
Chapter 9

Chapter 9

“So, mother doesn’t have to worry about my health. When I collapsed, you already asked Raymond to treat me, so I’m sure mother knew about it well.”

Conscience-stricken, Camilla looked away to avoid my gaze.

“Raymond would have said that nothing was wrong with my health, right?”


I was not sure what was Camilla’s intention for calling me and reminding me about the contract when she already knew about my physical condition better than anyone else.

“And mother already had Raymond finish all the medical examinations before you let me enter the family. I’ve been assured that I’m healthy and in the best condition to conceive.” I explained the situation to Camilla calmly.

In fact, Camilla would’ve known more about my body than I did. Before signing the contract, she checked my health thoroughly. It would be impossible for a daughter-in-law, whom Camilla spent a lot of money on, to have health problems since she needed to bear the successor. So, I was certain that I have no health problems.

“But the physical condition of the other person involved was never confirmed.”

“The other person involved?”

Camilla squinted and stared at me as if trying to guess my next words.

“Amoide’s physical condition.”

Her blue eyes that resembled Amoide were shaking greatly. “……Amoide’s body?”

As I watched Camilla brooding over my words, I quickly added. “It is unfair to put the responsibility of conceiving the baby solely on me.” My voice was as serious as ever. “My husband should also work hard. If it is something that only he can do, he needs to do it for conception, no matter what it is.”

Camilla’s eyes were shaking more than before. Camilla’s expression, which was firm like an impenetrable iron fortress, collapsed. When Amoide collapsed and his condition worsened, the chances of bearing the successor also became lower. I was now poking at Camilla’s weakest point.

“It’s been two years since we got married. And I still haven’t conceived a baby.”

“…your body is the problem…….” Camilla’s words were gradually blurred. The dominance that she always spoke with was much lessened.

“Then let’s call Raymond and ask him to check my health again.”

“…….” Camilla became speechless for a moment.

“Go ahead. It doesn’t matter how many times I need to see him since I’m all right with it. If there are problems with my health, I wouldn’t have the courage to say this.”

Camilla just silently looked at me as I was talking.

“In fact, if you needed Amoide’s child, it wouldn’t matter if he married just any woman.” I paused a moment and looked at Camilla’s face. “Regardless of the status and so on, if he just spends the night with a woman, his child can be conceived anyway.”

When I pondered about my words, I felt really sorry for Amoide. He was forced to sleep with a woman solely to preserve his noble bloodline. And as his wife, I…

‘He’s more miserable than me.’ I sighed deeply as I recalled the original story.

Camilla wasn’t shaken enough yet. I needed to press her more. “So, don’t we need to make sure that mother’s efforts will pay off? The successor of this Efret dukedom. Amoide…… we need to prepare in advance for the unpredictable future.”

Camilla’s face got darker as I mentioned about Amoide’s health. “Amoide won’t die.” She gritted her teeth and said that.

“Of course, he probably won’t, as long as he has Raymond’s medical care and his mother’s love. But, what if, by any chance…”

Camilla put the teacup down and held it with both hands. It was an instinctive act to avoid other people from noticing her trembling hands.

Reaching this far, I stated my purpose once again. “As I said earlier, my husband’s health is deeply related to my duty, Mother.”

Camilla, who was listening to me, laughed as if she heard something ridiculous. “Yeah, let’s say it’s related. But someone like you, taking care of his health? What capability do you even have?” Camilla snorted in disdain.

“I’m not as good as Raymond, but probably more professional than mother.”


Before Camilla said more, I quickly threw the fastball. “There’s nothing mother can do but pray by his side. On the other hand, I’m different.” I didn’t stop here because if I did, I probably would never have another chance to talk about this.

“I used to work as a caregiver to pay my debt. I took care of a bedridden noblewoman and even received a lot of bonus because I did well.” The money I earned at that time was quite substantial. Nevertheless, it was still insufficient because the debt soon grew more.

“When she was under my care, I routinely took her for walks, and her health improved significantly.” I could still recall her thanking me repeatedly while holding my hand tightly.

