
Chapter 419

Chapter 419

Usually, after death, souls are detached from the keys and fly away underground. It is believed that they return to the origins, where they pass some kind of a wheel of samsara and are reborn, or fall into the kingdom of the dead. Some call it heaven or hell, others purgatory, others yellow springs… Kyon did not know whether this was true or not, but in Boston he found out through experiments on rats that souls do not hurry to the next world, but stay next to the body (or what is left of it) for 10-15 minutes, as if they do not believe that their lives have come to an end, and only then they fly away to the call underground. Almost ten minutes have passed since the first demon was killed! He needs to hurry!

Lovr activated the force of gravity of the core of the void, which was currently filled with 0% souls, and even the soul of Prince Charles, the noble phaser at the peaking stage, was felt as nothing more than a drop in an empty sea.

Under the influence of the force of gravity, the souls of the demons slowly went to the core. As soon as they flew close, they shrank into a thread and, twisting into a funnel, were drawn into the core of the void through the navel. At the same time, their integrity was preserved, at least Kyon felt that the souls inside him did not lose their individuality.

The radius of gravity was about 100 meters, so Lovr had to get up and hobble with an uneven gait across the plain to the bodies of the dead. The souls were slowly but surely drawn to the core. The body, weakened due to serious injuries, affected the soul, and therefore the body of the Void, due to which the force of gravity also weakened. Very soon he consumed 30 souls. Wait a minute, weren’t there 33 demons? Did the remaining three souls fly away? Not at all.

As far as Kyon knew and felt, with each subsequent completed stage of the Void body, the ability to absorb souls significantly improved: the radius and power increased. So, for example, he found out on hunters trying to harness Triana that at that time he could absorb the souls of practitioners 3 stages higher. Now, apparently, by 3.5 stages, but due to serious injuries, this figure decreased to 3.4 stages, that is, the imperial phasers are already going beyond the designated range.

{Do I really have to give them up?} – Kyon frowned in displeasure. – {No way!} – he decided, not wanting to lose the goldfish out of his hands. When else will he be able to fill the core with the souls of the imperial phasers? Those bastards almost killed him!

Lovr kicked the corpses of the woman, the commander and his deputy closer to him (the souls followed the bodies) and, groaning painfully from the sharp pain in his chest, sat in the lotus position, closed his eyes and concentrated. No matter how hard he tried, the souls refused to leave the area next to their lifeless bodies. They seemed to care nothing, except that their body was dead, and they were destined to go to the realm of the dead.

{And what if I try…} – with a bright thought in his head, Kyon came close to the soul and tried to swallow it, but it didn’t work, as if the vacuum cleaner lacked the power to suck in a very heavy piece of garbage.

Suddenly Kyon’s eyes gleamed with joy: the souls, albeit with the speed of a snail, flew to him! It is reasonable to assume that they lost interest in the body and went to the «call» of the core of the Void, which, apparently, turned out to be stronger than the call of the kingdom of the dead!

However, the joy of Lovr was soon dispelled. The souls were drawn to his soul like magnetized balloons to hair, but they refused to be absorbed by the core, apparently due to the lack of the thrust power.

{Damn.} – Kyon concluded disappointedly, wondering what to do.

An hour passed unnoticed. Lovr clearly felt his strength, physical and mental, melting away. This was strongly influenced by a serious injury to the body. His head is already spinning, his vision is unfocused, even breathing becomes difficult. If everything goes on like this, he will lose consciousness, or even worse, but he could not let go of the souls. He looked like a monkey who had put his hand in a box of nuts, but could not open it to get out.

{Why doesn’t it work? How does it even work?} – Kyon wondered. Where did he initially get the power to control the movement of souls? There was nothing even close in meaning in the unique body of the Archangel and the Archdevil, from which the body of the Void was created. This ability could not have appeared by chance…

Suddenly, the soul of the imperial phaser at the 3rd stage began to slowly move away from him and fly down. The call of the kingdom of the dead, equally inviting for any soul, overcame the gravitation of the core of the Void, which completely depended on the development of the owner.

{Damn… Damn!} – Kyon gritted his teeth, when suddenly something snapped in him. – {Wait a minute… Control of souls? What is above everything and everyone in this world? What is so great and immense that it can control even souls? Time!} – He has found enlightenment. And how did he not immediately guess about this? With the help of space-time flows, you can manipulate the movement of souls! Even a photon flying past a black hole (near which time is slowed down) changes the vector of movement in its direction.

Realizing the secret, Lovr created a “Sphere of Annihilation” in his left hand, which had regained some mobility: a transparent ball that bends space like a crystal ball, and brought it closer to the body. The energy of time emanating from the technique, or rather, a part of it, ignoring the natural resistance of the channels, penetrated through them into the soul and resonated with the core of the Void, significantly increasing the force of gravity… The commander’s soul was pulled back and, twisting into a funnel with two other souls, fell into the core.

{Yes! Damn it, yes! I did it!} – Kyon with a happy smile fell on his back and lay there for a while, recovering. Now he knows how absorption works, which means that in the future he will be able to absorb more developed souls.

In total, Lovr absorbed 30 souls of demons that were the royal phasers, and 3 souls of demons that were imperial phasers, which filled the core of the void by 15%. Depressingly little. Where else would he get such strong enemies? There is a solution: they will just appear! When the crisis passed, and the souls replenished the core, he gloatingly decided to properly thank Kara for a delicious treat in the future. He would like to see the expression on her face when she realizes that her actions eventually helped a hated person.

