
Chapter 674 Knife Bitch (Part 1)

Everyone has their own time, but in the occasions when most people dare not to be casual, it becomes a privilege of the superior, which can show majesty, speciality and power. I have seen it on the Duke of Iris.

Of course, as for the armor under the clothes, the laces of the weapons, the traps on the sleeves, the daggers on the leggings, the dark blades in the boots, including the entourage who came to the Emerald City this time, these are really life-threatening Something that Kathleen has never and dare not follow.

"Everyone present, especially those standing opposite, listen, and listen."

The blood bottle in the warehouse made everyone nervous.

Catherine leaned back, enjoying the thrill of being the center of attention, enduring the countless glances at her from the warehouse—shocked, terrified, flattering, shrewd, wary, disappointed, hesitant, ashamed timid, cowardly—either from front or behind.

"Many of you have been in the Emerald City for a long time, and among them are the old ones who have been with me. You should know better than anyone that we can take root in this city, survive, profit, and even enjoy such a A little respect and affluence depends on what.”

Everyone looked at each other, especially the gang members who were originally from the Emerald City standing behind the red viper. They all looked hesitant and their breathing accelerated.

"It\'s not a fist, it\'s not a sword, it\'s not death," Kathleen knocked on the table, "it\'s a rule."

Many people had expectations for the appearance of the "phantom blade" because of the name "Catherine", but most of them are afraid to be disappointed:

Kathleen has never been a beauty since she was a child, and the years that followed did not give her the luck to change her daughter\'s school. Her career also left her with thick and rough arms and thighs, and in the eyes of many men, her **** and **** are almost flat and flat, making people "no desire".

But because of this, in the early years, in the blood bottle gang gang on the streets of Emerald City, she could really be regarded as a usable manpower and subordinate. The former bosses looked at her ability, craftsmanship, mentality and brain, not face. Body or "there must be a girl in the house", because of this, the gangsters who drink too much and go crazy look at her, so that they can be normal.

Well, relatively normal.

After all, it is a misfortune to be beautiful in such a gang: in Kathleen\'s memory, her slightly beautiful female companions, especially when they grow older and look old, do not end well.

But that\'s not Kathleen.


Not possible to be.

Now, as the most powerful and prestigious eldest sister in the Blood Bottle Gang after the one-night war with the Brotherhood, she, the \'Phantom Blade\' herself, sits here calmly, with every move, every breath and every breath, it can change the color of others .

And she was quite satisfied with that.

There are always exceptions.


Nekra pouted fiercely:

"You mean, the armistice agreement that the black silks can come and leave if they want, and we can only obediently abide by it?"

His interjection made the restless gang clamor again—of course, many of them were brought by Nekra himself.

"It\'s not fair!"

"Fuck the rules!"

"We are not vigilantes!"


Amid the commotion, Kathleen coldly scooped out the red pit viper.

This poisonous snake is getting more and more annoying.

When Kathleen received a report that Nekra was secretly heading to the Emerald City with all the staff, she was not surprised at all, and even had a sense of satisfaction that "it\'s finally here".

Unfortunately, she still needs him at the moment.

Just like there are people like Rhoda and Feiso in the brotherhood of the opposite family, the blood bottle gang has Nekra, and the gangsters who are difficult to accept and control, difficult to control, and will definitely cause trouble, only There is a place to go.

Easy to push out to block arrows.

For more than 20 years, she has finally come to this position, from a street thief, mixed into one of the few bosses of the blood bottle gang, she must plan carefully and use every penny of the value of everyone.


"The rule," in the chaos, the wanderer Fogg slammed the table heavily, "the rule is that whoever dares to interrupt while we are talking will be responsible for feeding my fish."

The voice of ?? fell, and the warehouse suddenly became quiet.

Fogle snorted coldly. He came to Catherine\'s side, and naturally pulled out a chair and sat down.

Catherine frowned imperceptibly as she watched Fergie sit down.

