
Chapter 232: Young Master’s Greatest Sin

Chapter 232: Young Master’s Greatest Sin

Xiao Ya’s room.

Xiao Ya, one of the sect heads of the Immortal God Sect held a communication artifact on her hand. She was currently using it to talk to someone else. Xiao Ya smiled as she saw the exasperated face of the Fang Clan Patriarch on the artifact.

“What do you want Xiao Ya? Are you talking to me about the deal I offered to you?”

Xiao Ya’s smile faltered, clearly knowing what the Fang Clan Patriarch offered to her. After the events at the Solstice Kingdom, the Fang Clan Patriarch personally talked to Xiao Ya about a deal.

In that deal, the Fang Clan Patriarch wanted Xiao Ya to give Fang Lin back to the Fang Clan. In exchange for that, the Fang Clan will not participate on any attacks at the Immortal God Sect.

Xiao Ya of course did not reply and shooed the Patriarch away. But six months later, she decided to talk to him.

“Hmmph, before I give you my answer, let me ask you a question first.” Xiao Ya said quickly.

“Ah, you want to know what happened at the calamity of the Fang Clan and how it was related to Fang Lin?” The Fang Clan shook his head wryly, knowing what Xiao Ya wanted.

“Of course anyone will be tempted to know about this.” Xiao Ya replied haughtily. “After all, an event that killed some experts of the Fang Clan that also led to the banishment of the direct descendant was certainly an intriguing one.”

“...” The Fang Clan Patriarch stared at Xiao Ya, who just looked back innocently. He then let out a tired sigh as he leaned back on his chair.

“Since you seem to be his ‘secret guardian’, I guess you should know about it.”

“I’m all ears here.” Xiao ya straightened her body as she listened to the Fang Clan Patriarch’s story.

The story that the Fang Clan Patriarch gave her was certainly... unique.

According to him, Fang Lin was born with an auspicious sign in the sky. However, that auspicious sign was not seen yet before.

The whole clan of course celebrated. A direct descendant of the Fang Clan Founder who had an auspicious sign on his birth surely will be an earth-shattering genius!

But their expectations were shattered by his ‘genius’.

They found out that due to some reasons, Fang Lin could not even cultivate at the most basic Body Refinement Stage. At a powerful clan like the Fang Clan, the children were fed with countless medicines to aid them on the Body Refinement Stage.

This method that starts at childhood ensures a great foundation for the Fang Clan’s younger generation.

But Fang Lin could not even step on this stage. Any medicine given to him was not even able to stir his tissues into action. It was as if his path to cultivation as cut off.

This extremely lackluster performance of Fang Lin relegated him as a useless person. What was worse was that he was also a mischievous brat.

Knowing that he had no personal power, Fang Lin used his status as the Prince of the Fang Clan to bully his fellow clanmates. The Fang Clan Patriarch of course knew that Fang Lin was doing it because he was extremely frustrated with his condition.

The Patriarch of course could not do anything about this since he was Fang Lin’s grandfather!

“So he was a spoiled Young Master back then huh.” Xiao Ya thought to herself. Well, anyone who was expected to be a great genius only to turn out as a dud will surely be extremely pissed on his/her situation.

Xiao Ya then narrowed her eyes, trying to see if Fang Lin or Fang Yu acted as a spoiled Young Master at their stay at the Immortal God Sect. Fortunately, they did not. Fang Lin must have changed his attitude after his exile.

“Then how could that behavior bring him to an exile?” Xiao Ya asked the Patriarch. “Surely some disciplinary actions will be enough for him right?”

“It was because of this...”

According to the Patriarch, when Fang Lin was 9 years old, his mind had been extremely warped by jealousy upon seeing that he was being left behind by those at the same generation as him. Even his sister, who was younger than him, was able to beat him up.

This turned Fang Lin to be more venomous and spiteful to those around him. He was even disrespectful to his family.

“Wow. That was way too different from the Fang Lin and Fang Yu I knew.” Xiao Ya thought to herself. If what the Fang Clan Patriarch said was true, then Fang Lin really was a despicable person back then.

