
Chapter 201

Chapter 201

In general, Kyon was pleased about the battle with Yegorka. First of all, he was now an official participant in the tournament of the families. Second, his core had received 10% of the darkness. Third, he had tested the effectiveness of the vacuum barrier. Fourth, he discovered a new feature of his voracious key-spheres: they could absorb the corresponding elements to a certain extent, even if they were introduced from the outside. Otherwise, it wasn’t worth it.

«Wake up, pretender.» – Juno hissed with exasperation, holding back the urge to punch her “sleeping” assistant in the side.

«How did you know?»

«I am not telling you.» – She replied peevishly. – «You didn’t kill my friend because you’re stronger than him, no, you used a gun. Just when I thought you couldn’t stoop any lower! My grandfather is very disappointed in you! Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?» – Juno’s voice was hard with contempt.

«No, I am not.»

Juno sighed wearily and shut her eyes framed by fluffy eyelashes. Her assistant was so callous, so thick-skinned… She would never get through to him! – «Alright, it doesn’t matter… Tell me how you managed to stay unharmed after Yegorka’s fire attack? You don’t have fire immunity, do you? Even little resistance to fire is rare! Tell me now!..»

Juno’s curiosity was so intense that it caused itching. She was dying to unravel the mystery behind him. It was tormenting her narrow mind.

«I am not telling you.» – Kyon gave her a taste of her own medicine. Juno’s rage and hatred ignited a fire in his soul. She had an overwhelming urge to kill Lovr.


«You’d better think twice before you say something, darling.»

Juno wrinkled with her pretty little nose. – «I’m waiting for you at the training ground tonight. And don’t you dare pretend you are not feeling well!»

«Is it because your sweet peach has missed my touch?»

«No, it is NOT!» – Juno blushed like a ripe apple and stamped her foot, turning away from him to leave.

«I order you to come here and turn your back to me.»

Juno turned around.

«What are you up to?» – But her body had already obeyed the order.

Kyon grabbed a handful of her lush golden hair and buried his nose in it, his eyes closed in ecstasy. His hypersensitive sense of smell burst with outpouring emotions when he inhaled Juno’s mind-blowing fragrance. The aroma of shampoos, conditioners, lotions is one thing, but her intimate smell, that’s what inspired him and made his heart tremble with delight…

«Are you out of your mind?!» – Juno squeaked in a tiny voice, blushing with embarrassment.

Kyon was off caught off-guard for a brief moment, but it was enough for the frightened girl to escape his hold and dash out of his ward like a doe.

Her assistant was a dirty, lustful animal! The emotions emanating from his soul were too weird! She couldn’t bear to imagine what would happen if he suddenly broke loose…

All his wounds healed quickly with time. It was getting dark when Kyon came to the training ground and saw the hated little demon who could so cleverly hide under the guise of a sweet little creature. Juno was stretching before the battle. When she noticed her assistant, her eyes flashed with an emerald flame. Devil incarnate seemed to be heating things up. Juno’s fighting spirit surprised Kyon.

«Haven’t you been present at my battle with Yegorka? Stop fooling yourself!»

Juno ignored him. She continued doing exercises and flexing her hands in silence.

«You are annoying, unteachable fool. Your master is here. What do you need to do?» – Kyon muttered menacingly.

«Your apprentice salutes her master.» – Juno said, rolling her eyes.

If she had really accepted him as her master, she would have always treated him with respect, but that was not the case. She had other important things to think about. Juno had to win the bet at all costs, to find out the answers to at least three questions, as he had promised. She couldn’t wait to understand why she felt his nasty emotions, and also to find out how he had managed to complete 80 tasks in a day. She was eager to solve the mystery of his talent, his gun, the birds, the process of key cleaning, and so much more… She would set priorities later, after she won the bet, i.e., inflicted him at least some bodily harm.

Kyon said impassively to cool her down a notch:

«By the way, our bet expires today. If you fail to harm me, you can forget all about your questions and other extra boons.»

«What?! How come expires?! You have never mentioned any deadline!» – Juno was dismayed to learn new rules.

His words had taken the desired effect, Kyon laughed out loud. – «Nothing lasts forever. Come on, attack me.» – He beckoned Juno over with two fingers, admiring her beautiful hips in skin-tight dark pants. His hands were itching to feel her curvy buttocks as soft as marshmallows. He couldn’t wait to hear her desperate wail. Kyon gave in to his vicious, primitive desire to hunt and taunt the appealing fragrant victim.

Juno wrinkled her cute little nose and attacked. A second later, she squealed when she felt his nasty palms on her soft, secret place. Her little voice was full of despair, which Kyon found really arousing. It was time to admit to himself that he had become a hopeless sadist. He didn’t think he would stoop so low. Touching the tight butt of this barely ripe girl was now a real turn on for him! He still hated this fallen angel with every fiber of his soul. Kyon often recalled the episode at the hot spring when she “killed” him for a casual look at her naked body. He had remembered her squeamish look forever. He was nothing for her but a pathetic bug.

