
Chapter 204: Iscariots Descendants 6

Chapter 204: Iscariot\'s Descendants 6

Rosenkreuz didn’t expect the person who was supposedly chased by Demon Kings to be waiting for him in this area.

He also felt suspicious that he hadn’t noticed Woohyuk’s presence or his overflowing demonic energy up to now.

When Rosenkreuz showed surprise and sudden alertness, Woohyuk spoke,

“You’ve been so arrogant, cursed descendent of Judith Iscariot, the twelfth disciple.”

“… How do you know that? I don’t understand.”

“Of course you don’t understand. You don’t even know Aleister’s true intention for creating Qliphoth’s Fruit.”

Any humans who ate Qliphoth’s Fruit would be manipulated as Aleister’s puppet, just as he intended.

Although there were some restrictions in control, the knowledge and senses of the one being possessed was absolutely shared with Aleister.

After listening to Woohyuk’s explanation, Rosenkreuz fell into shock and disbelief.

“That means… are you saying that Aleister has used me all this time?”

“Yes. He has been manipulating and fooling around with me all as well. All of this madness was to achieve his main purpose.”

For the two, Aleister was a common enemy.

However, there were too many differences in position and objectives between the two to join forces.

Woohyuk thought that no matter what, he would remove Rosenkreuz this time around, as he was a barrier that needed to be confronted someday.

When he summoned Verserios, Rozenkreuz narrowed his eyes.

“Pagan… no, you’re a demon. Can you tell me how you were able to hide that chaotic demonic energy from me up to now?”

“Well. First of all, let’s just say that I hired an outstanding actor.”

He didn\'t intend to give a lengthy explanation to a guy who was going to die soon.

As Woohyuk quickly narrowed the distance between them, the Castineon members stepped forward and chanted a magic spell.

At the same time, the six Demon Kings who were waiting in advance appeared on the battlefield using teleportation magic.

“We are your opponents.”

“Though, the level difference is quite severe to say that you could even be our opponents.”

“Shall we taste the God of Light’s disciples’ blood? I haven’t tasted the blood of fanatics for a long time.”

Amon was excluded from this battle.

It hadn’t been long since he was sealed in Lemegeton. Woohyuk judged that he was still difficult to deal with because he had such a high rank.

Meanwhile, Woohyuk’s other party members were working to conceal the current battlefield while hiding in the remote forest.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve had to spread such a wide area effect magic circle. If I keep it up for 10 minutes, I think I’ll drain all the divine power within me.”

“It’s okay. Don’t overdo it, Helena. I’ll support you by using Valkyrie’s runic technique to provide an additional power source for your magic circle.”

“I have that also, so no worries. Though, my divine power may be insufficient compared to the two of you.”

A wide area hidden barrier created by the Saintesses and Valkyrie slowly formed as they chanted at the same time.

The range of the barrier was beyond a 1 km radius within the forest.

Now, no matter what happened in this place, the Pope’s clergymen and officers will not be able to notice anything.

However, because someone could appear and interfere with the barrier, Sieg stood guard over the three women.

“Hah~ I want to fight too…”

“Please be patient this time, Sieg. Aleister could be targeting Helena and Maria.”

Helena had the Holy Grail, and Mary had the ability of foresight.

If either of them was taken away by the demonic camp, it would cause serious problems.

Sieg sighed as Brynhildr repeatedly gave out warnings.

“It can’t be helped. I have no choice but to watch the lord fight from here.”

“Don’t worry. Your lord is a very strong man.”

Everyone’s eyes turned toward Woohyuk as the two finished their conversation.

Woohyuk was currently in a fierce battle with Rosenkreuz.

“You’re holding on better than I thought you would, Rosenkreuz.”


Rosenkreuz stepped back and clenched his teeth.

He was struggling because of the Nocturne of the Hidden Crescent Moon, Woohyuk’s S-grade artifact.

[Nocturne of the Hidden Crescent Moon]

Category: Accessory

Grade: S

Durability: 50,000

Effect: Each hour, the three abilities of the specified opponent are neutralized for 10 minutes (except in the case of an overwhelmingly stronger target). Up to five magic spells cast on the user can be saved and used. Immune to attacks above all conditions for 10 minutes (always immune to poison).

‘It was a good decision to use all the collected artifacts as production materials for this item.’

Unlike when he faced Amon, Woohyuk didn’t face much of a power gap between himself and Rosenkreuz, so he would be able to store up to three of Rosenkreuz’s spells during the next ten minutes.

Furthermore, his weapon, Astaroth, could also steal one ability from the opponent.

As a result, Rosenkreuz was unable to use petty tricks like last time.


Rosenkreuz’s protective boundary was immediately cracked by Verserios. With no other alternative, Rosenkreuz took out a Qliphoth’s Fruit and swallowed it.


Whether or not he became Aleister’s puppet, his most urgent issue was to somehow survive.

He was caught in Woohyuk’s trap and had to escape somehow.

As Rosenkreuz finished chanting a holy spell with a dire expression, five human figures appeared behind him.


All of the Pope’s high-ranking priests, those who had been involved in the mischievous plans against the Holy Apheria Empire, were summoned.

“So now that you’re in trouble, you’re calling on your comrades.”

