
Chapter 549 - To Duke Thales

Chapter 549: To Duke Thales

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Bang! Boom!

Loud thuds could be heard coming from the banquet, along with the alarmed cries of the crowd.

Because he was prepared, Thales did not panic. But just as he subconsciously stood up, Mallos who was next to him pushed him over ruthlessly!

The extent of the force almost made Thales suspect his own personal guard captain was the assassin.

Thales fell into Glover’s broad shoulders. Before he could react, the three strong men of the Star Lake Guards Defence Division—Bastia, Franzuke and Ferri—appeared out of nowhere and, together with Glover, formed four walls around the Duke of Star Lake, pressing closely against him, tight as a seal.

“High alert! Defence Division, take your positions! Vanguard Division, report!”

Mallos’ voice passed through the gaps between the four strong men, “In any case...”

“Protect His Highness, and escort him to a safe place!”

So the four walls, with Thales sandwiched between them, started moving clumsily and aggressively.

Thales could only see darkness before him. Half his face was squashed against Bastia’s tough muscles and was sore from chafing against the latter’s armor.

For a whole five seconds, all he could do was struggle to stretch his arms within the four thick human walls to make some space.

“Give, give me some space here...”

He could hear the disturbance escalate, including the dull thumps from the collision of furniture, and the shrieks and cries from the guests from time to time.

“Oh my god!”

“Pull them apart!”

“No! Baron!”

Damn it, what’s going on!

Fortunately, after Thales shuffled frustratedly for a few meters, the anxious voice of Vice-Captain Vogel could be heard saying, “Damn it, royal guards, calm down!”

“It’s not an assassination. We’re a good distance away from it...”

It sounded like the life-saving song of an angel.

Thales felt the feet of the walls stop moving.

“Wait,” Mallos said, “Let’s observe a little while more.”

In the next second, light reappeared before Thales’ eyes.

Although he was still surrounded by several guards, having regained his right to breathe, he held on to Ferri’s shoulder and straightened himself.

“What happened...”

Taking advantage of the Duke of Star Lake’s higher seat, Thales looked towards the center of the commotion.

He saw guests in the banquet hall standing on tiptoes and curiously surrounding a spot.

In the middle of the crowd was an empty space: a long table had been overturned, dishes and cutlery were strewn all around, and several guests who had fallen over were awkwardly being helped up by the people around them.

What’s going on?

Thales did not understand what happened at the banquet.

But he could see that there was unease at the dukes’ long table too:

Royal guards segregated the unperturbed Zayen to a corner, whereas his butler followed composedly with his master’s wine glass.

One-Eyed Dragon Koshder angrily pushed away two guards who were trying to usher him off; the latter did not dare defy him.

Duke Arunde received the same treatment as Thales, and was tightly surrounded by guards from the Flag Bearer Division.

The two guard commanders present were hyper vigilant and looked somber. Mallos was anxiously communicating with Star Lake Guards. Vogel shouted orders at personnel from Renaissance Palace; the latter kept dispatching men and the former kept gathering them back.

“Hurry up and find out what happened. If it’s a case of drunk and disorderly, suppress it no matter how serious it has gotten and we can deal with it tomorrow...” Vogel said.

“Stay on high alert,” Mallos commanded vigilantly, “Keep His Highness safe. This could be a distraction created by the assassin in search of an opportunity to attack...”

Doyle was initially annoyed that he didn’t manage to squeeze into Thales’ four-men protection squad, but upon hearing Mallos command responded confidently, “Count on me, sir!”

He made his way to Thales.

“With me here, even if the entire Mindis Hall is blown up, no one will be able to touch His Highness...”

But right at that moment.

“Hey, Doyle...”

The tallest of the bunch and the one with the best field of view, Franzuke, stared at the crowd and said hesitatingly, “That looks like...your father.”

Doyle froze.


He threaded his way out of the Defence Division formation, stood on tiptoe and held onto Franzuke’s shoulder.

It wasn’t just Doyle. Everyone else was shocked too.

