
Chapter 27: Unique Skill: Paternity

Chapter 27: Unique Skill: Paternity


Laughing loudly, the ghost showed itself.

The ghost exited from Angelica’s back, looking like a white smoke.

Or rather, it looked like when you sighed during the peak of winter.

It was as if it was wrapping Angelica, but then it spreads out.

Before long, it collects itself to a place and turned into a shape of a largely built man.

His upper body was muscular, but his lower body was just a pile of smoke.

Judging by his outer appearance, he looks more like a Djinn than a ghost.

There were just holes in the place of his eyes and nose, while only his mouth is uncannily look like human’s.

He’s a spirit that can show itself, and judging by that appearance, it could only mean one thing.

Keisuke: “Wraith, huh?”

Wraiths are magicians who failed in their attempts on an out-of-body experience and turned into evil spirits.

What that means is that it’s closer to a living spirit rather than an undead.

They properly had the ego of a human, so there’s nothing to criticize it from being the leader of the group of evil spirits.

Wraith: “I’m kinda relieved, Hero-sama. You aren’t incompetent, are ya? I thought of killing yer wife and crippling ya but yer flirtin’ around with the Sacred Maiden aren’t ya? Or what, ya wanted a young second wife that it kills ya? Goddamn, heroes sure work differently. If ya change girls now and then yer making me some more trouble.”

If it’s just his mouth and tongue, he truly resembles a human.

He also talks precisely like a human trash.

As I glared at it, the Wraith circled around to Angelica’s back and crawled his fingers on her nape.

Wraith: “GYAHAHA! He’s angry! The hero’s angry! Ye’r dangerous aren’t ya! My tail’s still inside Angelica-chan ya’ know! If ya don’t wait till I came out completely, ya can’t dispel me ya’ know?”

It’s just as he said.

Until I can pull out the spiritual body that possessed her, I can’t attack him.

If I defeat it before it’s completely out, Angelica will be left with a psychic injury.

Despite my overwhelming combat power, I can’t do anything but to wait.

It’s vexing and irritating.

Even though I want to beat up this fool even if it’s a second earlier I can only hold my finger still and glare.

Looking at the helpless me, the wraith were brimming with joy that the corners of his mouth rose.

Angelica looked like she was about to fall over, even now.

With a quiet moan saying Dad, her knees were shaking.

Thanks to her upbringing in the temple, her status was high, but she doesn’t have any combat experiences.

And also, she was afraid.

She was frightened that an evil spirit is clinging onto her.

I can feel my emotions bubbling.

My rage builds up, passing the point of anger and going directly into the territory of killing intent.

What the fuck do this bastard think he’s doing to my daughter? Why am I standing like this? What am I doing?

I was so consumed with anger that I forgot the situation.

I can’t hold it, I want to pounce and kill this fool. Yet that wish of mine can’t come true.

If it gets this painful, then I think I would rather forget everything and go all out.

But if I do that, I won’t be able to save Angelica.

I want to properly save her, so I have to hold on from saving her right now.

Wraith: “Well, I finally got my tail out. My bad, keepin’ ya’ waitin’. By the way, I managed to come out, but I’ve firmly secured Angelica-chan though.”

All the while I waited for the wraith’s tail to come out, he had completely dug his claw of his right hand into Angelica’s throat.

Wraith: “Huuh? Hero-sama, you’ve been cornered haven’t ya? Can you just shoot me with that stupid power of yours?”

Keisuke: “Planning to take hostage, huh? Stop that. You’ll just worsen the method of me killing you.”

Wraith: “Yer sayin that to an undead? I’m dead already though! I ain’t got no body to return to no more! Gyahaha! While I was out from my body, it turned rotten already! What worse way of dying are ya talkin’ about? Hmm…how about getting stabbed along with a kid by my beloved Hero-sama? Oh my bad, that’s how Elza died!”

How much of an unrefined and displeasing smile can this evil spirit show?

He’s crude, sadistic, and annoying. I know the typical personality of wraiths.

If I gotta hear more than this, I’m going to snap.

I closed my eyes and activated my skill.

To make sure the wraith doesn’t hurt Angelica, I obediently seek for its attention.

