
Chapter 239 Meng Fang

When I got to the location that Sofia pinged me to, I was glad to make it. The place was a wasteland, and barely any vegetation, but there was some. I was kicking myself for not just using my root transfer ability, but the rest of the trip had been nice. As I landed, the first thing I noticed was a bunch of people in uniforms with guns started running towards me.

"Halt! Who goes there?" One of them shouted as they skidded to a stop in front of me with their guns pointed at my head, and I frowned. They were not going to make this easy on me, it seems.

"I am just here for the Power Focus," I said plainly, and they all shared a look before turning back to look at me again.

"Why can I understand you and speak English perfectly?!" The Chinese guard asked me, seeming in shock with every word that came out of his mouth.

"My name is Daniel, and I am the one that stopped all the people that were attacking. I can see that you have power back on, and I am the one that did that as well. I am just here to see if you still have the two Power Focus\'s. If you have a person that is in charge, I would like to talk to them," I explained, hoping that this would be painless.

"I will take you to a holding cell if you don\'t mind, and then we will see what the commander says," the guard said, and I sighed. I really didn\'t have time for this.

"I know where what I am looking for is being held, and I am not looking to waste anyone\'s time right now. There are three extinction-level space dragons coming to destroy the Earth, along with a race of golden demon clones in mech suits. Tell me where your leader is so I can have a talk with them, or I will just get what I want," I explained in a perfectly calm tone, but I was already pumping my body into the ground while mentally calling Octavia.

[Yes?] Octavia asked as her face appeared in the air.

"I don\'t think I can-"

The guards\' words were cut off as metallic vines burst from the ground to disarm everyone, but no more. All the weapons melted into the vines, and the guards all looked horrified, but I put up my hand to stop anyone from speaking.

[Sorry! I am going to connect you to the camera system and the computers at this military base. I need you to find the person that is in charge and then send me a route to them. I would like to see if I can have a conversation before I just take their stuff.] I explained and then looked at the horrified guards; then, something hit me, absorbing into my body.

I turned in the direction of the massive 50mm shell that had hit me in the back where my heart would be. I squinted and then sent out a ten-mile pulse to scan the area. Targets started to light up in red, and bullets began to fly at me, but they were getting close to the guards, so I used a Magnetic system to pull all the bullets to my own body. I absorbed them and then used vines to eat all my target\'s weapons.

[How are things going?] I asked, and Octavia replied.

[Sending you the best route now to Meng Fang. She has taken over the facility during the power outage.]

[Thank you!]

With my route in place, I let my body melt into the ground, leaving the guard confused. I didn\'t have time to explain things, but at least now I could kind of explain myself to this Fang.

I followed the route Octavia sent me and found myself at the door with a woman on the other side of it. I recreated my body and opened the door, about to speak, but she beat me to it.

"I know why you are here," The woman said as she looked at me strangely before gesturing for me to follow her into another room where there were several monitors showing different areas around us. "But first things first, what is your name?" She asked plainly as I sat down across from her at a table with two chairs set up facing each other like we were about to play chess or something.

"Daniel," I replied shortly before looking back towards one of the screens that showed an image of Earth with me flying back with everyone on my back as a mecha-dragon. "You don\'t seem surprised by any of this," I pointed out, and Fang sighed while rubbing her temples with both hands like she was getting a headache just thinking about everything going on outside these walls right now.

"I have dealt with aliens before, but I don\'t think I will ever get used to any of this. You are correct; we do have two power Focuses here at the facility. They were being studied extensively by our scientists, along with another that was brought in recently," Fang explained while gesturing towards one of the screens, which showed a third person sitting on a metal chair in what looked like some kind of interrogation room."

"This guy looks pissed off," I muttered as he glared through the glass toward us and then turned his head away, though still glaring back at us every few seconds. "What did you do to him?"

"We ran some tests on him when he was brought in and asked questions about where he came from originally before passing out from exhaustion. When we woke up, all his memories prior to waking up here were gone," Fang explained calmly like she didn\'t really care about this man\'s wellbeing or anything else for that matter outside her mission parameters. "We need those answers if we want to know how these people got their powers so suddenly and without any warning signs."

"That person doesn\'t have any power because I would know if he did. I am the controller of all those powers, but have you not been in touch with the outside world? I know that power just came back on, but you should have been in contact with your higher-ups, right?" I asked, but Fang shook her head.

"Everything is dark, but there are still some connections, but the government was destroyed. At first, some people had power, but then after, it was by the people. I think things are starting to calm down, but the people are rising up! This does not look good for the world," Fang said tiredly, but I grinned.

"That is because I am making it, so people don\'t have to work anymore unless they want to. I can feed everyone and give them homes in Great Trees. What are you going to do now that you know that I am the one who is making these choices?" I asked, staring into Fang\'s brown eyes.

"I ... I don\'t know," Fang said as she leaned back in her chair and just looked at me. "You have to understand that we were not prepared for anything like this. This is all so sudden, and I am still trying to wrap my head around it."

"Well, you better hurry up because the three space dragons will be here soon, along with an army of golden demon clones in giant mech suits. They are coming to destroy Earth because they see humans as a virus that needs to be wiped out," I explained plainly before getting up from my seat. "So if you want your world to survive, then you need to start making some decisions fast."

With that said, I left the room without another word and made my way toward where the Power Focus\'s were being held, according to Octavia. On the way there, I passed by the interrogation room again and saw that man was sitting in his chair. I was curious about him, so I decided to make a pit stop. I knew he had no power, but maybe there was something else about him, and a deep scan up close would tell me more.

I opened the door, and the man looked up at me with a glare, but I just ignored it as I stepped into the room and closed the door behind me. Then I performed a deep scan on him, but there was nothing out of place that I could see. It was like he was just some normal human being without any powers or anything else special about him.

"Who are you?" The man asked after a few minutes of silence between us as he looked at me with narrowed eyes full of suspicion.

"Daniel," I replied shortly before walking over to sit down in the chair across from him. "Why can\'t you remember anything?"

"I don\'t know," The man said with a shake of his head before sighing deeply and leaning back in his chair tiredly. "It\'s like everything prior to waking up here is just gone. Like it never happened."

"Maybe it didn\'t," I muttered as I looked at him closely. "What is the last thing you remember before coming here?"

"I was ... I was on a mission," The man said after a moment of silence as he furrowed his brow in concentration. "I was leading my team, and we were ambushed. I don\'t remember anything else after that."

"Do you know your name?" I asked, and the man shook his head.

"No ... I don\'t even know who I am anymore," The man said with a sigh before leaning back in his chair again and just staring at the ceiling above us. "This is all so confusing."

"Well, maybe one day your memories will come back to you," I said before getting up from my seat and heading for the door. "In the meantime, if you were leading a team, then you could help with training, even if you don\'t completely remember. I can get one of my girls to look at your mind, but I am going to have to change your body so I can send you back to get checked out," I explained, and then the man nodded.

"Wherever that is, it sounds better than here," The man said, and I chuckled.

"Yeah, it\'s a lot better than here," I said before opening the door and stepping out into the hall. "Octavia, can I send you this guy?"

[Yes, Daniel.] Octavia replied as she emerged from my body to stand next to me for a few seconds with a confused look on her face as she looked towards the man that was sitting in the chair inside the interrogation room. "Who is he?"

"I am not sure yet, but we will figure it out later. Right now, we need to focus on getting everyone ready for what is coming," I explained before turning to head down the hall again toward where the Power Focus\'s were being held according to Octavia\'s map that she sent me earlier. "You take him back after I change him, and I am going to get what we came for."

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