Franzuke who had a clear view of everything stammered, “I think he’s drunk and...got into a fight with someone?”

Thales squinted.

Sure enough, a figure that looked like old Baron Doyle had been tackled to the ground and was being dragged along, kicking and screaming.

Someone rushed over in an attempt to stop this, but to no avail.

The surrounding crowd was shouting and kept retreating as the center of conflict shifted.

“Oh no, not on this occasion,” Doyle could see the situation clearly now. He stomped his feet in anger and scratched his head nervously, “Damn ol’ dad... I really have to hand it to you...”

Doyle put his hand on his weapon and instinctively wanted to rush down, but Mallos shoved him back to Thales’ side and shouted furiously, “Stay at your post, Daniel Doyle!”

At this, Doyle got a hold of himself and returned to the formation sheepishly.

“Indeed, it’s that slick and opportunistic old baron,” Vogel walked over to Mallos and said with a frown, “He can actually fight someone?”

A few servants hurried over to help guests affected by the altercation while trying to maintain order.

But in the next moment, the man dragging old Baron Doyle turned around and hurled two servants a few meters away!

“Oh Sunset Goddess!”

“Stop it you two!”

“Well done! Keep it up! Hit him! Us Northlanders support you!”

“Help him!”

“Stay back! There’s nothing to see here!”

Several guests of higher social status and virtue tried their best to maintain order and keep everyone back. The crowd retreated a little while still shouting.

Mallos and Vogel frowned.

Well, Thales did not know whether old Baron Doyle could actually fight someone.

But from what he could tell, the baron’s opponent could fight really well.

Doyle was a bundle of nerves.

“Pass it on: continue to stay on high alert,” Mallos commanded in hushed tones after receiving reports.

Obviously, Vogel was no longer in the mood to order Mallos around, and said in an equally serious tone, “Focus, pay attention to anyone suspicious. This would be a good time to fish in troubled waters—and keep the other dukes and nobles safe,”

“Send the emergency team over. I don’t care whether it’s a fight spawned out of jealousy or a drunken brawl, suppress it...”


“No, Lord Talon,” Mallos stared at the two involved in the altercation, and interjected, “I recognize that gaze.”

His next words put everyone on edge.

“That’s the assassin.”

Thales was stunned.


Doyle opened his eyes wide in shock, “My dad? Assassin?”

Doyle chuckled bitterly.

“Hehe, no, sir. Stop kidding. With his level of fitness, he can’t even take on my stepmother’s pet cat...”

But Doyle realized something mid-sentence.

He turned pale and looked towards the center of the banquet subconsciously.

“Ahhh no no no he’s killing him!” a high-pitched female voice shrieked!

“Blood! He’s bleeding!”

Thales only managed to see the flash of a blade. The crowd retreated once more.

In the next second, he was again surrounded by a swarm of royal guards, and could only hear the shouts from the crowd.

“Someone stop them!”


“Someone’s injured!”

“This isn’t necessary!”

Thales manage to open up a little gap and caught a glance of the situation outside from under Glover’s armpit.

“Don’t panic. We just have to stay at our posts and protect His Highness and the other nobles. Let the others deal with the incident,” Mallos ordered sternly.

“But sir, my father—” Doyle seemed to still be pleading anxiously.

At that moment, an angry and deep male voice broke the dreariness and reverberated throughout the banquet hall, “Silence!”

“I don’t want to hurt any of you!”

“Stay back if you don’t want to die!”

Thales was blocked by Glover and couldn’t see clearly, but the noise from the crowd ceased abruptly, then turned into murmurs.

“Sir, we should stop this immediately...” Doyle spoke again. He was extremely anxious. His footsteps could be heard right after.

Mallos shouted in exasperation, “Damn it, Glover. Stop him!”

The body in front of Thales eased away as he regained sight of what was before him: Glover grabbed Doyle by the waist to stop him rushing forward and knocked him over.

As for the banquet hall...

“What’s going on?”