After a few seconds, the phantom blade turned his head and continued in a deep voice:

"Okay, then go, those who are not convinced, go and follow the red viper, find the Brotherhood desperately..."

Nekra looked at him grimly.

"I don\'t know if you can win or not, but I definitely know one thing," Kathleen said coldly, "When you all slaughtered together, the streets of Emerald City were covered in blood, order was chaotic, and the rules were no longer there. The city\'s very safe citizens were scared into tortoises..."

Catherine looked at the people behind the red viper one by one.

"Yes, you may not be afraid, but when the business trips stop, the goods stop passing through, the market starts to slump, the shops and workshops go bankrupt, and the money bags in people\'s pockets become flat and shriveled, where will you go for protection? Fees and hard fees, who to take a share in, and where do you go for your smuggling and counterfeiting? Sangare, your dogfighting and cockfighting, Gutierrez, your boxing match and intimidation business, Gamandi Asia\'s casino, and Roger\'s sleazy little business... Without that, where do you guys get the money to support your hungry cubs so they can keep calling you boss? Kongming Palace or Emerald Barracks? Or with a red turban and shouting \'Long Live the Blood Bottle Gang\' to eat?"

The different faces on the side of the red pit viper, especially the bosses with heads and faces - Roger Dung, Gutierrez, who manages black fists, Gamandia, who manages casinos, Tarimi, who specializes in street business, who specializes in livestock Sangare, the businessman - looked at each other in dismay after hearing the words.

"At that time, not to mention the big figures in the Kongming Palace, you don\'t even need the Emerald Legion and the Vigilance Hall to take action," Kathleen flicked her sleeves and the sound was clear, "You two are so poor and hungry that you want to kill each other. already."

"A very hungry piranha." Fergie sneered.

"I\'ve been in the capital for the past few years, and I\'ve built up the mess left by the overnight war. To be honest, the brothers there are much worse than you, and it\'s far less comfortable than lying here and counting money."

Catherine sat on the chair, looked around, and sneered at the corner of her mouth:

"So who wants to make this place like that? If so, why don\'t you grab a weapon and follow me to Yongxing City? Don\'t be afraid, there is national attention there, and if you want to make a name for yourself, maybe you are the next Maybe even one of the eight major cadres?"

Many local gang members looked shaken, looked around unconsciously, and their throats twitched.

The hands brought by the red viper all frowned and became more vigilant.

"Of course," Kathleen tilted her legs back and sneered, "It\'s pretty quick to lose your life there—it\'s just a matter of one night."

"But, Big Sister..."

Dung Egg Roger hesitated to speak, calling out the title only someone who had been with Kathleen before, but the latter raised a hand to stop him from speaking.

"You think I\'m sticking to some pedantic chivalry and caring about the \'rules\' in that armistice agreement? Haha, no."

Kathleen leaned forward and tapped the table rhythmically, her tone getting tougher:

"Eat enough food and take good care of it - this is the biggest rule."

There was silence in the warehouse.

"As for you, Xiaohong, you are not trying to stand up for them, nor are you seeking revenge for Heishanzi, but teaching them to dig their own roots," Huan Ren snorted, "Shit on your own plate."

Nekra glared at Kathleen in disbelief.

That **** bitch.

Every time, every time...


With a crisp metal crash, Kathleen popped out her cuffs.

"Now," Kathleen\'s cuffs pulled scratches on the table, and she looked at everyone involved in the mutiny, "Obviously, some people need to be taught the rules."

As soon as these words came out, many members of the gang felt a chill in their hearts, and many people subconsciously looked for an exit.

The red pit viper couldn\'t bear it any longer, he stepped forward:

"Enough, what TM rules! If you want to kill, you have to cut a sentence——"


Catherine interrupted him by banging on the table.

"But, for the sake of the past..."

Catherine narrowed her eyes.

"In other words, for the sake of wearing a red turban together, no matter who is present today, who has a crooked mind and actively contacts the red pit viper, or who is bewitched by him, and only enters the snake\'s nest because of his fascination. , or when you are overwhelmed, you want to fish in troubled waters..."

