
Chapter 243

Chapter 243

Juno regained her composure a few minutes later, the insane extraterrestrial pleasure still echoing in her body. She could feel the quivering rhythm of bliss and a sweet tingling sensation in her fingers.

{What did I do?!} – Juno was overwhelmed with shame for her violent reaction to her flower growth. She looked around the room and sighed in relief – he had left! She would die of embarrassment if he was still here, commenting on what he had seen in his typically ironic manner.

Juno hurried to make herself presentable and leave the training hall. Intrusive thoughts kept popping in her head. – {Why? Why did he do this? Why?}

When she arrived home and locked herself in her room, Juno checked her keys purity. The device fell out of her weakened hands. Her shock gave way to pure delight. She jumped to her feet and ran around the room like crazy. Now her victory over her sister was only a matter of time! Each percent of key cleaning used to cost her great efforts, and then all of a sudden, for no obvious reason, she got what she had wanted for so long!

Joy was gradually replaced by confusion. She couldn’t understand what had happened. Why did Kyon do this? Didn’t he hate her? Didn’t she provoke him with her outburst of anger?

Juno’s heart started racing with uninvited, deeply hidden feelings. For an instant, she seemed to recognize Lovr in Kyon… Only Lovr could make her so happy, surprise and confuse her, make her head spin and her blood rush…

A tiny spark of hope suddenly rekindled in her soul. If Kyon was Lovr, he couldn’t be a monster? But… if Dinah’s death might be open to question, her grandfather’s heart attack was as clear as day.

Her mental torment and suffering lasted several hours. She had too many questions and not enough answers. Juno doubted everything. Kyon’s action was beyond her understanding as usual… Just like Lovr’s actions sometimes.

{What if it was his way to thank me for saving him in the illusory world?!} – Juno was completely baffled.

She wasn���t quite sure of what he was. If Kyon did another good deed, then perhaps… Even a terrible monster could turn into a handsome prince, right?

Kyon had safely left the Stone territory and settled in the house of another subordinate on the outskirts of Boston.

Kyon took out the impermeable cloth he had acquired at the auction for 200,000 spheres. White with a matte finish, it was thin like a sheet of paper but also quite dense: no spiritual scanning could see through this cloth.

Kyon cut off small pieces of the cloth to wrap three objects: a spatial ring, a concealment bracelet (it faked the stage of cultivation up to the 4th phase inclusive) and a bracelet that changed the “sound” of the element vibrations up to the 4th phase inclusive as well.

With the help of the earth attribute, he removed the carbon skin on his wrist and middle finger, put on the ring and two bracelets, and grew his skin back. There were no scars of any kind, the area was smooth and indistinguishable from the other places.

From now on, searching him was a waste of time.

Kyon nodded, pleased with himself. He sat on the floor in the middle of the room in the lotus position, took out the breakthrough medicine acquired at the auction for 300,000 spheres and swallowed it.

He could feel an explosion of energy in his stomach. The released energy rushed into the keys and through the channels into his soul. He cringed, feeling a horrible, sickening pain in his guts, his blood pressure soaring at two hundred. Fortunately, the intermediate level of the second degree Synergy was helpful.

An hour later, Kyon moved from the 6th to the 7th stage. It felt like his soul was pushed forward with a good hard kick in the ass, leaving a terrible cloying feeling in his mouth, which meant that the rapid growth was not to his soul’s liking.

At this stage of cultivation, Kyon could easily defeat golden-skinned Tsayan, kill Yegorka (whose cultivation had reached the 3.4 phase), and put down Stephanie and Lee altogether. Even Flitz together with Dinah wouldn’t cope with him now!

The post had arrived with his Scourge. The sword had a new weighting enchantment. Now the black carbon weapon weighed 100 kg, not 50 kg as before!

Kyon brandished the new addition to his armory in the air. As expected, he did not feel the mass of the sword at all. The weapon did not constrain his movements, and it was much more powerful than before.

The next day, there was a brutal execution of the robbers and the thieves in the central square. They were hanged, decapitated, and burned. Other monstrous methods not worth mentioning were also used.

Thousands of people took great pleasure in the bloody but truly just spectacle.

Kyon secretly absorbed most of the souls, filling the nucleus at only 1%. Such insignificant progress was discouraging…

He spent the remaining time before the tournament exercising.

The hands of the clock showed eight in the morning. Heavy dark clouds had covered the sky over the capital of the kingdom. They were so dense that no sunlight could break through them. The storm was coming. Old people could feel it in their joints. All the living creatures hastened to find shelter.


Bright lightning illuminated the arena the size of several Colosseums in Lovr’s world. The design of the arena was also similar: made of white granite adorned with an intricate pattern, it contained thousands of arches and tall columns… The belligerent aura reigned supreme, making blood boil in veins.