Vogel looked towards the center of the banquet hall incredulously:

A young male noble was glaring with rage, his left arm seizing the bruised and trembling old Baron Doyle, his right wielding a razor-sharp short sword.

“Step back! All of you!” he warned.

The short sword continued to point towards the crowd around him as he turned.

Where the short sword was directed at, the crowd retreated little by little, until the open space grew bigger and only the baron and he were left.

“That sword...How did he get his hands on a weapon? All of us guests...”

Vogel was furious. He summoned his men.

“It doesn’t matter anymore,” Mallos didn’t seem to care much about this ‘assassin’ from the other side.

The watchman turned around to assess Thales and discovered a disheveled duke with slightly messy hair, looking curious.

“What’s important is that he got it,”

Thales, who was ‘locked’ within the three-sided human wall blinked desperately as he watched this hostage-taking scene. “What’s this—let him up, Glover, stop holding him down.”

Glover got up, hoisted the begrudged-looking Doyle up and patted his shoulders.

In the hall, a few guests of relatively higher prestige came forward to persuade the young hostage-taker.

“Keep calm, mister...”

“No need to resort to violence...”

“Whatever your grudge, we can work it out...”

“Everyone, it’s such a pleasant day, shall we sit down and have a drink?”

As they spoke, two Mindis Hall guards took the opportunity and jumped the hostage-taker from behind in an attempt to subdue him!

But Thales saw the youth strike old Baron Doyle with the hilt of the sword, causing the latter to fall to the ground in pain, while the youth stood up again immediately!

Blades flashed.

Clang! Clang!

Clanging sounds could be heard as the youth’s figure streaked past the attacking guards. A guard fell to his knees in pain and was sent flying a few meters out with a kick. The other guard cried in pain, dropped his weapon and retreated as he held his bleeding arm.

At the sight of blood, the crowd exclaimed again.

After a split second, reinforcements arrived. Three guards wedged past the crowd but stopped just as they were about to swarm the youth.

“Another step forward!”

The youth grabbed old Baron Doyle by his collar and placed the short sword at his throat.

“And he dies.”

He looked unprepossessing, but his gaze showed extreme determination.

The crowd exchanged whispers and countless gazes focused on the scene, including the gazes of many important guests.

Only Thales furrowed his brows.

This guy, this ‘assassin’...

Looked familiar.

Mallos’ gaze turned grim. “This skill...”

Vogel, who witnessed the situation develop in disbelief, nodded. “Is impressive.

“And has flair.

“His posture looks good, the moves are delicate, and the angles are complex,” Mallos muttered, “It’s the ‘Rose’ sword style from the Tower of Eradication.”

“Skills from the Tower of Eradication... You mean,” Vogel’s expression was somber, “A foreign noble?”

Mallos nodded, “Possibly.”

At this moment, a shrill female voice screeched, “You despicable bastard!”

A noble lady with heavy makeup broke free from the crowd, raised a dinner plate and darted towards the assassin like a lunatic!

The guards and the hostage-taker were equally alarmed.

“I’m taking you on—”

The lady whacked the youth repeatedly with the dinner plate. The latter did not retaliate, but merely dragged the old baron along in retreat, cutting a sorry figure.

Until he could bear it no more, he roared in anger and hit her back, sending her tumbling two meters away.

The old baron cried out in alarm.

“You better stay back Lady Doyle,” the youth gritted his teeth as he held the sword firmly against the trembling Baron Doyle, “I’m not used to hitting women.”

Lady Doyle was embarrassed and in tears, but managed to pull herself back up and wailed, “If you want to harm my husband!

“You’ll have to get through me first!”

The youth gritted his teeth, while the captive baron exhaled in pain.

“Damn it, old woman. What use are you?” the old baron yelled, “Stay back!”

Lady Doyle was initially sitting on the floor weeping, but her expression instantly changed upon hearing these words. “What?”

“What did you call me?”

She looked ferocious.

Old Baron Doyle shuddered instinctively.