To pull Angelica away from the wraith, I jumped at high speed and stabbed at him with the Holy Sword skill.

I have a way to do those two contradictory actions simultaneously.

【Hero, Keisuke‘s used 2,000 MP. Double Action skill activated】

【For 180 seconds, it is possible to conduct two actions in one turn】

Wraith: “Huh…? Don’t you fucking move. But what’s with that eyes of yours. You did something, didn’t ya?”

I have no obligations to answer. I just need to stand still and shut my mouth.

While I did that, an invisible me will take care of everything.

Wraith: “It’s that, innit? I know about yer tricks ya’ know.”

Keisuke: “?”

Wraith: “Ya think yer gonna heal the hostage after ya stab me along with her, right? Ya think she’ll just hafta hold on from the pain and yer gonna win or somethin’ like that, eh?”

While guessing wrongly, he kept rattling on, and the wraith’s body emits light..

At the same time, Angelica’s expression stiffened.

Wraith: “Hyahha! For having such a dangerous papa, here’s a present of the State of Dismay!”

State of Dismay.

It’s a debuff that decreases the fighting spirit by making the target feel fear and agony more easily.

That means if someone was inflicted with it—they will feel pain several times higher than usual.

It’s a skill undeads like to use.

Wraith: “Try stabbing me along with her, come on, try me! Angelica’s now super sensitive so if you try and do that she’ll probably go crazy! But that’s fine, innit? Yer gonna get a broken doll, ya’ know? Then I’ll be having fun too, so go ahead and do it, Hero-sama.”

Keisuke: “…It’ll be funny if you misunderstand this far.”

Here, the skill procedure is almost finished.

You’ll be taken down by the choice I didn’t choose.

The choice to “Prioritize attacking the wraith and not the hostage”.

The me who is not me will end everything.

That was what I thought.

Keisuke: “…?”

Something’s off.

I realized that the situation turned strange.

It’s too late.

Normally at this point, the two actions would have been conducted some time ago.

If so, then why?

Keisuke: “I see.”

I could think of one thing.

Keisuke: “You also had Double Actions, huh.”

Wraith: “Bingo. The other “us” are going at each other right now. Oh, some memories are comin’ up to me.”

We both used Double Action and we we canceled each other off beyond causality.

There was the me who stood still in front of me and the wraith that was seizing Ange.

There was the me who launched a surprised attack at the wraith, and the wraith that intercepted that attack.

With this combination if a fight broke out, the result would be “nothing”.

But at the same time, I also recognized the violent exchange that was unfolding, and they were flowing into my brain.

…He’s strong.

This would be the first time I confronted a spiritual body in this world.

Wraith: “We ain’t even moving at all though, right, Hero-sama? Don’t be sneaky won’t ya? That’s one penalty for ya alright? With that, I’ll be cutting Angelica-chan’s ski~n. Gyahahaha! This is yer fault okay!”

Keisuke: “Stop it. No matter what you do you know you’ll always be killed too!”

Wraith: “Huh? Did’ya hear that, Angelica-chan? He said “too”, ya’ hear? Hyahaha! The hero is different than the one from the stories! The daughter that can feel super pain is gonna get involved in the stabbing! Gyahahahaha!”

The wraith bends backwards as he laughed mockingly.

It seems like it wanted to say it’s so fun he couldn’t help it.

Angelica: “Dad, I’ll be okay…”

Even as tears flows down from both of her eyes, Angelica conducted herself bravely.

In the State of Dismay, it’s even easier to feel fear, and despite that, Angelica still worries about me.

She’s a really good girl. She’s truly a waste on me.

Why did they send such a good girl to me?

Even though if she didn’t come to me, she could’ve lived a calm life.

I would like to at least dispel the State of Dismay, but I couldn’t lift even a finger.

Because of the Double Action surprise attack earlier, the wraith is in full alert.

This time, he might really hurt Angelica.

The Angelica who is now very sensitive to pain and fear.

But if I kept doing nothing, he will start tormenting Angelica.

What do I do?

Maybe it’s better for me to really stab at the wraith through Angelica.

And then I’ll heal Angelica’s wound.

