
Chapter 269 Mis’s Take on Turdeous: A Golden Showdown!

Chapter 269 Mis\'s Take on Turdeous: A Golden Showdown!

Eddie took a deep breath as he prepared to jump into the Guardian Hulk. He made sure all of General Sofia\'s instructions were followed and double-checked all switches and buttons on the mech before powering it up. As soon as the machine was ready, Eddie felt his heart pounding in anticipation.

"There are six different types of kinetic rounds, but none of them are standard bullets. I need you to make contact with his shields and the body with each type. None of them are meant to damage, so keep that in mind when using them. There are multiple pulses that you can use, but you will have to be in close range for them, and you will have to stay in that range for thirty seconds for your body to get a good scan. You have a single Melee weapon, but it has fifteen different transformations that it can do to allow you to see what fighting style and weapons will be more effective. While this can be countered, it will give us an initial advantage, so try to get through a few of them," Sofia explained as the door for the Hulk opened.

"How much time do you think I will have in this fight and do you really think I am going to be able to get close?" Eddie asked, and Sofia nodded.

"While close combat is impractical for us because we are used to using ranged weapons to keep ourselves safe, Dragons are easier to fight up close, according to Mox. That and duels are extremely common things among the Gideons, so I expect that this one will try that. There are rockets with different payloads, along with three energy cannons and an assortment of an extremely powerful lasers. These are the most important things to test. The laser should be able to fry their electronic if they are similar to ours; if not, they will likely not do anything. I think it is the latter, but that is why you are going to test them out, got it? Sofia ordered, and Eddie nodded, grumbling as he turned to get in the Guardian Hulk.

The black robot seemed to come alive when Eddie stepped inside, its powerful engines roaring to life. Its massive hands flexed with strength, and its bright blue eyes glowed with determination. Then, without warning, Eddie felt the full force of the Gravity Drive engaging and thrusting him into space toward the mysterious warship. As Eddie flew closer to his destination, he could feel the rising tension inside the cockpit. His stomach churned as he prayed for success. He tried to distract himself from the fear by humming Metallica, his favorite band, but it did little to ease his anxiety.

Aikoa contacted him over the comms, asking him if he thought that the occupants of the ship just wanted to talk. Eddie snorted at this suggestion, reminding her of their first meeting when she invited him out for drinks - no more than he had expected then. Despite her serious tone, Aikoa still managed to make light of the situation.

"Just be careful out there; I know that we are all using clones right now, but don\'t go in all crazy and get killed right away. We need real-time battle data from this. While I completely trust Mox, he has been out of contact with his kind for a long time. Not only that, but he was part of the recon squad, and I don\'t think that he would have had access to high military weapons and units," She said.

It would take twenty minutes to reach the side of the moon they were aiming for. Eddie turned up the music to Freak on a Leash by Korn, trying to keep his nerves in check.

Then a request for transmission came in, and Eddie immediately killed the music and cut off all communications with Earth before accepting the request. He wanted to make sure there was no chance for them to get any information. One of the keys to fighting a war was information; the more you knew about the enemy, and the less they knew about you, the better.

"Greetings, Earthling," A voice without an image said, and Eddie started to laugh. "Really? Did you get that from some nineties UFO movie?!" Eddie laughed and then stopped. "Alright, you ugly grey pile of shit, I don\'t suppose that you just want to turn away and fuck off back to where you came from, do you?"

"Are you really the human that is representing your planet?"

"Me? No, I am just all his worst traits rolled into one big prick!" Eddie chuckled. "So you are part of Annokale, known as Daniel?"

"Something like that, but I am my own person, not that it is any of your fucking business. Now, did you come here to talk me to death, or do you want to see who has the prettiest toys?" Eddie taunted, but the Gideon commander was unfazed.

"I am pleased that you were not serious about us leaving-" The voice started to say, but Eddie cut him off.

"Oh, I am serious, but I know that you won\'t go on your own. I am just going to send your body back in the general direction of your golden turd of a god!" Eddie laughed and then flipped the switch to activate his energy shield. It flickered a brilliant blue as he adjusted course and rocketed toward the black mech.

Aiko cut the communication, and Eddie continued to hum the same song as he closed in on the enemy unit. This wasn\'t one of the ones that Mox had listed, and it almost looked like they had specially equipped this thing for this fight. From what Eddie could tell, it was kind of like they were doing the same thing as he was doing - testing the waters.

But the moment of truth was finally upon him. With a fierce shout, Eddie slammed both fists down on his controls and let loose a barrage of kinetic rounds at the enemy. All lights came to life on the black mech as it powered up, preparing for what was sure to be an epic showdown. The Gideon commander spoke again, threatening revenge, but Eddie merely laughed in response.

"Shut it, Turdeous! I don\'t want to hear you yodel about golden turds!"

"I am Mis, and you will regret insulting my great and Glorious-"

"Steaming pile of golden shit. Yes, I get it. Now let\'s go!" Eddie roared and fired a salvo of shots at the opponent before flying straight into the fray.

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