“What I meant to say was, dear, why don’t you take a few steps back,” the baron’s tone softened as he forced a smile behind the sharp blade, “Listen to him, back off, and protect yourself.

“Only then can I live.”

In that moment, hurried footsteps could be heard along with a furious male voice shouting, “Let him go!”

“Let my father go!”

Thales was stunned. He only just realized that Doyle had escaped Glover’s custody unnoticed, left the formation and rushed towards the banquet.

Towards his father!

Vogel frowned at Mallos, while the latter stared at an abashed Glover disapprovingly.

The banquet crowd exclaimed again; no one paid attention to the guards who were working hard to maintain order and evacuate the crowd.

Doyle dashed past the guards and unsheathed his longsword!


The youth had no choice but to parry Doyle’s strike.

“Come at me and leave my father alone!”

Doyle swung his sword about in fury.

“You cowardly bully!”

This was the first time Thales had seen Doyle fight with a sword.

In contrast to his usual glib and lackadaisical impression, Doyle’s sword skills seemed upright, bright, and imposing.

His strides were steady, his movements were fluid, and his attacking and defensive stances were well-formed.

It took only two moves before the hostage-taker was forced to retreat.

“Your father?”

In those two seconds, the youth sneered as he defended himself.

“Your father! Bully? Hahaha!”

But it wasn’t a fair fight.

The youth kicked a wine glass towards Doyle. When the latter attempted to evade the glass flying towards him, the hostage-taker’s sword was already pressing against the old baron’s neck.

“Stay back, or I’ll kill him this instant!”

The youth shoved the baron in front of him to obstruct Doyle’s view.

His voice was trembling and was even more furious than Doyle’s!

Doyle was incensed; the knight’s sword in his hand quivered. “Ahhhh... Coward!”

But the youth did not flinch, and even yanked the old baron’s hair threateningly.

Instead, it was the old baron that spat in contempt.

“Kid,” Baron Doyle’s face was all bruised and he struggled to speak, “This is your dad’s business... Take your mother and leave!”

Doyle inhaled painfully, but in the end he lowered his longsword and retreated to help his stepmother up.

Thales could not help but speak up. “Lord Mallos, perhaps we should...”

But in the next moment, Mallos interrupted him coldly; each of his words oozed an unbearable frostiness. “You guys... go drag that idiot back here, even if you have to break his leg.”

Thales was at a loss for words.

The Star Lake Guards looked at each other. Three of them stepped forward and went over as commanded.

It was probably true that Doyle was fairly skilled, but two fists were no match against six. Procca nullified his resistance; Kommodore restrained his struggling; young Ness, who was the most direct, punched him in the gut, and followed it up with a second punch when the first one seemed ineffective.

Until the barely conscious Doyle, amidst his stepmother’s wailing, was dragged back into the guards’ formation by them.

In the distance, the dukes each had a different expression: Zayen seemed contemplative; One-Eyed Dragon seemed enraged; Duke Val seemed indifferent, and was even in the mood to pour himself a glass of wine.

A tier below, still in their seats, the Seven Jadestar Attendants who were directly under Central Territory jurisdiction were not as calm.

At the sight of a fellow Seven Jadestar Attendant being held hostage, Viscount Adrian worriedly muttered something to Lozano Glover; Baron Stone gritted his teeth; ‘Little Iron Spike Junior’ Madam Barney held her son’s hand tightly and comforted Luther Barney who had curled up crying when the conflict started.

Viscount Patterson, who was elderly and hard of hearing, endeavored to listen to his two scions report in panic about the unfolding crisis. His occasional loud queries actually relieved the tense atmosphere somewhat.

“Young man, this is a royal banquet, and the respected Duke Thales is present.”

Among the crowd present, a prestigious member of the king’s party and honorary count in charge of reception at the royal banquet, Godwin stepped forward and said in a calm and gentle voice, “Regardless of your reasons, such an action is far from wise, and could hurt many.

“Whether it’s Baron Doyle, or yourself.”

