
Chapter 5 - -4<Mischief System>

As Arvin saw the number of people that have gathered in the square, he instantly started having a bad feeling about what is going to happen. He saw that all the people of the square seemed like they were waiting for them to arrive. Before he could hear people of the square distinctly talking among themselves. But now there was a pin drop silence around the square.

Alman then came up to the monolith and stood in front of it. Then he started speaking loudly…


"Now! As everyone is here, you will come one by one and touch this monolith. Don\'t worry, it will not harm you or anything. Let\'s go then… Come on everyone…" Alman said with a smile. And not so surprisingly no one moved from their places.

Everyone was afraid that something might happen to them if they touched the monolith. So no one moved from their position. Arvin too was afraid. But then after 30 sec or so, Alman lost his patience. He came to the man with the costly suit. He then grabbed his shirt and dragged him to the monolith and made him put his hand on it. That man tried to stop, but somehow in front of Alman, his strength didn\'t work at all.

As soon as the man put his hands on the monolith, the monolith started producing a red haze. That haze then flowed into the man\'s body. It took just a few seconds and everything was over. That man stood completely harmless in front of the monolith…

"See there is nothing to worry about. Come everyone and let\'s go. Nothing will happen." Alman said.

Arvin on the other hand was observing that suit man. He looked completely fine to him. But there was something different about him. He was not able to put a finger on it, but his instincts told him that somehow that man had changed. That red haze had changed something in that man\'s body. He was in deep contemplating mode when he came back to reality by a cheer of the people of the square.

He looked forward and saw that a middle-aged woman was touching the monolith. Instead of a red haze like that suit man, in her case, a monolith produced a purple haze. But the quantity of the haze was far greater than that of that man before her. As soon as the haze fully entered her body, her demeanor also changed.

Arvin became curious. He wanted to know what was going on here? And why the hell is that haze? What is that monolith? When the haze enters someone\'s body then it changes something in them. But what do they change? Was all this his overthinking or something does happen to our body when haze enters our body…

Curious he couldn\'t take it any longer. While dragging his crippled leg, he walked up to the monolith. He had first observed those people who had gone before him. They all were fine, so no harm would be done to him if he touches the monolith. So he got to the monolith and touched it…


As soon as Arvin touched the monolith, his consciousness was transported somewhere else. Arvin soon finds himself, being sucked in suction. He was powerless and was effortlessly sucked in. When he gained consciousness again, he found out that he was in some sort of cold place. In his life, he has always been poor. So he had never left for any holidays of the sort. He had always wondered what snow would feel like...

But he had never thought that he would encounter snow like this. When he gained consciousness he was in a cold place surrounded by snow everywhere. Cold winds were furiously blowing while he lay there in the cold snow…

His whole body was shivering from the cold. As he got up on his feet to look around where he was. He was surrounded by darkness and snow. Despite being dark, he was able to make out some sense of his surroundings. He could see that he was in a valley of some sort. Because at a distance he was able to see very big shadows all around him. And that type of shadows could only be caused by mountains…

"hiss….What is your name human?…hiss". Arvin heard a strange and powerful voice in his head.

"Arvin My name is Arvin… Who are you? Where am I?" Arvin asked with a shivering voice. At this time he was cold and also very scared. The voice that resounded in his head felt very ancient and powerful. So he was very scared of the being that this voice belonged to…

"Grrr…Arvin? That is not the name of a warrior. It sounds like a cowards name…Grrr…Maybe this was a mistake. He is not a warrior. He is just a fool…Grrr" said another voice. This voice was very different from the voice before. But it also was scary like one from before.

"Hiss…That does not matter. We will do what we have ordered brother. He may be a fool, but if he was chosen then there must be something different about him then rest…Hiss… let\'s get this over with and send him away. Only the time will tell if he is worthy or not…Hiss"

"Grr…ok brother. Take this power human. If you can become someone powerful in the future then we will meet again. Take this power and show us…Grrr… Show us you were worth something. Otherwise, you are just a beggar with a golden bowl…Grr…" said that voice.

Then before Arvin could know it, he was transported back. His body had stopped shivering. But still, he couldn\'t help but stop sweating. He looked around and saw that he was lying on a bed of some sort. He looked around and saw that he was in some kind of a small room. Besides his small bed, there was a fruit basket and flowers. He was confused about where he was. But before he could investigate where he was he heard someone coming towards his room.

He didn\'t know what to do next, so he abruptly lied down once again and closed his eyes. Soon Alman and an old man entered the room. Both of them saw that Alman was still lying on the bed…

"This mother fucking cripple ass twit. I swear to god if he costs me money I slaughter him like a pig." Alman exclaimed/

"Calm down Alman. He survived the second test. That means something. Someone will buy him. Eventually." The old man said.

"I know. I might get a huge reward for him, but I would still earn something. But that will only happen if this twit wakes up." Alman said.

"He will wake up. The doctor said so too. Now let\'s go and let him rest. He will still need to sell a few more merchandises. Let\'s not waste our time here looking after him. Let\'s go back." The old man said.

"Fine. But station one man out of the door. I want to know when this kid regains his consciousness." Alman said.

"As you wish you are a paranoid freak."

"Mark my words you old geezer, being paranoid is a good thing in Yggdrasil. At least you won\'t wound up dead afterward…"

"Yeah yeah. Can we go now?"

"Fine let\'s go," Alman said and both of them went out of the door.

Arvin opened his eyes once again. His heart was beating faster and faster. He was not able to grasp his situation but the word \'merchandise\' gave him enough knowledge to work with…

\'Merchandise. Did Alman call me merchandise? Now all of this makes sense. He wanted to trade us for money. That is why he rescued us. The mental fortitude test was a way to test our abilities.

If that cold vision was in fact reality then that would mean that those beings that talked to me gave me some sort of powers. And Alman wanted to sell us so that people who will buy us will make use of those powers granted by the monolith.

This makes perfect sense now\' Arvin thought.

He was now fully aware of his situation. But he got confused about how he should escape from this place. Alman said that soon he would send a guy to keep an eye on him. So if he has to run away then he has to do something fast. But should he do it?

As he was thinking what should be a blue color message board appeared in front of him magically. The magic board said…

[Granted permission by GM]

[Host have been found]

[Binding player to the system]

[Integrating start in 3….2….1…0]

As soon as the timer turned zero, Arvin was assaulted with severe pain in his head. He thought that he would die from this pain, but the pain quickly vanished as quickly as it came. And soon other messages also started popping in front of him…

[System integration successful]

[Host has been bound with the Mischief System]

[Connecting to server]

[GM has granted access to Lopt.]


[An forced mission is been given to the host]

[Get out of the clutches of Alman and his goons.]

[Mission rewards=????]

[Mission penalty=????]

#Solo Player Arvin

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