
Chapter 104 What Is That Big Thing?!

The two of us jumped off the side as the other girls dismounted. The world around me was lit up with what seemed like fairy lights, and I could hardly believe it was once a large city.

"Firaga, and you will have to go ahead. We are going to store the clones, and then we will meet you back in the Great tree that was once your apartment," Melody told me as the big cats started to wander off.

"Sounds like a plan. I will take Firaga to find her a place to get set up, then I will go find Katie. I don\'t know if I will make it home tonight, but we can all meet up in the morning," I said, and the girls nodded, and all jumped towards the nearest Great Tree.

That left Firaga and me.

"Are you ready to go pick a spot for your new home and shop?" I asked, turning to Firaga, and she nodded with a tired smile.

"Sure, but I will set up shop tomorrow. I can normally stay up for a day or two at a time, but today really took it out of me," Firaga laughed as she walked over to my side.

"Then let me be the one to give you a lift this time," I said, picking her up into my arms.

"Sure, I won\'t say no to that," Firaga said with a smile, and I grinned back as roots burst from my body.

The long roots flung us into the air, sucking back in as my wings simultaneously burst from my back. I had missed this feeling, but now I could really see the dramatic changes over the landscape.

​ "I have memories of times when I fought with the Heroes, but I have never seen something like this. You don\'t care what happens, as long as it happens the way you want. Some might see that as a fault, but I think that is what is going to bring this all to an end," Firaga told me as we weaved through the trees.

"That is true, but I don\'t see another way of doing things. I can\'t save everyone, and some refuse to take the offered help, even if it comes with stipulations. I am not asking the world to bend a knee, only to stand shoulder to shoulder. I won\'t force anyone to do anything, but I also won\'t let people come in and hurt those that are protected by the forest," I said, and Firaga nodded.

"You have the power to tame the world, and I believe that you will succeed. The question is whether or not we can stop the AI from running away?" Firaga asked as I flew past the hospital Great Tree, which was also Sofia\'s laboratory.

I could sense that Sofia, Orphus, Gaia, and Grayson were all in the tree, but everyone else had been relocated. I was interested in getting inside that tree and seeing what they were cooking up; that was basically our R&D department.

"If anyone can figure that out, it will be Sofia. She is over in that tree and is working on developing new technologies from my System. You should consider going to talk with her and share your ideas," I said, pointing to Sofia\'s R&D Great Tree; that name had a better ring to it!

"Sure, but if that is the case, we should put my shop near or attached to it. That sounds like a place I will spend a lot of time in. divided between my own shop, of course. I have some new abilities thanks to you and me having sex and my System Level increasing, and I am interested in trying them out," Firaga explained as I swooped down towards the R&D Great Tree.

"If we are going to stop them from leaving, we will need to get out to the Hiveship, but we don\'t know where it is yet," I explained as we landed, putting Firaga down.

"Some were outside of this planet\'s atmosphere. It will be orbiting the planet at about sixty thousand miles, but it will be hidden," Firaga explained, and I nodded.

"That is a good start, but I am sure with Sofia\'s help and other smart people, we can figure out how to find it. If it is in orbit, it should have to emit something to be able to keep it like that, or earth\'s gravity would pull it in," I explained, and Sofia nodded.

"I don\'t think you will be able to track it like that, but I understand what you mean. More people thinking about a problem get it solved faster," Firaga said, and I nodded.

"Okay! Let\'s get you a nice place built, but first! Picture the type of house that you want. Don\'t worry about how crazy it is; just hold the image in your mind!" I explained, getting excited.

Firaga nodded and closed her eyes as I prepared to let the trees act on her behalf. I wondered just what kind of strange and fantastic building she would draw from her mind.

Slowly, a rectangular building grew from the ground, attaching itself to the R&D Great Tree with a walkway on the third floor of the block-like building. The building was large with big windows, but it was just a big block.

"Is this what you envisioned?" I asked, and Firaga opened her eyes to look at the building.

"Yes, but I will have to see the inside. There should be three floors with a small bedroom on the top floor. The connection to the Great Tree looks good as well! Thank you very much!" Firaga said, walking over to me.

"Not really what I was expecting, but I guess you probably like things to be efficient. At least you have lots of room, and if you need more, the building will expand and change at your will. Mr. Tree can even help you with things, plus you have full use of your clones if you need them," I explained, and Firaga gave me a hug that I returned.

"You are really a strange person, but I am glad that I met you. I really hope that we can stop all this and prevent the other from getting away. If they leave, all the AI will be pulled from this planet," Firaga explained.

"That is another reason we need to get up there and disable the Hiveship. If we can bring it to the ground here on earth, it will never be able to leave again. We will all work as hard as we can to bring everyone together to work on this project. After that, it will just be a matter of seeking them out and collecting them," I explained, and we broke apart.

"I believe you, but I am sure you are starting to get tired as well," Firaga giggled, and I grinned with a shrug.

"Nothing that a good bath can\'t take care of, but now I have to find Katie. Have a great sleep, and I will see you at some point tomorrow," I said and then kissed Firaga before jumping up into the air, flapping my wings.

I climbed into the air, watching Firaga get smaller, smiling as I thought about just how far everything had come. In three days, my world had changed dramatically, and it was going to keep on changing, but it looked like I was going to get some breathing room for a while.

I tracked Katie and grinned when I sensed where she was as I glided around the trees. I could see the giant green dome ahead of me, and I knew that she was waiting down there for me.

I angled down to fly down to the ground where Katie was jumping and waving at me. When I landed, she ran over and jumped in my arms as my wings retracted, almost knocking me over.

"Did you really build this for me?! I have been watching it grow while I waited for you to come back, but when it was done, I felt like it was mine! What is this big thing?!" Katie exclaimed, and I kissed her.

"This is like a Ninja Ironman course that constantly changes. Think of it as a massive obstacle maze course! Let\'s walk to the center to start off, and I can show you your house. Only you and I will ever be able to reach it, so other people can use the course. I figured you would like to be near something like this since you love to train so much," I explained, putting Katie down.

"Does this mean that you are finally going to come and take advantage of me? I need to be able to train with Marley, but she is so damn strong now! Not fair, I introduced you two!" Katie said in a mock pout, and I scooped her up with a grin.

"Why do you think we are going to look at the house first and not the course? Silly woman, but don\'t ask me to put you in a wheelchair!" I laughed, and Katie giggled.

"Your right; wheelchairs are for lightweights! I wanna have to be wheeled out on a stretcher!" Kaite giggled, and I rolled my eyes.

"You women are all crazy, but I love each one of you. Now, let go, umm, check out your new bedroom. We can, you know, test out that bed and such," I joked, and Katie pointed forward.

"Shut up and take me home already!" Kaite ordered, and I laughed, jumping back into the air as my wings burst out again, and the green sphere opened up.

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