In the face of Count Godwin’s persuasion, the hostage-taker laughed. His laughter was as bleak as it was despondent.

Which made Thales uneasy.

But a mere few seconds later, the youth took a deep breath and attempted to stow his madness and anger.

“I apologize, dear Count.

“But everyone, do not be alarmed.”

The panicked crowd began to calm down, and the guards in front of him quelled their intention to attack. The youth panted a little, then continued loudly, “Listen to me.”

The hostage-taker chucked the old Baron to the ground, looked around him, and said through gritted teeth, “I’m educated, I know my manners. I have no intention of hurting innocent people at the banquet in Mindis Hall.

“Circumstances have compelled me to resort to this!”

At the youth’s feet, old Baron Doyle scoffed. “Pff...”

But the youth’s gaze turned violent. He lowered his head and kicked Baron Doyle mercilessly!

“Shut up, you old varmint!”

The crowd exclaimed again.

“The guards here can’t handle the situation, we have to do something.” Next to Thales, vice-captain Vogel ordered his military courier in hushed tones, “Control the periphery, quietly and gradually evacuate the crowd, observe the surroundings, don’t relax—and don’t be discovered by the hostage-taker.”

Several men left at his command.

Vogel turned around and asked, “You’re sure it’s him?”

“Is it possible that it’s someone else, and he’s just bait?”

Mallos nodded calmly. “Looking at his gaze, I’m sure.”

The watchman ignored the Doyle that was still held by two guards and silently indignant. “I just got one thing wrong: his target wasn’t His Highness, but Baron Doyle.”

“So what should we do?” Thales couldn’t help but speak, “Allow him to take the hostage?”

“The king is not here. Perhaps the person with the highest rank, the Duke of Star Lake, the master of this venue, should step forward...”

“No,” Mallos rebutted instantly and firmly, “Listen up, Your Highness. Stay right here.”

Thales was left speechless.

The vice-captain next to him frowned.

Mallos turned around and, with an astute look, said decisively, “Glover, gather Morgan, Italiano, and Pedrossi immediately...Oh, and also Toledo and Chevanov.”

Glover stared at him blankly and looked doubtful.

In the Star Lake Guards, Morgan was a veteran of the Vanguard Division. This was understandable.

But Italiano belonged to the Logistics Division and Pedrossi was penal officer Patterson’s footman.

As for Toledo and Chevanov, both were previously in the Command Division and worked under Mallos for years, and continued to work as his military couriers after they arrived at Mindis Hall.

But this seemingly unrelated choice of men...

“They are all experts in reconnaissance and sniping,” the stern-looking Mallos clarified in one sentence, “Equip yourselves with bows. Under your lead, split into three groups and go to the high platform. Station yourselves where you can get a good shot and wait for my signal. It’s best if you can take him down with one arrow, even two would be fine...”

But Vogel’s expression changed dramatically.

“You’ve gone mad!”

The vice-captain held on to Glover who was about to proceed with the command, and said to Mallos through gritted teeth, “Look around, from the Seven Jadestar Attendants to counts and dukes!”

Thales subconsciously glanced at the guests and realized that many of them actually sneaked glimpses towards this direction.

“Mindis Hall, royal banquet, distinguished nobles and officials of the capital are all present. This means the entire kingdom is watching!”

Vogel glanced around worriedly and continued in a low voice, “If he stabbed someone without saying a word then fine. But he’s taken a hostage and is currently negotiating with Count Godwin...”

Mallos frowned.

“It’s one thing if it were a drunken altercation or personal vendetta. But to disregard the hostage and shoot him in public, kill someone and cause bloodshed, what’s more by the hands of the royal family, that’s another...”

Mallos nodded. “This is the least troublesome way...”

Vogel cut him short. “This will cause a huge trouble!”

Seeing another clash of opinions between their commanders, the royal guards around them were apprehensive, and did not even dare exhale.

Even Thales, who had initially relaxed after discovering that he was not the target of assassination, started to become nervous again.

