
Chapter 227 - Encouragement

"I don\'t know what to tell you, Yoichi. Perhaps you\'re right, and I acted without thinking of the consequences. However, if the imperial guards were to come looking for you, I would stop them from taking you away! I would tell the Emperor that you were the only one who discovered the threat of the Void Summoners and that, thanks to your help, their advance towards Goldhaven has been stopped!" Takamori insisted, repeatedly touching his moustache as a sign of nervousness.

"Even a selfish man like the Emperor must acknowledge your exploits. If he imprisoned you, the news would spread immediately, creating dissension among the citizens of the capital," the guild leader added.

Yoichi looked at him with honest eyes, and the corners of his lips curved into a conscious smile. "The Emperor has never cared about what people think of him, Takamori-Sensei. All I can tell you is that I\'ve finally found my purpose in life, and... well, I can never achieve my goals if I end up behind bars," he spoke.

A veil of sadness enveloped Takamori Sada. He was slowly becoming aware of the harsh decision of his student, who, despite his youth, was reasoning in his own interests and the interests of his guild.

"There must be another way... you could go back to your home in the Bronzeforest and.... no, maybe it wouldn\'t do any good," Takamori replied, contradicting his own words. "I have to undo the damage I\'ve done, Yoichi. The guilt is eating me up inside. How can I help you?" he asked, placing his hands on the ground and turning to face his student.

"It\'s not your fault, Sensei. You merely indulged my desire. I wanted to end my dispute with Kato, and I have no regrets for what I did. But now I must hurry, the guards will arrive before the sun sets, and they will be looking for me everywhere," Yoichi replied, standing up.

Takamori stood up with him, not knowing how to react and trying to act as a mature, grown man. "Have you heard anything regarding the whereabouts of Shusaku, the exiled blacksmith?" the young tamer asked again.

"An informant of mine told me that he was last spotted in a small village at the foot of the mountains. It\'s called Oakenfair and is located along the northern stretch of the Southborne Mountains, on the east side. I don\'t know how reliable this information is, but it\'s the only one we have," the guild leader replied promptly, doing his best to be helpful to his warrior.

"Then I will begin my search from there. I need to get supplies and collect Ryutaro-Sensei\'s materials. If the guards were to break into his room and steal his stuff, I would never forgive myself. Because of me, he has already suffered enough," Yoichi affirmed. "Takamori-Sensei..."

"Tell me, Yoichi."

"I have one last favor to ask of you before I leave."

"Of course, Yoichi-kun. I\'m listening."

"I need to talk to Shioko. When you get back to the headquarter, tell her I\'ll be waiting for her here in front of the Dojo entrance as soon as possible," the young tamer requested.

Takamori bent his head slightly, intrigued by that strange request. Because of her aggressive nature, the Nightblades archer was not very sympathetic to her companions. Only Toshi, the pale-faced warrior, had formed a true bond of friendship with Shioko.

"All right, Yoichi. It\'ll be done," the moustachioed guild leader replied, resting a hand on the shoulder of the long-haired blond warrior.

"I\'ll be fine, Sensei. I\'ll see you again sooner than you think" Yoichi smiled, trying to reassure his mentor and friend. "Take good care of Enatsu for me. He is the most capable person I have ever met. I am sure that under your wing, he will become the greatest wizard Tentochu has ever seen," he added, greeting Takamori with recommendations.

"It will be done, boy. Enatsu is in good hands. The guild\'s doors will always be open for you, but you already know that" - with some effort, Takamori sketched a smile as well. "Never forget your origins, boy. Wherever life takes you, remember where you came from and don\'t let the past ruin your future."

The guild leader\'s last words were steeped in sentiment. Takamori was making a clear reference to himself and his complex history with the Emperor\'s Heralds. This stocky, funny man had deliberately chosen to leave the country\'s most famous guild and refuse the role of guild leader while continuing to fight the Emperor\'s injustices and assembling a group of exceptional warriors.

Yoichi blinked, holding back tears, and continued to smile. Immediately, he turned around and walked towards the Dojo, trying to keep his intense feelings inside his soul.

"Yoichi!" Takamori called again, walking quickly towards him.

The young warrior turned around, and before he could verbally answer the call, he grabbed a leather pouch from his master\'s hands. The pouch made a distinctive metallic sound, enticing Yoichi to view its contents.

Ten gleaming gold coins glistened in the sunlight, crawling over each other in his hands. "But... Sensei! This is far more than the payment I was promised!" he exclaimed in amazement.

Takamori grabbed his protégé\'s hands and closed the pouch containing his pay inside them. "If I had more money with me, I would have gladly given it to you. Believe me, boy, you will need it. Now go, soon Shioko will join you at the Dojo," the guild leader spoke. 

"Takamori-Sensei..." - whispering the name of his master, Yoichi watched him walk away at a relentless pace. He walked down the minor road that led from the tatami to the entrance of the arena, and only when he was close to the gates did he turn back to his student.

Takamori\'s last smile was the best encouragement Yoichi could ever receive. It signaled the end of his life in the great capital of Tentochu and the beginning of a new chapter of it.

However, the sun was setting beyond the walls of that sacred place, and the time he had left was getting shorter and shorter. Yoichi looked around as if sensing the proximity of the imperial guards. A chill ran down his spine as he silently entered the Dojo.

The relics contained in the gatekeeper\'s room needed to be secured. Although he still didn\'t know how he would transport those large and heavy books astride his Inoshuma, the young tamer would have to devise a method quickly.

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