
Chapter 299 - Untitled

Chapter 299: Untitled

“How?” The second boss exclaimed, astounded, “There are over 10,000 people outside the city. In the Magistrate’s manor located in the city, there are a few hundred powerful people. And apparently, in the Shang Mansion near the southern borders, where you all will definitely pass by, there are close to 10,000 Amethyst Cape Knights and guards waiting specifically for you.”

“Don’t they have the whistleblower box?” Meng Fuyao laughed. “Please do me a favor.”

Early morning with rare great weather and sunshine.

In front of the Magistrate’s manor in the south, there was a red and purple box. A slit ran across the top of the box with the back of the box being locked.

That “whistleblower box” was opened every dawn for the letters to be retrieved while at night, the box remained there, waiting for the confidential letters to be delivered. Those suspicious shadows that loitered around the city were the messengers that brought upon fortune to the Amethyst Cape Knights. They were, too, the death gods that ended the lives of innocent people.

Whenever passersby noticed that box, they would always reveal an expression mixed with hatred and fear—such a simple, normal box. And yet, it contained the darkest, deepest secrets of many that led to countless broken families, countless victims of cruel torture and the humiliation of countless unmarried, innocent ladies.

It wasn’t just a normal box; It was the notorious box of disaster in Guan Yuan.

The door opened with a creak, and the innocent passersby immediately fled.

The few Amethyst Cape Knights in charge of opening the box yawned, making their way to the box as they joked around.

“I wonder who is the unlucky fella today…”

“My only concern is, are there any beauties there?”

“Seriously, the last time there was a request where there was no woman nor money. What a waste of effort. I’ll skin the person that submitted this request alive!”

The knights laughed and joked about as they insouciantly headed back in. A couple of passersby watched apprehensively, wondering who was the next unlucky victim.

That night.

A couple of Amethyst Cape Knights died a sudden, disconcerting death.

That night, all Amethyst Cape Knights did not sleep a wink. With fire torches in hand, they combed the entire city, searching for the killer. Unfortunately for them, they returned empty-handed due to the oddities of the death—all corpses were without a single wound and showed no form of struggle. At last, it was determined that it was death by poison, and the entire manor was flipped upside down.

The next day, a couple more died.

The next day, a couple more died again.

Those who died were on duty the night before. Initially, everyone was focused on the duty, but it was only on the third day did someone remember about the whistleblower box.

They quickly went to check the box for clues, but those letters were disposed to god knows where right after being read. Where the heck were they supposed to search for clues?

They got a doctor over. He stuck his head inside the box and sniffed. It had a weird smell, and he announced that the cause of death was probably due to the letters being poisoned.

That night, the secret box was promptly removed. The civilians of Guan Yuan were ecstatic at this decision.

The night where the secret box was removed, the Amethyst Cape Knights had an overnight meeting. Halfway through the meeting, two Amethyst Cape Knights came back yelling at one another, accusing the other party of snatching their woman. Halfway through the conflict, the two knights collapsed and died.

And so, the topic of the meeting became— ‘not pleasuring oneself from unknown sources.’

And then, problems started arising with the food provided to them every day. All ingredients and food were tested for poison before being delivered to the kitchen. But somehow, despite all results showing that the food was fine, there were people vomiting and suffering from diarrhea every day, weakened to the point of death.

The Amethyst Cape Knights traced down every aspect from the delivery to the cooking. But no one would be concerned over how the delivery man would look like.

At this point in time, the knights no longer dared to stay in the manor, nor did they dare to live in other places of rich families—after all, they destroyed those places and families.

That night, as the Amethyst Cape Knights fled the city, every family closed their doors and prayed.

There were many Amethyst Cape Knights, and they were divided into smaller groups as they left the city. In a winehouse not far from the city gates, a man and a woman stood there with their hands behind their backs. With cold eyes, they looked down as rows of purple streamed out of the gates.

After a while, that man held the woman’s hand. With a smile, he said, “Dry weather, the perfect time to kill.”

That lady glanced the well-dressed Amethyst Cape Knights and replied, “Dark night and comfortable breeze, the perfect time for a nude run.”

Xuanji, Tiancheng, Day 28, Month 2, Year 30. Nighttime.

On the foot of a mountain thirty miles from Guan Yuan, clusters of fire lit up, and hundreds of tents were pitched. There were purple silk tassels at the top of the tents, indicating that they were the court’s special organization, the Amethyst Cape Knights.

