
Chapter 157

Chapter 157

“The Kingdom Coalition’s wyverns are moving to the Havis Kingdom and our territory’s borders?”

“Yes. It is said they departed from the Gaetz Principality. From the information I collected, they should be crossing the Havis Kingdom borders about now.”

The Black Information Guild member that Black Fox had left behind, Saker, was a gaunt man with a stubborn-looking face. He was wearing a grey robe and looking apathetically at the note in his hand as he gave a report that wasn’t a report.

“Not only that, but the Emperor of the Bajran Empire is personally leading 200 Imperial Skyknights and 800 of the empire’s standing Skyknight troops, and he has given the order for the territory Skyknights to gather. I believe they will reach Nerman’s borders or assemble in the Rual Mountains in about two weeks.”

‘Holy hell, that bastard’s determined.’

I was already planning on sending him flying one day, but Poltviran threw in the first punch before I could go to bat.

‘That’s 1,600 in total. Dammit…’

That was simply too much. Poltviran was throwing a massive force at me, as if he were some kind of boss monster in a game. Over 1,000 Bajran wyverns was an overwhelming number. Currently, Nerman has 200 formal Skyknights. We also have around 400 wyverns, but Skyknights didn’t grow on trees. Even if a person could use mana, learning rudimentary flight techniques and how to match one’s breathing with their wyvern took a few months at the very least.

“It’s not just wyverns. It is said that 5,000 cavalrymen from the Bajran Empire’s elite knight orders are assembling in the Havis Kingdom as well. Mages from the magic towers are providing support to that force as well.”

The information merchant relayed the news with a calm voice that was far from poking fun at me.

‘5,000 elite knights and mages to boot…’

They weren’t regular cavalrymen, but elite knights. 5,000 knights that could all use mana, plus mages from the magic towers. At least half of the Bajran Empire’s entire military power was surging towards my small little territory.

‘What a headache.’

Right after repelling the Laviter Empire, yet another jerk was seeking trouble with me. I would have liked to kill each and every asshole that came calling, but it wasn’t that easy. My tactics have probably already been leaked to some extent, so they’ve probably made preparations to counter them.

‘I’m not some kind of Superman, how am I supposed to protect Nerman on my own…’

I ate a nice breakfast and was about to start working in my flashy new office with renewed vigor when this unhappy news shook my confidence.

‘Do you have some kind of grudge with me?’ I asked, turning my head to look at the sky outside the window.

I was finally about to live life and rest a little, but the raging waves kept crashing in. There was no doubt I’d have to give up on sleeping for the time being.

“Thanks for letting me know.”

“It’s not a problem. I apologize for not being of much help. Anyway, please excuse me.”

After saying the bare minimum what he was obligated to say, Saker dipped his head and headed towards the door.

“Ah, there is something I forgot to say.” The information merchant turned his head, his steps stilling for a moment. “The Skyknights of the Kingdom Coalition are not happy with this war.”

That was obvious. Without a shadow of a doubt, there was no way Skyknights belonging to a kingdom would be happy about becoming the empire’s compulsory blades.


After that one sentence, Saker quietly left.

“M-My liege…” called the silently listening Derval with a trembling voice. I might be a master at turning the tide, but Derval probably knew that this situation was one that couldn’t be easily resolved.

“What?” I responded cheerfully, not betraying my uneasiness.

“What should be done? 1,600 wyverns… That is an incredible force of a scale that hasn’t been seen in any wars in the last few decades.”

Derval was asking his liege, me, for the way forward, and I had no intent to disappoint him. “Haha, don’t worry. If I was scared of birdbrains who’ve only got numbers going for them, I wouldn’t have worked so hard all this time. Just trust me. Who am I? I’m your brave liege, aren’t I?”

There was no need to show Derval my discouraged side.

“My… liege…” Derval called quietly, knowing the true feelings I was hiding under my confident facade.

“Ohh! The spring wheat harvest has already begun, huh. The yield is nothing to scoff at.”

Turning my head, I looked at the documents Derval had brought me.

‘How should I fuck that bastard over so that the rumors spread like wildfire over the continent? I have to use this opportunity to give him a tour of hell…’

My eyes were looking at the report on the desk, but the gears in my mind were rotating quickly.

For me, Nerman was enough, even if it was all I had. But this conscienceless bastard was baring his teeth towards my one piece of meat.

