成人无码 国产

Chapter 58 - She Looked Suspicious

William Pov Contd..

"Your highness, this could be dangerous for us. Who had heard this dimwit speaking?" asked Lucas as he glared at Kirian.

"The girl who won the competition today." I told them, though I wanted to hide Abigail\'s identity from them. It was still better that I told them instead of them knowing from other people.

"Oh, she\'s the daughter of Duke Essendon. It would create a mess if we attack her." said James, but his eyes were telling that he already had a plan ready. He was the most wicked among the three. The one who could plan the assassin of my father, the emperor of the nation without blinking an eyelid.

"We are not going to harm her. I have made an excuse that we had hurt the girl so that she could participate, and if she opened her mouth she would be the one to be blamed first. And even if it was linked to me, it would be take as my act to impress her, and i would be labelled as spoiled brat further.\'\' I explained and the man chuckled, something wicked passed his eyes yet he nodded.

"What about the chandelier that had fallen?" Though I know their answer I still asked to deviate the attention from Abigail.

"It was done by a worker, it was not needed to tell who had paid him to do that. Even when you are a spoiled brat and not at all a threat to Josephine, the empress is continuously trying to get rid of you. I have suspicions that her brother is the one who is provoking her again and again." said Lucas, the one who was the best at gathering news. He was my eyes and my ears in the whole empire.

"Your highness, allow me to get rid of him before he could spread his wings further, he is getting dangerous day by day." said Kirian, the one who knows only how to act. He was the one who used his mind least among everyone. But he was best at executing even the most difficult attacks due to his agility and flexibility. He could easily mingle in the crowd no matter who the people were.

"Do you think killing an archduke is that easy? He had the support of all the noble factions who think that your highness is not competent enough. Though the act of being a wastrel had kept you safe in the royal palace for the past 7 years, it had definitely negated your image in front of the nobles. We need to end this act soon, so that you can gain the favor of the nobles." said Lucas, cutting Kirian again.

I shook my head. "This is not the time. Even if you announced that all that was an act, who would believe you and do not forget this is the most crucial time. Many kingdoms under the empire are getting against my father due to his love for war and getting more land under him.

We need to hide ourselves in the dark and talk to all those kingdoms. We need to take them in our favor before dethroning my father. Try to find the way to contact them before i go to the academy.\'\' I announced and James tilted his head.

"Why don\'t you use your image as a spoiled brat and refuse to go to the academy? It is not like you learn anything there anyways. You have finished the whole syllabus two years ago." 

I would lie if I said that I had not thought the same thing. Last year I had attacked a few nobles and had an affair with a few to get rid of the academy. As i did not want to waste my time there, but this year it was different. Abigail was going to accompany me and it might be the last chance for me to spend some time with her. Then she would be with the man she loved and i would be too lost in the upcoming war.

"No, I have this last year to make contacts. Somehow I have to improve my image or lure the young nobles to support me. Or else if we get the throne, we wouldn\'t be able to rule it. There would only be rebellion. We have to make sure that all the young nobles and ladies would be in our support. And for that academy would be the best place." i replied and they all looked at me surprised.

"Your highness. Finally you are thinking of making friends?" asked Lucas, with wide eyes. I never knew that the man could still be surprised.

"Oh my. I will make sure to create as many opportunities as are needed to get success. Even if I had to burn the whole academy to prove you as the hero of everyone." said James, with the same wicked grin, and I would not be surprised if he really did that.

"And I will execute all the plans James made without any mistake, \'\' pledged Kirian and I only shook my head. All three are a bunch of crazy things that I had collected.

Then I looked at the girls who were standing there like statues. Not even a breath was heard from them.

"All of you, I need your help. I want all of you to try to get jobs, any kind of jobs in the Archduke palace and try to get as close to him as possible of his confidants. I want to know every news related to him, even when it was related to his sleeping posture or what he like to eat in the breakfast.\'\' I ordered and all of them bowed their heads without speaking a word. 

"Alright, dismiss everyone." I stood up ready to go towards my room when James walked behind me, I stopped knowing well he had other doubts towards me.

"Do you want me to keep an eye on that girl, she looked too suspicious to me?"

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