
Chapter 442 - Searching for Pearls in Dirt (2)

Chapter 442: Searching for Pearls in Dirt (2)

“Duke of the Arirang, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Naiman. I’m sorry for making you come all the way here.”

Naiman, a history professor of the Kazakh National University in his mid-thirties introduced himself to Youngho.

“Oh, that’s alright. I’m here because I’ve heard that there are patients who can’t seek medical treatment. I brought medicines and medical staff for them.”

“It’s a sad situation here, but it will not dampen the enthusiasm of our protesters.”

The hospital operated by the government rejected giving treatments to patients who were involved in the anti-government protest. It was quite unfortunate.

“It doesn’t make sense that they’re refusing to treat the patients.”

“Treating them is important, but the bigger problem is that we’re running out of food to support the protestors.”

“Don’t worry about it since I brought plenty of combat rations. Why are you continuing this reckless demonstration? You won’t last long without support. I know some of them are married. That means their families will suffer a shortage of food too.”

“We just couldn’t overlook the current government. I gnash my teeth when I found out the president has been cheating the Kazakh people for so many years while sitting in power. That’s why some people decided to take the lead. Although they shouldn’t be exposed now, some are still in a noticeable position.”

“Why don’t they fight in the front?”

“They won’t be safe when they’re exposed. Instead of them, we are the action group.”

“If you put it like that, the Arirang state is in the same position as them.”

“That’s why I asked to meet in secret today. I heard that you’re helping the needy.”

“It is the right thing to do to help people in need as a member of Kazakhstan. However, we are cautious to help an anti-government protest group like you. Please understand that, since the existence of the state might be at stake if the government finds out about our connection.”

“I’m fully aware of that. But no one’s stepping up to help us, so I dared to make a request to you.”

“I used to be close to the president. I just want to be really careful. It would seem ironic that I’m helping the anti-government protesters now.”

“Oh, I’m just so grateful that you came to support us behind the scenes. I’m quite jealous of the people who live in the Arirang Autonomous State. Sometimes the monarchy system is better than democracy.”

“Well, our residents had been underprivileged for many years, so they appreciate the monarchy system even though it’s quite old-fashioned. In the future, there will be some people who oppose our system.”

“In the current situation of Kazakhstan, it might be better to adopt the monarchy system. It’s a shame that the people don’t get any say in this.”

“What are you saying?”

“Just like the Western European countries where they have a symbolic monarchy system, I think Kazakhstan would be benefited by having a symbolic king. If there’s a reputable king, political leaders of the country won’t be able to abuse their power so easily.”

It felt like somebody hit Youngho in the back of his head.

What Naiman said was not something that could come out of a history professor in the most prominent university in Kazakhstan in the 21st century.

“That’s practically difficult to achieve. Do you think the people who experienced democracy will support the monarchy system?”

“Why not? The Arirang Autonomous State had shown a great example of that.”

“Well, that’s because I put my personal fortune into building the state. I’m a merchant. I did it for my own benefit. I’m not a philanthropist.”‘

“This will be also for our people’s interests.”

“The autonomous state, which is no different than a foreigner group, can’t get along with a group that’s against the present regime. I’m only supporting you because you asked for help.”

“I understand where you’re coming from. We also only have the passion to change Kazakhstan. Thank you so much for your medical help and the other supplies you gave us.”

Youngho could feel Naiman’s genuine intention. He seemed to be a person who only cared about Kazakhstan’s development and future.

“I’m impressed by your work and passion. We’ll continue to support your group with supplies anonymously.”

“Thank you very much. Many people are grateful for your determination to help Kazakhstan, duke.”


Naiman’s eyes were filled with passion, but he was not a person who would make reckless decisions. Although the protest would have no hope if he did not get immediate funding, he did not seem to be shaken by the fact.

Youngho told him that the autonomous state would keep supporting the anti-government protest group because Naiman seemed to be a great leader. It was also pleasant to hear that he had a great perspective for the autonomous state. However, Youngho was not yet trusting him fully.

“Man, it will be a war against the government. I want to support them with grenades or sniper rifles, but I really shouldn’t.”

“How do you want to help them?”

“Maybe we should help the protesters take over the Presidential Palace in Almaty?”

“It’s just a tourist destination. I don’t know why everyone obsesses about that place.”

“I don’t know why, but since we are here, why don’t we help them before we leave? I wonder how the president will react if that place is taken.”

“Hey, couldn’t it be that there’s something noticeable in the palace?”