I would give him a proper taste of hell. This, I swore, on my name and the Kang family name.

* * *

“This is Havis Kingdom territory! No matter what order the Empire might have declared, this is…”

The Havis Skyknight trailed off, unable to continue.

The Havis Kingdom had tensed up at the news that the Kingdom Coalition Skyknights had gathered in the Gaetz Principality. A group of Havis Skyknights chased the foreign Skyknights, who were crossing the border without proper notice, and went to their camp.

“What is your title?”

“I am Baron Lumhar of the Havis Western Corps.”

The knights of the three kingdoms were already enduring humiliation to participate at the command of the Bajran Emperor. They also knew that trespassing onto another kingdom’s lands without any notice was something that a knight should not do.

“I am Duke Hardaim of Kerpe.”


At the words of the Duke, a man in his 50s with a robust physique and a striking red beard, shocked looks flashed over the faces of the complaining Havis Kingdom Skyknights. The Havis Kingdom knights were familiar with the fame of this man, the “Red Dragon of the Battlefield.”

“As I am sure you know, we do not want to do this either. Please be understanding. When everything is over, I will personally go to your king and ask for forgiveness.”

When the famous Duke Hardaim spoke with a sincerely apologetic tone, the Havis Kingdom’s knights flushed red. Of course they knew how the current situation was progressing. However, after the disappearance of the rotten nobles, Havis had been reborn into a kingdom of nobles full of passionate loyalty. They knew what was going on, but even so, they were unable to endure the injustice and came by their own will to complain.

“I will relay Your Excellency’s words to the royal family.”

“Thank you. We won’t cause trouble while going through your lands, so rest assured. We will also give suitable reimbursement for the food consumed by the wyverns.”


Since Duke Hardaim was being so candid, there was nothing more the Havis knights could say. Baron Lumhar and the five Havis Skyknights accompanying him turned with bitter expressions and got onto their wyverns. And then, after flying once over the Havis plains that were occupied by foreign troops, they swerved towards their corps.

“Was there really a need to say it like that? A mere baron dares…”

As it was, the Kingdom Coalition was in a rather touchy mood. Marquis Cherban of the Andain Kingdom looked deeply peeved. If Duke Hardaim hadn’t stepped forward, a bloody battle might have broken out.

The Kingdom Coalition might sound good to the ear, but most people were well aware that they were all just hunting dogs who’d taken a blow to their pride. As such, no one was here with a sense of ease.

“Be it them or us, none of us are to blame. There’s no need to see blood for something that can be settled with words.”

After calmly responding to Marquis Cherban, Hardaim looked at the Skyknights who were stretched out on the bare ground, eating jerky or other rations. What he saw was the powerlessness of those forced to participate in a war without pretext. These Skyknights, all of whom were called the highest of the elites in their individual kingdoms, were unhappy with this war.

‘Kyre, please don’t disappoint me.’

Around tomorrow morning, they would reach the border between Havis and Nerman. Hardaim was planning on meeting the Lord of Nerman, the same lord that had slaughtered 500 Laviter Empire Skyknights not long ago.

He earnestly hoped that Kyre would accept his offered hand. Rather, Kyre would have no other choice. Hardaim had heard that over 1,500 wyverns were participating in this attack, an enormous tide that even an 8th Circle archmage wouldn’t be able to block.

Now, there was only one method left to them. They had to join forces.

* * *

‘Haah, what a pain.’

I rode Bebeto to the Nerman and Havis border. Before coming here, a lumikar had flown from Havis’ Rosiathe to me, saying that the Kingdom Coalition allied with the Bajran Army had crossed the kingdom’s borders without any notice at all. Rosiathe’s brief letter stated that she was sorry that there was nothing she could do. The letter was short, but I could feel her feelings of helplessness. Even if the Havis Kingdom’s military power was intact, they wouldn’t be able to overcome the overwhelming power of the empires.

“If we wage war on the border, we’d have the enemies’ flanking attacks to fear, but if we meet them deep in Nerman, the damage would be enormous…”

A temporary fort had been built on the border, but this fort with hastily-made dirt walls was far from finished. As Bebeto and I flew over the fort, I thought long and hard about our options.