Rather than making her suffer for so long, it would be better to deliver an acute pain and quickly put an end to it since it would shorten the pain.

As I prepared my attack, the wraith opened its mouth.

Wraith: “Aah wait, wait. I’m gonna stop. I forgot that she’s a Sacred Maiden. She’d probably gone through some of these masochistic ascetic practices. She probably could stand the pain. Ain’t gonna cut her skin. I changed my mind, so you don’t hafta move. Yeah that’s right, lower yer hands.”

I don’t know what he’s thinking, but I have to make sure Angelica doesn’t suffer first.

I looked at the wraith’s hollow eyes and spoke.

Keisuke: “What, are you planning to negotiate?”

The wraith put his claws on Angelica’s cheek as he broadly grinned.

Wraith: “Naaw~ We evil spirits are, ya know, beings that feed on human’s fear and agony. I can feel full if I can feed on some despair. Those things are delicious, and those things fix my condition. I’m thinking that I wanna have some more taste of that.”

He’s tantalizing. Is he planning to draw this out?

I couldn’t read his thoughts.

Wraith: “I’ve thought of a way to give this Sacred Maiden Angelica-chan more fear rather than with external wounds.”

Anything is fine. My priority is to avoid Angelica getting injured.

The State of Dismay debuff doesn’t last that long.

I just need to wait until it runs out.

The moment her sense of pain returns to normal, I will pierce the wraith through Angelica.

This is the best choice I have……I need to apologize to Angelica later.

Even if I say I will heal her wounds with magic, having your parent drill a hole through you would be the worst experience.

Wraith: “There are some type of people who are weaker on the inside rather than being clawed, ya’ see. Angelica-chan looked like she does don’t ya think?”

Keisuke: “What are you trying to say?”

The wraith questioned me, looking like he remembered something pleasant.

If I follow through with his rants, I could buy some time until the debuff expires.

As I waited for the wraith to open his mouth again, he pleasantly, very pleasantly said,

Wraith: “Spirits like me controlled Angelica-chan’s body ya’ know? For almost a week, even. D’ya think we handled her normally?”

Keisuke: “So what?”

Wraith: “We could’ve done a lot in a week ya’ know? Kill someone, steal some things, or sell her body for example. The pure, pure Sacred Maiden-chan was tainted~”

…I don’t particularly care either way.

As long as it wasn’t Angelica’s intention, it’s not her fault.

But will she be okay? I slowly turned my eyes toward her.

Angelica: “…U, u…”

Keisuke: “Ange…”

Angelica: “…U……”

I vowed to fulfill the role of the girl’s father, but now, tears are streaming down from both of her eyes.

Even though she showed me her bravery.

Even though she could withstood against the assault of fear and pain.

The method to break her will.

A method other than physical torture, against the girl who longed for romance, yet sung as the eternal virgin.

And that method…is this.

A lowly strategy befitting the name of an evil spirit. He’s shaking her spirit to induce disturbance within her.

No matter if we win or we lose, she will end up feeling awful; a method of monstrous characteristics.

But this is meaningless.

Are you an idiot? Do you think it would work on me?

Wraith: “Aaahh, what do we do, Hero-sama? You just got yourself a young virgin girl and you were so excited about it though riiight? So is there even any value in being crazy about protecting this girl? She’s defiled ya’ know? She lost her value, don’t she? If ya listen ta’ what I say for a bit, I can prepare a brand new Sacred Maiden for ya, how ’bout that?”

If I listen to what you say? So this wraith came to this world to get me to do something?

They didn’t plan to kill me, but instead they demand something from me.

Just for that one stupid thing, you’re acting inhumanely?

You can just kill me if you like, but instead you went out of your way to use Angelica too?

Wraith: “Whaddya do, Hero? Huh? Ain’t I in a bad spot? I just told you that the hostage had no value. This ain’t good. But ya’ know, I feel better now after suckin’ on Angelica-chan’s fear and despair. Oy oy, if I fight you now I’ll win, won’t I? Well, well?”

Whaddya say, Hero? The wraith showed that warped smile of his again.

What do I say? I’ve got my answer already.

Keisuke: “Let go of Angelica, stat. Get the fuck away from my sight. I don’t need other maidens. If you don’t obey me I’ll use a crude method and erase you.”

