
Chapter 706 - The Wind Rises and the Clouds Billow

Chapter 706: The Wind Rises and the Clouds Billow

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Level 112!

After shooting for a day and a night in the Demonic Forest, he finally reached Level 112!

That meant he was still the first place on the World Level Rankings.

The next day, Li Yi was up and early, waiting outside Karan City patiently for Aragon to arrive.

Over an hour later, Aragon limped out of the city, and Li Yi greeted him hurriedly, earning another Morphing Potion. After he consumed it, he successfully turned in the quest.

Now that he had completed the Revenge on Ruth quest, Li Yi obtained 300,000 EXP and two Morphing Potions, increasing Aragon’s Affinity by 500 points.

Players could turn in quests whenever they saw Aragon, but if they wanted to accept a new quest, they had to do it in Aragon’s straw hut. If they approached him anywhere else, Aragon would not give them the quests.

Li Yi walked for about an hour before he finally followed Aragon back to his house.

Aragon gave Li Yi another demon history lesson before he gave him a new quest.

He said, “Seunmida, the red-skinned demon wandering outside Karan City, is the worst. It keeps claiming that he has the purest demon bloodline, and it even said that everything inside Karan City belongs to it. My house is its, my clothes are its, everything is its. Well, it’s actually a lower-class demon just like me, hmph! I really hate that guy, could you teach it a lesson for me?”


[Accept Aragon’s quest, Teach Seunmida a Lesson?]


[Quest Title: Teach Seunmida a Lesson?]

[Quest Contents: Find the red-skinned demon outside Karan City, Seunmida, and teach it a lesson it’ll never forget.]

[Quest Difficulty: Rank C.]

[Time Limit: 48 hours. If you don’t complete the quest in time, Aragon’s Affinity with you will drop.]

[Quest Tip: The red-skinned demon, Seunmida, has often been sighted in the Demonic Forest. Perhaps you might find it there.]

[Quest Reward: ???]


The quest monster’s name was different, but everything else was identical to the previous Revenge on Ruth quest.

It was a very simple quest. He just had to find the red-skinned demon Seunmida and kill it.

Li Yi left Aragon’s straw hut and quickly ran out of the city while his Morph was still active.

Although he had two Morphing Potions now, it would be a waste to use them while he was on the road.

As soon as Li Yi ran out of Karan City, he took out the Divine Looking Glass and keyed in ‘red-skinned demon, Seunmida’ to lock in on its location.

[Seunmida the Red Demon. Level: 110. HP: 85,000,000. Target’s current location: 18,797 steps behind you.]

It was so far...

Li Yi adjusted the directions a few times and then sped off in search of it.

Without the Divine Looking Glass, this quest was by no means easy. The Demonic Forest was extraordinarily huge, and there were demons everywhere. Even if a player tried to avoid them carefully, there was still a chance they would encounter a group or two.

Thankfully, Li Yi had the protection of Pseudocide and Camouflage, his two godly techniques. That was how he managed to weave through the Demonic Forest without a problem.

Soon enough, Li Yi found the red-skinned demon, Seunmida.

Unlike the green-skinned demon, when Li Yi saw the red-skinned demon Seunmida, it was talking to another five normal demons.

“Do you see the blood moon in the sky up there? My ancestor invented it, so legally, the blood moon belongs to me...

“Every tree and shrub in these woods were planted by my ancestors. Legally, I am the true owner of these woods.

“You don’t believe me? Hehe, just look at your green-colored skin. I checked my ancestral records before, and it said that every demon with green skin used to be my family’s servants way back in ancient times...”

The red-skinned demon, Seunmida, had quite the mouth on it. The other five demons were speechless, exchanging wordless glances.

Normal demons were intelligent too, but compared to upper-class demons, their intelligence was limited. Now, for example, they could more or less understand what Seunmida was saying, but they could not come up with a retort.

Since the five demons did not say anything, Seunmida held its hands behind its back and looked up at the blood moon in the sky, sighing, “Actually, the Pantheon Continent is mine as well. Several tens of thousands of years ago, my ancestors had once been the true owners of this continent...”

The red-skinned demon Seunmida had red skin, and its eyes were red too, but it always believed they were purple. It was just a lower-class demon, but it never thought so. It always firmly believed that it had the purest blood of upper-class demons, and it came up with a bunch of tall tales to that effect.

For instance, it would say that purple was very close to red. Otherwise, it would mention that the club it used looked very similar to the one the Third Demon God used, and that was enough to show that the two of them were related... It had many such excuses, and if you asked it to prove it to you, it would probably go on for days.

Li Yi threw a Hunt Target at Seunmida, but Seunmida sensed it. Looking up at the sparkling golden Hunt Target, it said on impulse, “My...”

When the five normal demons saw Li Yi, they roared and charged at him.

Li Yi summoned the Violent Bear King and used Mislead on it before shooting an arrow at Seunmida. He then used Camouflage, followed by Pseudocide.


