
Chapter 588: Ultimate secrets

Chapter 588: Ultimate secrets

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

「 10th, January (three years later): I heard a complaint about the filthiness of the port road. It is true. Walking along the streets in the rain, a slight carelessness will leave one’s pants soaked with mud. My favourite embroidered woolen trousers suffered that exact fate. Uncle Caterly seems to be no longer concerned about such matters. Has he forgotten that Turtuga is the foundation of our family? 」

「 6th, February: I heard Uncle Caterly has returned from a business endeavour abroad. After an entire year and a half, I can guess his journey wasn’t a smooth one. His countenance is exceedingly troubled. Less than half of the sailors that went out with him has returned. Without a doubt, his efforts were in vain. It must’ve been a misfortunate endeavour without yield. 」

「 3rd, July: The family is in debt. Indeed, a huge debt has befallen us! Not only is Uncle Caterly not supervising the port, he is squandering the inherited wealth of the family! Look at what he has been doing? He wasted 5 kilograms of gold the last month to purchase 3,000 pounds of Indonesian resin, a so called ghost of Solomon, mystery springwater from China, long city bricks and ten gallons of lion’s blood! He must be turning mad. I cannot watch idly while this unfolds! 」

「 6th, November: I have recruited 14 underlings. They are all murderous scoundrels, unwanted by the navy. I shall equip these savage bandits to their teeth. This force will be enough to stop Uncle Caterly and compel him to vanquish his authority. I don’t wish for our children to turn into poverty-stricken peasants. 」

「 8th, November: Heavens!! What did I just see? Momore…that’s the fiendish horse of the family’s legends. It actually allowed Uncle Caterly to mount it. I understand……I understand how Uncle Shinard’s father-in-law suddenly passed away……the death of that healthy old mate is identical to that of my dead underling!! 」

「 …… 」

Upon reading till here, Sheyan closed the diary. It was no wonder Little Lord Fokke was bent on retrieving this diary.

As it turns out, there was another member of the Fokke family out there. A member that had successfully stolen the wealth and lordship of another family clan. Furthermore, they were engaged in unorthodox methods to raise his status. Because Little Fokke had lost the capability to reproduce, he had entrusted all hopes onto Shinard Fokke.

Evidently, employing this diary to search and manipulate Shinard Fokke of the Edwards family, would undoubtedly offer exceedingly abundant remunerations. That was if one was willing to risk the immense risk of being silenced. This goes to say, the interest that could be gained from this, was truly in direct proportion to the treacherous pursuit of Little Lord Fokke.

All of a sudden, Sheyan felt the water swaying a little. Rolling away his tongue, he swiftly pressed his ‘breathing tube’ beneath. It was better to remain cautious against these pursuing pirates.

Nevertheless, expecting these brutish pirates to meticulously search within the darkness for strange motions of the seabed, that was truly a forceful thought.

To these pirates, they could only sense that the position of the Aztec gold wasn’t shifting. Hence, they remained unhurried and slowly searched the area. If need be, they could still call for others once the daylight dawns. In the end, they will definitely find him.

After sensing that the pirates had departed from nearby, Sheyan slowly poked his head out of the water to scour. Instantly, he heard the impatient voice of Ragetti.

"That blasted lil’ thief must be too afraid, mayhaps he has tossed our gold and left. This has happened before. That scurvy rot head, I’ll stuff his bowels wit’ rye bread if I catches him!"

These pirates couldn’t satisfy their hunger after suffering from this curse. Hence, their method of punishment had turned into fantastic oddities of every description overtime.

When the other pirates noticed their own leader, Ragetti, slacking off, they naturally wouldn’t put in effort as well. Each were mumbling to themselves as they lazily sat on reefs.

Obviously, Sheyan praised their conducts as he continued submerging himself. Then, he proceeded to examine that triangular paper scrap from Little Lord Fokke’s dropped key.

He then realized it was something like a token plate. A token plate used during exhibitions or events similarly to that. Token plates that would be displayed over merchandise products, detailing its origin, specialties, material composition and etc.

As for this token plate, it wrote:

「 During the summer of the year 1563, the grand goddess of fortune descended onto the Lightfire factory of Navarre. Five premium weapons were forged in succession within two short months. They displayed their impressive capabilities in latter wars. 」

「 The flintlock musket exhibited right here is one of them. Its name is Penitence. 」

「 That year, Duke Anjou, Philip, of France invaded spain. During a critical period of the ongoing war, the lover of a brave soldier called Bijnor was slain. He then organized a rebellion army to resist the french. During their final raid, Bijnor had slaughtered his way to Duke Anjour, pointing this very musket at his venerable excellency; demanding penitence for his crimes. Then, he pressed the trigger. 」

「 From henceforth, this murderous weapon, soaked by the blood of a french duke, was hailed as - Penitence! Its reputation even towered over the other flintlock musket created by the Lightfire factory of Navarre, Ambition! 」

「 Donor: Earl Carson Boelban. The Royal British museum offers its gratitude to your excellency for supporting this naval exposition. 」

Sheyan’s pupils contracted as he read the token plate. The details inscribed on this token plate was undoubtedly pointing towards a weapon more formidable than ‘Ambition’!