Wraith: “Haa~? I don’t get what you’re tryna say. My bad, can ya say it one more time? Whaddya want me do with this secondhand brat?”

Keisuke: “I’m telling you to let her the fuck go, you piece of soul! Do you see a horn growing out of my forehead? My class is Hero, not Unicorn! You’re saying she’s lost her purity? Then what of it? I’m not one to be torn by the trivial things like that!”

I’m not her lover. I’m her father.

Even if my daughter is defiled, even if she’s fallen down low, or even if she grew into delinquency, I will continue protecting her as her father.

You think I’m going to love her just because she’s pretty? Leave that to a knight in shining armor somewhere.

I’m just an old man riding an ass, but I’ll never come to hate my daughter.

A father is the last lifeline of his daughter; the one man that will never betray her.

Angelica had no other people she could call her father, so I need to be that man.

I want to get this over with and bring Angelica home.

I don’t need to think about anything else.

Angelica’s State of Dismay should expire soon.

If her sense of fear and pain had returned, I could use the strategy that involved the hostage.

I will deliver the attack, but the pain won’t be so bad that it breaks her mind.

Besides, once someone is hit by a debuff, they will build up a resistance against it for a day.

Angelica won’t be affected by the debuff anymore.

If I stopped on my tracks in the middle of this hostage strategy, I’d lose.

Wraith: “You can’t do that, hero. Somethin’s wrong with yer head. Or prolly because of Elza’s slavery you’re heated up and started liking somewhat dirty girls like her?”

Angelica’s expression eased.

The State of Dismay had expired.

I took a step forward.

Wraith: “I get it, I get it. I know you like secondhand goods, so don’t move. If that’s so then you still feel some value from this hostage, don’t ya? Hihi! Ain’t that great, Angelica-chan! Your father’s head over heels for ya, ain’t he? See, if I cut ya like this, how would you reaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACT!”

Keisuke: “Let her go, else you’ll die.”


Along with the wraith’s scream, a red line ran through Angelica’s nape. It was a scratch wound.

His claws scratched her skin, even just for a bit.

It’s not life threatening.

Was it meant to be some sort of warning?Maybe it’s a signal saying that if you get any closer, I will inflict a more serious injury.

But that wound the thickness of a strand of hair shall be this bastard’s cause of death.

Keisuke: “I told you to let her the fuck go. Now that you went that far, you can’t stop me anymore. It’s going to be hard for me to hold back my attacks. I’m not doing this because I like it, you understand?”

Wraith: “Hah?”

In front of my eyes, countless system messages appeared, flowing in a rapid pace.

【Hero Keisuke confirmed sighting of injury to younger party member】

【Unique Skill: “Paternity” has been activated】

【Status and Skill will receive a boost for 180 seconds and all Status Ailments would be nullified.】

【HP + 1,000%】

【MP + 1,000%】

【ATK + 1,000%】

【DEF + 1,000%】

【AGI + 1,000%】

【MATK + 1,000%】

【MDEF + 1,000%】

【Skill Amplification ?10 】

I hope I don’t wreck this park.

That’s what I was worried about right now.

【Hero Keisuke‘s used 2,000 MP. “Double Action” skill activated】

【Unique Skill: “Paternity“ is in effect; skill amplified by 10-fold】

【For 1,800 seconds, it is possible to conduct eleven actions in one turn】

The skill increases your action count by one so normally it would be two actions. If it’s multiplied ten-fold, the number of actions is increased by ten

In total, there are eleven alternatives that I can conduct at the same time.

The wraith’s Double Action couldn’t possibly deal with it.

Keisuke: “Well, I just don’t want to make Ange feel pain, so it’s probably fine.”

As I said that, the law of the world bends in accordance to the skill.

I stood still to gain the attention of the wraith.

I casted a strengthening spell on myself.

I jumped to the wraith’s chest and pierced it with the Sword of Light and took Angelica away.

I healed Angelica’s wound on her nape.

I carried Angelica and brought her to the front of our apartment.

I planted the wraith to the ground with my Sword of Light.

I held the hilt of the Sword of Light that drilled the wraith into the ground and pushe dit deeper.