With a ?? swipe, the magic blade unexpectedly retracted her cuffs, and a smile appeared in her sharp eyes.

"From now on, as long as you\'re willing to put down your weapons and stand behind me, no matter who it is, I\'ll open up and let go of the past," Kathleen was relieved, but her trusted subordinates behind her had a stern expression, "We are still in the gang. good brother."

As soon as these words came out, there were whispers of whispers in the warehouse.

"Good sister." Sitting beside her, Fergie added faintly.

Catherine tilted her head, noncommittal:


At that moment, the red viper understood something.

Do not.

Nekra turned his head in disbelief: more and more people on the left and right side avoided his gaze, secretly looking at the talented people Kathleen brought, and thinking silently.

Whispering, even if he was so heartbroken, he felt that the other party could not let the traitor go, so he planned to go all the way to the dark. At this moment, there was a glimmer of hope in his heart, and he couldn\'t help but start to hesitate, exchange glances with each other, and test their attitudes.

Do not!

"Wake up early, everyone," said Franco with a happy expression, "Can\'t you see the situation clearly?"

"These people are dissatisfied." The bad shoemaker Jia Jia rubbed his gloves, disgusting the authentic.

"Come on," Fergie snorted coldly, "my fish is hungry."

The tense atmosphere in the warehouse turned into a full pressure, and all of them were pressed on the side of the red pit viper at one time.

Finally, one of the gang members sighed. He put away his weapon, raised his hands, and walked around the round table to Catherine and Fergie.

"Big sister, I, I didn\'t mean to..."

But Kathleen just smiled so he didn\'t have to go on.

Soon, the second, the third, the fourth and the fifth... more and more people, especially the local gang members of the Emerald City, put down their weapons and hostility, or were nervous and frustrated, or flattered and walked around the round table, Come behind Kathleen.

And the red pit viper could only look at this scene angrily, his eyes were splitting.

"Can I, can I stand in the middle?"

The barber Balta and his men carefully walked to the edge of the round table. He looked at the red viper and then at Kathleen, raised his hands and smiled helplessly: "Look, I\'m just a... shaved head."

As soon as these words came out, the gang members on both sides let out disdainful boos.

Kathleen frowned slightly, while the red viper purred fiercely.

The next moment, Roger took a deep breath beside the red viper, put away his weapon, and walked out of the queue with his men.

"Eldest sister, I, I am not dissatisfied with you... but my subordinates are covered with black silk..."

"I understand, Roger," Kathleen smiled, unconcerned, "I understand it all."

As soon as these words came out, Roger felt a lot more relieved for some reason.

Catherine motioned to the seat beside her:


Roger took a deep breath, and after taking a last look at the red viper, he turned forward without hesitation and joined Catherine\'s camp—of course, under Ferg\'s intriguing gaze, he did not dare to sit down.

Tarimi, who manages the street business, coughed: "Uh, boss Nekra, this is just a disagreement within the gang, right? I believe we can handle it well..."

The red viper turned his head sharply, his eyes gloomy:

"Fuck as fast as you want."

Tarimy\'s expression changed, and he hurried to Kathleen\'s side.

"Tarimi," Huan Ren said with a smile, unlike the red pit viper, "I heard you\'ve changed your wife again?"

"Yes, eldest sister," Tarimi\'s face stiffened, "Oh, I have settled the last one properly. I asked the priest to write the divorce papers, file them in the notary office, and also divided a lot of her property..."

Catherine raised her chin:


Just like that, more and more people left the side of the red viper and rejoined Kathleen and Fergie.

The situation in the warehouse was reversed in an instant. After a while, the Red Pit Viper was left with only the direct staff he brought from the capital, as well as several local bosses who started to take the lead—Gamandia, Sangare, Gutierrez, but they also had ugly expressions and hesitated.


The red pit viper Nekra clenched his teeth with only a few people left, his eyes full of unwillingness and anger.

This should have been an expected power grab.

