
Chapter 86

Chapter 86

Kyon was astonished. He took the cobweb between his fingers and checked how firm it was. It was much stronger than the last time, which was to be expected.

In the course of short experiments, he found out that the attribute of light added life to the matter. The spider had produced the web so quickly because the corresponding glands started working faster.

Kyon picked up two stones. The first one, without the attribute, crumbled into tiny pieces when he threw it to the ground. When he did the same with the second stone infused with the attribute of light, a barely noticeable crack appeared on its surface. The stone had become stronger.

Kyon caught the spider that was trying to run away in fear and mercilessly tore its leg off. Then he infused the arachnid with the attribute. Its leg grew back into something horrible. The faint of heart would wake up in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat after seeing that.

{I see. The spiders are not supposed to have limb regeneration. The attribute of light heals only things provided by the genes – a cut, a wound, or a bruise. What if I lost an arm… I don’t even want to think about what would grow there… The light attribute can frighten worse than the attribute of darkness!}

Kyon sighed. The element of light had hardly any combat potential. He might need it in rare cases: to strengthen the defense and weapons, dispel the darkness. He could also use it for protection, recovery, and treatment.

Kyon knew that treatment with the attribute of light was not effective. It was more or less acceptable if applied together with the right technique. Anyway, its efficiency was far from high-quality medicine.

Against all logic, it is better to use darkness against poison. The element of light helps to dull the pain, stop the bleeding and speed up recovery.

Kyon pinned all his hopes of improving the quality of his energy on the element of space. Actually, it’s not really an element, it’s rather the combination of darkness and light, which is difficult to use. You need to control both channels of light and darkness to make them work together in sync. And it’s despite the fact that both elements are the most complex ones. Moreover, they are complete opposites.

However, it’s not an issue for a bright mind.

Kyon created a dark fog in one hand and a light fog in the other and began gradually joining his hands.

When the fogs met, he could feel the spatial fluctuations even with his undeveloped soul. At the meeting point, the fog turned green and slightly sparkled.

In theory, darkness and light should be mutually destroyed in contact with each other, but instead, they created powerful spatial energy.

Kyon’s pupils dilated. The bright green sparkles and emerald like the northern lights fog fascinated and attracted his eyes…

Kyon came to his senses, shook his hands and opened them. This time the fog was green at once. It was easy to create. Kyon had synergized darkness and light. First, the elements came in contact, then they moved as a single entity.

It was unbelievable… It took Kyon a couple of seconds to master things that ordinary people learned for years. It is difficult to direct distinct, complex elements in the same way. However, Synergy had easily memorized the forms of the channel combining two different complicated formulas into one.

Kyon gasped in surprise when he found out that the element did not dissipate over time when it was connected with the channels. The darkness, light, pure energy or anything else stop functioning a moment later and dissipates in the wind. The attribute of space was different. It can be concentrated as long as the energy lasts.

Kyon started experimenting at once and discovered a few details:

1) The green spatial attribute is completely useless in the attack because it has difficulty with absorbing into the matter. The green fog won’t do any harm even if it shrouds someone from head to foot.

2) The spatial attribute works without violating the laws of physics and logic. Infuse a stone with the element, create a proportionate amount of the element in the place you want to move the stone to, and activate it with the channel. The stone will teleport, and the clouds will disappear.

The expense of the element required for teleporting something depends on the size of the object.

Kyon deftly caught a fly and imbued with the spatial attribute. Then he created proportional clouds around himself and teleported the fly many times, not letting it fly away.

{It can’t be everything this powerful attribute is capable of… I am not going to use it for catching insects.}

Kyon created a dense green cloud in front of himself and directed it ten meters forward. The cloud slowly floated through the air like a weightless fluff.

Then he created another one and put a stick inside of the cloud. After a greenish flash, the stick appeared safe and sound in the distant cloud.

It was an energy-consuming process to move the stick inside, but when the stick stopped, the energy expenses reduced to a minimum.