Large groups of Amethyst Cape Knights retreated from Guan Yuan and met up with another group of Amethyst Cape Knights that guarded Donglan Mountain for many days and yet, still had not found the enemy. According to the orders of the Eldest Princess, they were on their way to the Shang Feng Manor. On their way there, they wanted to rest in a small town but noticed a pale-faced villager being carried towards the mountain. When they inquired further, it turned out that a weird illness was going on in the village and a few people had even died. The Amethyst Cape Knights noticed that every family tossed rice and spilled wine to protect themselves from the evil and the knights, who were already shaken by the baffling deaths in Guan Yuan, did not dare to settle in the town. And so, the Amethyst Cape Knights, who always demanded the best bed and food, finally had their once in a blue moon outdoor camping experience.

The knights pitched their tents in this breathtaking scenery. It was a pity that the perturbed knights were not in the mood to enjoy. After the knights for night duty were decided, the rest went ahead and slept.

At the top of the cliff near the tents, a man and a woman sat there.

The woman sat at the corner of the cliff, with her legs suspended in the air. With her neck craned back, she admired the starry night and heaved a long sigh.

“After restraining myself for so many days, all that torture, anger, and unjust… we even entered the jail. Now that I’m back, I’ll make sure to completely annihilate you in the worst way possible.”

That man tilted his head. With a gentle smile, he picked up the woman’s hair touching the ground. “There is no need to put in so much effort. Save some for dealing with the interesting drama in Tong City.”

“Of course.” Meng Fuyao pouted. “Such a disgusting organization like the Amethyst Cape Knights is only the tip of the iceberg of this rotten empire. Rather than slowly chipping off this iceberg, let’s just completely replace it.”

She picked up two little pouches with her fingers and announced proudly, “Zong Yue is such a great kid. When he heard that we went missing in Xuanji, he knew that something was up and got his Virtuous Guild to send some good stuff over. He even thought of the medication that I might go out of control once I consumed it. Well, at least all that effort for him – even acting as an empress – was worth it.”

She went on happily, but the Zhangsun Wuji beside her quietly said, “Just for this, I will have a good talk with her one day.”

Meng Fuyao immediately kept quiet and rolled her eyes. Changing the topic, she asked Lord Yuan Bao sitting beside her, “Rat, are you ready?”

Lord Yuan Bao nodded its head with a tinge of vengeance—the initially free and relaxed Lord Yuan Bao was now filled to the brim with hatred towards Xuanji. In this darn country, the honorable Lord Yuan Bao, who had no conflict with anyone, was actually forced to go into a rat hole! It was even squashed in someone’s hands—the greatest humiliation it had ever experienced! One that could not be forgotten or forgiven!

If it didn’t get its revenge, it ain’t no guinea pig!

“Go on.” In a loving manner, Meng Fuyao said, “Where there is light, there is darkness. The darkness calls for the light, and the light calls for the dark. You are a fighter, the representative for love and justice. You must annihilate them in the name of justice!

“Go and strip off those pants of those who insulted you!”

In a black suit and a headscarf around his head, the agitated Lord Yuan Bao made his way down the cliff swiftly along the cliff.

That small ball of black slipped into darkness and entered the various tents. It scattered the powder in the red pouch all over their blankets and then scurried to the corner of the tent and poured a bit of the powder in the green pouch over the incense burner.

The red pouch contained Prickling Dust, and the green pouch contained Alarming Soul. When the two powders were used together, they caused overwhelming emotions to the soul.

Powerful and strong. With just a bit, all of them can forget about sleeping.

Lord Yuan Bao scattered more powder in the tents that were laced with gold—the Amethyst Cape Knights had a hierarchy, and gold-laced tents belonged to those of a higher rank.

The pouches were quickly emptied. Lord Yuan Bao did not leave, however. Instead, he found himself a bush and squatted there with its eyes wide open and waited.

Beside it, there were two others, waiting with their eyes wide open too. One of them yawned. “Eh, tired. Brother, give me some fire.”

The other gave him a big eye roll.

After a while, there was a commotion in the tents.

Those Amethyst Cape Knights who were in a deep sleep suddenly felt really hot and tossed and turned. With that, they picked up all those Prickling dust, causing intense itch. The dust was passed on from one to another, causing a group of people to start itching.

And so, all of them crawled out of bed and scratched and scratched. Even though blood was coming out from their skin, the itchiness persisted as though it was bone-deep. It was as though the itchiness would only stop if they skinned themselves; an absolutely unbearable itch.

The tiny tent made it too stuffy for them to continue staying there. That group of knights rushed out to find that people in the surrounding tents were out too; even the leaders were there.

Everyone scratched and scratched. For the Amethyst Cape Knights who had not been to a camp in such a long time, they were unsure if the itch was caused by the straws and some of them took off their pants to check. But staring at it, they could not see anything other than the red marks they had made themselves.

“Ah! Itchy! Itchy!” someone in the tent yelled. As he mimicked the act of taking off the pants, he continued, “Recently, it has been rainy. Wearing such damp pants is so uncomfortable! Urgh, take it off!”

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