her as she burst with light.

“Good thing I am not too bad of a Demon!” Mex said as he walked up beside me, bumping my shoulder as Candace shrunk down.

I looked over, and Mex handed me a mug like his while using his other arm and cup to block the light. I took the drink from him and grinned.

“You are not a Demon anymore, and you are a good guy. Now go spend some time with your woman, and let me go eat!” I said as the light faded from Candace.

She had shoulder-length Green hair, but very similar to Veronica, just a smaller chest. Still, Mex lit up when he saw her, and I turned to leave them, but then Mex stopped me.

“Wait, can I talk to you for a minute? I know you are busy, but just hear me out!” Mex exclaimed as he pulled me off the side.

I wanted to groan, but it was Mex, so it wasn’t going to hurt to listen.

“What’s up?” I asked after Mex finished pulling me to the side of the Keep and out of sight from everyone.

Mex gave me a hug that surprised me, but I returned it. It was short, and Mex cleared his throat after.

“Sorry, but I really want to thank you for everything that you have done for me and everyone. So far, you have done everything that I was trying to do, even though I knew that I would. On top of it all, I am no longer a Demon, and I can be with a woman that I love!” Mex exclaimed, and I shrugged.

“You gave me a chance, even though I could have just been like the other heroes. Still, I am glad I met you, and we are going to have a good time when we get off this island!” I said with a laugh and slapped his shoulder and started to turn, but Mex spoke up again.

“That brings me to the reason I brought you over here. Clesh and I have officially separated, and Nixi even sanctioned it. You could have, but I thought you might find that strange, and Nixi was actually willing to do it,” Mex explained to me, and I grinned.

Twist my rubber arm! Time to pull out my ax-cessory to take this family tree down!

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