The arena with comfortable seating facilities for approximately two hundred thousand persons was the highlight of the kingdom. The most exciting events took place here. It was the place where the fate of people, slaves, nonhumans, and even whole families was at stake.

It started drizzling. Eventually, the rain was falling more heavily. Big drops made big splashes when they hit the ground.

Dozens of thousands of spectators hurried to get inside, pushing and shoving at the first entrance. Among the four million inhabitants of Boston, only a small part was lucky enough to see the historical event, the tournament of the families.

The compacted sand turned a darker shade.

With a wave of her hand, queen Vlada sent up two beams of light, creating an invisible water-repellent and soundproof barrier over the open arena. As raindrops hit it, they spread in all directions, forming a bizarre water umbrella. The flickering lightning lost the lion’s share of its deafening roar.

The line at the second entrance to the arena, just as big as the first one, stretched to a shorter distance. The people were much calmer and more dignified here. All of them had an important family name: the Romanovs, the Browns, the Stones, the Grandes… They all had influence in the kingdom and went inside through a separate entrance, inaccessible to the commoners. The cream of society took place in the guarded area, more comfortable and convenient for watching the show.

The Grands, especially young people, scared away the other families’ members with a single glance. They cut in line as if nothing happened. Any person from the royal dynasty resembled a proud tiger among stray dogs. There was no hint of equal treatment. Of course, they were not going to participate in the tournament. They will be watching the others fight.

The loud hooves clattering attracted everyone’s attention. Stunned exclamations sounded out from the crowd.

«Mommy, why can go inside with horses, but we can’t? I want a horse too!» – A little girl from the Grand family said.

The mother instantly covered her baby daughter’s mouth. – «Hush! Shut up!»

The girl nodded, frightened by her mother’s reaction.

All the families, including the Grands, hastened to run away from the path of three ostentatiously luxurious carriages drawn by beautiful mounts. The magnificent coaches belonged to the envoys of the first three world sects.

The power of each of them was comparable to a low-ranking empire. Their legacy and resources made it possible to bring up excellent warriors (Cernos and the Order of Rosarrio were no match to them in terms of training quality). However, it wasn’t easy to get into the sects. Only the best of the best were admitted there.

The visit of the envoys meant that they intended to find a raw diamond in a handful of dust, that is, to recruit students in their sects. The sect representatives were reluctant to go to low-ranking empires and kingdoms. The concentration of geniuses was minimal there.

But those who were lucky enough to be noticed had a promising future. The sects graduates had unprecedented power by the standards of their families. The only thing that stopped many geniuses from joining a sect was a complete change in the worldview after a couple of years of training. Even their own parents wouldn’t recognize their child afterward.

The first carriage drawn by the fat royal pigs had a bizarre coat of arms: a smiling fat man sitting in the lotus position.

The envoy of the Fat sect (3) named FatTso was dozing peacefully on a soft bed inside the coach. He didn’t take the upcoming tournament seriously.

The second and third carriages were going neck and neck behind. One of them had a coat of arms of an innocent naked maiden with a leaf at her groin. The envoy of this sect was called Nargise. The other sect’s coat of arms was a dancing couple, a woman and a man. The envoy’s name was Seva.

Several questions ensue… What the hell was going on here? Why did the Fat sect that had the 3d rank go before the 2nd and 1st ranking sects? And why were the last two going neck to neck?

Two beautiful women peered out of carriage windows at the same time. Their eyes met, creating invisible lightning. The eerie wind howled. The bloodthirsty aura made everyone tremble with fear. Even the powerful elders from the Grand family had instantly turned pale. There was a moment when a bloody fray seemed inevitable… However, an instant later, the envoys drew the curtains. The pressure subsided. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It was no secret that the Dance and the Virgo sects had been feuding for several hundred years. However, no one knew exactly why. This hostility was especially pronounced over the fight for female talents. There had been a number of recorded deaths.

«How dare the sluts from the Dance sect take in talented girls and train them together with dirty, sweaty gorillas?! These whores may fuck as they please without involving others in their sodomy. Why should they make the innocent girls suffer? Why do they destroy their future?!» – With a rush of confidence, Nargise hissed like a snake almost spraying poison all over.

«You’re absolutely right, my lady…» – The maid sitting next to her said.

«I didn’t ask you.» – Nargise said irritably.

«I am sorry…» – The maid bowed her head guiltily. The lady tended to be easily excited or irritated. She should have known better than to provoke her.

The three carriages safely drove in, cutting in line. No one dared to object. Even the most important people from the Grand family had to accept it.

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