“Did you think I would easily give up? We are a group that has existed since before the Demonic Wars.”

Pronoia, like Etheria Rodinus, had inherited an early sense of purpose and goal through successive generations.

At the center was always the descendant of Solomon’s 12th disciple, Judith Iscariot.

As Rosenkreuz gave his orders, the Pronoia members rushed toward Woohyuk at once.


As high-ranking clergymen, their divine magic all emitted powerful power.

A storm of dazzling light swept around the battlefield, and pillars of golden flame constantly rose from the ground.

Of course, even with this display of force, they were no match for the current Woohyuk.

“I don’t have the time to play with you guys right now. If you’re going to delay the inevitable by calling on reinforcements, then I have my own plans as well.”

Woohyuk completely opened up his inner magic to form an absolute space.

As the surrounding landscape was engulfed by a pitch-black abyss, the members of Pronoia looked crestfallen.

“This, this is…”

“Is this an imagined world, another dimension? There is something sinister about this space.”

“It would be better to eat Qliphoth’s Fruit now. He’s not the only enemy we have to deal with.”

“There are also six Demon Kings… Most of them are low in rank, but in a place like this, we can’t put our guards down.”

“All of the Castineon guys were easily beaten. Soon, their attacks will be focused on us.”

Castineon, a special agency of the Holy Pope’s Office, had already been utterly destroyed.

Feeling the cold eyes of the Demon Kings, the members of Pronoia prepared for the final battle.



The Qliphoth Fruits’ flesh and juices ran down their throats, making their bodies give off an intense, purple energy.

Soon, the fruit’s effect began to appear…



The Pronoia members screamed in pain and twisted their bodies as if they were convulsing.

Even though they took a neutralizing agent beforehand, side effects occurred.

Rosenkreuz, who saw all this unfolding, made a disbelieving expression.

“… The seeds of an evil devil sprouted from not one, but all of them. This had never happened before.”

“I told you earlier. Right now, you’re nothing more than Aleister’s puppets.”

Aleister had manipulated Qliphoth’s Fruit to cause side effects in the bodies of those who consumed it.

In other words, Aleister was currently watching this situation from somewhere.

The only reason why Rosenkreuz was spared was probably because Aleister thought he was still useful.

Woohyuk immediately gave instructions to the six Demon Kings, as he had no desire to fall into Aleister’s trickery.

“Astaroth, you and I will face Rosenkreuz. For the rest of you, when they turn into Awakeners, take care of each one.”

“Awakeners… this’ll be a fun experience.”

“Aleister… he just had to create this useless stuff, didn’t he…”

“No matter, they still won’t be our opponents!”

“That’s right, there wasn’t much to that Ivanov guy who we dealt with last time."

“Except for self-destructing.”

Each of the five Demon Kings said a few words before surrounding the members of Pronoia.

After that, the atmosphere turned cold and freezing.

While the Pronoia members turned into Awakeners, Rosenkreuz calmly judged the situation.

‘Somehow, I’ll need them to focus their attention on the other guys.’

If the engagement continued like this, he would surely die.

So, he decided to find the right timing to flee to the Holy Pope’s Office when he grabbed a chance.

Anyway, everyone else was already lost. He could only consider saving himself.

However, Woohyuk read his intention and did not allow him any room to escape.

“Stop resisting and become a martyred fanatic. There’s no chance for you, since you’ve already lost all of your comrades.”

Through the dark air, Verserios drew a trajectory towards Rosenkreuz’s heart.

As Rosenkreuz barely avoided the attack with teleportation magic, Astaroth, who was waiting at the escape location, quickly jumped on him.


A huge two-handed sword was lodged in Rosenkreuz’s torso with a dull penetrating sound.


After the attack, Rosenkreuz spit blood out from his mouth with a shocked expression.

It was difficult to deal with Woohyuk and Astaroth at the same time, even if he took Qliphoth’s Fruit.

“This is the last time, Rosenkreuz!”

Woohyuk held Verserios in an attack position and flew towards Rosenkreuz, who was desperately trying to flee using teleportation magic.

The moment when Verserios was about to penetrate Rosenkreuz’s heart,


A member of the Pronoia who turned into a giant Awakener screamed and emitted a purple laser cannon from his mouth.

It was a blind attack with no target, likely because he was in a maddened state.

However, Woohyuk avoided the flying laser cannon after disengaging with Rosenkreuz because the surrounding air was hot enough to cause bodily damage.


Rosenkreuz gasped as he looked down at the blood flowing from his body.

He was lucky enough to hang onto his life, but it was only a while.

He suffered fatal injuries which slowed his movement, and his main ability was still being blocked by Woohyuk’s accessory item.

‘It’s impossible to run away.’

To chant the lengthy return spell to return to the Holy Pope’s Office, he had to use at least one person as a shield to buy some time.

However, the members of Pronoia have turned into Awakened people, and Rachius, his personal servant, was not around.

He had to make a decision.

After contemplating, Rosenkreuz took out another Qliphoth Fruit.

Even if he became an Awakener, he had to survive.

It was still not too late to think about how to counteract any negative effects in the future.

Rosenkreuz swallowed the Qliphoth Fruit,


A golden vortex swirled around his body, and in no time, it began to expand its influence.

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