The five normal demons stopped in their tracks and blinked their naive eyes, shaking their heads and leaving Battle Mode.

Seunmida had been hit by an arrow, losing 376,552HP. That instantly set it off, and it chased after the Violent Bear King with its club.

“How dare you attack the descendant of the great Demon Gods in such a cowardly manner?! Die!”

Seunmida swung its club and brought it down on the Violent Bear King’s head, taking 30,000HP from the Violent Bear King with just one hit.

Li Yi stood up and retreated quickly. By the time the Violent Bear King fell, he was already 40 yards away. Throwing a Hunt Target at it, he drew his Powered-up Arrow.


With one arrow, Seunmida lost 17,000,000HP.

Li Yi continued to run, purposely maintaining a distance from Seunmida so that he could kite it while he shot at it.

Seunmida moved very quickly, but with Li Yi’s Territory suppressing it, even its incredible speed became slow as a snail and completely harmless.

Soon enough, Seunmida crashed to the ground, but before it died, it still said with great bitterness, “Mine... Everything is mine... Everything in this world belongs to me, Seunmida...”


Just like yesterday, Li Yi did not hurry to turn in the quest after completing it. Instead, he wandered around the Demonic Forest, searching for monsters to farm.

Farming demon monsterlings solo allowed him to level up, but he could also earn the equipment he needed the most right now. Come to think of it, Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut and the others were probably having their guild’s elites farm monsterlings alone so they could get the equipment they needed the most.

Li Yi farmed for a day and a night, throwing away the equipment he did not need. In the end, he went away with two pieces of purple-colored equipment, one of which was a Demonic Apex Cloth Helmet with Holy +2. However, he could not use it because it was meant for Summoners only.

The other was a Purple Quality Belt with Holy +3, and it just happened to be leather, too. While it did not add much to his max HP, the Holy +3 made it just barely acceptable. After he equipped it, his Holy attribute points rose to 30.

The higher his Holy points went, the more damage he dealt to monsters. This effect was especially obvious when he used the Decuple Powered-up Arrow.

It barely increased his base ATK, but when that little increase was multiplied by ten, even that would become enormous.

Li Yi continued to farm, but unlike yesterday when no one asked for him, there were a bunch of people yelling on the World Channel for him.

The first person looking for him was the Black-hearted Chick, Autumn Love. She took Li Yi’s advice and repented in the Temple of Light every day, and it was beginning to have an effect. Her Sin Value fell slightly, and she was overjoyed. At the same time, after several days of fighting without eating or sleeping, Black Autumn had inflated the money Li Yi lent her to about 30 million Gold Coins.

It must be admitted that the Black-hearted Chick truly was a business prodigy. She had somehow doubled the money over a mere couple of days.

Autumn Love was looking for Li Yi so she could return the money.

“12 million, right? I’ve transferred it into your account, big bro, did you receive it? Say something! Did you receive it?

“Did you receive it? It’s 12 million, y’know!

“Did you receive it?”

The monsterlings in the Demonic Forest spawned, one after the other. After Li Yi cleared out an area and checked his inbox, he found more than a hundred messages from Autumn Love.

The contents were all exactly the same: either “did you receive it?” or “12 million”.

She was known for being stingy even with herself, so how hard must it have been to have her fork out an extra million? She only did it because this was Li Yi. Even if it pained her physically, she still insisted on giving him an additional million as a show of gratitude...

“I received it...”

Li Yi checked his account and replied to Autumn Love.

Autumn Love responded immediately. “Did you receive the 12 million, big bro? Did you really receive it? It’s 12 million, I had Winter transfer it, it’s really 12 million, right?”

Li Yi could tell by her tone that she wanted the additional million back...

“12 million, exactly. Not a penny more, not a penny less, just 12 million. I received it, thanks!” Li Yi pulled her leg, emphasizing the 12 million.

Autumn Love’s voice sounded a little strange. “That’s good to hear, I’m relieved...”

This was her first time being generous to others.

That night, Black Autumn could not sleep...

Li Yi had just settled Autumn Love’s matters when another group of people started yelling on the National Channel, looking specifically for him.

“Where’s Dark Wing? Where’s the great Dark Wing?”

“Where’s the bad*ss Dark Wing? I’m calling with all my heart, please show up, Dark Wing!”

“Where’s the Iron Alliance’s Dark Wing? Huashan Wang wants to discuss matters of great importance with you. This has to do with the survival of the continent! Please show your face!”

“Iron Alliance Wing, come out...”

“Come out, Dark Wing, come out!”

“The wind rises and the clouds billow, I beseech the soul of Dark Wing to come home, come home...”

Scumbag Wang was the leader of the group who was spamming the National Channel, so it went without saying that the others had to be his eight hundred followers.

‘Scumbag Wang is looking for me?’

Li Yi looked at the messages flooding the National Channel and felt perplexed again.


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