
Chapter 296 Invite the Moon into Arms

Chapter 296 Invite the Moon into Arms

The Spring Song.

It was the key movement of School of Stone Heart, the origin of sub-originator technology, as well as the mystery that could make the soul and the aether coexist in the same shell. This was not merely a pure healing movement. Under the extreme complex guidance of the theory, one could achieve the balance between two, eliminating conflicts, so that all could coexist in the realm without harm.

The original pain and suffering seemed to vanish in an instant, freeing Ye Qingxuan from the hell-like torment. In his body, the aether sewed the broken veins while singing the movement of rebirth to turn destruction into creation. For an instant, he perceived a faint resonance beneath the body.

In the Elizabeth Tower beneath him, Avalon’s vast enchantment which had already fallen apart seemed to be awakened too. The shattered core responded to the call of the Spring Song. The collapsed theory within it showed signs of recovering.

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan did not notice his surroundings. He was totally absorbed in constructing his sub-originator. If there was sweat, he must have been drenched already because the sub-originator was much more difficult to build for him.

The sub-originator should be attached to an organ in the body, but now, this was reversed. It would replace the heart’s function, so the construction was very difficult. Had it not been because of the precise operation of Jiu Xiao Huan Pei, he would have been burnt to ashes.

He continuously extracted the moonlight to make the notes appear and assemble the intervals, transforming them into music theory. Then, the sub-originator constructed in the void could become tangible. Moonlight condensed into an ethereal embryonic heart. Vast aetheric light was brewing in it.

In just a twinkling, the phantom of the heart twitched, trembled, and almost collapsed. Ye Qingxuan only felt a burst of emptiness and was immediately terrified. The aether extracted from the moonlight into the blood was not enough! He had miscalculated. Building a heart out of thin air not only had a great difficulty, but required great strength too! The moonlight he drew with the blood of Deva was quit a lot, but the consumption was also soaring. The moonlight had been completely depleted without him realizing.

The strength that he got from the moonlight on the tower was running out. However, he could not stop once he started the sub-originator construction. Otherwise, he would not only die, but die without even leaving a body behind!

"As expected, you’re flirting with death."

A sigh came from the distance that made Ye Qingxuan practically start cheering. "Lola, come help me!"

"Yezi, you are really mean." Lola\'s eyes grew sad. She squatted down and touched the youth’s cheek. Her fair face was full of resentment and sadness. "I am so worried about you. Coming here is not easy thing, but you just greet me by turning me into a tool?"

Ye Qingxuan’s face twitched. He squeezed out, "One thousand CCs, no more than that!"

"Deal." The resentment on Lola’s face disappeared. She revealed a charming smile. "I like a straightforward man like you."

Before Ye Qingxuan could say anything, Lola bent down. She put her hair up and moved closer. Her eyes reflected the teenager\'s startled face. A soft touch came from the lips.

As if being struck by lightning, Ye Qingxuan was unprepared and thoroughly frozen. What followed was a heavy heartbeat echoing in his brain like the deep sea. The sound was unprecedentedly clear.

With the support of Lola\'s resonance, Ye Qingxuan’s range of induction was instantly enlarged a lot. Too busy to be startled, he seized the opportunity to send his mind into the Elizabeth Tower. For a moment, all he could see was…utter destruction.

Avalon’s enchantment had been forcibly destroyed from the core and was completely out of control now. The layers of music theory were deadly silent and falling apart. They were like giants who had been beheaded and were rapidly collapsing and dying.

Working in concert Spring Song, Ye Qingxuan put his mind into it. He could also feel the pain but, at this moment, there was no time for him to lament.

The world was cruel. People with pain should always help each other since they were suffering together!

Relying on the power borrowed from Lola, Ye Qingxuan suddenly pushed the stagnant enchantment forward. His will ran through the center of the disintegration. Since the moonlight that he drew by himself was not enough, he just looked for something bigger.

With his own bell authority and the music theory of the School of Stone Heart, Ye Qingxuan obtained the control of the enchantment effortlessly. Then, his will rushed into the complex music theory cycle and began to reactivate the movement!

Wasn’t it just fixing something? He had fixed things in Luther for three years!

The enchantment began falling apart more rapidly. Under Ye Qingxuan’s violent maintenance, the collapsed notes and movements were directly removed from the entire system. Ye Qingxuan demolished those things violently and removed those that could not be fixed. Since there was no possibility to repair it completely, he just robbed Peter to pay Paul!

The weakened enchantment truly suffered in the hands of someone like Ye Qingxuan. A large amount of music theories in the core were mercilessly demolished to mend the parts that were comparatively complete. He forcefully activated the dead silence.