It was then that the Fang Clan Patriarch told about the calamity of the Fang Clan.

According to him, there was a hidden realm in the Fang Clan, which was sealed by three of the artifacts of the Fang Clan Founder. If one of the artifacts was removed, the seal on the hidden realm will loosen up, which will unleash powerful monsters hidden at the hidden realm.

The Patriarch said that the function of the hidden realm was to keep these monsters sealed. Nobody was allowed to let these beasts out.

Of course the extremely bitter Fang Lin did not take heed of these instructions.

He thought that maybe one of the artifacts of the Fang Clan Founder will allow him to cultivate.

Using his status as the Prince, he said that he will take a look at the artifacts. Nobody stopped him, since he was just going to go sight-seeing.

It was then that Fang Lin removed one of the artifacts.

What happened next was chaos.

6 Fifth Stage Beasts came out, and they started wreaking havoc at the Fang Clan. It took the Fang Clan everything they had to push these beasts back to the hidden realm.

Countless Fang Clan members died, including some of their strong practitioners.

As for Fang Lin, he was mentally damaged by the ordeal. Even though he was a petty person at that time, he still loved the Fang Clan.

Seeing many of them die due to his selfishness almost made him crazy.

He became a changed person. Everyday, he just hung out around the Fang Clan cemetery as he cleaned the tombstones of those who died at the calamity. He refused to face the other clan members since he was so guilty at what he did.

The remaining Fang Clan members, although angry with Fang Lin, also felt pity for him.

“Wow. From angry to crazy. But if that was the case, then why does Fang Lin seem sane now?” Xiao Ya thought to herself.

“You must be wondering how Fang Lin recovered right? What we did was simple. We wiped his memory.” The Fang Clan Patriarch replied.

“His memory? Did you wipe out all of it?”

The Patriarch shook his head as he said, “No, we only wiped out his memory of the Calamity.”

“So the Fang Lin I know right now had no recollections of him causing the Calamity?” Xiao Ya queried.

“That’s true.” The Fang Clan Patriarch replied slowly. “That was the only way we know that can save Fang Lin from his guilt and self-blame. As for the adult Fang Clan members, we made a rule that bans them from mentioning to Fang Lin the truth about the Calamity. Anyone who breaks the rule will be extremely punished. As for the younger Fang Clan members like Fang Xiushang, we also wiped their memories of the Calamity.”

Xiao Ya sighed, not knowing if what they did was right. Well, Fang Lin was only a child at that time, and any trauma that he experiences will be hard to repair. Wiping his memory removes that trauma forcefully.

“But what will you do once his memories return? Are you prepared on what might happen to him?

The Fang Clan Patriarch grimaced as he said,

“One of the reasons we want him back at the Fang Clan was to make sure that his memories will not come back.”

Xiao Ya’s eyes then narrowed as she remembered something.

“If you hid the events of the Calamity from Fang Lin, then why did you exile him?”

The Fang Clan Patriarch replied,

“Even though he was just a child and the Prince of the Fang Clan, he still contributed to the deaths of many Fang Clan members. Memory or no memory, he still had to be punished. Aside from that, we also had to separate Fang Lin from the older Fang Clan members. Some of them might ignore the ban and tell him about the Calamity.”

Xiao Ya nodded, realizing that what they did was right. “So you just told this Fang Lin that had no memories of the Calamity that he will be exiled for no reason at all?

“Yeah we did that.”

“Can’t you even think of a good reason?” Xiao Ya said exasperatedly.

“We do not need to.” The Fang Clan Patriarch replied. “I realized that Fang Lin’s attitude might turn out for the better if we exiled him on that island ‘for no reason at all’. We of course had hidden some powerful life-saving talismans on him without his knowledge.”

“Well I guess what you did was successful, seeing he seems to be decent now.” Fang Yu replied. “Though that may change once his memories comes back. Are you still prepared on what he will do once that happens?”

“That is why we want him back! I want to help him!” The Patriarch said hoarsely. He gave Xiao Ya a rare, pleading look as he said,

“You surely would want him to be fine right?”


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