‘If I ask for help from the Temir, they would definitely be put into danger, and even if I contact the Kesmire, it will take them too long to come…’

I wasn’t keen on needing the help of others, but this was a real crisis. Poltviran might be a crazy asshole, but he had received a proper education to become an emperor, so he wouldn’t come charging in recklessly. As long as the head on his shoulders wasn’t there for show, he should be well aware of my fame, which had spread across the continent.

“It’s also strange to hope for help from the elves…”

I left Denfors feeling frustrated, but the answer didn’t come to me in a flash of inspiration. If wyverns and knight orders were assembling on the borders, there was no doubt that there would be a concerted effort. If they used the Nerman Road, the knights and wyverns could reach Denfors in two days.

“Just what is that Grim Reaper doing instead of collecting that crazy son of a bitch?” I grumbled as I turned Bebeto’s reins.

Because they met the wrong lord, Nerman’s people ended up facing a crisis nearly every day. Even on our way here, the people who spotted Bebeto and me in the air stopped what they were doing to kowtow on the ground, an act of utmost respect that was vivid in my eyes.

“There must be some way.”

It was certain that this would be the final crisis to overcome for a while. The Laviter Emperor had apparently declared something similar to a full-mobilization order in preparation to attack Nerman, but they wouldn’t be able to come so easily. The soldiers situated on the other side of the Bertz Mountains were too far to summon, and many parts of the empire were bordered by kingdoms. I doubted they would attack carelessly like last time without meticulous preparation.

“Bebeto, why is it like this for you and me? Just as it’s getting good, we have to fight ‘til we bleed every day… Both you and I have the worst luck, seriously.”

All they had to do was leave me alone, but there were so many idle people who couldn’t wait to eat me whole. I was really curious if they had any sense of conscience at all.

“Even if you trip seven times~ get up~ tralala, ribbit ribbit tralala…”

I hummed the theme song from an anime called The Boy Frog. If even a frog could live with such an indomitable will, what was there that a human couldn’t do?

I pulled myself together and turned the reins. Not a single place on these Nerman plains could be abandoned. They would fight for survival right along with me.

Because Nerman was the homeland of my heart, the place where I would lay my roots.

* * *

* * *



In the large underground stone chamber reeking of blood, a gloomy laugh languidly traveled through the stagnant air.

“My strength has been completely restored. I’ve perfectly recovered the 8th Circle mana I lost. Kukukukuku.”

It was for this moment that the Black Magic Swordsman of Destruction had parasitized a human body. 200 years had passed since he was chased out of Haildrian and forced to hide in the continent. Even though he was at the 8th Circle, because he had suffered such an intense attack, he had no choice but to cast soul sacrifice magic in exchange for life force.

With the last of his strength, he used spatial teleportation to the set coordinates and hid in a place called the Bertz Mountains. Hiding in the same abandoned dragon’s lair where he had trained black magic in the past, he waited for a human he could possess. Reduced to a parasite that lacked the agency or magic power to kill a single monster, the black mage possessed a desirable magic tome. And after the passing of time, several decades ago, a human finally stumbled upon the dragon’s lair. Then, he invaded that man’s evil and greedy soul, and very recently, he managed to expel the rest of that man’s soul and completely possess his body.

“Very good… I’m very pleased.”

The thing that had pleased him even more was the rank of the person who had taken him in back then. To his surprise, that man was not a commoner, nor was he a noble. He was an emperor, a man ruling a great empire that was famed across the continent.

After completing his possession of the body, he was able to perfectly regain 8th Circle mana. Because it wasn’t his original body, he used a black magic art to steal mana from knights and create a vessel that could hold 8th Circle mana.

“Huhuhu. Now, all will kneel before me! Kallian, this entire land, I will make it all into my world of darkness. Kuhahahahahaha!”

Maniacal laughter reeking of blood rang out within the darkness.

Flash, flash.

As if to respond to that laugh, blue eyes flashed in the underground stone chamber. Many other souls had been stolen by the black magic swordsman’s soul. Turned into death knights by cursed black magic, they were lining the inside of the cave from front to end, the proud chivalry they had once devoted to the empire cleanly dashed away with their deaths… 

* * *

“I am the Lord of Nerman, Kyre.”

“I’m Duke Hardaim of the Kerpe Kingdom.”

Late at night, a certain man sought a meeting with me. I was in the middle of installing additional ballistas and defensive and offensive magic arrays to Nerman Castle in preparation for the Bajran Empire’s invasion when he came, introducing himself as Duke Hardaim of the Kerpe Kingdom.