I casted a poison spell, amplified tenfold, onto the wraith.

I severed the wraith’s right arm.

I severed the wraith’s left arm.

I stabbed the Sword of Light into the cross-section of his severed arms.

I was standing still the whole time, but the wraith’s body was flung back five meters and driven into the ground by the Sword of Light. He lost both arms and he was unable to move.

Just like a specimen of insect.

After a while, the memories of the eleven actions came rushing into me.

It feels like I’ve gone through space and time and forcefully distorted fate itself.

Wraith: “…A?”

Despite its lack of eyes, it still skillfully showed a “strange expression”.

While his face lacked some parts, perhaps it has that special skill to be able to show such expression.

Wraith: “……Aa? What did you do?”

With a glowing blade stabbed into his stomach, the wraith was flabbergasted.

He still hasn’t noticed what had happened, and perhaps that’s why the pain hasn’t come through him yet.

Some people said that when some soldiers are too concentrated in fighting, they couldn’t notice their arms from their elbow had been cut off.

Ignorance is bliss.

That’s why I decided to tell him.

Keisuke: “You’ve been stabbed. You’ve done some stupid harassment to someone’s daughter, so I skewered you and cut your arms off. Do you get it?”


The face of the wraith that realized his situation finally warped.

Wraith: “HIGI…!”

The Swords of Light created by the Sacred Sword skill carries a special effect against ghosts, demons, and undeads.

Wraiths are included in the category of both undeads and ghosts, so the effect is doubled. The agony should be unimaginable.


His scream feels like it’s about to burst my ears.

I should quickly wring out any information he has and finish him off.

Keisuke: “Piece of soul, what do you know? Is this really the doings of the Head Priest?”

Wraith: “…Hihihi, go die, go fucking die…”

I stabbed two more swords of light on him.

I accurately aimed for both of his eyes and the sword penetrated through and drilled into the pavement of the park.

Wraith: “GAGYAA!”

Keisuke: “Choose your words. Do you want me to do it ten more times in succession? You knew I won’t hold back if my enemy is not human, don’t you?”

I prepared to cast the Dismay spell.

I’ll inquire him with the same spell he cast on Angelica, but this time, ten-fold.

The most effective attacks against spiritual beings those with Holy attribute or spiritual attacks.

Attacks that could gave it the agony to turn it insane or make it lose its mind would be great.

I bet he’ll disappear as he suffers in agony.

Keisuke: “You understand the power of this spell, don’t you? You thoroughly got us with this, huh?”

Wraith: “W-wait, wait wait! I didn’t do it! I didn’t do anything to that Sacred Maiden! Her Magical Defense was too high, so just controlling her was too tough! It’s true! She’s still pure! Besides, when she was possessed, I was the personality that became her, you know? A man like me wouldn’t possibly sell my body to another man!”

Keisuke: “And?”

Wraith: “You were concerned about that, right? That’s why save me…heal me…heal me……it hurts…it was poison, wasn’t it? This is poison, isn’t it? It’s not normal. What the fuck is this…cough, cough-cough, COUGH!”

Keisuke: “Well, that’s a poison concentrated ten times over after all.”

I continued my questioning as I twisted the Sword of Light stabbed on his guts.

Keisuke: “Is this the action of the Head Priest?”

Wraith: “That’s right…hey…quickly detoxify me…ga-ga, a-ga-ga-ga…detox…!”

Keisuke: “Why?”

Wraith: “…Gihi…You! Because you’ve gotten too strong! They thought one day you’d retaliate! Lots of ’em were afraid of you! The top brass too! After you sacrificed Elza and that brat…they resented you, thinking you’ll be able to freely do anything you want…”


I spat out as I kicked his face.

Keisuke: “Were you planning to kill me?”

Wraith: “…if, if possible…if that’s not possible, we’re instructed to take the Sacred Maiden as a hostage to turn you obedient…”

The people I saved feared and ostracized me. That’s what heroes are.

Just a dog. And I was passed my expiry date.

Wraith: “…I’ve told you…right? The detox…quick…”

Won’t it leave a better taste in my mouth if I showed some mercy?

