
Chapter 79

Chapter 79

«Guards! Take Flitz away!» – Juno commanded at once.

Two strong guards took the old man by the arms and took him outside. He did not resist. He was looking with empty eyes at the girl who had rejected him. He thought it was the last time he saw her.

Marina threw herself into Juno’s arms, soaking her blouse with tears. The young lady hugged her to comfort her.

«Don’t cry. I won’t let Flitz hurt you.» – Juno’s fierce gaze turned to Kyon. Her strategic plan had failed… The “master” returned too quickly… He had his hair shaved off. It served him right, but his thing below was obviously still in order. The sly slave must have made a deal with Flitz. He told him Marina’s location. How did he dare to sell out her friend? On the other hand, he let her save Marina… He called her with the sound transmitter. What was going on in his bald head? And what was going to happen next…

Kyon looked affectionately at Marina. She was now weeping from the relief. When he found shelter behind the bushes, Marina told him different things about Flitz. Some of them were good things. However, she was still afraid of him like the rabbit fears the wolf. Was it because of her female changeable nature? Far from it… It was all about Flitz. He was the reason Marina had become quiet and withdrawn. Flitz was a tyrant, denying her any freedom.

Kyon had an excellent idea how he could solve the complicated situation to Marina’s advantage.

He approached Juno and whispered to give him the diamond token with the coat of arms, the symbol of the 1st rank in the Stone family.

Juno unwillingly took the valuable shiny thing out of the ring and handed it over to the “master,” never breaking her embrace with whimpering Marina. Juno was much younger than her, and yet she was comforting Marina like an older sister. She darted a thoughtful look after her sworn enemy who was disappearing in the distance.

The rejected old man hung his head down and walked where his feet took him. He sank into the depths of hopelessness. Flitz understood that it wasn’t his destiny to get Juno’s friend back. Desperate people can do rash actions like try and take Marina by force. It’s just… He would find only his death in the mansion. The guardians were elite, the barrier was impenetrable. He couldn’t get inside.

Kyon didn’t want to see Flitz die foolishly or suffer from depression because Marina would cry and grieve for him. He decided to do it his way.

Kyon approached Flitz close enough and spoke in the direction of his worried bent back:

«Mr. Flitz! You can’t return Marina by force or influence. Lady Juno will never let her friend go against her will. But if you convince Marina that she is dear to you, that you are ready to treat her like a lady, listen to her, give her attention, care for her, then everything can change. She won’t be afraid of you and then she won’t need Juno’s protection anymore. You will see her every single day. But first, you need to work on yourself, and I will gladly help you with that. So, what do you think?»

Before Kyon started talking, Flitz did not want to listen to anyone. His heart was filled with pain… Severe pain… Even if it was less piercing than before. He understood perfectly well that there was no chance to get Marina back, and then the boy started talking like that. He turned irritably towards Kyon.

«You… What are you talking about? How do you know what I need to make that fool of a woman feel comfortable with me? Anyway, I do not need the advice of a slave… Get out of my sight.»

Kyon took something out of his pocket and handed it to Flitz.

«I am not giving you advice as a slave, but as Marina’s friend.»

Flitz gasped, pressed it to his nose and breathed in deeply. As he exhaled, his breath trembled. This time, he took Kyon seriously.

«I bought this handkerchief for her… Did you steal it from Marina?»

Kyon hurriedly shook his head.

«No, she gave it to me herself. You know, our friendship got off to a good start. During the last weeks, we talked a lot. She told me all about you. She shared with me what she was scared of, and what made her happy, what she hated in you, and what she loved… From what I heard, I concluded that you are dear to her and scare the hell out of her at the same time. And now I want to help you change things so that she is not afraid of you anymore.» – Kyon boy was well aware that changing the grumpy old man’s character was, in principle, an impossible task. But love is a powerful thing. Besides, his goal was not to change Flitz’s character but to change his attitude to Marina. He wanted him to stop taking her as his maid.

Flitz frowned incredulously. Then he wondered. His heart started beating faster. The boy had given him hope to be reunited with the woman he loved. On the other hand, this cute young slave wanted to give him advice concerning Marina… It was pure nonsense. But if he was really her friend… Flitz couldn’t make his mind. Should he send Kyon to hell or listen to him?

«How can it all help me if I can’t even talk to her?» – Flitz asked skeptically.

Kyon lifted the corners of his mouth into a sly smile.

«You see, I’m Marina’s friend. And any Marina’s friend immediately becomes lady Juno’s friend, even if it’s not evident. In fact, Marina trusts me so much that lady Juno has started trusting me, too.» – With these words, Kyon pulled out the diamond token.

Flitz took the iridescent token of the Stone family with disbelief. There could be no mistake… The token belonged to Juno! There was a formation proving her identity inside! It was impossible to fake. He couldn’t believe that Juno, who had always despised scum like slaves, gave Kyon this valuable thing just like that! There could be several options. Either Kyon had stolen the token, which was absolutely impossible or he was telling the truth. In this case, it became clear why he was still alive and why she made him her servant! Her order to castrate him was a bit out of place… Or it wasn’t. Well… Perhaps her order made some sense!