‘As expected of someone called the Red Dragon.’

I was familiar with his name. Back when I was attending imperial knight academy, a considerable number of the cadets admired and longed to be like the hero of the Kerpe Kingdom. I knew he was over 50 years old, but with his imposing 2-meter-tall height and his crimson beard and hair, he didn’t look like a man in his 50s at all.

‘His eyes are bright.’

Duke Hardaim’s large eyes were particularly awe inspiring. They were bright and writhing with life. A flame of fierce will that would not submit to something as insignificant as the empire’s command was dancing within his eyes.

“I am merely sorry that my meeting with the Duke called the Red Dragon of the Battlefield is preceded by these circumstances.”

I was the one with the lower rank, but currently, we were meeting as enemies. I didn’t want to keep up the stifling manners.

“Sometimes, there are times like this. Times when I don’t want to do it, but I am forced to raise my sword for the sake of the kingdom’s wellbeing and my honor as a knight.”

I didn’t know what his objective was, but he didn’t show any hostility.

“I haven’t lived long, but I also agree with that point.”

“Haha… Thanks for being understanding.”

An urgent message had suddenly come from Gadain Castle. We had no choice but to leave the border open and meet our enemies at Denfors again, but we weren’t slacking with the patrols. However, it was difficult to detect a single person, and the Duke had slipped through our guard.

‘He came looking for me on his own, so his goal must be me.’

Because he didn’t fly into Nerman to gather information, Duke Hardaim apparently went straight to Gadain Castle and asked to see me. Now, he was sitting on a sofa in my office at Nerman Castle while looking around the room.

“I see it’s true that the dwarves and elves are lending their help. To think such a big castle was created in such a short period of time… I am truly envious of your abilities.”

Who wouldn’t be impressed by the sight of Nerman Castle? It wasn’t made over a period of decades, but several months.

“I’m ashamed to hear such praise.”

“Hahaha. If you’re ashamed, then how is someone like me supposed to go on? You’re the Lord of Nerman, famous across the continent.”

Any other high-ranking noble would have been displeased by my lack of honorifics, but Hardaim didn’t show any offense at all and laughed loudly as if this were his own home. He was no ordinary person.

“But what do you want so late at night…?”

I looked directly into his eyes and asked what his purpose was. If the forces assembled in the Havis Kingdom wanted to, they could engage us in battle in a matter of hours. I was curious as to why a high-ranking noble of the enemy had come to talk with me.

“I’ve come to make a deal with you.”

‘A deal?’

I couldn’t quite understand his meaning. We weren’t even slightly acquainted, and the word ‘deal’ didn’t suit the current situation, where we could meet on the battlefield as enemies at any moment.

“I’d like you to explain what you mean by that.”

I couldn’t be sure of the precise definition, but the word implied something big.

“Before that, I want to ask you something first,” said the Duke, going off topic. “What is your dream?”

‘Did this guy get electrocuted in his sleep or something? Why’s he suddenly asking about my dream?’

“To eat and live well.”

There was no need for hesitation. Grandiose words like the wellbeing of the continent or for justice weren’t necessary. If my family and I couldn’t eat and live well, then how could we possibly dream of anything else?

“Are you being serious?”



Hardaim completely shed his dignity as a duke and started laughing his head off.

‘He’s really made himself at home.’

I’d been drawing magic arrays up until a few moments ago, so I was tired. Even with my magic expertise, magic arrays demanded the highest level of concentration and were pretty exhausting to make.

“S-Sorry… I didn’t think the dream of someone who has made empires tremble in their boots would be so simple. Kukukuku.”

Was my dream of eating and living well so laughable? What better dream was there than to eat your fill and live happily after being born as a human? Only after your belly was full and your wealth was sufficient could you tackle the world. People didn’t know that rather than entertaining big, grandiose ambitions that didn’t suit them, it was better to adapt to the reality they were given and do their best.

“Then what is the Duke’s dream?”

I returned the question to the Duke, who was old enough to be my dad. Old age didn’t make someone an adult. Only someone who had lived their life properly and had cared for their body and family could be called a true adult.

That’s why I asked him about his dream. I wanted to see the qualifications of an adult who had the right to ask me about my dream.

“To knock them all away.”

His answer was more astounding than mine.

“To knock away all those who persecute me, my kingdom, and the king I respect. That is my dream.”

