
Chapter 303

Chapter 303

Stephanie did her best to accomplish everything the goddess’s messenger had told her to. Later the same day, she rented the best, in her opinion, spacious basement with strong walls. She spent lots of money to hire a bunch of excellent specialists whose task was to equip the fight club by tomorrow evening.

There was a lot of work to be done in a day and a half. The structural workers had to set up an elevated platform where the leader would perform most of the time; three battle arenas; tables for the spectators to have a bite during the battles. The painters were to decorate the walls with battle patterns. The merchants were told to deliver formations from Boston: protective ones for the arenas and one for the tournament screen. The formations cost more than anything else combined, but generous Kyon had given plenty of money.

While the construction and renovation of the future fight club was in progress, Stephanie organized the Stones’ meeting for tomorrow evening. First of all, she persuaded Lee to take an active part in the club, using her “feminine charm,” the rest followed. When the Stone students learned the leaders of their family had created a club, they all were eager to come.

The next evening, about a hundred students gathered in the newly-made club. Franz, who was almost completely healthy, also showed up. Synergy of the intermediate student’s degree had him back on his feet in no time.

The young Stones were stunned to see the most handsome student of the school in the white uniform. Was he from their family? This meeting was for the Stones only! He didn’t belong here!

Stephanie hurried to introduce Franz to everyone, and Lee supported her. Everyone cheered enthusiastically when they found out that the handsome guy was a Stone. His made-up story was heartrending. Many felt honored to shake his hand…

Being in the spotlight, Franz looked gloomy and detached. It gave him the charm of a lone wolf, though. At least, he didn’t seem to be an arrogant jerk, unlike the prince. The girls had already begun to cast predatory glances at the cute newcomer.

A little later, the tournament for the post of the club leader began. Everyone present considered it a formality. It was obvious that Lee, number one in the Stone family, was going to be the winner. They were dumbfounded to see Franz take first place!

Lee’s reaction evoked genuine sympathy. The poor guy stared into space, lost, not responding to anything. Since Elsa’s escape, he had had the title of the strongest in the young generation of his family, and now some newcomer at the equal stage of cultivation had easily beaten him!

No one wanted the unknown guy to be the leader of the fight club. Besides, many felt pity for Lee… There were angry whispers suggesting to make a leader someone they respected and knew well.

Stephanie noticed the discontent of the masses just in time. She quickly led apathetic Franz to the platform and announced the new leader. Her positive, joyful attitude eventually spread to the rest of the Stones, barely eliciting a ripple of applause. From now on, Franz was the official leader of the fight club. In all the confusion, Stephanie appointed herself his right hand…

Five days had passed. Marina had heard from Franz since the wedding day. She was a bit upset about it. He used to ask her out every day and even more often. However, she caught herself thinking that she had grown cold to her former master. If he suddenly disappeared, she wouldn’t grieve long.

She talked to Kyon on the sound transmitter today. He asked her to visit the private club open only to the members of the Stone family.

Long ago, Flitz saved Marina from starvation. He gave her shelter and provided with a high-ranking Stone formation that ensured her respect in the family and protection against wild beasts.

Marina came to the appointed place late in the night. Two Stones checked her formation at the entrance and let her in. The young guards looked at each other, stunned at her beauty, even if they knew that she was Franz’s “wife.”

The appearance of the dazzlingly beautiful blonde girl did not go unnoticed. The hubbub in the fight club died down as lots of guys admired the pretty guest.

At first, Marina was surprised, then she felt insecure and fearful under the gazes of the young elite of her family. She could see Lee, Eric, Stephanie and others! Marina had heard about them and respected them, and now they were all looking her over with appraising eyes! But she didn’t know anyone personally…

Marina instinctively turned her eyes to the center of the hall and noticed Franz standing on the platform. He held out his hand to his former maid with a confident smile like a prince inviting his lady to dance. Marina walked towards the only person she knew so well.

Franz gently took his dear girl by her trembling hand and pulled her onto the platform. He held Marina tight and introduced her as his beloved wife.

The Stones applauded loudly, greeting the beautiful girl with smiles and laughter.

Over the next hour spent at the club, Marina found out that boys and girls, with rare exceptions, perceived Franz as their highly respected talented leader, the most powerful person in their generation, and powerful people were appreciated everywhere. The friendly, tight-knit atmosphere in the club resembled a noisy wedding with lavish meal on the tables, plentiful drinks, and merry fights.

It seemed to come out of nowhere. Marina couldn’t come to her senses. She felt embarrassed, confused and scared. Franz’s gentle embrace calmed her down when her mind was in turmoil. She felt safe in his arms. Marina didn’t even notice that she was hugging him back.

{How is it even possible? What happened to him after Kara’s wedding?} – Marina wondered, glancing at Franz who looked lively, charming, full of enthusiasm and positivity. That’s how she remembered him when he had just regained his youth.

Marina was no longer filled with depression, despair, fear, and everything else that she had experienced with him over the past two weeks. She no longer saw the crushed and humiliated man next to her. Franz seemed to have been reborn.

It was an unforgettable night for Marina, better than any she had spent with Kara. She gradually changed her opinion about the former master and decided to spend time with him as often as possible, both in the club and outside.

This morning Kyon received a message from Benjamin saying that the specialist he was expecting would arrive the day after tomorrow. With an evil grin, he took out the paper with the signatures and seals he had received from Nulan and started to draw up a contract, ruthlessly deciding someone’s fate. Nulan and Julia had it coming, it was the day of reckoning. Julia’s grandfather, the well-known, respected military officer, would avenge the red-haired bitch, going after the head of the school.