Kyon grinned. He canceled the teleportation, and the stick broke perfectly in half. One half was in his hands, the other stayed ten meters away.

{Theoretically, if I infuse someone with the element, I can teleport their body parts and organs anywhere. Holy Moly! It’s too bad the attribute hardly penetrates even a fly… God, it’s a shame. On the other hand, it’s even better this way. I would be scared to live here. What if someone teleported my hair… Ouch…} – Kyon ran his hand over his head with a heavy heart. His hair had grown only a couple of centimeters…

Suddenly an extremely dangerous idea came to his mind, but he decided to move ahead with it. Kyon created two dense clouds. The one was at arm’s length from him. He directed the other one to the nearest dummy ten meters away. His own flesh easily saturated with the attribute, he decided to teleport his arm and then control as if it was a robot.

Kyon reached out to the thick cloud, nervous. This time the flash was much brighter. He could feel with his soul and the channels huge energy consumption every moment his arm was moving into the cloud. However, if he didn’t rush, it wouldn’t reach a critical level. He should take it slow, or he risked to lose his arm. Kyon felt nothing.

Meanwhile, his hand slowly crawled out of the second cloud, grabbed the dummy’s neck and squeezed it tightly.

«Ha ha ha ha!» – Kyon laughed heartily. It was a strange, indescribable feeling. It looked like his hand was cut off, but in fact, it was ten meters away strangling the dummy! It was like an ordinary hole in space between him and the dummy.

The energy consumption reduced to the minimum as soon as Kyon stopped moving his hand.

He could hold his hand like this for hours! Hardly anyone else was reckless enough to risk their limbs without many years of practice beforehand.

Kyon got another idea. He set flight parameters to the distant cloud… And it flew with his hand: a sight worthy of a lousy horror movie.

{Flying fist technique!} – Kyon thought, laughing. The soaring limb flew into his face in slow motion. It was hilarious like the things that happened in dreams.

Kyon’s eyes sparkled devilishly at the next thought… He created a bigger cloud and tried to stick his head in there. It was too risky. One mistake and goodbye to his life.

It was a failed idea. As soon as the key of the element of mind touched the cloud, Kyon’s head did not move any further. {Oh yeah… I completely forgot… The spatial attribute cannot teleport souls tied to the keys. I need spiritual trigrams to do this…}

Kyon remembered what he had read and left his illusions behind. He couldn’t teleport his body that easily. Unfortunately, the space attribute wasn’t omnipotent.

Kyon experimented for a couple more hours until he learned everything he could. He didn’t find too many options. There was much more to discover with ether.

He had experimentally confirmed that the spatial attribute wasn’t useful in combat. It was impossible to attack with it. However, he could use it to create remote formations that would send various signals and information, such as wiretapping and video. Unfortunately, it was beyond his level of development now.

He could attack with the help of the attribute. He could infuse a technique with the spatial attribute and teleport behind the enemy. Or he could infuse a dagger, quietly move the cloud behind the enemy’s back and attack out of the blue.

{I wish I had a gun to teleport bullets and lightning-fast attacks… Uh…} – It wasn’t the first time Kyon had thought of creating firearms. He would have realized this idea a long time ago, but in this undeveloped world, where even gunpowder hadn’t been invented, he needed power and resources. He had neither.

The practitioners could feel the vibrations of any energy with their souls. It means that the traps, tricks, and sudden attacks were still a major challenge. Take, for example, the cloud. It emitted perceptible noisy vibrations that everyone could feel. However, the level of perception depended on development.

{I wish the attribute moved faster… What if I combined it with the wind… And even better with lightning! It would instantly appear behind the enemy.} – Kyon had to leave this interesting task for the future.

In the end, Kyon was partially disappointed in the two most difficult elements. Their full potential could be revealed only in techniques and combinations with other elements. He had a lot to confirm yet. Everything was ahead.

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