
Chapter 283

Chapter 283

Charles was taken aback and shocked by what he heard. He cautiously jumped back from the bodyguards that emitted an aura comparable to that of the Black Queen. His urge to fight for room number one had immediately disappeared for fear of being defeated and humiliated in front of the Cernos elite.

«Your Highnesh, you mush do shomeshing!» – Artie begged, lisping. His father, the elder, had no power in Cernos, and the princess didn’t want anything to do with the freak. The prince was his only hope! Artie could have got even with the fat guy if not for his powerful guards. Even the entire fan club wouldn’t cope with them, they were no warriors, after all. Besides, he wasn’t feeling well enough to fight…

Charles looked glumly at him and shook his head. – «Deal with it yourself.»

«But the bastard has undeservedly moved into your room! Don’t you want to punish him for cheating and disrespect for your Highness? I think you should ask the principal to expel him.»

Charles would gladly do it if he had at least some power, except for his alleged high status and the echo of his father’s authority. The demons had him bound hand and foot, and after Michael’s death, the elders of the Grand family (the principal among them) didn’t take him seriously. The prince was powerless against the family who could arrange a hundred points at the entrance exam for their son and put behind him two powerful bodyguards in the walls of Cernos. He thought it would be reasonable to back off a bit and humbly accept room number 2.

«The world is an unfair place. Accept it or deal with him yourself, and I… I am leaving.» – The prince waved Artie off and went to his room number two.

*desperate whispering*

«What should we do now? We can’t let Dick get away with it, right?» – The leader’s “right hand” asked simple-heartedly and immediately got a slap on the head.

Artie took the Grands to his room, away from the eavesdropping bodyguards.

Two dozen students were waiting for the unofficial leader of the movement Down With The Fat Freak to say something. Half of them didn’t belong to the fan club but had a hunch they were in the right place,

Artie said firmly: «As you might have guessed, the rumors are true. It’s humiliating for all of us to live below the shameful cheater. We must get rid of the jerk immediately. Lashing out at him doesn’t work. I learned it the hard way.» – He spat out a fraction of his tooth. – «We’ll either get thrashed or expelled for fighting outside the arena, so we need another plan.»

«But he’s just a student from a non-royal family! Can’t they kick him out, referring to some excuse like fighting outside the arena? Or maybe we could use the help of our parents and pull some strings forcing the teachers to expel him!»

Artie shook his head regretfully. – «It won’t work. Didn’t you hear how he had passed the exam? His fucking bodyguard fought instead of him! And no one said a word! I don’t know who the Bakers are, but it must have cost them a fortune to arrange his hundred points and make everyone shut up! The rules don’t seem to apply to him in Cernos. Even the prince gave up the idea of ​​putting pressure on the school authorities when he realized who he was dealing with. We need fresh ideas on how to get him out of here. Suggest anything that comes to your mind, no matter how off the wall it may seem. We’ll select the most interesting ideas and make a decision.»

There was a long, pensive silence.

«Well… I mean… He is in love with our gorgeous princess Kara, but she rejected him.» – The “right hand” said in a deep voice. – «Then why don’t we make him a target of public scorn, ridicule and humiliation. He will either kill himself or leave Cernos. What do you think?»

Artemis and the fan club members stared at him open-mouthed. They couldn’t believe their ears. He was always dumb as a box of rocks, and now he came up with a brilliant idea!

«It’s pure genius!» – Artemis exclaimed and stood on tiptoe to pat the big guy on the shoulder. – «That’s what we’ll do! However, the odds of success are slim, and it will take some time… We need to get rid of the fat pig as soon as possible and with a bang. Any more ideas?»

There was another long pause.

The fan club leader’s face lit up – «I think I’ve got it! It’s plain and simple!»

Everyone pricked their ears up expecting to hear a truly brilliant idea!

«We need a suicide attack!» – Artemis exclaimed with a happy smile.

«A suicide attack?!» – Someone asked with bulging eyes.

«Exactly! We need someone to sucker punch the bastard, someone to sacrifice his life, taking Dick Baker with him! We’ll bury the hero with all the honors. Half of Cernos will cry over him! Goddess herself will be grateful to the daredevil for his feat and provide him with a nice afterlife… Are there any volunteers?»

Half of the Grands looked at Artemis as if they were facing a dangerous mentally ill person. The rest darted nervous glances around, looking for someone with the honorary title of the victim.

«Well? Anyone?» – The leader’s smile gradually faded. His idea didn’t turn out to be as good as he thought it would be. Everyone seemed to value ​​their lives.

*deafening silence*

The members of the fan club were afraid to squeak not to get into the spotlight. What if he forced them to volunteer? Everyone started to get scared of their leader and the terrible delusional idea of his, no doubt, sick mind…

While the fools were discussing their doomed to failure plans, Kyon, not without Marina’s help, had left his bugs throughout the dorm. Now he could hear almost everything that happened in the building. Too bad that the walls on the 5th floor were too thick.

