
Chapter 196

Zhang Xiaorui’s face turned red and tears almost fell from her eyes . Although she looked tough on the outside, she was still a girl, a princess taken well care of by her family like a precious pearl ever since she was born . She had never been embarrassed like this . Now, she had been beaten by a guy in front of everyone who had been admiring her abilities . To make matters worse, she had been pressed down into the floor in such an embarrassing way . She felt like banging her head on the wall .

“No, this doesn’t count! I want another rematch! This time I will use Jeet Kune Do!”

Ye Shaoyang replied, “Forget it, darling . You can use Jeet Kune Do, Muay Thai, Jiu-Jitsu, boxing, or any other kind of martial art, but when would we finish fighting?”

Zhang Xiaorui laid on the floor quietly with an unhappy expression .

Ye Shaoyang could not take it anymore as he saw her pitiful face . He could not help but let go of her and took a few steps back . Zhang Xiaorui jumped up and ambushed him with a punch, “My turn!”

Ye Shaoyang did not even try to avoid the punch . It was quite a painful punch, and it sent him kneeling down on his knees as he threw up a little .

Zhang Xiaorui was stunned by this, “Why didn’t you avoid it?”

As Ye Shaoyang wiped his mouth, he stood up, “I was giving you the chance to release your anger on me . ” He smiled calmly, but inside, he blamed himself for being a dumbass . If he knew Zhang Xiaorui was going to punch so hard, he wouldn’t have taken it . Now, as a result of being a gentleman, his stomach was churning in pain .

“You…” Zhang Xiaorui, on the other hand, was touched by this . More importantly, they had so much physical contact during the fight, yet Ye Shaoyang did not harass her in any way, not even verbally . This had touched Zhang Xiaorui’s soft spot, in fact, she had grown fond of him already . It was normal to have physical contact during fights and to think of it, she had been the one actively seeking it .

Zhang Xiaorui’s anger completely disappeared . She sighed as a sign of defeat, “Fine . Master Ye, a bet is a bet . From now on, you are the chairman of our club . ”

Ye Shaoyang waved his hand, “I don’t want to be a chairman . I just want to go home . Can I go now?” He walked over to Xiao Ma and picked up his food . He started eating his bun while walking toward the door .

Standing at the door was the large man who had been very rude earlier . Ye Shaoyang did not even look at the man and he kept walking . Knowing his place, the large man took a few steps backward out of fear . Ye Shaoyang walked out of the stadium with a cool expression without even looking back .

Ye Shaoyang had walked a few hundred meters away when he heard a voice coming from behind him .


Ye Shaoyang naturally turned around . It was none other than Zhang Xiaorui, running up towards him .

His heart trembled, Is this crazy woman looking for another fight? 张小蕊一口气跑到叶少阳面前,仰头看着他,说道:“叶少阳,我打不过你。”

Zhang Xiaorui ran up to Ye Shaoyang quickly . She stared into his eyes and said, “Ye Shaoyang, I lost to you; I could not win against you . ”


“You are the only one in the entire university who has defeated me . I want to be your student and learn your Maoshan martial art!”

Ye Shaoyang could only stare at her in astonishment, he could not even speak .

Zhang Xiaorui said, “I am serious; I want to learn it . Your Maoshan martial art is really good!”

Ye Shaoyang was taken aback . He scratched his head, “Didn’t I tell you earlier? This is not a martial art . Maoshan is not a martial art sect . I am only practicing Maoshan’s physical training as an exercise to keep my body healthy . ”

Zhang Xiaorui did not give up, “I don’t care . As long as you can fight, it is a good martial art . I want to learn it . You must be my master . Otherwise, I will stick to you every day . Oh yes, I will tell everyone that I’m your girlfriend, and you were being a jerk to me . Hehe…”

“How could you!” Ye Shaoyang was devastated . This girl was really a pain in the ass . First, she forced him into a fight . Now, she forced him into being her master, and she did that by hook or by crook . Ye Shaoyang wiped away the sweat on his forehead .