With that judgment, I removed the poison.

The wraith smiled in satisfaction and raised its neck.

Wraith: “Ahi, ahihihi. Ye’r really a hero…how compassionate…hihi, hihihihi.”

I know he’s planning something.

Well, for the spirit army, there would be one action to take.

Call in his friends.

Wraith: “Don’t get full of yerself after you’ve done A GOOD DEEEEEEEED!! GYA~HAHHAHHAHHAHHAAAAAA!”

Where would they be coming from? The spirits are being attracted by the wraith’s body.

They came together with this guy from the other world. Those are the spirits I’ve been looking for.

The spiritual bodies gathered, sticking onto each other into one.

The fact that the wraith was blabbering on earlier might be because he was trying to buy himself some time.

His friends had all gathered together and prepared for combat.

Wraith: “If I just remove the poison, I ain’t gonna be losin’! I’ll be killin’ ya now.”

Now, the wraith had swollen up three times his previous size.

The arms that I cut off grew back, showing even more burly muscles than before.

Keisuke: “Did you absorb every spirits you brought with you?”

Wraith: “Duh! Thanks to that, I’m at my most powerful mode! Die together with the maidennn!!!”

I blocked his fist with my Sword of Light.

Keisuke: “That so. Then if I kill you, I’ll be done with everyone, yeah? I didn’t think I’d be giving my all on earth of all places.”

Wraith: “Huh?”

—Undecuple Action.

I cast a materialization spell on the wraith that was anchored with the Sacred Sword. It’s a debuff that allows the spiritual body to be vulnerable to all types of physical damages.

I struck the wraith to the ground. The road cracked and his body was crushed.

I ran while I kept pressing the wraith’s squashed face into the road.

With a roaring sound, I shaved his face off.

The damaged wraith jumped back up on his feet. He went as far as the stratosphere and returned flaming red from the friction of re-entry.

With the amplified reinforcement I casted upon myself, I defended my whole body. I could definitely withstand the heat and impact.

I leaped and pursued him. I could feel the wall of air behind me going BOOM!. It seems like I’ve surpassed the speed of sound.

I seized the wraith that started to look more like a comet.

I tore the body I seized into two; the upper body and the lower body. The latter caught on fire and burned itself into a scorching gas.

Everything ended in an instant.


Just like that, me and the wraith are descending to the ground.

I chose the location.

A mountain.

In the uninhabited hills, I slammed the wraith down, making a crater and shaking the trees.

The wraith had nothing left below his neck. The core of these ghosts are the head. If I destroy this, they won’t resurrect anymore.

I strengthened my grip on the bastard’s head as I cast a whole lot of debuffs on him.

Lethal Poison, Paralysis, Blindness, Panic, Hex.

I casted everything I could think of that could weaken him against agony.


The wraith spasmed as he shrieked.

Wraith: “N, no…this world don’t have no heaven or hell! If a spirit’s HP drops to zero they’ll vanish!”

Isn’t that nice then. Having eternal life after death isn’t anything good anyways.

My country makes a beauty of honorable deaths.

Probably you won’t understand, given you’re no more than just a cloud from another world.


The wraith that only had its face left begged as a cracking sound could be heard.

Wraith: “Just five minutes, no just a minute! One minute’s enough, let me live! I don’t wanna go, I don’t wanna go! AAAAHH! DON’T ERASE ME! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!”

You tried to make a pass on a girl in front of her father.

This is what you deserve for it.

A father would become a demon or the devil if it’s for his child. Don’t tell me you never knew about this?

Wraith: “A, aa……I became a wraith because I wanted an eternal life……aa…stop…stop it…”

Crash.With a dry sound, the wraith’s core shattered.


The wraith dissolved into the air like a fog.

As if it wasn’t there in the first place.

As if there was nothing there.

The foreign being that doesn’t follow this planet’s rule of physics disappeared with an agonizing death.


I returned to the apartment.

Police patrol cars had already gathered, making a ruckus regarding the body that was found.

Angelica sat on the corner of the staircase, but no one paid any attention to her.

We still had the concealment spell cast on us.

That’s why no one could find us.

Angelica stood up and staggered her way to my front.

