
Chapter 51 - Why Was He So Convinced?

Christian hated when Avery was upset. She came back tired from her visit with Angelo and after speaking of it briefly she completely changed the subject and dove headfirst into wedding planning mode. She clearly didn\'t want to talk about it. 

What was his deal, anyway? Why was he so against her getting married? 

Previously, he had said that the two of them were cool as long as Christian didn\'t distract her from her goals. He had no intention of doing that so why was the man acting like this? 

He didn\'t understand it and was afraid to keep pressing Avery. She seemed like she might crumble away despite putting on a brave front when they went to the cemetery. Her eyes were sad but she acted like this was a perfectly normal way to meet. 

"Dad, this is my fiancé Christian. Christian, this is my dad," she introduced as she gestured to the grave. 

Levi West was only forty-seven when he died. His epitaph read "Beloved Father and Uncle" and he felt his insides twist. That had to have been Angelo\'s inclusion. He hated that he had gotten between Avery and the only family she had left. Maybe if he just talked to Angelo he could make him see sense. 

Christian had seen countless pictures of Avery\'s dad. He was a smiley blonde man with blue eyes and was about as tall as she was. She must have gotten her height from her mom.

It was strange to think of someone he had seen so many pictures of and heard so many stories about lying in the cold ground beneath him. He hadn\'t had any experience with death. Was that the sort of thing people could get used to? 

Avery sure seemed used to it. She sat down in front of the grave and began talking to the headstone as if her dad could hear her. He sat beside her and followed suit because it seemed like the right thing to do. 

"I used to come here a lot more," she said after a while. "I was so used to telling him everything that it was only natural. Then I got busy and only came on his birthday and the anniversary of his death. I need to be a better daughter."

"You\'re a great daughter!" Christian protested. 

He had never met one more devoted to her father\'s memory. She hadn\'t changed a thing about where Levi had lived and talked about him with fondness whenever he came up. He knew she was trying to make him proud. 

Avery let out a weary sigh. "Sometimes I wonder. I wish I knew what he actually wanted me to do. If I could just talk to him one more time…"

Christian reached out and squeezed her hand. "I\'m sure he\'s proud of you, Avery." 


The unsettled air about her remained the rest of the time they were at the grave and he wished he could help her. When they got home she ended up doing a three way video call with his mom and Vanessa to plan things and he was left wondering what he should do. 

She was in wedding planning mode for over a week and did nothing else aside from go to that safe house where the abused wife was hiding out with groceries twice. It seemed that receiving the schedule for when to do that was the only contact she\'d had with Angelo and it seemed to be contributing to her need to dive into distractions. 

He couldn\'t take much more of this. He was going to have to talk to the man himself. 

He got the address from Vanessa since he didn\'t want Avery to know what he was doing in case it didn\'t end well. He showed up on a Saturday afternoon while she was at work and fervently hoped Angelo was there. 

His eyes narrowed when he answered the door. "You. What are you doing here? Don\'t tell me Avery sent you."

"She doesn\'t know I\'m here. Can we talk?" Christian pleaded. 

"We don\'t have anything to talk about. I told you getting seriously involved with her was a bad idea and you didn\'t listen to me. Now she\'s pissed and leaving me on read."

He didn\'t remember that conversation exactly because what came after it was so shocking. Angelo had asked him what his intentions were and he said to take things as they came, which had been his intentions at the time. 

Then he brought up how she couldn\'t commit long term and said he had nothing against Christian personally but that she had things she couldn\'t do if she was tied down on a permanent basis. He said they were cool as long as he understood their relationship wouldn\'t last forever and that liking him was a lot better than liking Mercury without understanding the horrible irony.

Angelo had been cool with him all this time even if they weren\'t particularly close. Avery had been convinced he wouldn\'t be if he knew things were getting more serious and it seemed that she had been right. 

The real question was why. Christian\'s intentions had changed with his circumstances but hers hadn\'t. She was still in whatever situation she thought had made her "not girlfriend material" but loved him enough to accept his proposal regardless. 

A situation he knew nothing about but Angelo clearly did. He didn\'t want to pry into Avery\'s business but he wanted to know why her surrogate brother was so convinced he would ruin things. 

"Look, we both love Avery. This is hurting her. I don\'t know what goals or plans she has long-term but I don\'t care as long as she stays with me. I\'m not going to interfere," Christian told him seriously. "So can you get over whatever hang-up you have about her being tied down already? She\'s been really upset this past week because the two of you aren\'t talking."

Angelo scoffed. "Not going to interfere? Even if it\'s something you don\'t agree with?"

What could Avery possibly do that he wouldn\'t agree with? He knew she was the loyal type. She didn\'t do drugs and hardly drank because she was concerned about her health. She didn\'t gamble and he believed she wouldn\'t cheat on him. 

Christian didn\'t think she was capable of doing anything truly bad. What else was there for him not to agree with? 

"No," he said loyally. "I love Avery and I\'ll support her no matter what." 

"Oh? What if she turns out to be different than you expected? What if there are exceptions to your \'no matter what\'? Who\'s going to have to deal with the fallout if you end up disappointed? Me. And I\'d really rather not," Angelo said with distaste. 

How lowly did he think of his best friend? Avery could never disappoint Christian to that extent! She was a wonderful person.

"I would never," he hissed, offended. "You don\'t know me but at the very least you know her and that\'s a serious insult to someone you supposedly care about. Avery is the best person I know and I won\'t stand for that sort of disrespect. You\'re so concerned about me hurting her but the one who\'s hurting her right now is you. You might want to reevaluate your priorities."

"You don\'t know anything about us. Don\'t act all high and mighty making bold claims that will fall through later," Angelo spat back as his hands clenched into fists. 

Christian couldn\'t believe his nerve. Insulting Avery like that then acting like he was the bad guy here! What was Angelo\'s problem? 

"We\'ll see about that. If you don\'t believe in her she doesn\'t need you," he said before turning on his heel and leaving. He had meant to deal with this peacefully but he really couldn\'t stand that guy right now!

He felt terrible after he left. It was entirely possible he just made things worse and that was the last thing he wanted to do. He was an idiot. But he couldn\'t just stand there and have Angelo doubt Avery\'s lovability like that. Why was he so convinced? Was it solely because he had seen all of her flaws over the years and had some misguided sense of brotherly overprotection? 

Then what was the deal with the things he thought Avery couldn\'t do while being held down by someone else? She was almost twenty-seven; plenty of people got married at that time of life. 

He didn\'t understand what was going on but he was angry. Angrier than he had been since he got stabbed by Circus Freak and had that last conversation with Nox. 

Christian would demand that Avery just tell him already if not for the fact that he knew it wouldn\'t be fair. He had secrets he would be keeping from her for the rest of his life. And she wasn\'t the type of person who would do anything horrible. She had a strong sense of justice and wanted the world to be a better place. 

He was stuck. This was a small trifle if it meant being with the woman he loved but it was still frustrating. He didn\'t want her to be unhappy during the wedding planning process either. He wanted their wedding day to be the happiest day of her life and that wouldn\'t happen if that stubborn idiot Angelo wasn\'t there. What was he supposed to do about that?

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