“You’re going to take care of Amoide just because you’ve done it a few times before? Do you think that the maids assigned to Amoids don’t have that kind of experience?”

It was quite well known that Camilla was so meticulous when choosing the maids, both for herself and Amoide.

“I also used to work as a pharmacist assistant before.”

[ You know how things work here, right? You need to prepare the medicine on your own. ]

The pharmacist was too bothered to sit in the pharmacy. He preferred going to the racetrack and enjoying himself without his wife’s knowledge. Fortunately, I was good at memorizing. So, after giving me the prescription for the medicine, he would go out to enjoy himself.

Then, when the pharmacist was not around, I put on the pharmacist’s badge and prepared the medicine myself. I would have been in trouble if I got caught during the crackdown done by the pharmaceutical department. It was a quite risky task for me, who didn’t even have the official pharmacist’s license.

Of course, due to the risks and level of expertise needed for the job, the pay I received was several times higher, compared to a regular assistant. In addition, I would also receive a special bonus on the day the pharmacist won money from the horse race.

I would have worked longer if he hadn’t been caught by his wife. Working as the pharmacist’s assistant was the most well-paid and least physically demanding job I’ve ever had.

“So, I have some knowledge regarding herbs and drugs too.” It wasn’t a baseless claim. I straightened my shoulders confidently for a moment. Well, knowledge was knowledge anyway, even if I learned it informally.

“Are you trying to make a medicine to cure Amoide’s illness?” Camilla smiled wryly.

“I can’t, but it’s better than having no knowledge at all, no matter how long the maid’s nursing experience is.”


“I heard that the cause of Amoide’s illness is unknown anyway.”

Amoide was not such a sickly person since he was born. However, at the age of 16, he began to suffer from the sudden illness for unknown reasons. And suffering from such illness for a long time and knowing the fact that he might die any time were probably the reasons behind his awful personality.

“So, we need to provide him with more meticulous care. Now, I’m the one who will provide it to him. Because only when Amoide is healthy, we can conceive a strong successor.”

Of course, for that to happen, we needed to do the most important couple task. It was impossible unless we have the deepest grace of the Creator of the world, which could never happen. “So, leave it to me. I want a successor as much as a mother.”


I gulped as I watched Camilla’s blue eyes scan me from head to toe. Please accept my verbose appeal. ‘It’s good for you too.’ Actually, I wanted to save my husband for my own good – of course, I did it to save myself. I did, but the one whom I wanted to save was Camilla’s son anyway.

Her anxiety was actually understandable. She had been protecting this family by herself since her husband died. Alone, using her own strength, while looking after a sickly son. Protecting this family was the only reason and purpose in her life. If it turned out according to the original story, I would lose it too.

“Amoide is my son. It’s natural that I take care of everything…….”

Unlike before, I could see a bud of hope as I listened to her murmuring as she spoke.

“And he’s also my husband.” I added urgently. “Although it was just a contractual marriage. But, is there any other woman who would care about Amoide as much as I do? I’ll take care of my husband’s health, and mother will have a successor!”


It’s almost over. That’s what my hunch was saying. Just a little more.

But Camilla still hasn’t given her permission. Instead, she tapped her temple, as if she was thinking hard about something. “But….”

Did I make any mistake? I looked at her face nervously.

Soon, Camilla opened her mouth as she looked at me curiously. “Since when did you start calling Amoide by his name?”

“Pardon?” I was so embarrassed that I froze with an open mouth.

[ Yes. ] *in formal speech*

Since when did I start calling him Amoide? Unknowingly, I’ve been calling him that way for a while.

“Since when did you start calling him so intimately?”

I couldn’t help but hesitate at Camilla’s question. Though soon, I realized that there was nothing wrong with it. “Couldn’t I do that?” I said after thinking for a moment.

Camilla seemed to regain her composure at my innocent reply.

“He’s my husband. It would be too distant to call him ‘Your Grace.’”

We were not that close but calling him that way would appear too distant. We lived in the same house and even shared beds sometimes ( although that’s just how it seemed to other people. )

“You…no way…” Camilla blinked in disbelief.

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