But why, why!

Kathleen responded to him with a generous, winner-to-lose smile, tolerant and generous.

and casual.

"I\'ve heard of Kathleen\'s reputation, and I saw it today." In the corner, Glover squinted at the confrontation in the field and whispered.

Whether it is her foresight and anti-customer-oriented, or she seizes the weak underbelly of this gang of rebels, and breaks their arrogance and fantasy with one sentence.

"That is, that is the elder of the gang, a strong and tenacious warrior, who has fought against the Black Sword in the capital for many years, and still stands still..." Tsimikas was full of reverence, and he figured out how to get up to talk for a while, "Kai Boss Sarin!"

"Did you say the same thing about the red viper before?"

"Impossible, how could I like a villain like the red pit viper who sow discord... You must have misremembered!"

On the other side, Rolfe stared blankly at Kathleen in the field.

Of course.

She certainly lives up to her reputation.

That is the eldest sister.

No matter how many years have passed, she is still so powerful, so charming, and still the undisputed leader of the big guys...

Just, just himself...

Rolf subconsciously stretched out his hand and clasped his calf, feeling the coldness of the metal.

Nekra stared at Kathleen with anger burning in his eyes:

"Catherine, you unforced knife bitch."

The Magic Blade was startled when he heard the words, and then smiled.

Knife bitch.

is really familiar, a foreign nickname that I haven\'t heard in more than ten years.

"I said, as long as I\'m willing to stand up, I\'ll let it go," Catherine didn\'t care, "including you, of course, Nekra—we are still good brothers? Right?"

The red viper\'s face twitched.

In his heart, reason told him that this trip was caught off guard and the strength was disparate, and he lost.

Maybe it’s time to take it easy and leave it for the next time?

But instinct told him no: what happened today is bound to spread to the Blood Bottle Gang.

Under the eyes of the public, as long as he takes that step and walks behind Catherine, the next time he wants to go out, it will not be so easy.

The red pit viper continued to struggle.

But Catherine no longer looked at him, but turned behind Nekra, with deep meaning:

"Or, other brothers who have followed you thousands of miles, from the capital or other places, to come here?"

When the ?? voice fell, a henchman on the side of the red viper sighed. He raised his hands and walked towards Kathleen: "Okay, I surrender too."

Kathleen\'s mouth curved slightly.

"If you can survive." The gang member said lightly.

Catherine\'s expression changed.

The next second, the gang who stepped forward suddenly opened his arms!

Hearing a soft squeak, two rare weapons shaped like roulette wheels with sharp blades around them flew out from under his hands, spinning towards Kathleen!

"Big sister!"


"Do not!"

In the ?? exclamation, Kathleen\'s pupils shrank, she stood up quickly, her sleeve claw sticking out from her right arm!

Clang! clang!

The ?? arm went back and forth, the claw blades flew, and Kathleen quickly and calmly knocked the two roulette blades into the air.

But just when others thought the crisis was over, Kathleen\'s expression changed again.

The next moment, one of the roulette blades that was knocked into the air was castrated in mid-air, and returned strangely!

Catherine clenched her teeth and pulled out her claw again, only to find this strange weapon trembling in the air.

Soon, Pan Zhou\'s six sharp blades stretched and folded in different directions, as if protruding different limbs. It waved one of the sharp blades as if it were alive, avoiding Kathleen\'s cuffs. Take the opportunity to "jump" to Kathleen!

Kathleen shouted angrily, she drew a sharp knife out of her left hand, and her arms and shoulders made a "kara" sound, and immediately swung the knife and claws with a strange posture and angle, at an amazing speed, and even left an afterimage phantom!

Ding! Dang!

After a few crisp sounds, under the multi-faceted attack, the strange weapon in front of him finally shattered and fell to the ground.

But Kathleen had a warning sign in her heart and turned her eyes:

I saw the second roulette blade flicked on the table, which also quickly deformed, stretched out the \'six-limb\' blade, and shot at her!

(end of this chapter)

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