
Chapter 164 Like A Son

That night continued with more fun, and before we knew it, Sofia\'s image popped into my view.

"Are you going to grace me with your presence today, or are you going to keep pounding the world? Did you even look at the list that is sent over, Papi?!" Sofia demanded, and I grinned.

"Hermosa, Gaia told me all about your list, so don\'t worry. Sorry, we seemed to have lost track of time, but we are heading over right now," I said, and Sofia nodded and closed the screen.

"She seems quite animated this morning," Gaia giggled as we got up off the moss mound.

"I think that she needs some of my time, but I am only one person," I said with a sigh as clothes wrapped around my body.

"Well, you don\'t need me to come with you, and maybe you and Sofia should spend some time together. She is one of the hardest-working girls you have and is always trying to further your goals. I think if anyone deserves some attention from you, then it would be Sofia," Gaia said with a smile as she lay back down.

That was true, Sofia put in a lot of effort and work every day, and she had been the first person that I had given a System. She was integral to all my plans, so it might be best if I spend the day with her today. Things have always been short with her since we met, in more than one way," I chuckled as I leaned down to kiss Gaia goodbye.

"Yes, that does sound like a good plan, and then you should go spend the night with the girls. I know that you have a lot to get down, but you have help or can create it. You just need to point more people in the right direction," Gaia said, and I nodded.

"I will try to do that. What are your plans for the rest of the day?" I asked as I stood up.

"You made this body sore and tired, so I think that I will have a short nap and then go soak after that. Then I am going to go check on all the animals that Orphus brought in last night, and check to see if they are all in good health," Gaia explained, and I nodded.

"Alright, I will talk to you later," I said as I headed to the elevator.

"Don\'t be a stranger! I really enjoyed last night and will be waiting for the next night that you return for more," Gaia said with a sensual smile that made me wish that I wasn\'t leaving.

The elevator door closed and started moving up as I leaned back and closed my eyes. That had been an amazing night, and Gaia\'s cries of pleasure were still echoing in my mind.

Now it was time to switch gears and focus on the list Gaia had read off to me. The names weren\'t as important as the talents that they possessed and the System that Sofia had suggested for them. Some of them made more sense than others, but I was sure that Sofia had reasons for picking them.

The elevator opened up to the lowest part of my Great tree, and I was pulled out to what used to be the front entrance of my apartment building. Now, the landscape was unrecognizable compared to the concrete jungle that was replaced by lush green grass and an unending forest panorama.

"Daniel!" Darius called to me, and I turned to see the young man run up to me.

I almost had not recognized Anya\'s father, but I couldn\'t forget the rough voice that didn\'t really seem to change much as he got younger.

"You! As if you told your daughter that Hyperion was a good book for a first movie!" I growled, and Darius burst out in laughter.

"Ha! That is what you get for making me read the entire Magic of Xanth series!" Darius laughed.

"Hey! Don\'t bash Piers Anthony! That man is a god when it comes to bad puns! Bink\'s tale would have been far better as a movie! Ha! There are so many books we could make a daily showing for more than two months!" I laughed, and Darius rolled his eyes.

"Most people couldn\'t make it past the fifth book for all the puns! Plus, the story is always the same! Every book is going to ask that grumpy wizard, Humphry, for an answer that sends them on some strange quest!" Darius complained.

"That is the best part! You get to go through the lives of everyone, and their kids, and their kid\'s kids! Anyways, what are you up to right now?" I asked, and Darius shrugged.

"Just getting some fresh air. Pretty easy to get lost in the library with all the moving parts, so I wanted to get out for a bit. Mornings are always nice in the forest, and there is a pretty woman that I have been going for walks with. We happen to run into each other quite often, so it has been making me get out more," Darius Chuckled, and I grinned at him.

"A lady friend? Very nice. Are you two getting serious? Have you told Anya yet?" I asked, and Darius turned away.

"No, and she can be the one to tell her," Darius said, and I barked out a laugh.

There was one of Anya\'s friends, Karly, who was a cute bookworm, just like Anya, that Darius had been somewhat close to. I remembered her always coming into the bookshop to talk to Darius about books and ask him questions, but it never went farther than that.

"So, now that you are younger, you can finally pursue Karly? Good for you!" I said, slapping his shoulder.

"Still feels a bit strange, but the two of us get along so well that it doesn\'t bother me anymore. I always liked the girl when she started coming to the shop, but she was Anya\'s age and her friend. I am still worried about how Anya will take this. You know how she can sometimes be," Darius said, and I chuckled.

"That I do! If you want, I can talk to her about it," I offered.

"That might be a good idea. Karly is pretty shy herself, so I don\'t think that she really wants to tell Anya either," Darius said with a sigh.

"Don\'t worry about it. I am sure that Anya won\'t be surprised, and she will be happy. It\'s not like we haven\'t talked about you two being a cute couple before. Anya likes Karly, and it\'s not like you are trying to replace her mother. I am sure that is bothering you as well," I said, and Darius nodded.

Anya\'s mother had died when she was only five, and Darius had raised her alone, struggling most of the time.

The first time that I met her father, I was twelve, and I was coming over to work on a book report.

I was already pretty good at cooking and other things that didn\'t have to do with school work, so I ended up helping Darius with supper that night. After the meal, he showed me his library and told me about the bookstore that he ran.

Even on the ride home that night back to the orphanage, Darius had talked to me like I was an adult. He had been the one to spark my endless love for the written word, and the old was my first inspiration.

I started my dropshipping business because I wanted to do something to help Darius out because his shop was always struggling. I still remember the look on his face when I, as a young teen, came into his shop and told him to pack everything up to move.

"Well, meeting you has been an experience that I will always remember. I had a hard time swallowing my pride with you, but you ended up being like the son that I never had. Even though I feel like you are the one teaching me most of the time!" Darius laughed, and I shrugged.

"You have always been like a father to me, and I have always cared about Anya. I am sorry that we kept things from you for so long," I smiled, and Darius waved me off.

"Water under the bridge, and I should have known, or maybe I did, and just denied the idea. Still, I couldn\'t pick a better guy to be looking after my little girl in my place. Still think it is a bit strange to have so many women, but if my little girl is happy, then I am happy," Darius chuckled as we started to walk east towards Sofia\'s R&D Great Tree.

"Believe me, if I could have kept it at three, I would have, but things never go exactly the way I have planned," I groaned but looked up at the sound of a woman\'s voice.

"Darius! Daniel!"

"Karla! We were just talking about you!" Darius said as Karla, a blonde of the same height as she, walked over.

"Oh? Hopefully, good things!" Karla said as she came over and kissed Darius.

"Like there is anything bad to say about you!" Darius laughed, and Karla rolled her eyes and turned to me.

"How is Anya?" Karla asked. "We haven\'t told her yet, and I haven\'t really talked to her since this all happened."

"She is good, and I am going to talk to her about you two tomorrow when I go to see her. Also, stop letting Darius suggest horrible books for movies!" I laughed.

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