Imperial investigators hadn’t arrived in Boston yet. Kyon did not dare to appear in Cernos in the guise of Dick before they showed up. Unlike the palace, was poorly protected from the invasion of a powerful person like Vlada.

Besides, Lovr was planning to harvest the darkness before everyone found out that he had slept with a demon, not with everyone’s beloved princess. He would not get anything this way. He wanted to have his cake and eat it.

Two days had passed.

Three broad-winged saddled birds flew one after another at a great height across the Iron Throne border towards Boston. The middle vahana was significantly different from the rest. It was a huge fearsome gray falcon accommodating two elegantly dressed 18 years olds in the saddle.

One of them was a handsome long-haired blond guy who looked like a bright flower, graceful in every gesture. The only thing he lacked to complete the image was a rose in his hand. For the record, Rose was his name. He was patriarch Valentine’s second son. His family had the first rank in the Rosarrio empire.

The other was a dark-haired guy who looked like a typical arrogant bully enjoying his high social status and impunity. Besides the bad boy image, he had masculine features and a slender physique. His name was Roman. He was patriarch Clinton’s second son. His family had the second rank in Rosarrio.

The two guys were inseparable despite the fact that their families had not been getting on well. Rose and Roman had the same position in the family, living in the shadow of their elder brothers, who were lucky to have had a head start to achieve greater cultivation.

Roman noticed the dreamy smile on his friend’s face and asked: «Why are you smiling?»

«I heard Princess Kara is gorgeous. I can’t wait to meet her in person.»

«It’s getting clear why you agreed to fly to this miserable kingdom as soon as you got the prince’s order. I thought you were crazy!» – Roman slapped his friend on the shoulder. – «Listen, you do realize that this nasty hobby of yours will get you in big trouble sooner or later? You might want to consider giving it up.» – There was a hint of reproach in Roman’s voice.

«Life is too short to give up a little time for myself. My status is high enough, and it’s stupid not to use it. Who would ever go against patriarch Valentine’s son? Maybe a madman.» – Rose shrugged.

«What would your girlfriend say when she finds out?» – Roman asked, squinting slyly.

Rose pierced his friend with his gaze: «You’re no saint, son of a bitch! Your soul is just as rotten as mine! Do you think I don’t know that you keep staring at my girlfriend! By the way, give it a break or I’ll smack the hell out of you.»

«Ha ha ha!» – Roman burst out laughing. – «You’re a fool. Half of the order stares at your Elsa! Smack the hell out of them first! Anyway, her hot little sister is more my type. I wonder when Juno will stop acting like a picky arrogant bitch and deign to suck me off?»

Rose shook his head: «Elsa’s sister isn’t a slut to sleep with anyone until she gets married. Besides, she doesn’t care for you. Give up this hopeless idea, or make her your wife. It’s the only way you can fuck her.»

«Come on… Juno is a rare angel, but she is from a third-rate family, and her pathetic cultivation leaves much to be desired! I will become a laughing stock for the whole empire. They will say, I’ve chosen my wife for her beautiful face, not her quality…»

Rose looked at him with a contemptuous smile and said in the same tone: «Haven’t you learned anything? Use your brain and tell me why they accepted a weakling in the order without a hard entrance exam.»

«Are you saying?..» – Roman asked, surprised.

«She is a chip off the old block. She can’t be much weaker than Elsa or maybe just the same. Juno must have connected with her soul only recently. Don’t consider her as a one-night stand. Try and gain her trust! If you are not good enough for her, you can always buy her with Tokens before it’s too late. Go to your daddy, drop to your knees, give him the puppy-dog thing, begging him to give you a couple of hundred Tokens to buy a pussy. I know you can do it!» – Rose laughed heartily at his own joke.

«Fucking asshole…» – Roman said through gritted teeth. – «Anyway, thanks for the idea with Tokens. I will think about it if the arrogant bitch keeps playing hard to get. By the way, we have almost arrived. Look.» – He pointed to the high walls of Boston.

Early in the morning, Julia was awakened by a loud knock on the door. A royal servant delivered her a message from “Queen Vlada” with an invitation to the palace at 9 pm.

{In three hours?!} – Julia got all excited at once! Without thinking about the reasons for the invitation, she rushed up and down preening herself: combing her hair, tapping her neck with perfume, applying lip gloss, mascara, some face powder… She chose to wear the Ray of the Sun, a dress made by the elite tailors of Dantes and given to her by grandfather for the beginning of the school year. The dress was devilishly attractive and mesmerizingly bright, revealing her delicate shoulders and collarbones. Julia was thinking of wearing it at Kara’s wedding, but she was afraid to steal the bride’s thunder (something she would never have).

Julia quickly left Cernos and headed to the palace on a fast mount. She arrived half an hour ahead of time and was escorted to the top floor, where she was asked to wait for Her Majesty.

Julia had never been so anxious before. She wondered about the possible reasons for the invitation. Was Vlada going to introduce her to the potential husband? Or was it somehow connected with the merits of her grandfather at war? What if they were going to invite her to the order for her excellent academic performance? It was very exciting…


In a split of a second, everything went to darkness when a dastardly blow hit her to the back of the head…

Dick’s bodyguard materialized behind her back and made the unconscious girl swallow strong sleeping pills. Then he disappeared.

A minute later, the redhead opened her eyes and tried to get up, but she couldn’t. Darkness clouded her mind again, and she fell fast asleep.

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