Actually, this was a weapon Sheyan had witnessed operating in Little Lord Fokke’s hand a decade ago.

It was shaped exactly like ‘Ambition’, but discharged a majestically shivering might. It was akin to being suppressed by the upright and frank military, declaring death unto you. It was akin to being being convicted of guilt by the ruling court of law. Under their authoritative might, the only thing one could do was to display penitence!

As for how such a weapon landed up in the hands of Earl Carson Boelban, Sheyan could roughly infer with his mind.

It was probably for the sake of Baron Shinard of the Edwards family ascending. Probably that Earl loved keeping weapons, and thus that musket was taken from Little Lord Fokke in exchange for the Earl’s support.

Since Sheyan was now aware of the location of this weapon, he would definitely have to pay a visit to the lovely Earl Carson Boelban at an appropriate later time. Wouldn’t it be extorting the heavens if this mister were to be allowed to continue hoarding such an excellent weapon in his cabinet? Why not allow himself to exploit its advantages.

Following that, Sheyan became further intrigued. He was long aware of the clear notification after being inflicted by the curse.

[ During the duration of this curse, you will not receive any utility and potential points from completion of mission. Dead storyline characters will only drop key storyline items/ mission items that you require, but will not drop equipment/ utility points/ ability scroll loots etc ]

This meant that this token plate should definitely be a mission item, but this mission should’ve been related or triggered due to ‘Ambition’. It shouldn’t have a sliver of relation to the ‘Dead Sea Scroll’s’ intention.

Therefore, what remained was the booklet of binded parchment. That was the true crux of an immeasurably treacherous mission incited by the ‘Dead Sea Scroll’!

Thinking of that, the usually composed Sheyan couldn’t prevent his hands from trembling slightly.

It wasn’t because he was unable to remain calm. Instead, it was because Sheyan had suddenly recalled the forewarning message of the ‘Dead Sea Scroll’. There was a possibility that the acquired reward wouldn’t match with the treachery he would face. If he unlocked that booklet, and a ‘cheeky smile’ appeared within…Sheyan would really vomit blood.

Carrying an expression of fearlessness, Sheyan unlocked the booklet. Fortunately, it wasn’t a ‘cheeky smiley face’.

The first page itself contained a dense mass of numbers. However, the numbers couldn’t be differentiated by their age nor did they follow any patterns. Evidently, the numbers were written at different points in time.

Sheyan had all along been a veteran sailor and after careful inspection, he perceived that this booklet was filled with longitude and latitude points. Nonetheless, there would be a certain disparity between Sheyan’s understanding of such main points. Primarily, It was because the techniques of this era was still lagging, as compared to the modernized and precise technology of the present world. To be able to be as precise in terms of metres would be an outstanding feat in this era.

If there was merely one of two main coordinates of longitude and latitude, Sheyan would still be able to make a rough estimate. Yet in the face of a dense mass of tens of longitudes and latitudes, it would require one to do an exceedingly critical textual criticism. These numbers were more or less representative of a long route.

In this world, the dangers of voyages weren’t confined to merely the stormy seas or the deficit of food supplies and fresh water. There were plenty of oddities occurring out at sea, including various kinds of legendary creatures.

As Sheyan continued browsing, he gradually realized that this booklet was probably a sailor’s journal log. Contained within it, were the scattered and fragmentary narratives of the pioneer of the Fokke family clan, Bernard Fokke.

Everyone knew that Bernard Fokke was originally a magnificent pirate, who pillaged hundreds of merchant ships to his name. After offering tribute to the Queen at the age of fifty, he abandoned the life of an outlaw. In spite of the public’s opposition, the grand Queen of Britain coveted the wealth he offered and conferred to him a lordship.

The life experiences of Bernard Fokke had became a legend. His life of accumulating riches and greed was out of the ordinary. If his life story was detailed in a book, don’t even mention monthly tickets, a single volume would probably be pushed to the top fifty narratives.

As Sheyan slowly flopped through the booklet, he slowly discovered the written account of this booklet, was unexpectedly the timeline of Bernard Fokke back when he was an ordinary sailor.

It was before he became a pirate!

Such a distant history was now gradually projecting a picture scroll of the strangest, bloodiest and most astounding events!!!

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