Kyon took out a sound transmitter and ordered the coachman to pick them up, and before he arrived, he created a small bath with the elements of the earth, filled it and bathed the naked unconscious girls, rubbing them with a milky fragrant balm and not forgetting to wash their hair with a mild shampoo. Their silky thick hair caressed his palms, and their skin seemed so smooth, like ticklish feathers of angels, and so pale, as if it glowed. It was incredibly pleasant to take care of the girls. The perfect curves of their bodies fascinated and delighted. He wanted to hug one of the beauties by her slender waist, kiss her tender sweet-smelling navel and, without opening his lips, climb up her tummy to the intimate cloud mounds, so seductive and soft that the mind empties. No man could resist such a temptation. There is no doubt that for 322 years, only parents have seen the girls naked… Well, now he and the demons have also seen them naked. However, the horned ones are already dead, and it’s not a pity to die after such a sight.

{I’m their father! Stop thinking about it!} – Lavr ordered himself, trying to stop an erection. He understood that no matter what kind of relationship he had with beauties, it would not be possible to completely suppress his nature.

Having summoned all his willpower, Kyon pulled on panties on the girls, fastened bras and dressed them in their favorite dresses of his own tailoring. After that, he began to eliminate all traces of the recent battle: he leveled the relief, buried the corpses of demons, giblets and splashes of blood.

The question arose: should he expect the appearance of an army of people? The demons used a powerful concealment technique and probably flew confusing routes, getting rid of possible chase. The battle, if one can call it that, took place on a plain surrounded by hills several hundred meters high, besides, the nearest city is 300 kilometers away, and Dantes is 500 kilometers away. It is also worth remembering about the huge birds on which the demons arrived. They flew away, frightened of the pressure of Eve and Leila, which means that they will someday attract attention, however, this is unlikely to happen soon, and it is hardly possible to track the place of the battle by them. Considering all this, Lovr doubted that a large army would appear here. At most, some reconnaissance squad will fly by in a couple of weeks, and that’s not a fact.

Soon a coachman flew in on a snowy owl and picked up good clients. It seemed strange to him that he sometimes smelled blood, but there were no visible wounds on the passengers. It was also unclear why two clients were sleeping on the man’s lap, being wrapped in a sheet.

Within a few hours, Kyon flew around two cities, rented a well-guarded room in each and put the girls there. These are all necessary precautions. If the girls wake up, regaining their memory, they can begin to fight, and then millions of lives in Dantes will be at risk. He did not want to take such a burden on his conscience at all.

Returning to the hotel, Lovr lay down in a soft bed with great pleasure. He couldn’t help but worry: what if Eve and Leila regain their memories? Will they want to kill him? He did so much for them… And he didn’t even allow himself too much… On the other hand, he saw them in their underwear and even naked. It is unlikely that such adult chaste women, brought up in the strict framework of the eternal observance of honor, dignity and nobility, will let him get away with it. There’s no way to guess.

The day came to an end. The girls did not wake up, and Kyon finally returned mobility to his hands. He went to the plain to dig up the corpses of demons for looting: to take their rings and snatch the keys from their bodies. Only by the end of the day he collected everything of value.

He didn’t find anything special in the rings. No identification marks, as if the purpose of the assignment and the affiliation of the squad were deliberately classified. But the number of the keys obtained was pleasing: the total value is like half of the treasury of the Feruzs.

The main reason for collecting the keys is to enchant the soul to the highest level of strength. The Feruzs’ treasury approached the goal by 5%, as did the blackmail of the patriarch of the Clintons. And this wave of losers added another 2.5%, for a total of 12.5%.

After finishing with the demons, Kyon returned to Dantes for a hard training in the underground hall.

It’s been almost three days since the meeting with the demons.

Less than 6 hours left before the meeting of the heads of clans. Eve and Leila did not wake up, so they will not be able to help Kyon get out of a dangerous situation. He will have to rely on his abilities. By the way, recently he finally developed to the superior phaser at the 7th stage. Who knows, maybe this will play an important role.

With a gloomy sigh, Lovr left the underground training room, washed, changed his clothes, prepped himself up and, although he was not invited, went to the headquarters of the Silent Horror clan two hours before the meeting, where he met familiar people.

Valeera instantly attracted his attention. Her stunning clothes in the style of “the boss’s favorite secretary”, coupled with her slender figure, will never fail to delight. The girl gave off a subtle and very refreshing fragrance, reminiscent of the winter cold and causing a tingling sensation in the back of the neck. A good choice. It was the first time she used perfume since they met. That’s how important the upcoming meeting of the heads of clans is for her.

Tymoshka, Bernard and Alexander put on business suits. They looked painfully serious, as if they were going to a funeral. Tension thickened in the air.

«Hello, my lady!» – Kyon greeted the clan leader with a slight bow, then shook hands with two men, and ignored the guy.

Tymoshka wanted to reproach the old man for being late, but wisely changed his mind.

«Why have you come?» – Valeera asked coldly.

Kyon opened his mouth in surprise: «I’m coming with you, lady…»

«No, you’re not going. And you, Tymoshka, are not needed there either.» – the girl said indifferently.

«I… I’m not going?.. B-but…» – the guy got confused. However, he was not the only one.

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