Protection music score? Demolish! It was already so damaged that there was no use in protecting it! Climate adjustment movement? Demolish! Did anyone need a rainstorm for entertainment at this time? Contact score? Demolish! Control movement? Demolish!

Demolish! Demolish! Demolish!

Ye Qingxuan practically demolished all the music movements engraved and constructed by hundreds of past musicians. Through unprecedented high-speed interpretation and manipulation, and the help of so many materials, Qingxuan quickly repaired the remaining areas. He reconnected the relatively complete music theories with each other.

Fortunately, he had the experience in manipulating the Requiem enchantment and was not nervous before such a large operation. The enchantment instantly contracted. Two-thirds collapsed while almost the whole downtown district was abandoned.

Next, the dying enchantment began to recover rapidly and was activated. Broken movements lit up continuously from everywhere in the tower. The Elizabeth Tower, which was originally falling apart, stood again on the ground.

A mass of aether approached and gathered on the enchantment to ignite the flame at the top of the tower again. The enchantment, sewn back together and now horribly ugly, was finally restored to its full. Then, next...

"If I die or live all depends on you now!" Ye Qingxuan gritted his teeth, clenching his fist. The Elizabeth Tower began to tremble.

Bang! Bang! Bang! The thunderous bell suddenly rang, producing a desolate and hoarse yet grand sound. Sound waves were set off and spread to all directions. A faint curtain of light suddenly lit up in the sky. The enchantment riddled with holes had finally unfolded again! Avalon’s enchantment had resurrected!

The moon that hung high in the sky suddenly came down. As if suddenly pulled to the ground, the moon enlarged as if it was falling. In the end, it covered half the Avalon’s sky. Light illuminated the entire city of demons. The darkness trembled and dispersed. Both the sky and the land became an ocean of moonlight.

Endless moonlight surged into Ye Qingxuan’s body along with the enchantment, making him roar hoarsely. Jiu Xiao Huan Pei produced a gloomy but unique melody.

The moon was still falling! Falling! Falling! Ye Qingxuan laughed and spread his arms to greet the moon’s arrival. Come here and invite the moon into one’s arms!

In the blink of an eye, that moon flowing with white and blue light had covered Avalon. Carrying a cold melody, it descended silently. The closer it came to the tower, the more unreal its silhouette became. Countless music theories were interwoven with each other inside the light as it played the eternal movement.

Through the layers of aetheric waves, the moon\'s \'spirituality\' descended from the aetheric realm to the material realm. The huge moon gradually shrank, until it finally became into a ball of faint light and entered Ye Qingxuan’s arms.

In Ye Qingxuan\'s chest, a heart as illusory as the moonlight quietly emerged. It beat silently, leading the Deva’s blood to flow.

The sub-originator was created!

At that moment, a new pulse was born. It was the sound of a heart beating. Together with the bell’s ringing that resounded through Avalon’s Shadow, it spread to all directions. In its path, waves were created in illusory moonlight, and later became the tides!

The rumbling bells echoed, roaring and melting into the ripples of the heartbeat. It abruptly transformed and became erratic. It was vaguely between the real and the unreal. No one knew whether it existed or not. But no matter where it passed, there was always a terrible roar.

All the demons screamed, crawled, and trembled. They tumbled under the moonlight tides and illusionary bells. Numerous demons were startled in the shock of the bell. Their skulls burst and they died on the spot.

The dark musicians were not better either. For a time they unexpectedly felt the bells penetrating into their own consciousness to control their pulses. They could feel their heart swaying. They sweated and breathed heavily in the shock of the ringing.

"Who’s there?" In the midst of the bells, the Dark Lord\'s footsteps stalled. He turned back, looked behind him, and gazed at the thin figure on the top of the tower.

Under the pale moon, the youth awoken from his sleep. Moonlight burned in his eyes. His figure looked like the man from back then.

"What a pity that it isn’t him." There was a glimmer of disappointment in the Dark Lord’s eyes. However, it soon became disgust. "But the eyes are also unpleasant. Gavin, it seems that you didn’t finish your job as well as I thought."

Gavin listened to the bell blankly. He seemed to have not yet processed it. After a long time, he lowered his head and gritted his teeth. "I\'ll take care of him."

Hyakume waved. Behind him, the dark musicians retreated while kneeling. Demons and beasts were called out and pounced toward the tower.

"Do not let me down, Gavin. Don’t let your deeds be defiled by folly." The Dark Lord looked away and went ahead to the dark mist. The palace was not far away. Under his feet, the earth trembled faintly.

Darkness gushed in his path and turned into the soil of the abyss. In the sky above, moonlight surged.

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