
Chapter 33

Chapter 33 part1

This chapter is sponsored by John, JayDemonspell and EsteemedBun.We are thankful for their support.

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Translator: Asada

Editor: Kylerboi (unedited)

The stalker is turning away from me.

The bus hasn’t arrived yet. A car is parked in front of the convenience store and two young men are chatting with eachother. The distance is not far so screaming loudly can definitely attract their attention.

I need to get them to notice in case of an emergency. I believe that if you see someone eyes then you can judge his character.

If he did repent the incident and being caught by the police then why would he repeat stalking?....Well I don’t want to deal with the police again.

And now he is an adult. If he stabs me again then he will be definitely be sent to jail even if it’s a minor injury.

Should I call the police?....but what would I say? I witnessed a former stalker after a long time and I want to catch him right away?

There is a prohibition order to him to stay away from our family but it can’t be helped if you happen to run into him at the bus stop.

Well...let’s keep an eye on him and make sure that the other person is stalking before calling the police. If I put my sister in danger and something happens to her then I will regret it for my entire life.

I can’t imagine the police moving against him just by me seeing him in this town. I need a solid evidence. Even if they take an action immediately, it might force him into a corner and he might take some desperate last measure action.

Is there time to contact the police in the first place?

Even if he is caught and arrested here by the Police, it will be temporary. I want to make sure that he is never able to get close to my sister again.

I don’t think he will violently stab me but I am still worried. Although I was pretending to be calm but unconsciously, I stroked my old wound on my belly.

Nevertheless, while approaching him slowly, a question suddenly crosses my mind.

...What should I talk to about?

“Hey! Remember me. You stabbed me once.”

This situation can instigate him and as well as be misunderstood.

Should I pretend to run into him by chance?

I feel that just telling the fact that I met him by chance is strange.

All the worries kept aside. Is there really a chance that this could be coincidental?

If you still have some doubts then you should definitely make them clear.

If I know whether I should be on alert against him the my response needs to change depending upon that.

.....If I am in danger then escape with haste and ask for help. Let’s go with safety first strategy.

The man is facing his back to me and is enthusiastically operating his smartphone so hasn’t noticed me.

Its too dangerous to get close, so I should call from few metres away while giving away the feeling that I just noticed.

“Huh, are you Yoshinaga?”

The man turned around hurriedly after being called by his name. His face cannot hide his surprise.

I can tell even when my eyes are closed. I was convinced at this short distance that he is definitely the former stalker of Sayuki, Yoshinaga.

“Sorry, who are you?”

Oops, have you forgotten the face of your pierced partner?

His tone is gentle and polite but his eyes clearly show his distrust towards me.

“You might have know my sister.”

At that moment his expression completely changed.

“You are Sayuki Older brother?”

Apparently it reminded him of me.

I would have been embarrassed if he tested me as a stranger. The first barrier is now broken.

“Oh, its been a long time.”

It would have been dangerous to say “How are you?”

He might be remorseful for the earlier incident.

I had an impression that he would he would she’d tears and reflect on his behavior during the hearing and will apologize to my sister but he did not apologize till the end.

Later, we were told by a latter that he regrets his actions but the words were emotionless.

“I have caused you a lot of trouble.”

Yoshinaga bowed and deeply apologized.

A few years have passed since then, so should I think of this? If I happens to meet him in the town casually then I would have believe him. However, to trust him in this situation, I am not that naive.

“No, that’s okay. I am sorry that I said too much to you that day. I should have thought about it a bit more.”

I reply back like an adult. Let’s see the reaction. The conversation was full of tension as there is a feeling in me that if I make a mistake then it will be able to be fixed.

“No, my actions were unaccountable. I stalked Sayuki and hurt her brother.”

At that moment, it seemed as if he has rehabilitated and had some self reflection over his actions.

“You are her because you compensated for your sin. Raise your head.”

If there wasn’t any danger to my sister then I would have liked to voice one of my complaints but I will put my sister’s personal safety first and endure for now.

The feeling of knife piercing my belly and the feeling of blood flowing down made my fear. I still sometime wake to the dreams of the incident.

I have seen people hugging the enemy to kill him after being stabbed in TV dramas but I can’t possible do that.

Even though I am just talking to him, my hands hands are clasped with tension and anxiety. My while body is drenched with sweat.

“By the way, what are you doing in a place like this at midnight?”

“Because this is rural area so this is the only convenience store so I stopped here after my work.”

There is nothing wrong with what he is saying.

It seems that there are many stores in the city but this is the only store around here.

Is it really a coincidence? Was my sister’s stalker a different person?

“I see. You are working hard.”


Chapter 33 part2

This chapter is sponsored by JayDemonspell.We are thankful for his support.

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Translator: Asada

Editor: Kylerboi (edited)

His speaking style does not give me a bad feeling as a stalker’s. If I didn’t know about the situation then I would have probably thought of him as a good young man. Most of the people might instead judge a NEET like me as a stalker.

