
Chapter 114 - Bubbles

"Now that it\'s gone away, we could get into the dungeon, right? If the Demonic Veil makes us invisible for real, that huge demon won\'t be able to chase us, right?" Yoichi inquired. The young tamer knew that fighting such a strong enemy before entering the mine would only be an unnecessary waste of energy.

"But that way, we\'ll find it here once again when we\'ll get out of there!" replied Shioko hastily replied, pointing her finger toward the cave entrance. Like the rest of the forest around them, the stone recess that entered the mine was entirely covered in black mud. ​​

As the adventurers continued to think about what to do, the sound of Yoroishi hooves rumbled through the broken branches of the trees. One by one, the tall conifers in front of the Nightblades warriors fell to the ground sideways, pushed down by the enemy\'s incredible strength.

"All right then. If it doesn\'t want us in, we\'re going to get through by force," Yoichi affirmed with conviction, turning to the incoming demon and clenching his big scaled fists. Nobu\'s light illuminated the rabid expression that appeared on his face.

Not wanting her colleague to steal the show once again, Shioko pulled out another arrow, ready to pierce the second eye of the beast. Unlike the fight against the snake demon, this time she would not underestimate the enemy.

"It\'s coming... it\'s fucking coming! Go away, watch out!" Enatsu boomed, running away from the boar\'s trajectory. Of his mole demon, still no trace.

Yoichi opened his arms and exhaled all the air in his lungs. Soon after, he breathed hard, trying to sense his heartbeat. The angry boar\'s face sprang into the trees.

Trying to repeat what he had succeeded to do against the Hebigure, the young tamer attempted to activate Kenji\'s second skill. The dragon flame would be able to melt the enemy\'s armor and save his friends from that flesh-eating beast.

Shioko, feeling that the process would not be immediate, tried to buy her partner more time. This time, after resting the lower end of the arrow on the bow rope, she kept it in tension for a few seconds.

The light arrow, remaining in that state for more than necessary, quickly grew in size, storing energy from Nobu\'s white light.

Under Enatsu\'s incredulous eyes, Shioko\'s arrow became as long as a spear, absorbing much of the light source. When it was so charged that she could no longer hold it, Shioko left the grip.

*swishh* - Unleashing incredible energy, the arrow flew for about ten meters forwards, reaching the Yoroishi in a tenth of a second: more than a meter and a half long, it cut through the surrounding air, hitting the wild demon under its neck.

As soon as the tip of the giant light arrow impacted the rusty iron plate that protected the boar\'s chest, it fractured, letting that luminous object penetrate its flesh.

The arrow crossed Yoroishi\'s body, pierced its internal organs and exited the lower back. As if the target had not generated any friction, it continued to travel upwards, disappearing through the tree leaves.

After the impact, the boar\'s front legs came off the ground, and a wave of dense blood was sprayed from its mouth. Deprived of an eye and pierced by a light spear, the enemy\'s fanged muzzle crept to the terrain.

The large nostrils filled with sticky mud, as well as the rest of its face. Large bubbles popped up on the surface of the mud, coming from the deep breaths of that giant wild demon.

Yoichi, distracted by that event, lost his concentration. Relaxing the muscles of his hands and arms, he stepped forward, hoping Shioko had defeated it.

The girl\'s red hair was kindly resting on one shoulder, and her mouth was slightly open. One leg bent forward and one backwards: her body had remained stationary in the combat position.

The top of the armour, less dirty than the lower one, swelled and deflated as her lungs tried to catch her breath. Despite the Nightblades archer\'s powerful ability was able to knock out the giant boar demon, the air around her was still full of tension.

Like a vibration, the negative aura of that fierce beast echoed through the trees, making the three companions peaceless. Yoichi, Enatsu, and Shioko continued to look at the the Yoroichi\'s gigantic carcass, almost entirely soaked in mud.

Suddenly, his boar tail moved, causing some shrubs covered with the same sticky substance to fly away. Soon after, one of the enemy\'s shoulders lifted off the ground, followed by the corresponding hind leg.

"I can\'t believe it... its bulk mitigated my last attack, too..." Shioko murmured. Her voice sounded worried and flickering. She would have bet that her powerful attack would end the fight from how she uttered those words.

"The dark gas... look!" pointing a hand forward, aided by Nobu\'s white light, Yoichi pointed to the muddy body of the boar. Above its back, at the surface of the black mud, the same purple gas found on the Hebigure was floating upwards.

"That substance is healing its wounds! This means that even if we killed it, our demons would not gain XP points, nor could we tame that wild boar", the young tamer remarked, having already lived that experience.

Returning to an upright position, Shioko stepped back in fear. In her entire career as a professional tamer, no demon had ever resisted that charged attack. She was a specialist in one vs one fights and, even facing bigger and rarer demons than a Yoroishi, she had never lost a battle.

Little by little, limb after limb, the giant boar raised from the mud: the long chipped fangs on the sides of its mouth popped out under that black and dense layer, puncturing its plastic surface.

Two large bubbles popped on its nose, allowing air to enter its wide nostrils, and finally, the only eye left unharmed opened, framing the three tamers illuminated by white light.

As predicted by Yoichi, a large amount of dark gas was healing both the wounds on its the eye and chest, sewing up damaged tissues and restoring their riven flesh.

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