
Chapter 487 487: Divining Devil’s Eye

Chapter 487 487: Divining Devil\'s Eye

To Cole\'s extreme surprise, the monster never noticed him. He had drained it till the point that he was not just healed of all his injuries, he was filled to the brim with energy with some of it even spilling out into the atmosphere.

When he pulled back, only about a quarter if nor less than that of the tentacle had turned desiccated, as proof that Cole had drained the creature of its energy. Either way, this was the first time Cole had drained something and it did not even react at all, almost as if he was some random insect.

Well Cole was grateful for that, he\'d rather not be noticed, but now that he was back to full health and then some, he had to figure out the next step. He doubted this octopus had not noticed him, yet it had not reacted, so. It was worrying why, but perhaps the injury that had been inflicted on it was a lot more serious than Cole though.

If that was the case he would not look a gift horse in the mouth. He needed to find a direction, or a goal, he could not just keep moving every which way, besides this is supposed to be a dungeon. Shouldn\'t there like be multiple floors, to him it just seems as if he would be roaming without direction.

There were no quests, just the monsters and the assassin hiding in the dark. Perhaps he should stop treating this like it was a normal dungeon when it was not, even the way he was dragged here was something a bit out of the norm for him. He needed a map of the dungeon, or at least how this place used to look before whatever disaster that befallen it happened. But beyond that was still the issue of finding a safe place, it seems everywhere he goes, since he\'s been in this dungeon had one problem or another, and Frankly speaking it was beginning to piss Cole off, he didn\'t think it was fair for one, he could not be that unlucky.

Then he narrowed his eyes, he couldn\'t help but think that Azrael had something to do with this. Aleron had been able to collectively manipulate Cole and other members of the Raen race through their bond, so perhaps all this might be something similar. He didn\'t think Aleron was hijacking his bond or anything, but perhaps he had an ability that could simulate a similar effect.

Cole growled, maybe he was being a bit paranoid with all of this, but at the same time his instincts were going haywire about this place. He needed to find out what was going on, he did not like the idea of being pulled along or manipulated, and perhaps there was a way he could do it. But he really needed to find a safe place, he would not be able to come up with a way out of here or a way to deal with Azrael if he did not have a few moments to himself to think.

Cole moved away from the octopus, entering one of the skyscrapers that was close and still standing. He had no idea how many floors there were here, he just used the stairs to move, making sure to keep [Erasure] active as he moved past other monsters that had made the stairwell their home.

If there were any more traps, then Cole would wait for them here. He needed to be able to see these attacks coming and have a way to counter them when they did. Plus he also needed a way to get the fuck out of here. Either one would work just fine, Aleron was too much of a dangerous character for Cole to have his ego bruised by running away instead of finishing him off.

But by this point that would be foolish. If you meet your equal in battle, where one wrong move from either one of you would spell your end. Every step had to be calculated, Cole could not keep getting into trouble, this was a dungeon, it\'s supposed to have treasure to exploit and find, but so far all Cole has been doing is getting his ass kicked from one place to the next. It was time to change that narrative.

"Oh this is going to suck!" Cole said to himself as he sat down crossed legged and let gravity pick him off the ground. For the first time ever, Cole felt for his divination stat, it wasn\'t too hard to find. In fact the stat seemed all too eager for Cole to explore just what he could do with it.

It had an attractive force that Cole gave into, making one of the biggest mistakes of his life. His mind jerked, as a slew of images rushed into his head, all of them at the same time. Cole shook as he arched his back in pain, his eyes glowing a blazing gold.

He had a domain of around 3 kilometers in Diameter if he pushed himself. At his current stage of power, this was just how far his range is, and right now he was experiencing everything, every single living or functioning threat to him was doing or would be doing or had done.

Cole screamed as Past, Present and Future Intersected and tore at the very seams of his still very fragile mortal mind. For a moment Cole could see beyond what the mind, the soul and the eye could perceive. He saw the strands of chaos and order that interwoven themselves into hundreds, thousands, millions, and billions of reality. And unending multiverse of a multiverse of a multiverse.

Cole was breaking his own mind, and he couldn\'t stop it. And then his Bloodline reacted, pulling him out of the abyss that was the divination stat and giving clarity to the images as it filtered them out and showed him what he needed to see, when he needed to see it and what he should have seen.

[Your Bloodline And The Stat Divination Have Achieved Synergy! The Technique Divining Devil\'s Eye has been comprehended by 100%.]

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