
Chapter 582 - Endless Aftertaste

Chapter 582: Endless Aftertaste

Gradually, people began to recover.

Those who woke up first looked around them, after which they wiped their tears away.

The emotions were slowly fading. It was complicated and yet memorable.

It was as if they had just been drunk, or had an unforgettable date.

Ding, ding—

“Ladies and gentlemen.”

Rasfa clearly did not plan to let them continue to be immersed in their memories and emotions.

“Rasfa, what’s that? Magic?”

“Can’t you smell it? It’s the wine.”

“No, it’s not wine. The feeling... I recalled my mother.”

“I thought I’d forgotten about it, Kerry...”

“Ladies and gentlemen, would you like to have a glass? Another round of memories.”

Rasfa waved his hand and the servants presented everyone with a glass of wine.

It was a wonderful feeling. Memories might be painful, but people still wanted more.

However, there was only one glass of wine.

Everyone was drowning in emotions, but the feeling was slowly dying.

“Mr. Rasfa, can I have another glass, please? Thanks,” a lady said.

“I would like to have another glass too. It feels great.”

“Sorry, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to satisfy your requests,” Rasfa said with a smile.

“Why? Why are you being stingy with just a glass of wine?”

“You’ve seen for yourself, there’s only a bottle. At least I only have this bottle. I’ve given all of it to you.”

Rasfa knew well how the rarity of an item would affect its value.

If he chose to satisfy all the guests at once, they would instead not cherish it.

By allowing only a tiny sip, the guests would enjoy the moment even more.

It was Rasfa’s personal experience. The best thing was one that a person wanted but could not get.

“You should have prepared more.”

“Rasfa, you shouldn’t treat your guests like this.”

Everyone was complaining, even those who had painful memories.

They were similarly displeased.

Actually, what they had experienced was not pain, but rather cherishable thoughts.

But before they were satisfied, the feelings had already died down.

It was like running out of alcohol after getting tipsy.

Or like two lustful people who were about to do it realizing that they had no condoms.

“Quiet, quiet,” Rasfa called. “Everyone, you should understand by now how precious the wine is. It’s not that I’m unwilling to prepare more. I don’t actually have more.”

“Mr. Rasfa, may I know where you got the wine from?”

“From the East. It’s a very old winery. Do you know how much I paid for the wine? Not money, but I made many promises,” Rasfa said.

“The mysterious East.”

“A dreamlike wine.”

“It’s just a glass of wine, but I’ve experienced life.”

“I feel younger. I’ve had another date.”

“Rasfa, when you get this wine again, can you inform me immediately? Or maybe I’ll buy it directly.”

“Mr. Rasfa, me too, no matter how much it costs.”

“Fine, if I get more Purple Brew next time, I’ll tell you,” Rasfa said, smiling.

From the reactions of these celebrities, the wine tasting session was clearly a success.

The guests reluctantly left one after another.

In the end, the last guest approached Rasfa.


“Bach.” Rasfa hugged his old friend.

“You cunning asshole. Wine from the East? I don’t believe that” Bach said, laughing.

Of course, Bach knew Rasfa’s aim.

He was trying to either gain benefits or expand his social circle.

As long as everyone craved the wine, Rasfa could easily extend his social network.

While Bach wanted the wine too, he knew that Rasfa would not agree.

“You didn’t stay to curse me, did you?”

“Is there any use in cussing you? Will you tell me the source of the wine?”

“Of course not. Don’t even think about it.”

“I’ll be holding an auction on the top floor of Hilda Hotel, 7th of May. Get me a bottle of the wine to put on the auction,” Bach said. “It can attract more rich people to the event.”

Bach was a businessman, specialized in the sales of top-tier luxury goods.

He did not have a company behind him. Instead, he would fight for goods and bidders with his own reputation.

Nevertheless, he had been in this profession for fifty years already.

The auction deals made under him summed to a total of over ten billion dollars.

What did that mean? On average, his auctions would make deals totaling 200 million every year.

This was more than most auction companies in the world.

In some sense, Bach was himself a brand.

The number of rich people and celebrities that Bach knew was a few times or even a few dozen times more than Rasfa.

Some celebrities in LA might not know Rasfa, but they definitely knew Bach.

“That’s going to be difficult. The supply is very limited,” Rasfa said, looking like he was in a difficult position.

“I can promise you that the final price of the wine will be at least five hundred thousand.”

“Asshole, are you looking down on me? You think I need five hundred thousand?”

“Fine, I promise it’ll be at least a million. Anything lower, I’ll arrange a bidder to raise it to a million.”

As a famous person in the world of auctions, Bach was familiar with all business tricks.

Some items might not be that valuable by themselves, but they could attract many bidders.

An example would be the Purple Brew. Therefore, Bach was willing to pay for the benefits.

“I can’t answer you right now,” Rasfa said.

“Hey, don’t be greedy. The final price of the 30-year-old wine from French Village wasn’t even 1.5 million in the last three years.”

“Do you think the Purple Brew is not as good as the 30-year-old wine from French Village?”

“Rasfa, how old are you again? Stop saying such a stupid thing. The value of an item may not depend on how good it is, but rather on its reputation.”

“If it’s you, would you spend 1.5 million on the Purple Brew, or on the 30-year-old wine from French Village?”

“My answer doesn’t mean anything, because I’ll never spend 1.5 million to buy a bottle of wine, no matter what wine it is,” Bach said calmly.

“1.5 million. That’s my bottom line,” Rasfa said.

Bach’s eyes sparkled. He was hesitating. The wine was indeed a perfect brew.

But could it really attract enough rich people?

“Two days later, Steven will hold a party. He also has a bottle of wine which he’ll open at the party.”

“Asshole, you’re not the only one with the wine?”


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