“It is not up to me to decide whether you can be a disciple of the Maoshan sect . How about this? I’ll first teach you the basics of our Maoshan physical training . If you are determined enough, practice it and find me when you succeed . ”

Zhang Xiaorui’s face lightened up . She immediately nodded, “Yes, master . Teach me now, I can’t wait to get started!”

Ye Shaoyang’s eyes rolled in annoyance, “Wait, I’m not your master yet . Walk with me, I’ll bring you to a place . ” He brought her out of the school and instructed her to wait for him in a coffee shop . Then, he went to a photocopy machine shop .

Fifteen minutes later, Ye Shaoyang entered the coffee shop just as he promised . He walked over to Zhang Xiaorui and announced in a stern voice, “Now, I will officially teach you the basics of Maoshan’s physical training . Remember, do not share this with any outsider, as this act is considered treason . Ahem… Here, this is the holy book of Maoshan’s physical training .

He then took out a bunch of papers that were obviously photocopied . The ink on the pages was not even dry, and they were bound together by nothing but staples .

“Holy book!” Xiao Ma burst out in laughter as he witnessed such a ridiculous scene .

Zhang Xiaorui’s facial expression instantly turned sour . Her face was turning red . Before she expressed her indignation, Ye Shaoyang stopped her, “This is really the book of the Maoshan’s physical training . I have the original book with me and photocopied it for you . It doesn’t matter what paper quality the book is as long as you can learn the art . ”

Zhang Xiaorui was convinced . She took the book, flipped a few pages and happily smiled .

Ye Shaoyang’s brilliant plan worked . He waved his hand at Zhang Xiaorui, “Now that I have given you the holy book, you can start practicing anytime you want . When you are ready, give me a call . This book costs five hundred bucks . How are you going to pay me?”

Zhang Xiaorui nodded, “I’ll transfer the money to your account . I’ll give you five thousand instead . ”

Ye Shaoyang was pleasantly surprised . He almost bowed at Zhang Xiaorui before he suddenly remembered that he was her master now . He kept a straight face and nodded before he left with Xiao Ma .

“Wow, Little Ye, you are really something . A fake bunch of photocopied papers for five thousand!” As they walked, Xiao Ma laughed .

Ye Shaoyang corrected Xiao Ma, “Who said that was fake? What I gave her was a real copy of Maoshan’s physical training . ”

Xiao Ma was stunned, “Are you serious? How did you get a copy?”

“Yunji Heavenly Manual, chapter one . That is physical training . ” Ye Shaoyang smacked on his chest,”Don’t forget; I always carry a copy with me . ”

Xiao Ma asked, “But can you randomly give the book to just anyone?”

“Maoshan’s physical training can be learned by anyone if they want . There’s no secrecy in it . ” Ye Shaoyang explained, “The only one way to learn the Maoshan’s physical training is through persistence, and it will not give you superpowers . Most people give up halfway through the training . Even if she is persistent enough, it will take her at least a year to master it . So, she will not disturb me for quite a while . ”

Xiao Ma finally realized Ye Shaoyang’s intention, “Little Ye, what if she is really persistent enough and calls you after a year? Will you really take her as your protege?”

“About that . . . We’ll see,” Ye Shaoyang scratched his head as he explained . He had never intended to take a protege, let alone a crazy one . However, if she was really persistent enough to master it, she deserved credit, so he might consider taking her in as his protege .

The Maoshan’s art is indeed a sort of martial art, so it might be good for her .

To think of it, it was as if Ye Shaoyang had sold an opportunity to Zhang Xiaorui . The rest of it would be up to her own effort . Ye Shaoyang had earned five thousand by selling the opportunity anyway . And, yes, it would cause no harm .

Xiao Ma jokingly nudged Ye Shaoyang with his elbow, “Hey, how about just taking her in as your protege straight away? Then you will have a student to help you with your work . Hehe, that would be cool . ”

Ye Shaoyang glared at Xiao Ma, “What has this to do with you?”

“Plenty, of course . If she is your student, and I am your assistant, then I would be her senior . She would have to address me as her senior . That would be awesome . ”

Ye Shaoyang sneered, “Save it . Look at yourself in the mirror . You don’t even qualify as my protege . ”

“You…” Xiao Ma’s heart was crushed into a million pieces .

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