“Well, the president would’ve already moved valuable items. We robbed his villa. I don’t think he’s that stupid.”

“Maybe he didn’t have enough time because of the protestors and journalists around the area. I wonder if there are gold bars in the palace.”

“Oh, here comes the gold bars again.”

“No, this is an educated guess.”

“What is it?”

“The official gold reserves announced by the Central Bank of Kazakhstan are only about 300 tons when Kazakhstan’s gold production rate is much higher than that. What we stole from the president’s family’s about 60 tons of gold. How would you explain that?”

“That’s quite suspicious. So, the president might have hidden the rest of the gold in the palace?”

“Yeah, who would suspect it if you hid it in an open tourist destination?”

“I see. I’ll move the agents first.”

When they arrived at the Presidential Palace, it was raining and dark.

In the aftermath of the protests, the street lamps were broken, so there was no light in the surrounding area.

Five armored vehicles were waiting to protect the palace against the protesters, and police officers were patrolling around it despite the rain.

The fact that they were there at night where protesters were nowhere to be seen was quite suspicious. As Youngho and Jong-il were about to get in, two large trucks were coming out of the building with their headlights on.

“Jong-il, let’s follow the trucks.”

“You must be crazy. We’re running in this rain at this hour?”

The trucks began to speed up on the deserted streets of the night.

It was strange that the trucks were not escorted by security vehicles. It could be a disguise to not draw people’s attention, or it could mean that the trucks were firmly armed.

Thinking of taking over the trucks at the right place, Youngho and Jong-il diligently ran to catch up with the trucks. Even at night, the roads were not empty, so it was impossible for the trucks to go over 60 kilometers per hour. It was not hard for the two to catch up with the trucks.

If the trucks left the city, they would go right into the highway. It would be impossible to take over the trucks at that point.

Looking for a chance to get on the trucks, they continued running in the rain.


“This is the last transport from the palace. They said the trucks visited the palace twice yesterday.”

“Dang, we missed them. That’s why the police fired at the protesters to protect it until they pulled out all of the belongings.”

“So the protesters knew there were gold bars in the Presidential Palace.”

“Naiman didn’t seem to know about it at all. Maybe he’s being used by the people who are supporting the protester group from behind.”

“We’ll see whether the protesters’ purpose was gold bars or an old-fashioned belief.”

Although it was strange that the protesters were only after the Presidential Palace, Youngho only thought that this was only because the place had such symbolic importance to it. He thought that this was a cultural thing in Kazakhstan.

However, now that it turned out that there were tons of gold bars in the presidential palace, it was natural for anyone to question the purpose of the protesters.

After the two trucks were seized, Youngho and Jong-il saw that each truck was carrying 25 tons of gold bars. The problem was that more wealth had already been transported from the palace twice. The drivers and armed guards were unaware of exactly what was on board.

“If you moved it two times in a bulk truck, you’d have at least 100 tons.”

“I should have kept an eye on this place! Phew, we missed a hundred tons of precious gold.”

We need to keep a close watch on the vehicles going in and out of Astana`s Presidential Palace. The amount of gold held by the president is more than that of the central bank. I mean it’s a lot.”

“I have nothing to say because I’m dumbfounded by his great greed.”

“What are we going to do with the guards and drivers? If we leave them alone here, they’re going to die with hypothermia.”

“Hey, they’ll get help in time, but it’s urgent to unload the gold bars.”

“I’ll get agents to get forklifts and some freezer trucks.”

Last night’s work was handled quickly by the intelligence agents of the autonomous state.

The problem was to keep an eye on the protest group leader, Naiman.

If he knew about the existence of gold bars already, he would not be a loyal leader as Youngho expected.

Youngho was discouraged to think that since he was so happy to meet a pure-hearted person with such a huge passion.

“Why don’t you eat? If you don’t want to eat, just leave.”

“Phew, I was happy to meet a decent guy. I don’t want to be disappointed.”

“I think the people who are supporting the protesters behind must have an impure heart.”

“Tell the agents to keep an eye on Naiman. Also, identify the guys supporting the anti-government protest group from behind.”

“Shall we pull out the medics?”

“No, we don’t have to do that. If Naiman is indeed a righteous person, we should keep helping him. We already provided him with combat food, meds, and even weapons. There’s no point in hiding at this point. If there are people behind the protestors are not cool, let’s clean up everything and take the lead in the protests.”

“That’s good to hear.”

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