The vice-captain glared at the watchman. “Don’t forget, His Highness is the host of this banquet! If one of the Seven Jadestar Attendants die here, this will be on him!”

Thales was shocked.

“Moreover, if you fail to kill him and the guy goes on a killing spree and starts attacking the crowd, the situation will be out of control...”

Vogel’s tone became more cautious, “And everyone here, even children, would be implicated...”

Mallos was unfazed as he observed the layout of the venue. “We can drag the negotiation and gradually clear the scene to get a better shot, and reduce the scope of implication and associated harm...

“This is not about mere physical ‘harm’!” Vogel’s voice became more urgent, clearly losing patience, “For the sake of Sunset, Bright Moon and Dark Night!

“This is just a banquet altercation, don’t make it up to be some kind of palace rebellion or bloody war!”

A chill ran down Thales’ spine.

Palace rebellion, bloody war...

The vice-captain glared at Mallos fiercely.

“After so many years, this is the first royal banquet after the return of the heir of the kingdom. The last thing we need, and should not happen, is such a situation and impression!”

“Do you understand?”

This time, Mallos fell silent.

He took Vogel’s reprimand without rebutting.

“Count Godwin has stepped forward, and the best outcome right now is a negotiated resolution,”

Vogel kept his emotions in check and looked towards the banquet. “To resort to killing would be the worst solution.”

On the other hand, the negotiation between Count Godwin and the hostage-taker was still ongoing.

“Young man, you have your whole future in front of you, why throw it all away?”

Count Godwin’s tone was gentle and amicable, which made his words sound sincere. “Put down your weapon, release Baron Doyle, let’s talk this through. I swear on my reputation that you will get the help you need.”

The youth wiped the blood off his face and glanced at the old baron at his feet.

“Dear Count Godwin, you have a good reputation, and I am grateful for your concern and help.”

His gaze was filled with apathy and resentment.

“But sorry, you can’t help me.

“No one can.”

“Don’t back yourself into a corner, young man,” Count Godwin gestured to the guards to not provoke the youth as he continued warmly, “First of all, who are you?”

The youth was silent for a while.

In the next second, he grabbed the old baron’s shoulder with one hand, scaring the latter into a fit of trembles.

“I am Anker Byrael.”

The hostage-taker with a bloodstained face looked up, but his words exuded pride.

“Of the Byrael family in Crow Caw City, Western Desert.”

The youth who called himself Anker Byrael continued in a trembling voice, “Loyal servant of His Majesty, King Kessel, valiant warrior, and...”

His voice faded, “An insignificant subject.”

Anker slowly raised his head and cast a piercing gaze at everyone.

“And my father is one of the thousands of suzerains of Constellation, the right and proper Baron of Crow Caw City.”

A minor commotion broke out in the crowd. Many guests turned around to find their friends from Western Desert, or those who knew the territory well, in an attempt to dig up some information.

“Damn it, he’s a foreign hereditary noble,” Vice-captain Vogel hurriedly waved a hand to summon a guard from the Flag Bearer Division, “Verify this, and inform Renaissance Palace immediately.”

Count Godwin conferred with a few friends.

“Anker, was it? Of the Byrael family...”

“Since you are a noble and have been educated since young,” Count Godwin turned around, his tone gradually shifting from gentle to stern, “Then you should know...”

“Whether it’s taking the old and weak hostage, or a despicable assassination, whether it’s alarming guests or insulting the banquet host, this will bring shame to your family!”

Anker gasped distractedly for a while.

“Please forgive me. I took a risk and caused everyone alarm, but it’s only because I am desperate.”

His voice was hoarse from a dry throat.

Exuding despair.

Anker, with a resentful look on his face, raised his sword and again pressed it against the old baron’s throat.

“Because only here can I nab this wretched old varmint!”

“And force him to face me in person!”

At the sight of the youth’s determined gaze, Thales’ heart skipped a beat!