«It’s impossible…» – Flitz couldn’t believe his eyes. – «The wicked girl couldn’t have given the token to a servant… No…»

Kyon scratched his nose in embarrassment.

«As soon as you left, Marina begged Juno to allow you to come and visit her… I don’t know what’s going on in her head.»

Flitz almost dropped the token. His heart, recently broken, pounded with hope again.

«Marina… You are such a…»

«Lady Juno had to agree. Her pride did not allow her to run after you and take her words back, so she sent me after you. She gave me this token to make you believe my words. I suggest you visit Marina tomorrow, take a walk around the park. But if you oppress her as before, they will drive you away for good.»

Flitz hesitated before making the important decision, then he nodded reluctantly and returned the token to the boy. He didn’t want to listen to Kyon’s words, but he didn’t seem to have any choice.

«I am ready to listen… Tell me what scares her in me, and what pleases? What exactly did she tell you about me?»

Kyon rubbed his hands, and the consultation began. If anyone found out that a servant was advising Flitz himself, they would fall about laughing.

Their conversation lasted a quarter of an hour. Flitz’s eyes grew wider and wider with each passing minute. They were about to pop out of his head by the end of their talk. Kyon wanted him to stop taking Marina as a maid and begin to treat her as someone higher up the hierarchy. It was impossible for Flitz… In his eyes, the blonde girl was a stupid baby who knew nothing of life, and now he had to change his point of view… He should take her as his wife, as his queen, a goddess even and so on. He couldn’t even think about insulting her as if his life was at stake. He had to give her little gifts, show signs of affection, be ready to apologize if he had been rude, or said something that might have scared his love.

In short, Flitz had to change himself completely.

«That’s insane! I’ll tell you something, little snot. All women say one thing and want another. Marina is just the same. You’ve heard enough of her nonsense, and now you think you know life. Listen to me…»

Kyon dared to interrupt Flitz.

«You have only one chance, sir. Either you become the one who Marina wants you to be and get the access to the mansion, or you will never see her again.»

Kyon cut Flitz off in the middle of his sentence but he didn’t continue. His opinion didn’t matter anymore. The servant was right. He couldn’t lose his only hope.

Flitz chuckled and said matter-of-factly, stroking his beard:

«Tell the nasty girl that tomorrow I will be there at lunch. And prepare Marina for my visit. I don’t want her to be scared again… She is such a scaredy-cat. Oh well, you must know.»

«I’ll do that.» – Kyon smiled graciously. He was willing to be a link between Flitz in love and Marina, who he owed more than life. She used to tell him that she wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk with Flitz. So, let her talk and sort things out.

Soon, they said goodbye, and Kyon headed to the mansion. With each step he took, his face grew colder. Kyon was thinking how to punish Juno. She did the unforgivable thing, violated the sacred place – his balls.

After the conversation with Flitz, Kyon went to the mansion. On his way, he made a call and ordered Juno to wait for him at the training ground.

First, he went downstairs to call on Marina. She wasn’t over the recent breakdown, brushing away the tears with her trembling fingers. Kyon comforted her with his kind words and care, but he quickly found out that the reason she was crying wasn’t only the recent events. There was something else.

«Marina… You need to meet Flitz face to face and sort it all out. Don’t avoid your inner demons, face them and overcome them. It will make you stronger. Running away will get you nothing. I suggest you meet Flitz tomorrow afternoon. I’ve convinced him that he can easily lose you if he makes a wrong gesture or says a bad word or gives a wrong order. Don’t be afraid of him. Calm down and say everything you think about him. Get rid of all the pain that has been in your heart for so long. I can see how much you care for him. Flitz won’t be rude to you again, or I will kick him out of the mansion and won’t let him anywhere near you.»

Kyon’s words impressed Marina. She calmed down and thought hard about something. Then she nodded decisively.

«Let him come. I was not ready for his visit today. I was confused… I was scared that he would take me away by force and make me do those dirty things again… But lady Juno saved me, not without your help. I have been thinking for a long time how to tell the master… I mean Flitz… that I don’t want to be his maid anymore, and it kind of just happened. It must be a good thing. I want him to treat me differently, but Flitz will never change… I am only a maid for him.» – She concluded wistfully.

«Time will tell.» – Kyon said quietly and hugged Marina to comfort her.

Marina felt peaceful in his strong arms. Even if Kyon was only 14 and she was 20, it seemed like they were of the same age. Why was he so good? She felt so safe next to him…

On this warm-hearted note, Kyon left her room.

On the way to the training ground, he ordered Synergy to accelerate his hair growth. In about three days, it will be as long as before.

In the meantime, he had to face an important issue: how to avoid future risks because of Juno’s abnormal ability to get around his orders. He could and should beat her up, but if it didn’t work for her, it was time to think of something else. Kyon thought how to push her buttons and at the same time not to cross the line. Nothing else worked for her. She couldn’t go unpunished for her attempt on his balls.

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