
Chapter 779: The Enemy Who Could Not Be Suppressed


The instant the rune was completed, Grant’s eyes widened in horror. His eyes that were previously shining with the Holy Light turned dark as the three Golden Rune that circled him suddenly started to shake as well.

Although Miles did not understand the situation, he knew that the method was effective, so he planned to take advantage of the situation and attempt to stab Grant again. However, as he was about to do this, an invisible power burst forth from Grant; it was a terrifying blast, which sent Miles flying away like he was a fly.

He slammed into the ground a rolled over a few times before eventually regaining his balance.

On the other hand, Benjamin showed a look of relief as he remained outside the reach of the tornado.

"It seems like it was... a success?"

The rune that he told Miles to draw symbolizes "drain". Previously he did not find a useful purpose for the rune. It was just that, at the moment, all the light elements from their surroundings had been collected by Grant, and he was obviously using the power of runes. Thus, Benjamin quickly came up with an idea.

Miles possessed a physique that was very much despised by the elements - after the mages from the academy conducted some research on him, they also found that his blood contained an unknown energy. Therefore, Benjamin pondered whether a rune that represented "drain", and blood that was inherently despised by elements by nature, would be sufficient to completely destroy Grant’s accumulated powers. He sure hoped so.

But Benjamin’s gamble did not pay off as he watched a large amount of light elements gushed out from the wind without warning. The elements gushed out in all directions like leaks in a water reservoir. The three runes around Grant had also completely disappeared, which meant that all his accumulated energy had been dispersed.

"He looks really angry." The System shuddered after probing, "You shouldn’t go too over the board - drawing on a person’s face is like a childish punishment when you lose in a card game."

Benjamin shrugged.

"I wasn’t the one who drew it, and yet, you’re blaming me?"

But even as he was observing the situation with the System, the "Light Slayers" and other mages did not just stand idly by.

After the big trick was interrupted, the powerful isolating force field around Grant finally disappeared. The four mages then looked at each other and nodded. Moments later, the wind blades and bats that were hidden inside the tornado once again resurfaced and charged at Grant mercilessly!

Grant could only wipe away the blood stains on his face hurriedly and summon a Holy Light Barrier around himself. Concentrated attacks hit the barrier, which made the Holy Light flicker, but not really causing it any serious damage.

"How can he block off all of that... Wouldn’t he suffer any damage from all the hits that he took..."

The four mages could sense the resistance in the wind and could not help but look troubled.

Nonetheless, at that instant, a loud boom was abruptly heard from within the tornado. It sounded like a bomb had gone off. The elemental structure that held the tornado together all of a sudden became unstable as an unknown magical wave briefly pulsed out from the core.

Seconds later, the shadow of a man who was wrapped in Holy Light broke out from the wind and charged directly towards Benjamin!

"Hmph! Did you really thank that you would be able to trap me with just four men?"

By now, Grant had completely wiped off the bloodstain on his face and had recomposed himself before bathing himself in Holy Light. Despite ignoring everyone else, he looked enraged, as if he was determined to return all the shame that he had received back ten-fold.

Nevertheless, Benjamin was prepared for him.

Before Grant charged out, he had already summoned ten humongous water balls and combined them into a shape of a fist. He made the fist float in front of him. As Grant was charging towards him, he coiled his arm back like he was about to unleash a full power haymaker.

"Do you want to give this a try? Let’s see which is more solid - your bone or the walls along the border of Havenwright!"

Benjamin shouted loudly.

Upon seeing this, Grant frowned and slowed down. The Holy Light that was gathered around him became much more concentrated. It morphed itself into the shape of a city wall, seemingly ready to block the impending blow from water fist ahead.

Obviously, the punch from Benjamin at Havenwright had left quite a memorable impression.


With a loud boom, the fist struck the Holy Light, which sent it blasting off into pieces violently. Its impact was rather huge, but it was still far from the punch that Benjamin had swung at Havenwright. Instantly, Grant looked as though he felt that something was wrong.

He looked at Benjamin who was not too far away from him.

"... A bluff?"

Benjamin smiled and said nothing, instead, flying further away. At the same time, the other figures appeared around Grant out of nowhere.

"Although you’re the current Pope, you shouldn’t be so disrespectful towards the elderly."

The hoarse voice mockingly called out as three mages surrounded Grant again. But this time, the people had been switched. Now, three mages cast the High-Level Earth Magic - Quicksand Hell, at the same time. As they controlled the bold and vigorous earth elements, it formed an immeasurable amount of gravel, so much so that even the sky around the area started to look rather gloomy from the dirt in the air. Grant snorted and tried to fly away but soon discovered that an invisible power had seemingly grabbed his shoulders and suppressed him.

Before Grant could even react, the flying gravel gushed towards him and poured onto the Holy Light, turning it into a gigantic sand ball in seconds. As the sand ball floated in mid-air, the three mages took advantage of their limited time and strengthened it, putting immense pressure on the sand ball to make the soil as packed and dense as possible.

Tss... Tss...

The continues grinding on the sand against each other started to make a muffled screeching sound.

"Now is the time, suppress him inside!"

Upon seeing this, some other mages that had yet not made a move suddenly became energetic and got ready to join the three Earth Mages to try to deal Grant a finishing blow.

Benjamin immediately stopped them.

"No, don’t rush. It’s not yet your turn."

The second right after he stopped them, the three mages who trapped Grant looked extremely shocked. They stared at the sand ball as if they were looking at a monster.


Out of the blue, an opening opened up on the side of the sand ball. Then, Holy Light started to shine out from it; it was weak but could not be ignored.

Following this, a series of loud sounds was heard. The sand ball that was packed so tightly that it might as well have been a mini mountain started to crack - rifts appeared everywhere as more and more Holy Lights shone out from the large or small gaps.

After about ten over seconds, the sand ball burst open from within, sending gravel shooting out everywhere. The mages had to dodge far away to escape the mess.

As they looked at what was left, they could only see a cluster of Holy Light that was shining so bright that they could not look at it directly.

"What a tough opponent..."

Benjamin subconsciously sighed to himself.

Then, he promptly gathered a countless number of ice mirrors to encircle the Holy Light. The two remaining elderly mages that had mastered Water Magic joined in and summoned a big blizzard, which quickly shrouded the sky near Grant.

Under the effects of the blizzard, the ice mirrors froze together in no time and formed a gigantic ice cube. The Holy Light that could not be looked at directly was isolated inside the cube. After repeated reflections, it finally became less bright.

"This time, he should be finally trapped, right?"

Right on cue, a blast from the Holy Light blew the cube apart and disintegrated it.

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