“It’s bad to meet you suddenly, but I want you to stay away from my sister.”

“Yes......my feelings are now gone. I had made a mistake in the past....I haven’t approached your sister since the day I was releases. I have never seen her with my eyes.”

He stares into my eyes and says without averting his.

“I am relieved to hear that. Ah, can I ask one last thing?”

“Of course.”

Yoshinaga stretched his back and waited for my words.

“So why are you still stalking?”


I approach his face and whisper in a cold voice.

“What are you talking about? I am-“

“I know that you have got an order to stay away from us and it’s my second meeting with you. Why did you escape that night when you saw my face?”

Yoshinaga stares into my eyes. My sister told me that people avert their eyes when they lie.

The night when my sister called for help, I haven’t really seen him, but I will make sure today. If he is not the stalker then fine. If he turns out to be innocent then I can even prostrate to him later on.

I stared at him so that I won’t miss any details.

Yoshinaga did not say anything and silence prevailed the place.

“Oh, who the hell cares anymore?”

...Hey, what did you say just now?

Yoshinaga raised his head and then nervously scratches it.

“Because I was thrown into such a place, it’s normal to get obsessed a bit isn’t it?”

I smile without being offended. His expression is so frustrating.

This guy’s looks as if he is truly feeling remorse.

“Is it a lie that you reflected on your behavior?”

“It’s normal though? You could have just ran away while screaming loudly. If you had at least avoided the knife, I wouldn’t have been thrown into such a place. My life becamse so messed up because of you both.”

Far from feeling remorse, it seems all the responsibility is shifted on to us instead. We should be the one feeling remorse huh?

Don’t have expectations for wrong people.

“.....don’t stalk my sister anymore.”

“Oh, I am scared. I am so terrified. Is your brotherly love talking here?”

He brought his face close enough to almost touch my forehead and showed his grinning face.

Instead of hate, I would rather murder him in cold blood.

“Well, if that’s your attitude then I have an idea. I am going to be investigated by the police. I’ll waste their time. The boys have taught me how to commit crimes at the last minute and not get caught, not like before.”

Is it all true or is he just bluffing?

Either way, he is definitely dangerous.

“Why did you stalk my sister?”

“It’s pure love, pure love. At that time I really loved her but didn’t have the courage to talk to her but it is now gone. But it is really.....was really love.”

His expression changes quickly and there is no more playful feeling.

“But I have been thinking for a long time since I got caught. What should I do after I meet her again? Apologize and ask for forgiveness? Or don’t show my face and pray for her happiness from the distance? As I spent my days, and couldn’t meet her. My feelings strengthened and my mentality changed.”

Then he breaks his sentence, and looks at the sky.

What is he talking about? Did his emotion changed and now he is unstable?

Silence, on the contrary gives fear and shakes my heart.

To be honest, I want to escape. The feelings are growing but then I think about my sister.

For a decade, I have been running away from job, family and Seika. I finally stopped running away.

“Now.....Sayuki-san...It’s really terrible to imagine but I want make that face cry. I want her to kneel in front of me and beg me. I just think about that.”

.....No. This is not a good thing meant to be left unchecked.

His feeling have distort and changed into something very dark.

Alone with such a guy in a dark night. To be honest, I want to run away while tucking my tail but I don’t want to regret anything again.

I want to live and turn my eyes away from the past.....No!!

When he takes one step forward, I step back a lot.

“Oh, scary, scary. Well do you think that if you provoke me and get beaten up then the police will move against me for assualt?”

Did he read my thoughts? But that’s not all.

This is a situation with someone who has prior criminal experience.

I am not stupid. Actually, I used my smartphone to record the conversation from the beginning. The police can arrest him just for this.

“I am sorry. Don’t put more sins on me. But oh no, what if someone else did that to good citizen? Well, this is also Fate.”


When Yoshinaga raised his hand, footsteps approached me from my behind.

When I turned around, the two men from the front of the convenience store approach me.

I wonder if i was expecting help from these guys. Yeah, things got worse at an accelerated pace.

“They are some friends whom I met at Juvenile. I wanted to take revenge on you by sending you a video tape in which we raped Sayuki but now I will let you watch it live.”

It’s the worst situation.

The store is located along the road away from the private houses.

There is no sign of anyone around except for these guys. I wonder if my voice will reach the clerk if I shout.

Do they know that there are no people in the vicinity? Yoshinaga takes out a knife and other two take out a baton and a stun gun respectively.

I am in a pinch. The opponents are armed and this is 3 against 1.

My feet is trembling and my heart is beating at an accelerated pace.

Scary, Scary. But Gams has fought against more terrifying monsters compared to these humans....

I held my fist and took a deep breath.

Give me courage because everyone needs it a little bit.

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