
Chapter 234: Oqtris, Ofneas, Mexella

Chapter 234: Oqtris, Ofneas, Mexella

Fang Yu sighed in relief after she vented all her anger at the poor Brutus. Of course there was something else that had been pent-up inside her for 6 months... but with the situation right now, she can only resolve that at another time.

“Hey you.” Fang Yu stared at the Village Leader who was still looking at the barely alive Brutus fearfully. “Get someone to take care of this muscle freak. Then you, you shall tell the truth to this Goddess.”

“Great Goddess, what truth?”

“You know what I am talking about.” Fang Yu snarled. “Because of my departure, I was not able to see what happened. But I see it now. Most of you went underground. Even though I already returned, my power was not enough to allow me to see the past.”

“So, you will tell me what happened. If not, you shall experience my wrath, just like this dude here.” Fang Yu said while kicking Brutus’ body.


The Leader wasted no time as he ushered Fang Yu to the grandest place in the village, the Village Leader’s house. Fang Yu did not forget to bring Mithra with her.

Inside the house, Fang Yu sat on the chair that the Leader provided her. As for Mithra, she tried to stand behind her, but Fang Yu thought otherwise.

“Mithra, come sit on this Goddess’ lap.”

“Ah but Great Goddess...”

“It’s the will of your Goddess....” Fang Yu said smilingly as she patted her thighs. Even though Mithra was a woman who prefers males, her heart still could not help but beat fast after seeing her milky white legs.

She suppressed a blush as she sat, trying to not make a sound. With her progress in cultivation, Fang Yu was way taller that Mithra. Mithra’s head managed to only reach Fang Yu’s bountiful bosom. Fang Yu of course took advantage of it as she gently pulled Mithra’s head to sink on her chest.

“....” Mithra could feel the soft sensation pressing at the back of her head. She stopped trembling as she realized Fang Yu’s jade rabbits felt like a soft pillow.

“Snore...” Mithra fell asleep in no time at all. Her head lolled comfortably towards Fang Yu’s chest. The Leader and Fang Yu could see that Mithra was extremely comfortable with her new ‘pillow’.

Tang Li could only stare in envy seeing someone taking her potentially new sleeping area.

“.....” Fang Yu felt disappointed after seeing Mithra having her zzz. She originally wanted to tease Mithra all throughout the conversation, with some flirty talk and discreet touches. But now, Fang Yu had no choice but to endure cradling such a fine specimen.

“You dare sleep on me huh? Well then, you shall face the full power of my ‘massage’ later.” Fang Yu thought to herself. She suppressed a lewd smile that was about to erupt on her face.

She managed to quell her emotions as she nonchalantly laid her hands on the sleeping Mithra’s thighs. She looked at the Village Leader, inviting him to start talking already.

“Great Goddess... the truth was I do not know why most of us went underground and why some of us were left here.” The Village Leader replied reverently.

Fang Yu observed each of the Leader’s facial expressions. Wang Hao’s lessons allowed her to see minute facial ticks that could show if someone was lying or not.

From the looks of it, this Leader was lying to her.

“You know I have a little patience, young one.” Fang Yu said coldly as she started gripping Mithra’s thighs tightly. Fang Yu of course felt good from this, but she refrained from showing her pleasure. She waited for the Leader’s reply as she endured Tang Li pulling her hair. Tang Li must be extremely envious right now seeing her Sis having fun with another woman.

“Ah!!” The Leader kneeled in front of Fang Yu as he said,

“Oh great one, you have been called by many names in the past! Oqtris the Goddess of Fertility! Ofneas the Goddess of Pleasure! Mexella the Goddess of Beauty! Your name had been sung with countless praises! With your great prestige, I, this humble one, does not dare to lie to you!”

“What? Fertility, Beauty and Pleasure? Oh my, this Goddess who looked like me was really stretching it.” Fang Yu thought to herself wryly. How could she know that the Goddess that she was impersonating had these roles?

“Fertility!” For no reason at all, Tang Li suddenly removed her invisibility, showing her full form to the Leader.

When the Leader saw this, he could only stare at Tang Li dumbfoundedly as he muttered some words.

“Pardon? Say clearly what you wanted to say.” Fang Yu demanded of him.

The Leader looked at Tang Li reverently as he said,

“The Great Goddess has three names and three forms. When she was Oqtris the Goddess of Fertility, she assumes the form of a baby!”

“Yesh! I am Oqtwish!” Tang Li mumbled happily after seeing a grown man looking at her with reverence. “Bow to your goddessh!”

Fang Yu narrowed her eyes upon realizing that this man actually did not believe she was the Goddess! He might have acted respectful, but he was must have been watching all of her moves.

So far, Fang Yu must have not yet slipped up. But it seems like this person did not tell her about the three forms of the Goddess! The leader must have known this fact to be the most credible evidence to know if she was the real one. If Fang Yu failed to show her other forms, her cover might have been blown!

Fang Yu could only thank Tang Li silently for her unexpected help.

“How about me? Who do you think I am?” Fang Yu smiled provocatively as her fingers caressed Mithra’s sleeping face. “Is it Ofneas or Mexella? Careful with your answer young one, I have seen suspicion in your actions...”

The Leader gulped, realizing that he had been seen through. He could only bow as he said,

“I’m sorry for the impudence , great Ofneas.”

“Fudge, he must have thought my actions with Mithra indicates that I am the Goddess of Pleasure...” Fang Yu thought with a cramped smile on her face. Since he said that she was the Goddess of Pleasure, then she better act like one.

Fang Yu started pressing some points on Mithra’s belly that can be considered to be her sensitive points. She infused mana on her fingers, depositing some slivers on it on Mithra’s body.

“Mmm...” Mithra squirmed as she felt something good on her body. She let out some pleased moans as the sensations intensified. She only stopped when Fang Yu stopped her demonstration.

“Now then, are you going to tell the truth to me now?” Fang Yu asked the leader.

Since he was suspicious of Fang Yu earlier, the leader did not tell her about the truth of the situation. Heck, Fang Yu questioning him about what happened made him more suspicious. Only when Fang Yu showed her baby form that the leader believed that she was the real deal.

“The truth was, my brethren discovered that the Devourer who invaded this planet was still alive!” The leader said with anger evident on his features.

“They found him buried deep underground. But the problem was, that son of a b**ch actually coveted us! That s**ty bastard tempted most of us with benefits if we worship him instead of the Goddess! And to my disbelief, most of them actually listened! They went underground as a way to start worshipping him!”

“That’s inevitable you know...” Fang Yu said faintly. With the Goddess gone, most of the people will go with the next powerful being there is. That is not a matter of loyalty, but convenience.

“Thud!” While Fang Yu was thinking of this deeply, the village leader banged his head on the ground with a kowtow. His voice sounded hopeful and pitiful as he pleaded,

“Oh Great Goddess! Please help us! Please get rid of the Devourer! Please, we beg of you!”


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