However, everything was different now. Kyon had become the rightful master of her slender body. He could touch her wherever he wanted, even in the most intimate places. Juno understood perfectly well that her once peaceful life had dramatically changed. Her former slave used to be a disposable punching bag, dust under her feet. Now he ordered her around as he wished.

A couple of minutes later, Juno’s breathing increased, her cute face turned red. She couldn’t stand his harassment, but the emotions that she could feel in his lewd soul were simply infuriating. His excitement, thrill, and desire to make her his were unbearable.

All of a sudden, something unexpected happened. Juno covered her butt with her hands, exposing her boobs for Kyon to attack. Her soft, shapely boobies were so appealing that he immediately grabbed them when out of the blue, there flashed a cunningly hidden nephrite between Juno’s legs. She was holding it in her clenched fist.

A radiant flash enveloped Kyon and tightly bound his arms and legs with translucent chains. This technique was sealed in the formation.

«What the…» – Kyon found himself at a loss for words. He let his guard down, surrendered to his carnal animal urges, and ceased to see Juno as his enemy. And the little bitch had cheated!

Juno’s lips, delicate like rose petals, twisted in a mocking grin. She arched her thin eyebrows. Her hair, like molten fiery gold framed her sweet round face. The insidious demoness took out of nowhere sleep headphones and said, gloating:

«Haha, stupid assistant! I called you to this training session for a reason. I tolerated you touching me with your dirty hands so that you dropped your guard and fell into the trap! I will win the bet fair and square, and you will get what you deserve for your lustful deeds and thoughts!» – Juno announced triumphantly. Her assistant had always been true to his word. That’s why she was counting on the long-awaited reward as soon as she hurt him. There was no indication of his state, which means he could be as well immobile. It was his problem, not hers. She had put lots of effort into finding the restraining formation so that the arrogant bastard did not suspect anything (he had constantly been eavesdropping on her).

The elements of pure energy and wind began to condense in Juno’s hand, producing a dangerous buzz and forming a beautiful bright sphere that shimmered like a cosmic pulsar.

The Essence of Destruction was one of the most powerful techniques in the Stones’ heritage. Juno had mastered it only recently thanks to her incredible talent and perseverance. The power of the technique was incredible. According to a legend, a hermit-master with a toad on his shoulder brought it here from another world a long time ago. With its help, even Juno, who was only at the beginning of the second phase, could easily destroy the trunk of a thousand-year-old oak!

«Juno, WAIT!» – Kyon yelled, looking stunned. When did Juno learn to bypass his orders?! He had forbidden her to use earplugs or use attacking formations! This formation turned out to be restraining, not attacking. And she didn’t use any earplugs, but sleep headphones.

Kyon had given Juno an order not to inflict him any serious damage, but she decided to weaken the technique by ten times. All she needed was to win the bet, not kill him. Juno didn’t want to go too far, or the master might take his words back.

The sphere hovered over Juno’s palm, rotating at a frightening speed. Her eyes flashed and glowed with wicked green light. Juno grinned viciously and thrust the little ball into Kyon chest with all her might.


The sphere turned his shirt into dust, exposing Kyon’s naked torso.

The smile froze on Juno’s face. She silently looked at his bare chest, shocked. There wasn’t a single scratch! It looked like he had taken his shirt off!

{How is it possible?! Is my technique too weak?!} – Juno prepared the next energy sphere, at its full capacity this time. It was ten times more powerful. The technique consumed a lot of energy, but it didn’t take long to be ready to use.

Now the sphere was ten times brighter. The speed of its rotation had significantly increased. The buzzing sound hinted at the real destructive hurricane compressed in the small ball.

Juno could find a way around Kyon’s order “not to inflict him any serious damage,” because subconsciously, she doubted she could ever harm him even a little. She started imagining this clever monster almost invincible…

Juno threw the sphere with all her might, aiming at Kyon’s immobile chest.


A bright flash lit up the room. The target was completely unharmed, though! Kyon smiled triumphantly.

«It’s im-m-m-m-possible…» – Juno shook her head, feeling completely helpless. She couldn’t harm him, even if he was restrained. – «Why are you so… like this! How did you survive? Please, tell me! Please! What’s your secret?!»

The effect of the restraining technique started to wear off. Kyon rubbed his wrists with apprehension and headed toward his student with a light predatory gait. He carefully removed the headphones from the silly girl, gently lifted her chin with his finger and slowly, as if savoring each sound, said:

«You’re pathetic.»

Juno flinched. Tears welled up in her eyes. She had lost. It felt like the king was imperiously looking at her, miserable slave, who dared to contradict him. The world turned upside down. Why was life treating her so badly?! How could a low-life scum be so powerful and formidable? Why was he so domineering and ruthless to her, a high-born noble lady…

Trembling like a wet kitten, Juno rose from her knees and ran out of the training ground, tripping over her own feet.

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