
Chapter 251 5 Years

"While you are here, time will move very slowly in your world. I will need you to stay here for five years, but in that time, only two hours will have passed in your dimension. Once I have finished your training, then I would like for you to take us with you. As I said before, I think you are the best chance for my very few people that are left," Abraxas said as he started to walk away.

"Wait!" I called out, and he stopped but didn\'t turn around. "What about the Daughters of Tiamat and the Gideons? And the Cleaners?" I asked, and he finally turned to look at me.

"You will be strong enough to deal with them by the time you leave," Abraxas said before he walked away again, leaving me alone in the chamber.

I sighed as I looked around before sitting down on the ground. This was going to be a long five years, but if this was going only take two hours in my reality, then I would be crazy to pass up a chance like this.

This race seemed extremely long-lived, but I also didn\'t scan Abraxas. Something inside me, like a gut feeling, told me that would be a bad idea. I would just learn what I could about them as they taught me unless I thought something was fishy. The reasoning for wanting to help me seemed sound, but things could easily get complicated. After all my experiences, if there was one thing I had learned, It was not to trust anything that wasn\'t connected to me.

The door opened back up, and I stood up to see a draconic female with orange skin and a skin-tight futuristic suit like nothing I had ever seen or heard of in all my reading. The suit was a mix of white and green, but it hugged every curve that she had. There was something about the suit that made my cheeks flush and my heart beat a little bit faster in my chest.

"Hello," the woman said in a sultry voice as she walked toward me with her hips swaying. "I am Abraxas\'s mate, Eve."

Eve extended her hand out to me, and I hesitantly took it as we shook hands. Her grip was firm but gentle at the same time. Something about her felt strangely familiar, but I couldn\'t place why.

"It is nice to meet you," I finally said after a moment of silence as we stared at each other.

Eve smiled at me before letting go of my hand and taking a step back from me. "Come," Eve said as she turned around and started to walk away from me. "I will show you to your room, and then we will get you fitted in a control suit like mine. A being with as much power as you do needs to be able to contain yourself, or you could hurt the one that you care about."

I frowned as I followed behind Eve. There was something about her words that made me think that she knew more about me than she was letting on, but I decided not to press the issue. For now, it would be best to just go with the flow and see where this all leads.

The place was strange, to say the least, but something that was prevalent was the gold that seemed to cover everything or as part of the floating buildings that had no roads to them. There was only a single road that we walked on, but soon, Eve lifted off the ground and turned back to look at me.

"Please follow along," she said and started to float off.

I lifted myself off the ground with my gravity engine, but I was curious to know how this Eve did it. I was also curious to know where everyone was. Abraxas had said that they had very few people, but I had yet to see a single one, save for Eve.

"Where is everyone?" I asked as we continued to rise until we stopped at a building that was akin to a golden palace.

"You are still considered very dangerous until we can place you in a Control Suit. Once you have received some training and you have learned more about our kind. Only then will you be able to meet with the others. We do this to protect ourselves. While my mate may trust you, there are very few of us left, and he is the only one that really knows anything about you and what you are," Eve explained as she gestured to the golden door that melted away.

"Please enter," she said, and I did as I was bid.

The room was large, with a canopied bed in the middle that had strange symbols all over it. There was also a vanity off to the side with what looked like different perfumes and makeup on it. It seems like they had similar standards to Earth in that sense, at least. But there were other things in the room that was definitely not from Earth. Like the glowing symbols on the wall that almost looked like the writing of some sort, but I couldn\'t be sure because I didn\'t know their language yet.

"Your bed has been imbued with healing properties should you need them during your stay here," Eve said as she gestured to the bed before walking over to a table where there was a green control suit lying on it. "This is your Control Suit; it will help you focus and control your powers."

Eve handed me the suit, and I took it from her before looking at it. The material was strange, but it was also soft to the touch. I ran my fingers over it for a moment before looking back up at Eve.

"I trust that you can figure out how to put it on by yourself?" Eve asked, and I nodded my head before she turned around and started to walk towards the door. "I will be outside if you need anything," Eve said as she walked out of the room, leaving me alone with the Control Suit.

I had expected to be led into some grand halls, but this small bedroom was nice. Still, I was thinking about what Eve had said to me, but that was a trifle to my real worries. What I was concerned about was my girls; even if it was only two hours for them, it would be five years for me and Gain and Arseni in my Memory Crystal. Time technically moved as fast or as slow as they wanted in there, so I guess it didn\'t really matter. This was more of a me problem, but getting control of myself is something that I needed to do for everyone\'s safety.

I melted into the suit, but it seemed to fit my body perfectly. Never did I think the day would come when I would be able to mold my own body to fit into my clothing. I am sure that most girls would kill for this ability! Maybe I could use this to my advantage somehow.

I walked over to the vanity and looked at myself in the mirror. The suit seemed to be skin-tight, but it also had a bit of give to it. It was like wearing a second skin, and I had to admit that I looked good in it. But there was something else that caught my eye, and that was my eyes. They were now completely silver with slit pupils like a cat\'s, and they almost glowed in the light and were no longer the bright, super soldier blue.

"What the hell?" I muttered as I leaned in closer to get a better look at my eyes. They looked almost feral, and I didn\'t know if that was a good thing or not. But there was something about them that made me feel... Different. More powerful, like I could take on the world and come out on top.

I shook my head before looking away from my reflection and walked over to the door, and gestured to it, and the door melted away with Eve waiting for me.

"Your eyes," Eve said as she looked at me. "They are the silver of a Jovian, and it seems that your powers have increased since arriving here."

I frowned as I rubbed my eyes. "What do you mean?" I asked, and Eve crossed her arms over her chest.

"You were very powerful when you arrived here, but now, your power has more than doubled," Eve explained, and my eyes widened in shock.

If what she was saying was true, then my power had increased by a lot... But how? Was it something to do with being in this dimension? Or was it something else entirely? I really didn\'t know, but if my power had increased this much just from being in this dimension for a day... Then what would happen after five years?

"Is it going to keep on increasing?" I asked, and even nodded as I floated out and the door reformed.

"Yes, but not as much as it did from entering the dimension. If you want to be able to retain this power when you leave, you will have to train your body to be able to control it and harness it. If you do not, then everything gained here will be lost. This is why we require you to stay here for five years. Now, we are headed down, and you will meet the only person that will see you for the next year, and she will become your trainer and teacher. Follow me," Eve said and then started to descend without another word.

I frowned as I followed her down, not really knowing what to expect. If my power had increased this much in just a day, then I could only imagine how much more it would increase after five years. But at the same time, if I could learn to control it... Then maybe, just maybe... I could actually become strong enough to protect my girls. And that was all that mattered to me in the end.

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