‘He’s a real knight.’

This man was a knight to the very marrow of his bones.

“Are you willing to give it a try?”

His words came without preamble or explanation, but I could read between the lines.

“Does Your Excellency believe it is possible?”

Because he was no longer an enemy, but a guest, I changed my way of speaking. Also, he was absolutely worthy of being treated as my senior.

“If your dream is like that, I will make a deal with you.”

“If Your Excellency’s dream does not exceed what you have told me, then I will take your hand.”

The Duke was telling me he wanted to imbue his sword with the resentment the empire had sown. If he became greedier and sought more than revenge, this partnership could become a poison. He might not be able to do anything right now, but among my current guests, there were the Princess and Prince who could legitimately ascend the throne of the Bajran Empire.

“There will be a cost.”

“I don’t think that is a matter I should put my hands on.”

The Duke probably knew that political exiles of the imperial family with a duty to preserve the demesne of the Bajran Empire were in my territory. I could tell from his wording that he had no intent on preserving the Bajran Empire’s borders as they currently were.

“In any case, the immediate issue at hand is to hunt down that lunatic emperor. We are in sore need of your help. No, I need you to show them. To be honest, we failed to convince the other kingdoms. They’re all fearful that if we fail, their kingdoms will become like Krantz. I think they were unable to resolve themselves to die with honor instead of living like dogs.”

“How should I show them?”

My ears were pricked up. 1,600 wyverns vs. 1,000 wyverns was a big difference. And if those 600 wyverns weren’t our enemies, but our allies, we could stand on equal footing with a force of that level.

“Attack the Emperor.”


I’d love to, but doing so was close to impossible. How could I possibly know where the Emperor would be flying?

“From what I heard, the impatient Emperor has departed in advance with Imperial Skyknights and territory Skyknights. His destination is the western part of the Rual Mountains, from which he can attack Nerman right away. I was told that once the Emperor arrives and gives the command by lumikar, we will all attack in tandem. Whether one goes from Havis or the Rual Mountains, the time it takes to reach Denfors is about the same. 5,000 formal knights and mages will follow our advance. Of course, I heard that 100 magic tower Skyknights of the 5th Circle or higher are participating as well.”

‘Holy hell… 100 of them?’

I groaned at the concrete numbers. 100 Skyknights of the 5th Circle or higher. With them, trying to have some fun with magic was all but hopeless.

“I don’t know the exact numbers, but the Emperor should have around 800 wyverns with him. I need you to defeat them. If you can do that, we’ll handle the rest.”


It wasn’t an easy decision. If Duke Hardaim’s words were a pretense, I would basically be giving the enemies my territory on a silver platter. But I also couldn’t turn him down. With these conditions, we could secure a victory with no damage to Denfors.

“If the Emperor turns tail and flees, every kingdom will declare war on the empire. They’re on the fence now, but if a lion loses his fangs, who would be afraid of him?”

The situation was both simple and difficult. I needed to make a decision. From the looks of it, the Emperor would be arriving in just a few days, so I needed to agree now, if ever.

‘Well, it’s sink or swim.’

I didn’t have the luxury of choosing. Also, I believed my eyes. My heart was telling me that those shining eyes were absolutely not lying to me.

“Alright. I will accept your deal.”

“Hahaha. I knew you would.”

With a hearty laugh, Hardaim offered me his hand. I reached out and took it.


A bone-crushing vice squeezed my hand. From it, I could feel the blazing willpower of a man.

‘Poltviran, wait for me. I’ll definitely send you flying.’

This was an opportunity given to me by the gods, and I wasn’t one to miss out.

* * *

‘He’s a dangerous person.’

He had felt the Lord of Nerman’s fierce aura from the handshake. Just like the rumors said, Hardaim could sense the mana of a Blade Master and upper-circle magic swordsman.

‘For him to have such a firm will at that age… He would be a difficult enemy to face.’

More astounding than his personal abilities was the steel will in his black eyes. Such a young person possessed willpower as indomitable as a mountain, along with a personal dream that would never be shaken by a wayward wind.

‘I’ll put my faith in you. For you, and for me…’

This was likely their last chance. It was obvious that if Nerman was conquered, the Emperor, elated by his success, would turn his sights on the heart of the kingdom next.

Before that could happen, they had to cut off the crazy Emperor’s head.

For the sake of the royal family and the kingdom.

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