Angelica: “Dad…”

It was dark so I couldn’t really tell, but I was sure she just cried her eyes out.

The lights from the patrol car allowed me to steal some glances.

Her eyes were swollen and bloodshot, and there were some dried tears.

Angelica: “You can hate me, you know.”

Keisuke: “Ange…?”

Angelica: “That ghost told you, didn’t he? He did strange things to my body, right? Isn’t my body defiled now? You’d be disgusted by me, right?”

Keisuke: “There’s no way that’s true.”

That was just his bluff. He was just planning to put her through a mental anguish to increase their power.

He’s just randomly spouting nonsense.

I need to tell her that quickly.

Angelica: “If you think about it…in the first place, I…I’m probably indecent? I was just like that right from the start. Dad might be better off with that Rioq girl. She looked exactly like Elza-san, didn’t she?”

【Nakamoto Keisuke won the battle!】

【Obtained 30,000 EXP】

【Obtained 1,500 Skill Points】

【Unique Skill: “Paternity” has been upgraded】

【Party Member: Angelica‘s emotion of “Sympathy” and “Attachment” toward Nakamoto Keisuke has been changed to “Trust” and “Love“】

【Angelica‘s favorability point is increased by 9999】

【Angelica‘s favorability point limit has been broken】

Angelica is urging me to come to like some girls other than her.

It’s the exact same thing I kept telling her; think of me as worthless and find another partner.Good grief. How similar can we be.

Your affection for me has gotten to a crazy level.

And despite that, you still force yourself to tell me that “it’s okay for you to hate me”.

Keisuke: “Your face is a mess. I can only see that you’re just faking it. Let’s go home, alright?”

Angelica: “Uuuu—……”

I pet her head.

【Angelica‘s physical analysis is complete. She is 100% confirmed to have maintained her chastity】

【Inform the concerned person promptly】

【Inform the concerned person promptly】

【Inform the concerned person promptly】

What’s going on here. The System Message is awfully thoughtful today. As I thought of it, the message keeps repeating itself.

Keisuke: “Ange, I can see the system messages in my field of vision. It’s a special privilege of the summoned hero, you see. This thing will never lie to me. It always told me the truth to a mechanical level.”

Angelica: “…She’s-tum mass-saij?”

Keisuke: “That thing has been saying non-stop that your body hasn’t been defiled. It’s true. They didn’t do anything to your body. It was all just that vulgar spirit’s empty threats. He was aiming to shake up your spirit and feed on your pain.”

Angelica: “…aren’t you just trying to console me…?”

Keisuke: “Of course not.”

【Angelica‘s Favorability Points reached a level where non-consensual sexual actions will be rendered consensual on the way.】

【Do you proceed?】

【If proceeded, there is a constant probability of conceiving】

【The child conceived would gain combined status pattern of both parents; some skills would be inherited, and equipment and item sharing is possible】

【Assignment of child’s class is also possible】

You’re saying some crazy things, you know that?

They’re messed up, a lot of them.

I closed the window while being exasperated and I took Angelica’s hand.

Keisuke: “Let’s go back to the room…Its probably going to be chaotic with people asking me about the old man, but after that’s done, let’s have dinner and go to sleep.”

Angelica: “……mm.”

While sniffling her nose, Angelica followed after me.

With metallic noises, we climbed the rustey staircase.

Angelica: “Dad…Is it really true that nothing has been done to my body?”

Keisuke: “Do you still have some doubts?”

Angelica: “…I can’t tell until you can actually confirm it.”

Keisuke: “Hm?”

Angelica: “Please confirm it.”

Keisuke: “Do you even know what you’re talking about?”

Angelica: “…I want to do it, with dad.”

As I told her It’s still too early for you, we arrived in front of the entrance.

I opened the lock.

Angelica: “I’ll definitely be dad’s wife, okay!”

Keisuke: “You’ve been saying some crazy stuff since earlier, aren’t you embarrassed?”

Angelica: “I don’t know. Maybe I’m in a stupor. I love dad so much that I think my brain is melting.”

She managed to recover from her mental shock, but she started giving me statements that are more dangerous than earlier. Along with Angelica who was being like that, I uttered, “I’m back.”

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