
Chapter 348: Non-stop barrage

Chapter 348: Non-stop barrage

“Is this how I am going to end?” Genie thought as flashbacks of her life started to play inside her head.

In terms of age, one can consider Genie to be the youngest compared to the other Djinns.

After all, she was the last Djinn taken by Solomon before he stopped taking Djinns.

Her life was hard under Solomon, and Genie was not happy at any second that she was under him. She constantly wished to be free, and that wish of hers was almost granted when the Goddess beat up and thoroughly injured Solomon.

At that time, Genie was actually free to leave the planet. But she chose to not leave, as she saw the plight of the remaining Djinns, who were still under Solomon’s control.

Because of that, Genie decided to stay behind, not wanting leave any of her fellow Djinns, even though they abused her before. After all, they were all the same as her.

But with her feeble strength, the only thing that she could do was to wait for someone to join her cause.

So she waited....

And waited.....

And waited...

Her waiting was forcefully interrupted by Fang Yu, who suddenly appeared in this planet. With her arrival, Genie thought that she will be able to help her fellow Djinns.

But that’s not what happened.

The other Djinns who regained their self-assertion like Orias were brutally killed by a crazy Solomon while Shax and Stolas were about to face him!

And the strongest of them were now chasing Fang Yu and Genie, with one of their attacks about to kill them.

Genie’s skin started to blister as the huge star orb approached them.

She can’t use her Mist Abilities, and nor Fang Yu can. The two of them could only watch as they were about to be engulfed by the orb.

“Initiate Overdrive!” Fang Yu suddenly yelled out as her suit began to give out a dangerously bright red glow.

“Hiss.....” Genie’s skin began to slightly warp as the star orb came dangerously close on touching them. But before it could make a perfect contact, the boosters of Fang Yu’s suit let out booming sound as both of them were pushed forward at incredible speeds.

“Boom!” The star orb made an impact with the ground below, completely missing Fang Yu and Genie, who both suddenly disappeared from their sights.

“Advanced technology huh.....” Phenex muttered as he slouched down once more. The large star orb decreased in size as it went back to Phenex’s shoulders.

“Did you get them?” Andromalius asked with anticipation as he constantly fidgeted. “I want that rebel and that traitor to die without any comfort!”

“I felt that before my orb could touch the two, the rebel used something technological to let them escape. But I doubt that they were able to get much farther away.”

“And even if they were able to propel themselves further away, I am sure that they were also affected by my attack.” Phenex smiled as he patted the star orb that he carried. “After all, nobody with their powers sealed can get near a star and leave unscathed.”

“Well, even though they got a little father away, they will still be unable to escape from us.” Beleth smiled as he started to fly forward.

“After all, I can still feel that those two did not yet leave the Median Layer. As long as they are here, we three will still catch them, no matter what they do!”

Andromalius and Phenex both nodded in agreement as they followed Beleth.


On a plain hundreds of kilometers away from Phenex, Beleth and Andromalius.

“Argh!” Hisses of pain could be heard as two bodies crashed on the grounds of that plain.

These two bodies were Fang Yu and Genie, who were currently experiencing intense pain that they even forgot to feel the relief after distancing themselves from their pursuers.

“Ahhhh!!!!” Fang Yu surpressed her urge to shout as her skin felt like they were being boiled in extremely hot molten metal. Every movement that she tried hurts like hell that she could only tear up every time she took a breath.

Every time she breathed, it felt like she was breathing hot air, which made her internal organs flare up in pain. She gritted her teeth, only to cry out in more pain as she realized her teeth became so hot that it started scalding her lips and tongue.

“It hurts!!!” That was what Fang Yu could only think of as she tried her best to crawl forward.

She looked sideways through her squinted eyes, and she was Genie lying down on the ground, unmoving.

Fang Yu inwardly trembled as she imagined the worst. But to her relief, she realized that Genie was still breathing, though her face made it apparent that she was also in great pain.

“I may have gained some distance away, but that is not enough!”

Right before the star orb could hit them, Fang Yu used the Overdrive function of her suit to induce an explosive reaction on the suit’s engine.

That resulted in a momentous push that propelled Fang Yu and Genie hundreds of kilometers away from their pursuers.

But in exchange for that, her suit will be unable to use the flight function, as Fang Yu’s ‘Overdrive’ disable her suit’s flight engine.

Now, she could only crawl as she did not even have the ability to stand up, much less fly.

“I have to move....” Fang Yu grabbed Genie as she dragged herself and Genie forward.

“Ugggh....” Fang Yu was crying in pain as her body protested every time she crawled forward.

“Huhuhu, why am I in this situation......” Fang Yu’s tears and snot evaporated by the time they left her eyes and nose, probably affected by the heat on Fang Yu’s skin,

The jagged texture of the soil, paired with the scalding heat in her skin and inside her body made Fang Yu feel her current existence to be like hell.

But Fang Yu proceeded to crawl forward, as she knew the only thing she can do was to crawl.

If she will not move, she will certainly die.

“Ugh, I can’t still use my power here?” Fang Yu thought against the haze of pain as she realized she was still under Beleth’s power. “I need to move more......”

If one was to observe Fang Yu right now, they will only shake their heads in pity, seeing the current state that she was in.

After all, Fang Yu was only able to move half a meter after a minute of intense, torturous crawling!

No matter what Fang Yu did, her pursuer will undoubtedly catch up to her.

“Is this it for me?” Fang Yu thought to herself as she felt her body continuously screaming in pain.

“Ah, have I been too hasty?” Fang Yu thought as she did not stop crawling like a worm.

It was at moments like this that a miracle or an ally will help Fang Yu and Genie. But none of this happened.

Instead, another one of Fang Yu’s pursuer started to make their own move.


“So she actually went a little far huh.” Andromalius muttered as the killing intent on his eyes began to increase. It was quite obvious from his expression that he was extremely unhappy with Fang Yu.

“So who cares if you are hidden now somewhere in the Median Layer? As long as you are at this layer, I can freely torment you!”

Andromalius’ black cloak left his body as it expanded into an extremely large piece of black fabric.

In fact, this piece was so large that it can actually cover the whole Median Layer!

“Descend!” Andromalius shouted with glee as the black cloth covered the whole Median Layer. Everything underneath it, even including the people, animals and objects were covered by the cloth.

Obviously, Fang Yu and Genie were also draped under the cloth.

“Hey, hey, hey, Andromalius!” Beleth warningly said as he gave Andromalius a look. “Do you really want to include innocent people in what you were about to do? Remember, its only Fang Yu that we will kill for now.”

“Hmph, then use their power to save them!” Andromalius scathingly replied before looking back to his cloth.

“Of course I will do that.” A wave of power went out from Beleth, which collided with the cloth.

Amazingly, parts of the cloth covering the areas with people and other living beings seemingly disappeared. It was as if Beleth himself forbade those areas to be covered by Andromalius’ fabric.

“Are you happy now?” Andromalius said, which just solicited a snort from Beleth.

“Ok, now that the pesky mortals are ok, I shall make my move.” Andromalius’ eyes glowed black as a growling sound was emitted from his throat.

“I am evil, and the evil is me. No matter where I am, evil shall always be inside me.” The black cloth began to ripple as Andromalius continued his chant.

“Anyone who crosses me shall suffer my wrath, my pride, my lust, my hunger, my jealousy, my sloth and my greed and my maledictions!”

Countless inscriptions began to cover the black cloth, which seemed unreadable to anyone present. They started to wriggle as power began to converge around Andromalius.

“So here I am, ready to torment my enemies!”

Sounds of crazed laughter was then heard from the black cloth as Andromalius said,

“Curse of Wrath!”

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