As expected, rumors about him spread throughout the dorm at an incredible speed. The girls tried to describe Dick’s ugliness as eloquently as they could, but they lacked synonyms for the word “disgusting.”

There was also a rumor about his sudden falling in love with Kara… Of course, everyone sympathized with the poor princess.

The second most discussed news was Kara’s retaking the entrance exam, or rather her poor result. The lion’s share of the students refused to accept reality and tried to justify the princess.

When the “ears” installation was over, Kyon started to prepare for his next trick. He wanted to play with Princess Kara to harvest a decent amount of negative emotions in front of the whole school. In the worst-case scenario, he would have to leave school for two weeks. He had considered all possible risks.

At nine in the evening, Lovr looked out the window that faced the inner yard to watch Franz fiercely fighting with Alex, who had not yet recovered from the recent beating. The local doctors got him to his feet, but he wasn’t in his best shape yet.

Marina was standing not far from the barrier that protected the duelists from the outside world, biting her lip. It wasn’t hard to guess that she was supporting the blonde guy.

A lot of spectators leaned out of the windows to watch the fight, but all eyes were the beautiful blonde girl in the white uniform.

«An incredibly beautiful blonde girl! I heard she lives on the fifth floor! She must be from a noble family… I want to get to know her better!» … «The new girls are a feast for the eyes this year… The blonde one has earned 99 points and lives in room number one!» … «Do you think she fancies chubby guys?» … «Chubby? You could easily pass for an elephant! You are a fucking fat ass, Mike!» – The friends, who often gathered in one room, laughed out loud.

Guys from the top two floors stroked their chins with intense interest. They couldn’t take their eyes off Marina. Her beauty was mesmerizing! And her low cultivation gave them unjustified confidence. Many of them had firmly resolved to meet the girl.

«Look at the handsome young man in the white uniform! He will be mine!» … «Too late, I already called dibs on him!» … «Oh really? Only the winner will have him! I’ll meet you at the arena!» … «Hush! Don’t you see a ring on his finger?» … «Oh! Is that dopey bitch his wife? I’ll strangle the skank!» – Not very well-mannered friends from the Grand family also gathered on the 5th floor to gossip about this and that. They were ready to fight to the death to get the handsome guy, not inferior to the prince himself with his spectacular movements and apparent dominance in the battle, even if he was fighting some low-life scum in the black uniform.

A pretty face with large, inhumanly bright garnet eyes peeped out of the window in room number one at the female part of the dorm. Princess Kara watched closely the beautiful blonde girl at the protective barrier. Kara found herself inexplicably attracted to this girl, who reminded her Juno and Elsa at once. The princess had a feeling that she had met someone who looked just like her.

In Kara’s opinion, there were only three girls worthy of her attention in Cernos. Cait Brown was beautiful and hot, but the princess got fed up with her toy a long time ago. Kara had lost interest in having sex with her. Julia Grand was an irresistible, red-haired beauty, but she reminded Kara of Astarte the bitch, which made the princess suppress her desires. And then the third beauty appeared… Moreover, this girl wasn’t only good looking, she was smart as hell! She earned 99 points at the entrance exam and would probably have taken first place if the examiners weren’t corrupt. Kara liked everything about the cutie, but she found her too weak. The princess wanted to be with someone stronger than herself, someone like Elsa…

The demoness ordered her servant to invite the blonde to her chambers tonight. She needed to relieve the tension.

Meanwhile, Franz delivered Alex a crushing knockout blow with a triumphant battle roar, pinning him to the protective barrier.

The judge announced the winner, and hundreds of girls screamed and cheered happily. The number of blown kisses per square meter went off the scale.

Franz completely ignored their attempts to attract his attention. He went up to his dear girl and gave her a gentle hug. – «I’ve won, my dear Marina! They won’t bother us anymore. How about taking a walk around the shopping district?»

«Yeah, let’s go.» – Marina smiled and nodded happily. Her blushing cheeks looked really charming.

Many students envied the happy couple that looked as pretty as a picture.

When Artie saw his younger brother’s defeat, he spat in contempt. The stupid, worthless idiot had twice dishonored his name! Artie didn’t regret knocking the shit out of him at Princess Kara’s request. He should have done it long ago.

Alex came round in half a minute and immediately realized what had happened. He was boiling with rage and hatred for his elder brother. It was his fault that Alex had lost to the blond opponent. He was so close to winning! At least, he thought so.

Before everyone had moved away from the windows, someone screamed. – «Look! Someone has booked the arena to fight with the princess!»

Artie and his henchmen rushed back, nearly falling out of the window. – «Who dared to challenge her?»

Hundreds of eyes stared at the screen flickering in the sky. An anon had reserved the arena with a message: “The battle with Princess Kara for the first place…” The duel was to begin in five minutes.

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