成人无码 国产

Chapter 90 - The Visit

Abigail pov contd.

"If they worked well, I promise you that she would be able to marry in a much better family than you think." though i assured she did not take my words seriously and brushed it off as a kid\'s wordings.

"Then, I will wait for your reply on Monday. By the way, since I am going to sleep, you can take the servant\'s carriage and leave, you will reach home early that way." she felt grateful again, as she bowed deeper than necessary.

I just shook my head at her change of heart. The eyes that used to look at me were fearful eyes, now looking with warmth.

"You have changed, my lady" she whispered as she left the room.

Have i! Or have I turned into a revengeful person! The help she was praising me so much for.. Was nothing but a way to get me revenge.

I looked at the moon, the inanimate thing with thousands of questions in my heart. If only I could live that peacefully.

I closed my eyes to sleep, tomorrow would be a new day, a new start. 


When I woke up the next morning, the sun was already high in the sky. I rubbed my eyes as I gently opened them.

"Looks like i overslept since Beth was not here to wake me up" I stretched my body and sat up on the bed.

"My lady, would you like to have breakfast first or bath?" asked jasmine, my temporary maid, she serves me whenever Beth takes leave.

"Bath would be fine"

She bowed and left when I stood up and looked out of the window. Today father had promised to take all of us to town. Though I would have loved it if it would have been only me and Nickolas, even Isabella would have been fine, but since her mother was coming too, I just needed to make sure that we did not have any argument.

"My lady, your bath is ready." I nodded as I followed her. I wore a simple white satin dress for the occasion and walked towards the main hall, when i saw Isabella, standing there with a beautiful but very head royal blue dress with a lot of jewelry while i just had a simple pearl necklace.

"Did you have breakfast, Abi?" called my father who was still dressed in a knight\'s uniform.

They were all looking ready to go so I nodded my head instead of denying.

"Good, then we all are ready to go. We are going to share a single carriage, okay?" 

I nodded again, it was much better then being with Isabella again.

We all entered the carriage, my father, his wife sat on one side and all three of us sat at the other side.

"We are going to visit stores, and then have lunch. Would you like to go to a fair or theatre later?" He asked for our opinion, but his eyes were looking at me.


"Theatre" where Nickolas stayed silent, and Isabella had different views.

"Fair is for commoners, this is where nobles should go." she retorted and I rolled my eyes.

"She is right, Abigail, we are dressed with too many precious gems, we can not roam in front of commoners like that" added my step mother and i could only nod and look out of the window.

My eyes fell on the horses where knights were following us. Noah was on the front horse, his eyes met mine and he smiled at me. 

"Well, then let\'s do one thing. Since we all do not need to do shopping, we can go to a fair and have lunch at the nearby inn and then go to the theatres." replied my father after a pause. 

I sometimes felt bad for him to be torn between the two, yet I did not want to be the one to always give up. So I accepted his decision and so did others.

Soon we arrived at the fair.

It was the best place in the town, it was just like a modern day amusement park. It had a circus, fun rides, and a small games stall, where you could buy small things and even get your instant charcoal portraits.

"I want to play a hoop game, and then target practice too." I replied happily like a kid as my eyes started looking around.

Taking everything in by my green eyes I was no less than a kid who had been left in the open fields to enjoy.

"Alright, let\'s start with games, but stay together, alright. I am coming in a minute" he left us there as he went to assign tasks to the knights.

I looked at Isabella who was looking around in marvel. It must be her first time coming here. Her gleaming eyes could not be hidden but when her eyes met mine, she snorted and then stood there with a disdained face.

I shook my head at her antics. I was going to give her one last chance today, to see if she could be saved or not.

"Isabella, have you ever sat on a ferris wheel?" I asked as I looked at her.

"Hmm, no.. I did not like taking rides." she replied and I chuckled.

"How do you know if you have never tried. Come let me show you. It is one of the best experiences.`` I lured her and she bit her lips.

"Nickolas,  looks like she did not want to, would you like to go with me instead" i said though i pinched his hand and he got my signal.

"Sure, it is my favorite thing to do. But I did not want to go with you, you cry when you are afraid. I will go with my father instead. You are still not that brave and so as Isabella is, she must be afraid, so let her be." he said with a snort, and I looked at Isabella again.

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