
Chapter 422  Immortal Desires: Seducing the Nine Generations of

This world was Earth or something in the splitting image of it, and I was in the middle of a burning city that was being attacked. The invaders were nine summoned Demoness, each more powerful than the next. When this first happened, I had been hit with a beam of radiant light, and a voice told me that I was the only one that could save this world.

In my normal thoughts, the plot sounded cheesy, but something told me that I was going to like this last round of training even more than the last four! All I had to do now was...

"You! Puny mortal! Bow to your new ruler!" A familiar voice demanded from behind me, and I turned around with a smirk.

"Nushi, First Sovereign and Last Daughter! I bow to no demon! Now, prepare to be sent back to the Shadow Realm!" My voice said on its own with the intensity of every protagonist with a hero complex. It looked like I didn\'t get to make my own lines up this time, but my body was still mine, and it was time to fuck, I mean to fight this demon!

I lunged forward, summoning Grogvel\'s strength to greet Nushi with a powerful punch. Instead of a hit connecting, I found myself stumbling through smoke, only to emerge on the other side without connecting with anything.

Before I could react, lightning hit me, coursing through every cell in my body, sending me flying. I caught myself before hitting the ground, landing on my feet, but my body twitched as I slid back. Looks like I was going to have to put in some extra effort if I wanted to get my rewards!

Summoning the force of Wataluga, I called upon a surge of water which rushed forward and extinguished the fires around me. If I was going to battle in this city-turned-battlefield, the least I could do was minimize the damage.

But even as I prepared my counterattack, I had a gut feeling that going all out would not resolve this clash. After all, this was Dank\'s world, and his understanding of conflict resolution was skewed toward... unconventional methods.

Remembering that sexual endurance training with Kali, an idea sprang to mind. If Nushi was a lover of being tied up and having rough sex, there might be a chance at persuasion or distraction; an original way to \'conquer\' her.

Just as I planned my new tactics, a cyclone crackling with electricity sprung up, heading directly for me. In the face of the surging cyclone, I cast Wataluga\'s water wall in front of me, hoping to diffuse the electrical attack. As the cyclone hit the wall, steam filled the air around me, creating a dense fog that blocked my view.

Through the thick steam, I heard Nushi’s voice ring out once again. "You dare to defy me? You puny mortal!"

I braced myself for her next attack but instead felt a wave of heat roll over me. The temperature within the smoke-ridden space had increased drastically, and sweat began to trickle down my forehead. It was almost as if—

There was a sound like crackling fire, and then a figure emerged from the thick fog. Nushi, First Sovereign, and Last Daughter floated before me, her body radiating heat strong enough to vaporize the mist surrounding her.

"Would you like to... feel the heat?" She asked, stretching one hand towards me. A small ring of yellow flame sprung to life in her palm, growing rapidly into a spiraling hurricane of fire. She launched it toward me with a malevolent smirk on her face. With no option left, I braced myself.

But just as the inferno was about to engulf me, something else took over. Fireden\'s Pact had activated, seeming to sense my dire predicament. My own fires coursed through me, strengthening my endurance against the extreme heat as I drew the heat into me.

Nushi looked surprised for a moment as the inferno around me dissipated, her attack completely nullified. I stood amidst the steaming fog, untouched and defiant.

"Didn\'t expect that, did you?" I taunted with a smirk. Now it was time to shift from defense to offense. While my elemental powers were proving effective in defending against Nushi, I knew my next move would require a combination of more...lustful tactics.

I almost felt like cheating using this power, but it had been so long since I had really let myself go. With a great sigh, I let go of my presence that I always kept hidden inside of me, and directed it directly at Nushi\'s Pelvis. She stood no chance. The moment that my Orgasmora hit her, Nushi\'s body seized up and started to shake as her body was hit with orgasm after orgasm.

Her surprise was cut off as a loud, erotic cry rang out in the eerie silence that followed her failed attack. Her body suddenly convulsed, seemed to freeze in place, eyes wide and mouth partly open as an incredibly powerful energy wave hit her.

To my surprise, she didn\'t fall or attempt any countermove, but instead, her body began to tremble wildly, transcending into some hypnosis-like state. The fact that she managed to stay conscious, though her body obviously seized up with multiple orgasms, only reinforced how strong Nushi\'s physical constitution was.

"I... I had not..." her words trembled out between heavy pants and low whimpers of pleasure, "...expected this.. either."

The ruthless and near-indomitable demon leader was gasping for breath, shaking from 14:03

head to toe due to the effects of Orgasmora. The sight was somewhat shocking, but it also caused me to chuckle quietly, lending some relaxation to my tense muscles. Moving past my initial surprise, I stepped forward, my every action exuding dominance.

"Nushi...you underestimate the powers vested in me," I declared, trying my best not to laugh as I watched her struggle, "I too can make you fall on your knees."

Seizing this moment, I moved ahead, drawing closer to her. Now would be the time to strike - although with a different form of \'attack\'. "First Sovereign and Last Daughter," I called out to her, "allow me to introduce myself properly."

With that, I reached out toward her, the stark anticipation of what would come next paused the world around us. As soon as my hand grazed her arm, she winced a little but made no resistance. It appears that perhaps forcefully conquering her – with pleasure rather than might– was indeed the correct approach.

As I gradually leaned close and pressed my lips against hers, breaking the hypnotic silent tension between us, Nushi let out a soft moan. One soft push and she was on the ground again, unable to support herself while experiencing a rush of sexual pleasure like never before.

As my hand slid up her quivering thighs towards her core, Nushi gasped beneath me. But she didn\'t object or push me away; in fact, the moan that escaped her seemed more of a plea for more. I took that as my cue to deepen the kiss and continue exploring her body.

I was taken by surprise at how well her body responded to mine despite the unexpected circumstances. The raw desire between us sparked hotter than any fire magic she could summon, and I found myself getting lost in pleasuring the powerful demoness underneath me.

Attentive to each twinge against my touch, I carefully explored her delectable curves while managing to keep the pleasure coursing through her with my Orgasmora ability. My hands roamed her boiling skin, feeling the scorching heat beneath her blue glowing flesh, until at last, they reached their destination.

Maintaining eye contact, I slipped past her wet folds and immediately started working on her core with skilled precision, eliciting deep throaty moans that had the satisfaction of victory woven within them. Nushi\'s muscular back curled upwards, pressing her body and breasts closer to me as she submitted to her overwhelming pleasure.

Lost in our passionate encounter, I worked on her sultry frame relentlessly, orchestrating a symphony of touches and kisses that made her buck under me. The soft, wet squelching filled the air and amplified the intensity of our union. As I finally mounted her and was pressing my shaft into her wet lips, a new Demoness formed around us.

Clesh, Nushi’s mother!


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