“Scumbag...” Doyle, who had recovered a little, still had his arms held by his colleagues. He struggled and said through gritted teeth, “I dare you to—”

But he did not manage to finish his sentence, because Mallos turned around suddenly and ruthlessly smacked him in the face!


Doyle was stupefied.

He stared at Mallos with a befuddled look.

“If you want your father killed, then keep talking!”

The watchman ordered coldly, “Let him go! I want to see how many more stupid acts he can come up with today!”

Procca, who was holding him, hesitated a little before easing his grip, whereas Kommodore simply let go of Doyle.

The latter took a few breaths in a daze, touched his swollen face, and shaking, looked towards his father who was being taken hostage, and finally clenched his teeth and knelt down in anguish.

Mallos’ movement was swift and straightforward, causing Vogel to frown deeply and startled Thales.

But the Duke of Star Lake recomposed himself and looked towards the scene in the banquet.

His focus was on another part.

The assassin—Anker Byrael.

It was him.

Thales’ looked solemn: he recognized him.

At the beginning of the banquet, the prince gave an impromptu opening speech.

After his bold ‘Fuck you Chapman Lampard’, a young noble was the first to respond by raising his glass and yelling:

“To Duke Thales!

“To his open-mindedness, wisdom, big heart, courage—and youth!”

It was him.

It was his generous and supportive response which instigated a tide of response and blessings from the guests towards the Duke of Star Lake.

Thales recalled the scene earlier and looked at the youth with mixed feelings. The young man raised his sword with one hand and held the listless Baron Doyle with the other, his expression resolute.

Just like what Mallos said...

Unafraid of death.

“Anker, you said your father is a suzerain, and the Baron of Crow Caw City,” Count Godwin said slowly, “Would he want to see you like this?”

Anker shuddered.

“My father, Baron Byrael of Crow Caw City...”

He clutched the old baron’s neck firmly. His gaze was blurry as he muttered, “He wouldn’t want to, and would not be able to see it anymore.”

Count Godwin froze.

Anker took a deep breath and became angry and focused again as he looked at everyone.

“A few months ago, my father, as one of the suzerains of Western Desert, responded to the call of Duke Fakenhaz.

“He led an army west on an expedition into the desert to boost the prestige of the kingdom thousands of miles out.”

Thales was stunned.

‘An expedition into the desert? Isn’t that—’

Anker’s voice reverberated throughout the hall, thunderous and impassioned.

“He led his army under those orders! To clear the way for Prince Thales’ return...”

Thales froze.

Countless gazes were cast at the prince, making up an assortment.

This included Zayen’s interested gaze, One-Eyed Dragon’s penetrating gaze and Duke Val’s indifferent gaze.

Wait a minute.

Thales curbed his shock as he recalled his journey through the Western Desert.

A few months ago, the regional recruits of the dukes of Western Desert that cleared the desert together with the regular troops of the royal family, ended up...

“Up till that morning, a few hours before Duke Thales was finally found...” Anker continued distractedly, “Taking advantage of when Legendary Wing was not around, the Barren Bone people and orcs launched a large scale attack and invaded Blade Fangs Camp.

“Father, who was still at the camp, was attacked in his sleep.

“His army was almost entirely annihilated.

“And he himself was heavily injured.”

Blade Fangs Camp...

Thales shuddered inside.

Legendary Wing—Baron Roman’s murderous eyes appeared before him.

Along with his chilling words:

“We’ll attack the camp!...No matter who you meet...be it humans, mixed breeds...”

“Sel! Lic! Ca!”

Thales’ breathing staggered.

“As the general of a defeated army, father returned home crestfallen. And back at Crow Caw City, he took the brunt of the blame...”

Assassin and hostage-taker, Anker Byrael took a deep breath and looked up to reveal red, teary eyes.

“Before long, his injury worsened. Tormented physically and mentally...”

The youth, with sword raised, looked towards Thales who was high above him and howled, “Died in agony.”

At the other end of the youth’s gaze, Thales clenched his teeth and shut his eyes.

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